Online:Wisdom of the Ages
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Treeminder Xohaneel.
- Complete the Trials of Body and Spirit.
- Destroy the Sap Collection Facility.
- Find the people who embody the Argonian's spiritual values.
- Settle the debate between the scholars and the warriors.
- Convince the other side of your choice.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
While walking the southwest of Coldharbour, you may come across Treeminder Xohaneel, asking you to help her people of Haj Uxith settle a great debate between their scholars and warriors. However, she won't go into detail before you have proven your worth to each faction by completing the trials of the spirit and body.
As you head into Haj Uxith, another Argonian approaches the two of you starts to chide Xohaneel for seeking outside help, since an internal conflict over their Hist tree is a far more pressing matter. There, Xohaneel will give you a better breakdown on the Trials ahead, and emphasizes that your completion of it will garner you an audience. You are able to start them in whichever order you prefer, though you will have to do them one at a time.
Trial of Spirit[edit]
Speak to Treeminder Xohaneel to start the Trial of Spirit. When doing the Trial of Spirit, you must talk to three individuals and give them each an amulet that represents the quality they show in what they do. there are three amulets: Courage, Endurance, and Preservation.
- In front of Teelawei is a scroll that goes over each value in more detail. Give the Amulet of Courage to him for negotiation between the two factions and the people of Coldharbour.
- Around Desh-Wazei is a small mess hall, with produce and meats about. Give the Amulet of Endurance to her for gathering food to help her people.
- Behind Ashgar is a book that details the history and meaning behind the Hist's decision to bring Haj Uxith to Coldharbour. Give the Amulet of Preservation to him for maintaining the traditions and customs of their people.
After you have given away the amulets and receive a gem for each trait, run up to the top of the xanmeer to find three statues: Life, Time, and the Unknown.
- Place the Gem of Courage on the Statue of the Unknown.
- Place the Gem of Endurance on the Statue of Life.
- Place the Gem of Preservation on the Statue of Time.
Once you have placed all of the Gems, you need to run back down to the first level of the xanmeer to talk with Xohaneel. Tell her you have successfully completed the Trial of Spirit
Trial of Body[edit]
Speak to An-Jeen-Sakka to start the Trial of Body. To complete the Trial of Body you must enter a trapdoor at the top of the northern xanmeer before passing through several rooms containing Argonian peasants before entering the Daedric Sap Collection Facility. You then need to collect some treated wood and then add some to each of the six marked fires under the vats, which will melt the metal vats that are used to boil the Hist Tree wood.
There is an alternative exit on the west side of the room, which exits outside opposite the wayshrine. Return to An-Jeen-Sakka to complete this trial.
Settling the Dispute[edit]
Once both trials have been complete you need to speak again to Treeminder Xohaneel, who will inform you of the details of the two factions dividing their community. The warriors lead by An-Jeen-Sakka wish to keep the Hist alive although in eternal torment by Molag Bal. The scholars led by the treeminder believe the Hist should be allowed to die, ending its torment.
If you side with the scholars, you will have to convince An-Jeen-Sakka to accept your decision either by defeating their champion or by intimidating him. Alternatively, if you side with the warriors, to will have to convince Treeminder Xohaneel to accept your decision either by defeating their champion or by persuading her. If you side with the scholars, you must then destroy the vampiric shard by the Hist Tree. Finally, speak again to either Treeminder Xohaneel or An-Jeen-Sakka, depending on your choice, to complete the quest and receive your reward.
- An-Jeen-Sakka won't exist in the town before starting the quest.
- The Vampiric Shard won't exist at the Hist tree before starting the quest or reaching the related objective.
- After completing this quest, the Argonians' House in The Hollow City will unlock, and members of whichever faction you supported will be found in and around the building.
- If you leave the viscinity of Haj Uxith while Treeminder Xonaheel follows you, causing her to disappear as it typically does for quest followers, she will not reappear as your follower when you come back, although the objective will still be listed as going to Haj Uxith with her. ?
- She will instead appear directly at the spot where the next objective with An-Jeen-Sakka occurs.
- The interaction prompts to throw the treated wood into the vats may be hard to use, as the prompt inconsistently appears when aiming at different sections of the vats, instead of the vats as a whole. ?
- The spectators disappear instantly mid-cheer right as the objective to defeat the champion is complete. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.