Skyrim:Left Hand Mine

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Left Hand Mine
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Console Location Code(s)
The Reach
Southeast of Markarth
South of Salvius Farm
Special Features
# of Smelters 1
# of Stone QuarriesHF 1
Ore Veins
# of Iron 5
Left Hand Mine

Left Hand Mine is a small iron mine and settlement southeast of Markarth. The mine contains only one zone, Left Hand Mine; the settlement's residences are detailed on separate pages.

The mine is owned by Skaggi Scar-Face, who will buy iron ore from you.

Left Hand Mine Residents[edit]

Skaggi's House
Skaggi Scar-Face
Sosia Tremellia
Daighre's House
Torom (dog)
Miner's Barracks
Gat gro-Shargakh *
Pavo Attius *
Reach Hold Guard

* Relocate to Kolskeggr Mine after the quest Kolskeggr Mine.

Related Quests[edit]



Before crossing the stone bridge to the mining settlement, a rock warbler egg is on the ground to the left. Another is across the bridge to the right. The three buildings that make up the settlement feature the Dwemer architecture of nearby Markarth. Daighre's house and Skaggi's house are on the east side. Opposite the houses to the west is the Miner's Barracks; with Hearthfire installed, a stone quarry is behind the barracks. A goat and some chickens wander the settlement, and outside the barracks are two chicken eggs. The settlement initially shelters two refugees from Kolskeggr Mine who were displaced by Forsworn. Talking to them or Skaggi triggers the quest to reclaim Kolskeggr Mine.

A smelter and four pieces of iron ore on a crate are near the mine entrance in the southwestern corner of the settlement.

Left Hand Mine[edit]

The entry tunnel goes down past a small side shaft on the right. A few specimens of white cap, imp stool, and bleeding crown grow at the mouth of this small shaft. The first of five iron ore veins is found there. The table ahead holds two pickaxes. More white caps grow behind the empty barrels to the right of the table.

A crosscut divides the mine into east and west. The shaft to the west has three pairs of iron boots next to the shelves and three more pickaxes. On the ground is a basket holding six Nord mead bottles and a knapsack containing a potion and a random piece of jewelry. The end of the shaft widens, and there are two iron ore veins, one to the west and one to the east.

To continue to the other end of the crosscut, the shaft to the east has a small table with an iron helmet. Strangely, two red mountain flower plants are growing here; one on the left side of the shaft and the other under the scaffolding ahead. When the shaft opens up, an iron ore vein is found to the east just before the scaffolding. There are several food sacks in this area. The final iron ore vein is on the north wall accessed from the platform at the top of the scaffolding. A small table on the platform has some loose gold coins, with a pair of leather boots by the table.
