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Respawn Time 10 days
Console Location Code(s)
Whiterun Hold
South of Whiterun
East of Bleak Falls Barrow
Special Features
# of Tanning Racks 2
# of Forges/Anvils 1
# of Grindstones 2
# of Workbenches 1
# of Cooking Pots/Spits 1
# of Fishing SuppliesCC 1
# of Wood Chopping Blocks 4
# of Stone QuarriesHF 3

Riverwood is a milling town in southern Whiterun Hold.

It is at the foot of the Throat of the World, on the banks of the White River. It is the town closest to where you start the game and has some basic facilities available, including a sawmill where you can work for money, a blacksmith, a general goods store in the Riverwood Trader, and a small tavern named the Sleeping Giant Inn.

Riverwood is a good town to start your character. With the work available, you can earn a decent amount of coin in a short amount of time.

Riverwood Residents[edit]

Alvor and Sigrid's House
Alvor Blacksmith
Hadvar *
Faendal's House
Faendal Follower Trainer (Common)Archery (Common)
Hod and Gerdur's House
Ralof *
Stump (dog)
Riverwood Trader
Camilla Valerius General Goods
Lucan Valerius General Goods
Sleeping Giant Inn
Delphine Innkeeper
Orgnar Food and Drink
Sven and Hilde's House
Sven (Bard) Follower

Whiterun Guards appear after Before the Storm is completed.
* Appears only if he was followed during Unbound.
† Leaves once Alduin's Wall is begun. Orgnar becomes innkeeper.
‡ Only becomes a merchant if Lucan Valerius is killed.

Related Quests[edit]

Quests Starting Here[edit]

Side Quests[edit]

Miscellaneous Quests[edit]

Quest Giver Giver Location Quest Objective(s) Requirement
Faendal Faendal's House A Lovely Letter: Use a forged letter to resolve a love triangle.
  • Deliver Faendal's letter to Camilla
  • (Optional) Tell Sven about Faendal's letter
  • Talk to Faendal
Sven Sven and Hilde's House or
Sleeping Giant Inn
A Lovely Letter: Use a forged letter to resolve a love triangle.
  • Deliver Sven's letter to Camilla
  • (Optional) Tell Faendal about Sven's letter
  • Talk to Sven

Other Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]


  • Across the river, directly west of the mill, is the treasure chest for Treasure Map I, assuming you have the map.
  • Near the main bridge north of town is a salmon rack. With the Fishing Creation installed, there will also be a fishing rod and a copy of Line and Lure leaning against some Fishing Supplies.
  • After completing A Chance Arrangement, there is a 20% chance of encountering a thief trying to break into Riverwood Trader.
  • If Stump follows some of the children up onto the lookout post on the edge of town, he may become wedged into the barriers because he is too big.
  • Across the main bridge to Riverwood, a duplicated bird sound effect appears to be placed in one spot near a tree. On closer inspection, you'll find four red-winged blackbird models stacked on top of each other stuck inside the tree.
  • According to The Art of Skyrim, Riverwood was the prototype for the towns in the game, and was the first area to be fully developed.
  • Riverwood also appears in Arena.


  • Upon arriving in Riverwood with Hadvar at the start of a new game, Faendal may be dead somewhere in town for no apparent reason. If this is the case, the quest A Lovely Letter cannot be started, and Faendal cannot be recruited as a follower.
  • Residents are sometimes seen walking through the river water instead of using a closer path.
  • If the Stormcloaks take Whiterun Hold, the Whiterun Guards in Riverwood may not be replaced by Stormcloak Soldiers.
  • Riverwood is extremely prone to dragon attacks. The corpses of these dragons have trouble "cleaning up properly", and remain in the town for excessive amounts of time. This results in bones clipping through buildings and performance drops.
  • If you commit a crime in Riverwood, leave the town for over 24 in-game hours, then return, the guards will not arrest you. All of the townspeople will be hostile toward you, although killing them will not yield a higher bounty, and the guards will not attack you. Fast traveling to Whiterun and paying off the bounty or going to jail will fix the glitch.
