01:09, 27 May 2014 (GMT): I'm back playing Skyrim once again. I am not in ESO, so please don't ask.
“...Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned
by corporations instead of owned by the folk.” - Henry Jenkins (Director of media studies at MIT).
The Gaersmith Legacy
This is a work in progress. This section is divided into two main parts:
- The Volumes
- These are the individual volumes of the Gaersmith Legacy tale. Each volume links directly off the main Gaersmith Legacy page.
- Short Stories
- As I develop the main storyline of the Gaersmith Legacy, I will undoubtedly spin off a few short stories along the way, which may or may not be directly or indirectly related to the main tale.
- Reference Material
- This is background information about the Gaersmith Legacy which is not established in Tamrielic Lore. Having this here helps me with internal consistency for my fan fiction, as my tale will span numerous eras of Tamrielic history. This is a sub-page of the main Gaersmith Legacy page, with sections under it for people, places, and items.
Tips for Writing Great Fan Fiction
Elder Scrolls Specific
Writing Prompts
The world of Tamriel is rich and varied. It is a great place for fan fiction writers to allow their minds to wander around in. But writer's block is something that can affect us all, even in such a well detailed fictional world. This is when the use of prompts can help. The prompt generator below was inspired by Jak Atackka's name generator script.
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an enchanted weapon, a named weapon, a stone or crystal, coins
the Emperor, a bandit, a merchant, M'aiq the Liar, Yngvar Doom-Sayer
Tamriel, Black Marsh, Archon, Blackrose, Gideon, Helstrom, Lilmoth, Murkwood, Soulrest, Stormhold, Thorn, Cyrodiil, Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Cloud Ruler Temple, Imperial City, Kvatch, Leyawiin, Sancre Tor, Skingrad, Sutch, Elsweyr, Alabaster, Corinthe, Dune, The Halls of Colossus, Orcrest, Rimmen, Riverhold, Senchal, Torval, Hammerfell, Alik'r Desert, Dragonstar, Elinhir, Gilane, Hegathe, Rihad, Sentinel, Skaven, Stros M'Kai, Taneth, High Rock, Adamantine Tower, Camlorn, Daggerfall, Evermore, Farrun, Jehanna, Northpoint, Orsinium, Shornhelm, Wayrest, Morrowind, Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Ebonheart, Red Mountain, Sadrith Mora, Seyda Neen, Vivec, Almalexia, Firewatch, Kragenmoor, Mournhold, Narsis, Necrom, Old Ebonheart, Port Telvannis, Raven Rock, Tear, Skyrim, Eastmarch, Windhelm, Palace of the Kings, Windhelm Stables, Brandy-Mug Farm, Darkwater Crossing, Hlaalu Farm, Hollyfrost Farm, Kynesgrove, Mixwater Mill, Narzulbur, Riverside Shack, Traitor's Post, Broken Limb Camp, Cradlecrush Rock, Eastmarch Imperial Camp, Steamcrag Camp, Windhelm Military Camp, Cragslane Cavern, Cragwallow Slope, Cronvangr Cave, Eldergleam Sanctuary, Lost Knife Hideout, Mara's Eye Den, Snapleg Cave, Stony Creek Cave, Uttering Hills Cave, Bonestrewn Crest, Gloombound Mine, Goldenrock Mine, Ansilvund, Kagrenzel, Mzulft, Abandoned Prison, Fort Amol, Gallows Rock, Mistwatch, Morvunskar, Refugees' Rest, The Atronach Stone, Sacellum of Boethiah, Darkwater River, Dunmeth Pass, Mara's Eye Pond, River Yorgrim, Sea of Ghosts, Velothi Mountains, White River, Witchmist Grove, The Pale, Dawnstar, Anga's Mill, Dawnstar Sanctuary, Hall of the Vigilant, Heljarchen Hall, Loreius Farm, Nightgate Inn, The Stumbling Sabrecat, Blizzard Rest, Pale Imperial Camp, Pale Stormcloak Camp, Red Road Pass, Stonehill Bluff, Tumble Arch Pass, Bronze Water Cave, Dimhollow Crypt, Duskglow Crevice, Forsaken Cave, Shearpoint, Blackreach, Frostmere Crypt, High Gate Ruins, Hillgrund's Tomb, Irkngthand, Korvanjund, Raldbthar, Silverdrift Lair, Tower of Mzark, Volunruud, Windward Ruins, Yorgrim Overlook, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, Fort Dunstad, Nightcaller Temple, Great Lift at Raldbthar, Lake Yorgrim, River Yorgrim, The Sea Squall, Shrouded Grove, Weynon Stones, Wreck Of The Brinehammer, Winterhold, Winterhold, College of Winterhold, Japhet's Folly, The Chill, Winterhold Imperial Camp, Winterhold Stormcloak Camp, Bleakcoast Cave, Hob's Fall Cave, Septimus Signus's Outpost, Sightless Pit, Stillborn Cave, Yngvild, Mount Anthor, Whistling Mine, Alftand, Ironbind Barrow, Journeyman's Nook, Saarthal, Skytemple Ruins, Snow Veil Sanctum, Yngol Barrow, Ysgramor's Tomb, The Serpent Stone, Shrine of Azura, The Tower Stone, Driftshade Refuge, Fort Fellhammer, Fort Kastav, Snowpoint Beacon, Frostflow Lighthouse, Great Lift at Alftand, Hela's Folly, Pilgrim's Trench, Wayward Pass, Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos, Wreck of the Winter War, Hjaalmarch, Morthal, Abandoned Shack, Crabber's Shanty, Meeko's Shack, Stonehills, Windstad Manor, Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp, Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp, Robber's Gorge, Talking Stone Camp, Brood Cavern, Chillwind Depths, Movarth's Lair, Orotheim, Eldersblood Peak, Skyborn Altar, Dead Men's Respite, Folgunthur, Kjenstag Ruins, Labyrinthian, Lost Valkygg, Mzinchaleft, Ustengrav, Bromjunaar Sanctuary, Fort Snowhawk, The Apprentice Stone, The Lord Stone, Great Lift at Mzinchaleft, River Hjaal, Wreck of the Icerunner, Haafingar, Solitude, Bards College, Blue Palace, Castle Dour, East Empire Company Warehouse, Solitude Stables, Dragon Bridge, Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp, Ironback Hideout, Katla's Farm, Lylvieve Family's House, Thalmor Embassy, Solitude Sawmill, Dragon Bridge Overlook, Haafingar Stormcloak Camp, Solitude Military Camp, Brinewater Grotto, Broken Oar Grotto, Lost Echo Cave, Lower Steepfall Burrow, Pinemoon Cave, Ravenscar Hollow, Rimerock Burrow, Shadowgreen Cavern, Steepfall Burrow, Wolfskull Cave, Volskygge, Castle Volkihar, Fort Hraggstad, Northwatch Keep, Pinefrost Tower, Widow's Watch Ruins, Statue to Meridia, The Steed Stone, Clearpine Pond, Dainty Sload, Icewater Jetty, Karth River, Forgotten Vale, The Katariah, Orphan's Tear, Solitude Lighthouse, The Reach, Markarth, Understone Keep, Markarth Stables, Cliffside Retreat, Dushnikh Yal, Karthwasten, Mor Khazgur, Old Hroldan Inn, Salvius Farm, Druadach Redoubt, The Karthspire, Karthspire Camp, Reach Imperial Camp, Reach Stormcloak Camp, Blind Cliff Cave, Bruca's Leap Redoubt, Darkfall Cave, Gloomreach, Liar's Retreat, Purewater Run, Reachcliff Cave, Reachwater Rock, Rebel's Cairn, Red Eagle Ascent, Dragontooth Crater, Kolskeggr Mine, Left Hand Mine, Soljund's Sinkhole, Arkngthamz, Bthardamz, Deepwood Redoubt, Four Skull Lookout, Hag Rock Redoubt, Hag's End, Lost Valley Redoubt, Nchuand-Zel, Ragnvald, Reachwind Eyrie, Valthume, The Lover Stone, Shrine to Peryite, Bleakwind Bluff, Broken Tower Redoubt, Cradle Stone Tower, Dead Crone Rock, Fort Sungard, Harmugstahl, Sundered Towers, Bard's Leap Summit, Deep Folk Crossing, Druadach Mountains, Karth River, Sky Haven Temple, Whiterun Hold, Whiterun, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun Stables, Battle-Born Farm, Chillfurrow Farm, Drelas' Cottage, High Hrothgar, Honningbrew Meadery, Pelagia Farm, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Bleakwind Basin, Guldun Rock, Halted Stream Camp, Secunda's Kiss, Serpent's Bluff Redoubt, Sleeping Tree Camp, Whiterun Imperial Camp, Whiterun Military Camp, Whiterun Stormcloak Camp, Brittleshin Pass, Broken Fang Cave, Cold Rock Pass, Darkshade, Graywinter Watch, Redoran's Retreat, Shimmermist Cave, South Cold Rock Pass, Swindler's Den, White River Watch, Dustman's Cairn, Hamvir's Rest, North Skybound Watch, Rannveig's Fast, Silent Moons Camp, The Ritual Stone, Fellglow Keep, Fort Greymoor, Valtheim Towers, Western Watchtower, Whitewatch Tower, Brittleshin Pass, Cold Rock Pass, Gjukar's Monument, Greenspring Hollow, Skybound Watch Pass, Throat of the World, White River, Falkreath Hold, Falkreath, Angi's Camp, Anise's Cabin, Corpselight Farm, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Half-Moon Mill, Helgen, Hunter's Rest, Lakeview Manor, Pinewatch, Falkreath Imperial Camp, Falkreath Stormcloak Camp, Knifepoint Ridge, Bloated Man's Grotto, Bonechill Passage, Glenmoril Coven, Greywater Grotto, Haemar's Shame, Halldir's Cairn, Moss Mother Cavern, South Brittleshin Pass, Southfringe Sanctum, Sunderstone Gorge, Ancient's Ascent, Bilegulch Mine, Embershard Mine, Bleak Falls Barrow, Roadside Ruins, Shriekwind Bastion, Twilight Sepulcher, Bannermist Tower, Bloodlet Throne, Cracked Tusk Keep, Falkreath Watchtower, Fort Neugrad, Ilinalta's Deep, Peak's Shade Tower, South Skybound Watch, The Guardian Stones, The Lady Stone, Ancestor Glade, Brittleshin Pass, Evergreen Grove, Lake Ilinalta, Orphan Rock, Skybound Watch Pass, The Rift, Riften, Mistveil Keep, Thieves Guild, Riften Stables, Alchemist's Shack, Black-Briar Lodge, Froki's Shack, Goldenglow Estate, Heartwood Mill, Ivarstead, Largashbur, Merryfair Farm, Sarethi Farm, Shor's Stone, Snow-Shod Farm, Last Vigil, Rift Imperial Camp, Rift Stormcloak Camp, Boulderfall Cave, Broken Helm Hollow, Clearspring Cave, Crystaldrift Cave, Darkwater Pass, Fallowstone Cave, Honeystrand Cave, Nightingale Hall, Pinepeak Cavern, Redwater Den, Tolvald's Cave, Autumnwatch Tower, Lost Tongue Overlook, Northwind Summit, Lost Prospect Mine, Northwind Mine, Angarvunde, Avanchnzel, Arcwind Point, Forelhost, Geirmund's Hall, Shroud Hearth Barrow, The Shadow Stone, Darklight Tower, Faldar's Tooth, Fort Dawnguard, Fort Greenwall, Nilheim, Rift Watchtower, Shor's Watchtower, Stendarr's Beacon, Treva's Watch, Autumnshade Clearing, Clearspring Tarn, Darkwater River, Giant's Grove, Lake Geir, Lake Honrich, Ruins of Bthalft, Ruins of Rkund, Treva River, Velothi Mountains, Summerset Isle, Valenwood, Imperial Province of Akavir, Ka Po'Tun, Kamal, Tang Mo, Tsaesci, Aldmeris, Atmora, Cathnoquey, Esroniet, Pyandonea, Roscrea, Thras, Yneslea, Yokuda, Aetherius, Mundus, Nirn, Oblivion, Void
Archon, Blackrose, Gideon, Helstrom, Lilmoth, Murkwood, Soulrest, Stormhold, Thorn
Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Cloud Ruler Temple, Imperial City, Kvatch, Leyawiin, Sancre Tor, Skingrad, Sutch
Alabaster, Corinthe, Dune, The Halls of Colossus, Orcrest, Rimmen, Riverhold, Senchal, Torval
Alik'r Desert, Dragonstar, Elinhir, Gilane, Hegathe, Rihad, Sentinel, Skaven, Stros M'Kai, Taneth
Adamantine Tower, Camlorn, Daggerfall, Evermore, Farrun, Jehanna, Northpoint, Orsinium, Shornhelm, Wayrest
Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Ebonheart, Red Mountain, Sadrith Mora, Seyda Neen, Vivec, Almalexia, Firewatch, Kragenmoor, Mournhold, Narsis, Necrom, Old Ebonheart, Port Telvannis, Raven Rock, Tear
Eastmarch, Windhelm, Palace of the Kings, Windhelm Stables, Brandy-Mug Farm, Darkwater Crossing, Hlaalu Farm, Hollyfrost Farm, Kynesgrove, Mixwater Mill, Narzulbur, Riverside Shack, Traitor's Post, Broken Limb Camp, Cradlecrush Rock, Eastmarch Imperial Camp, Steamcrag Camp, Windhelm Military Camp, Cragslane Cavern, Cragwallow Slope, Cronvangr Cave, Eldergleam Sanctuary, Lost Knife Hideout, Mara's Eye Den, Snapleg Cave, Stony Creek Cave, Uttering Hills Cave, Bonestrewn Crest, Gloombound Mine, Goldenrock Mine, Ansilvund, Kagrenzel, Mzulft, Abandoned Prison, Fort Amol, Gallows Rock, Mistwatch, Morvunskar, Refugees' Rest, The Atronach Stone, Sacellum of Boethiah, Darkwater River, Dunmeth Pass, Mara's Eye Pond, River Yorgrim, Sea of Ghosts, Velothi Mountains, White River, Witchmist Grove, The Pale, Dawnstar, Anga's Mill, Dawnstar Sanctuary, Hall of the Vigilant, Heljarchen Hall, Loreius Farm, Nightgate Inn, The Stumbling Sabrecat, Blizzard Rest, Pale Imperial Camp, Pale Stormcloak Camp, Red Road Pass, Stonehill Bluff, Tumble Arch Pass, Bronze Water Cave, Dimhollow Crypt, Duskglow Crevice, Forsaken Cave, Shearpoint, Blackreach, Frostmere Crypt, High Gate Ruins, Hillgrund's Tomb, Irkngthand, Korvanjund, Raldbthar, Silverdrift Lair, Tower of Mzark, Volunruud, Windward Ruins, Yorgrim Overlook, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, Fort Dunstad, Nightcaller Temple, Great Lift at Raldbthar, Lake Yorgrim, River Yorgrim, The Sea Squall, Shrouded Grove, Weynon Stones, Wreck Of The Brinehammer, Winterhold, Winterhold, College of Winterhold, Japhet's Folly, The Chill, Winterhold Imperial Camp, Winterhold Stormcloak Camp, Bleakcoast Cave, Hob's Fall Cave, Septimus Signus's Outpost, Sightless Pit, Stillborn Cave, Yngvild, Mount Anthor, Whistling Mine, Alftand, Ironbind Barrow, Journeyman's Nook, Saarthal, Skytemple Ruins, Snow Veil Sanctum, Yngol Barrow, Ysgramor's Tomb, The Serpent Stone, Shrine of Azura, The Tower Stone, Driftshade Refuge, Fort Fellhammer, Fort Kastav, Snowpoint Beacon, Frostflow Lighthouse, Great Lift at Alftand, Hela's Folly, Pilgrim's Trench, Wayward Pass, Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos, Wreck of the Winter War, Hjaalmarch, Morthal, Abandoned Shack, Crabber's Shanty, Meeko's Shack, Stonehills, Windstad Manor, Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp, Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp, Robber's Gorge, Talking Stone Camp, Brood Cavern, Chillwind Depths, Movarth's Lair, Orotheim, Eldersblood Peak, Skyborn Altar, Dead Men's Respite, Folgunthur, Kjenstag Ruins, Labyrinthian, Lost Valkygg, Mzinchaleft, Ustengrav, Bromjunaar Sanctuary, Fort Snowhawk, The Apprentice Stone, The Lord Stone, Great Lift at Mzinchaleft, River Hjaal, Wreck of the Icerunner, Haafingar, Solitude, Bards College, Blue Palace, Castle Dour, East Empire Company Warehouse, Solitude Stables, Dragon Bridge, Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp, Ironback Hideout, Katla's Farm, Lylvieve Family's House, Thalmor Embassy, Solitude Sawmill, Dragon Bridge Overlook, Haafingar Stormcloak Camp, Solitude Military Camp, Brinewater Grotto, Broken Oar Grotto, Lost Echo Cave, Lower Steepfall Burrow, Pinemoon Cave, Ravenscar Hollow, Rimerock Burrow, Shadowgreen Cavern, Steepfall Burrow, Wolfskull Cave, Volskygge, Castle Volkihar, Fort Hraggstad, Northwatch Keep, Pinefrost Tower, Widow's Watch Ruins, Statue to Meridia, The Steed Stone, Clearpine Pond, Dainty Sload, Icewater Jetty, Karth River, Forgotten Vale, The Katariah, Orphan's Tear, Solitude Lighthouse, The Reach, Markarth, Understone Keep, Markarth Stables, Cliffside Retreat, Dushnikh Yal, Karthwasten, Mor Khazgur, Old Hroldan Inn, Salvius Farm, Druadach Redoubt, The Karthspire, Karthspire Camp, Reach Imperial Camp, Reach Stormcloak Camp, Blind Cliff Cave, Bruca's Leap Redoubt, Darkfall Cave, Gloomreach, Liar's Retreat, Purewater Run, Reachcliff Cave, Reachwater Rock, Rebel's Cairn, Red Eagle Ascent, Dragontooth Crater, Kolskeggr Mine, Left Hand Mine, Soljund's Sinkhole, Arkngthamz, Bthardamz, Deepwood Redoubt, Four Skull Lookout, Hag Rock Redoubt, Hag's End, Lost Valley Redoubt, Nchuand-Zel, Ragnvald, Reachwind Eyrie, Valthume, The Lover Stone, Shrine to Peryite, Bleakwind Bluff, Broken Tower Redoubt, Cradle Stone Tower, Dead Crone Rock, Fort Sungard, Harmugstahl, Sundered Towers, Bard's Leap Summit, Deep Folk Crossing, Druadach Mountains, Karth River, Sky Haven Temple, Whiterun Hold, Whiterun, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun Stables, Battle-Born Farm, Chillfurrow Farm, Drelas' Cottage, High Hrothgar, Honningbrew Meadery, Pelagia Farm, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Bleakwind Basin, Guldun Rock, Halted Stream Camp, Secunda's Kiss, Serpent's Bluff Redoubt, Sleeping Tree Camp, Whiterun Imperial Camp, Whiterun Military Camp, Whiterun Stormcloak Camp, Brittleshin Pass, Broken Fang Cave, Cold Rock Pass, Darkshade, Graywinter Watch, Redoran's Retreat, Shimmermist Cave, South Cold Rock Pass, Swindler's Den, White River Watch, Dustman's Cairn, Hamvir's Rest, North Skybound Watch, Rannveig's Fast, Silent Moons Camp, The Ritual Stone, Fellglow Keep, Fort Greymoor, Valtheim Towers, Western Watchtower, Whitewatch Tower, Brittleshin Pass, Cold Rock Pass, Gjukar's Monument, Greenspring Hollow, Skybound Watch Pass, Throat of the World, White River, Falkreath Hold, Falkreath, Angi's Camp, Anise's Cabin, Corpselight Farm, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Half-Moon Mill, Helgen, Hunter's Rest, Lakeview Manor, Pinewatch, Falkreath Imperial Camp, Falkreath Stormcloak Camp, Knifepoint Ridge, Bloated Man's Grotto, Bonechill Passage, Glenmoril Coven, Greywater Grotto, Haemar's Shame, Halldir's Cairn, Moss Mother Cavern, South Brittleshin Pass, Southfringe Sanctum, Sunderstone Gorge, Ancient's Ascent, Bilegulch Mine, Embershard Mine, Bleak Falls Barrow, Roadside Ruins, Shriekwind Bastion, Twilight Sepulcher, Bannermist Tower, Bloodlet Throne, Cracked Tusk Keep, Falkreath Watchtower, Fort Neugrad, Ilinalta's Deep, Peak's Shade Tower, South Skybound Watch, The Guardian Stones, The Lady Stone, Ancestor Glade, Brittleshin Pass, Evergreen Grove, Lake Ilinalta, Orphan Rock, Skybound Watch Pass, The Rift, Riften, Mistveil Keep, Thieves Guild, Riften Stables, Alchemist's Shack, Black-Briar Lodge, Froki's Shack, Goldenglow Estate, Heartwood Mill, Ivarstead, Largashbur, Merryfair Farm, Sarethi Farm, Shor's Stone, Snow-Shod Farm, Last Vigil, Rift Imperial Camp, Rift Stormcloak Camp, Boulderfall Cave, Broken Helm Hollow, Clearspring Cave, Crystaldrift Cave, Darkwater Pass, Fallowstone Cave, Honeystrand Cave, Nightingale Hall, Pinepeak Cavern, Redwater Den, Tolvald's Cave, Autumnwatch Tower, Lost Tongue Overlook, Northwind Summit, Lost Prospect Mine, Northwind Mine, Angarvunde, Avanchnzel, Arcwind Point, Forelhost, Geirmund's Hall, Shroud Hearth Barrow, The Shadow Stone, Darklight Tower, Faldar's Tooth, Fort Dawnguard, Fort Greenwall, Nilheim, Rift Watchtower, Shor's Watchtower, Stendarr's Beacon, Treva's Watch, Autumnshade Clearing, Clearspring Tarn, Darkwater River, Giant's Grove, Lake Geir, Lake Honrich, Ruins of Bthalft, Ruins of Rkund, Treva River, Velothi Mountains
Windhelm, Palace of the Kings, Windhelm Stables, Brandy-Mug Farm, Darkwater Crossing, Hlaalu Farm, Hollyfrost Farm, Kynesgrove, Mixwater Mill, Narzulbur, Riverside Shack, Traitor's Post, Broken Limb Camp, Cradlecrush Rock, Eastmarch Imperial Camp, Steamcrag Camp, Windhelm Military Camp, Cragslane Cavern, Cragwallow Slope, Cronvangr Cave, Eldergleam Sanctuary, Lost Knife Hideout, Mara's Eye Den, Snapleg Cave, Stony Creek Cave, Uttering Hills Cave, Bonestrewn Crest, Gloombound Mine, Goldenrock Mine, Ansilvund, Kagrenzel, Mzulft, Abandoned Prison, Fort Amol, Gallows Rock, Mistwatch, Morvunskar, Refugees' Rest, The Atronach Stone, Sacellum of Boethiah, Darkwater River, Dunmeth Pass, Mara's Eye Pond, River Yorgrim, Sea of Ghosts, Velothi Mountains, White River, Witchmist Grove
Dawnstar, Anga's Mill, Dawnstar Sanctuary, Hall of the Vigilant, Heljarchen Hall, Loreius Farm, Nightgate Inn, The Stumbling Sabrecat, Blizzard Rest, Pale Imperial Camp, Pale Stormcloak Camp, Red Road Pass, Stonehill Bluff, Tumble Arch Pass, Bronze Water Cave, Dimhollow Crypt, Duskglow Crevice, Forsaken Cave, Shearpoint, Blackreach, Frostmere Crypt, High Gate Ruins, Hillgrund's Tomb, Irkngthand, Korvanjund, Raldbthar, Silverdrift Lair, Tower of Mzark, Volunruud, Windward Ruins, Yorgrim Overlook, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon, Fort Dunstad, Nightcaller Temple, Great Lift at Raldbthar, Lake Yorgrim, River Yorgrim, The Sea Squall, Shrouded Grove, Weynon Stones, Wreck Of The Brinehammer
Winterhold, College of Winterhold, Japhet's Folly, The Chill, Winterhold Imperial Camp, Winterhold Stormcloak Camp, Bleakcoast Cave, Hob's Fall Cave, Septimus Signus's Outpost, Sightless Pit, Stillborn Cave, Yngvild, Mount Anthor, Whistling Mine, Alftand, Ironbind Barrow, Journeyman's Nook, Saarthal, Skytemple Ruins, Snow Veil Sanctum, Yngol Barrow, Ysgramor's Tomb, The Serpent Stone, Shrine of Azura, The Tower Stone, Driftshade Refuge, Fort Fellhammer, Fort Kastav, Snowpoint Beacon, Frostflow Lighthouse, Great Lift at Alftand, Hela's Folly, Pilgrim's Trench, Wayward Pass, Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos, Wreck of the Winter War
Morthal, Abandoned Shack, Crabber's Shanty, Meeko's Shack, Stonehills, Windstad Manor, Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp, Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp, Robber's Gorge, Talking Stone Camp, Brood Cavern, Chillwind Depths, Movarth's Lair, Orotheim, Eldersblood Peak, Skyborn Altar, Dead Men's Respite, Folgunthur, Kjenstag Ruins, Labyrinthian, Lost Valkygg, Mzinchaleft, Ustengrav, Bromjunaar Sanctuary, Fort Snowhawk, The Apprentice Stone, The Lord Stone, Great Lift at Mzinchaleft, River Hjaal, Wreck of the Icerunner
Solitude, Bards College, Blue Palace, Castle Dour, East Empire Company Warehouse, Solitude Stables, Dragon Bridge, Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp, Ironback Hideout, Katla's Farm, Lylvieve Family's House, Thalmor Embassy, Solitude Sawmill, Dragon Bridge Overlook, Haafingar Stormcloak Camp, Solitude Military Camp, Brinewater Grotto, Broken Oar Grotto, Lost Echo Cave, Lower Steepfall Burrow, Pinemoon Cave, Ravenscar Hollow, Rimerock Burrow, Shadowgreen Cavern, Steepfall Burrow, Wolfskull Cave, Volskygge, Castle Volkihar, Fort Hraggstad, Northwatch Keep, Pinefrost Tower, Widow's Watch Ruins, Statue to Meridia, The Steed Stone, Clearpine Pond, Dainty Sload, Icewater Jetty, Karth River, Forgotten Vale, The Katariah, Orphan's Tear, Solitude Lighthouse
Markarth, Understone Keep, Markarth Stables, Cliffside Retreat, Dushnikh Yal, Karthwasten, Mor Khazgur, Old Hroldan Inn, Salvius Farm, Druadach Redoubt, The Karthspire, Karthspire Camp, Reach Imperial Camp, Reach Stormcloak Camp, Blind Cliff Cave, Bruca's Leap Redoubt, Darkfall Cave, Gloomreach, Liar's Retreat, Purewater Run, Reachcliff Cave, Reachwater Rock, Rebel's Cairn, Red Eagle Ascent, Dragontooth Crater, Kolskeggr Mine, Left Hand Mine, Soljund's Sinkhole, Arkngthamz, Bthardamz, Deepwood Redoubt, Four Skull Lookout, Hag Rock Redoubt, Hag's End, Lost Valley Redoubt, Nchuand-Zel, Ragnvald, Reachwind Eyrie, Valthume, The Lover Stone, Shrine to Peryite, Bleakwind Bluff, Broken Tower Redoubt, Cradle Stone Tower, Dead Crone Rock, Fort Sungard, Harmugstahl, Sundered Towers, Bard's Leap Summit, Deep Folk Crossing, Druadach Mountains, Karth River, Sky Haven Temple
Whiterun, Dragonsreach, Jorrvaskr, Whiterun Stables, Battle-Born Farm, Chillfurrow Farm, Drelas' Cottage, High Hrothgar, Honningbrew Meadery, Pelagia Farm, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Bleakwind Basin, Guldun Rock, Halted Stream Camp, Secunda's Kiss, Serpent's Bluff Redoubt, Sleeping Tree Camp, Whiterun Imperial Camp, Whiterun Military Camp, Whiterun Stormcloak Camp, Brittleshin Pass, Broken Fang Cave, Cold Rock Pass, Darkshade, Graywinter Watch, Redoran's Retreat, Shimmermist Cave, South Cold Rock Pass, Swindler's Den, White River Watch, Dustman's Cairn, Hamvir's Rest, North Skybound Watch, Rannveig's Fast, Silent Moons Camp, The Ritual Stone, Fellglow Keep, Fort Greymoor, Valtheim Towers, Western Watchtower, Whitewatch Tower, Brittleshin Pass, Cold Rock Pass, Gjukar's Monument, Greenspring Hollow, Skybound Watch Pass, Throat of the World, White River
Falkreath, Angi's Camp, Anise's Cabin, Corpselight Farm, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Half-Moon Mill, Helgen, Hunter's Rest, Lakeview Manor, Pinewatch, Falkreath Imperial Camp, Falkreath Stormcloak Camp, Knifepoint Ridge, Bloated Man's Grotto, Bonechill Passage, Glenmoril Coven, Greywater Grotto, Haemar's Shame, Halldir's Cairn, Moss Mother Cavern, South Brittleshin Pass, Southfringe Sanctum, Sunderstone Gorge, Ancient's Ascent, Bilegulch Mine, Embershard Mine, Bleak Falls Barrow, Roadside Ruins, Shriekwind Bastion, Twilight Sepulcher, Bannermist Tower, Bloodlet Throne, Cracked Tusk Keep, Falkreath Watchtower, Fort Neugrad, Ilinalta's Deep, Peak's Shade Tower, South Skybound Watch, The Guardian Stones, The Lady Stone, Ancestor Glade, Brittleshin Pass, Evergreen Grove, Lake Ilinalta, Orphan Rock, Skybound Watch Pass
Riften, Mistveil Keep, Thieves Guild, Riften Stables, Alchemist's Shack, Black-Briar Lodge, Froki's Shack, Goldenglow Estate, Heartwood Mill, Ivarstead, Largashbur, Merryfair Farm, Sarethi Farm, Shor's Stone, Snow-Shod Farm, Last Vigil, Rift Imperial Camp, Rift Stormcloak Camp, Boulderfall Cave, Broken Helm Hollow, Clearspring Cave, Crystaldrift Cave, Darkwater Pass, Fallowstone Cave, Honeystrand Cave, Nightingale Hall, Pinepeak Cavern, Redwater Den, Tolvald's Cave, Autumnwatch Tower, Lost Tongue Overlook, Northwind Summit, Lost Prospect Mine, Northwind Mine, Angarvunde, Avanchnzel, Arcwind Point, Forelhost, Geirmund's Hall, Shroud Hearth Barrow, The Shadow Stone, Darklight Tower, Faldar's Tooth, Fort Dawnguard, Fort Greenwall, Nilheim, Rift Watchtower, Shor's Watchtower, Stendarr's Beacon, Treva's Watch, Autumnshade Clearing, Clearspring Tarn, Darkwater River, Giant's Grove, Lake Geir, Lake Honrich, Ruins of Bthalft, Ruins of Rkund, Treva River, Velothi Mountains
Reading Other People's Fan Fiction
As I prepare to write my own fan fiction based in Tamriel, I want to read the tales written by others, to get an idea of what is already out there. You'll notice that I have kept my thoughts here on my own user space, and not on the Discussion pages of the individual author's work. I want to be able to easily come back to these thoughts as I write my own fan fiction works. This section is divided by the title of the other person's fan fiction that I have read.
Proofreading Other People's Fan Fiction
I consider myself to be fairly proficient with English spelling and grammar. I'm happy to take a look at your fan fiction with a view to spelling and grammar checking, if you would like a second opinion. I browse the Limited Collaboration category often, and if I find something in there, I may pass my eyes over it. I offer no guarantees of timeliness or accuracy, as I do this in my own spare time whenever I feel like it.
To easily add your fan fiction page to the Limited Collaboration category, just add the following line to the top or bottom of your page.
{{Editing Allowed|spelling}}
This will add a notice to your page, inviting other users to proofread your page for spelling and grammar mistakes. It also adds a gold padlock page icon to the top right corner of your page, and adds the page to the Limited Collaboration category. If I get a chance, I may take a look at your page, or someone else might proofread it for you.
As my wife is currently studying to become a professional proofreader, I always have at hand the following proofreading tools:
- Anon. (2005). Perfect Grammar: A Guide to English Grammar and Punctuation. Penguin.
- Dictionaries, O. (2012). Paperback Oxford English Dictionary. OUP Oxford.
- Hughes, J., & Wallace, D. (2010). Fit to Print: The Writing and Editing Style Guide for Aotearoa New Zealand. Dunmore Publishing, Limited.
- Sullivan, K. D., & Eggleston, M. (2006). The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference for Editors, Writers, and Proofreaders. McGraw-Hill.
- Truss, L., & Byrnes, P. (2009). Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. Penguin Group USA.