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Online:Coldharbour Quest Items

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Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png A Moment of Your Time? On the road near the Spurned Peak Saving Stibbons Use to read contents.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Necklace.png Amulet of Courage Haj Uxith Wisdom of the Ages Give this amulet to the Argonian that best represents this spiritual virtue.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Necklace.png Amulet of Endurance Haj Uxith Wisdom of the Ages Give this amulet to the Argonian that best represents this spiritual virtue.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Necklace.png Amulet of Preservation Haj Uxith Wisdom of the Ages Give this amulet to the Argonian that best represents this spiritual virtue.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Angof's Seed Cliffs of Failure A Thorn in Your Side A seed given by Angof to grant a zombie companion when used on humaniod [sic] corpses.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Angof's Seed The Endless Stair The Final Assault A seed given by Angof to grant a zombie companion when used on humaniod [sic] corpses.
ON-icon-misc-Bthzark Rod.png Antipodal Rod The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage A small rod, crafted from ebony ore, crystalline essence, and refined void salts, and valued for its diametrically opposed nature.
ON-icon-achievement-Bone.png Arm Bones The Lost Fleet Old Bones Arm bones from a Lost Fleet skeleton.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Cage Key Hall of Judgement within the Court of Contempt Hall of Judgment This key opens the prisoner cages in the Holding Cells beneath the Hall of Judgment.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Cage Key Inside the Manor of Revelry What the Heart Wants This key opens the prisoner cage.
ON-icon-armor-Helm-Akaviri.png Captain Arakh's Helm Tower of Lies Truth, Lies, and Prisoners This well-worn iron helmet belongs to Captain Arakh of the Fighters Guild.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Captain Eilram's Sword Tower of Lies Truth, Lies, and Prisoners This beautiful and lethal silver blade belongs to Captain Eilram of the Fighters Guild.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Cleansing Reagents The Manor of Revelry What the Heart Wants A special blend of fragrant oils, herbs, and pumice.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Corrupted Blood The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage Blood taken from a feral creature and corrupted through Daedric experiments in the Vile Laboratory.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear White.png Crystalline Essence Matrix The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage A multifaceted crystal matrix used for dispersing magicka energy.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Daedric Flame Library Gate at the Endless Stair| The Final Assault This cold, icy fire can be used to power Daedric devices.
ON-icon-stolen-Rune Chunk.png Death Rune Cliffs of Failure The Endless War Thallik's death rune, for use in the Overseer's game.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Death Rune The Endless Stair The Final Assault Use this rune to harness the power of the dead.
ON-icon-stolen-Rune Chunk.png Death Rune Cliffs of Failure The Will of the Worm Use this rune to harness the power of the dead.
ON-icon-ore-Ebony Ore.png Ebony Ore The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage Dense ore with veins of dark metal running through it.
ON-icon-misc-Bowl 01.png Essence Extractor The Black Forge Vanus Unleashed A Daedric device used to extract essences and other energy from the Soul Shriven.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Key.png Fighters Guild Ward Key The Reaver Citadel The Citadel Must Fall This large key, decorated with arcane runes, controls the protective wards surrounding the Fighters Guild hall.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Flameshadow Crystal The Lightless Oubliette Light from the Darkness This crystal seems to absorb heat from anywhere around it.
ON-icon-quest-Daedra Residue.png Fused Antipodal Components The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage The combined, liquified components needed to forge two antipodal rods.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Gamirth's Final Message Outside the Everfull Flagon Special Blend Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Gate Key Court of Contempt Hall of Judgment This large key opens the gates to the Hall of Judgment.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Gem of Courage Haj Uxith Wisdom of the Ages Place this gem in the proper statue at the top of the southern pyramid.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Green.png Gem of Endurance Haj Uxith Wisdom of the Ages Place this gem in the proper statue at the top of the southern pyramid.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Gem of Preservation Haj Uxith Wisdom of the Ages Place this gem in the proper statue at the top of the southern pyramid.
ON-icon-stolen-Lute.png Hautt's Lute In ruined house near the Everfull Flagon Special Blend A finely crafted musical instrument.
ON-icon-misc-Bones.png Hip Bone The Lost Fleet Old Bones A hip bone from a Lost Fleet skeleton.
ON-icon-stolen-Lute.png Idria's Lute The Grotto of Depravity The Lost Lute A finely crafted musical instrument that belongs to Minstrel Idria.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png If I May Beseech You Spurned Peak Saving Stibbons Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Journal of Tsona-Ei, Part Four The Golden Era Hold, The Lost Fleet Between Blood and Bone Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Kyne's Tears Around small lake near Shrine of Kyne Special Blend Rare, delicate flowers, reputed to have magical properties.
ON-icon-misc-Coldharbour Puzzle Key.png Labyrinth Key Reaver Citadel Pyramid The Citadel Must Fall An unusual, triangular key that allows access to the Labyrinth
ON-icon-trait material-Diamond.png Lady Laurent's Diamond Chamber of Debauchery in the Manor of Revelry What the Heart Wants A large, dazzling diamond.
ON-icon-trait material-Emerald.png Lady Laurent's Emerald Chamber of Festivity in the Manor of Revelry What the Heart Wants A large, exquisite emerald.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Lamia Egg The Moonless Walk An Unusual Circumstance One of the eggs stolen from the lamias.
ON-icon-achievement-Bone.png Leg Bones The Lost Fleet Old Bones Leg bones from a Lost Fleet skeleton.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Lifeshadow Crystal The Lightless Oubliette Light from the Darkness This crystal radiates an aura of cold and malaise.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Light of Meridia (?) The Army of Meridia
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Light of Meridia The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage An unusual glowing crystal that was used to power a strange Dwarven machine.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Light of Meridia Library of Dusk The Library of Dusk One of the fabled Lights of Meridia.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Light of Meridia Tower of Lies Truth, Lies, and Prisoners This crystal is a Light of Meridia.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Light of Meridia Inside Ruined Passage into the Lightless Oubliette The Shadow's Embrace One of the fabled Lights of Meridia.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Light of Meridia The Lightless Oubliette Light from the Darkness This crystalline object pulses with incredible power.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Light of Meridia Inside Ruined Passage into the Lightless Oubliette An Unusual Circumstance One of the fabled Lights of Meridia.
ON-icon-head-Undead Female.png Mask of Shadows Cliffs of Failure A Bargain With Shadows Lady Estre's repaired mask, used to call forth the Shadow Court.
ON-icon-head-Undead Female.png Mask of Shadows The Endless Stair The Final Assault Lady Estre's repaired mask, used to call forth the Shadow Court.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Mindshadow Crystal The Lightless Oubliette Light from the Darkness This crystal radiates an aura of weariness and lethargy.
ON-icon-head-Argonian Male.png Muiriana's Head The Moonless Walk The Shadow's Embrace The head of the lamia champion.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Nettira's Journal Mal Sorra's Tomb News of Fallen Kin Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Overseer's Atelier Key The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage A heavy key that opens a door in the Dwarven laboratory.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Passage Key Tower of Lies Truth, Lies, and Prisoners A key that Skordo believes will unlock the passage to the next level of the prison.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Pearl Tincture Outside the Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage An irridescent [sic] liquid, made from ground pearls, used in transformation potions.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Pendant The Cave of Trophies A Misplaced Pendant Two names are engraved on the back of this pendant.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Crown.png Piece of Broken Mask Cliffs of Failure The Endless War A piece of an elaborate carnival mask.
ON-icon-misc-Welkynd Stone.png Portal Stone The Reaver Citadel The Citadel Must Fall This stone can be used to tune a runic portal.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Prompt Rescue is Imperative Spurned Peak Saving Stibbons Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Purifying Potion The Everfull Flagon Special Blend This crystal clear potion, made with Kyne's Tears has no scent.
ON-icon-misc-Wand1.png Raynor's Divination Rod Outside the Library of Dusk Through the Daedric Lens The tip of this rod has a reflective mirror on it, in which you can see Kireth's face. Periodically, she waves.
ON-icon-food-Flour.png Refined Void Salts The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage Void salts that have been refined to remove all impurities.
ON-icon-misc-Vertebrae.png Ribcage The Lost Fleet Old Bones A ribcage from a Lost Fleet skeleton.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 03.png Runestone of Kyne Shrine of Kyne Special Blend This sacred stone, ancient and worn, bears the symbol of Kyne.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 03.png Runestone of Kyne Shrine of Kyne Special Blend This aged runestone was once used by priests at the abandoned shrine to Kyne
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Shard of Darkness The Moonless Walk An Unusual Circumstance One of two shards that form the key to the council portal.
ON-icon-misc-Skybolt.png Shard of Darkness and Light The Moonless Walk An Unusual Circumstance The combined shards form a key to activate the council portal.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear White.png Shard of Light The Moonless Walk An Unusual Circumstance One of two shards that form the key to the council portal.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Dagger-High Elf.png Silver Dueling Daggers Inside mill near the Everfull Flagon Special Blend Expertly balanced daggers with razor-sharp blades.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Situation Becoming Urgent Spurned Peak Saving Stibbons Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Hair.png Spriggan Bark The Moonless Walk Into the Woods Glimmers of moonlight play across the surface of this bark, taken from a spriggan.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Strange Seeds Cliffs of Failure The Endless War Strange, thorny seeds provided by Angof. Place a seed on the corpse of a humanoid and watch what happens.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 04.png Telenger's Teleportation Trajectory Token Library of Dusk The Library of Dusk This round disc, engraved with runes, features an elegantly inscribed signature that reads, "Telenger the Artificer."
ON-icon-misc-Silver Crown.png The Crown of Bones The Lost Fleet Between Blood and Bone A cursed artifact that enables the user to control the undead crew of the Lost Fleet.
ON-icon-misc-Skybolt.png The Light of Meridia The Endless Stair The Final Assault This crystal seems filled with an endless supply of light. It is warm to the touch.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Transmutation of Living Creatures Outside the Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage A treatise on transmuting living flesh, written by Zur of the Mages Guild.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Transmutation Potion Recipe Outside the Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage A recipe for crafting a potion of transmutation, written by Zur of the Mages Guild.
ON-icon-wood-Rough Beech.png Treated Wood Inside the Sap Collection Facility at Haj Uxith Wisdom of the Ages Wood treated with fire salts in order to burn with magically intense heat.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Tsona-Ei's Key The Lost Fleet Between Blood and Bone Key found in Tsona-Ei's Journal
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Vampire Blood The Orchard The Harvest Heart Blood taken from a vampire, for use in Vanus Galerion's ritual.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Zur's Transmutation Potion The Vile Laboratory The Soul-Meld Mage Zur's unique transmutation potion can only be used in tight spaces!