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Online:Hall of Judgment (quest)

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Rescue Mages Guild members from Coldharbour's justice.
Zone: Coldharbour
Objective: Court of Contempt — Save the captive Mages Guild conjurers.
Quest Giver: Malkur Valos
Location(s): Court of Contempt
Reward: Arbiter's Vambraces
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: 4642
The conjurers attempt to break out of the Hall
Some of the mages who helped open the initial portal to Coldharbour were captured when they arrived. Now they're prisoners in the Daedric Court of Contempt, awaiting the verdict of Judge Xiven in the Hall of Judgment.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Malkur Valos.
  2. Destroy the elemental crystals and collect the gate key.
  3. Find Malkur Valos at the entrance to the Hall of Judgment.
  4. Enter the Holding Cells and free the mages.
  5. Talk to Tarrami.
  6. Defend the mages.
  7. Meet the mages outside the Court.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You meet Malkur Valos as you approach the Court of Contempt. He'll exclaim,"They've been captured!". Talking to him will grant you further insight:

"I arrived with a few other wizards. Conjuration masters. We helped open the portal to Coldharbour.
Unfortunately, we didn't arrive where we expected. A defensive countermeasure, I think. Molag Bal's forces were upon us in an instant."
Where are the others?
"They were captured by Daedra led by Judge Xiven. In the confusion, I managed to slip away. I've been scouting around in scamp-form ever since.
The mages are on trial inside the Hall of Judgment. I could hear Judge Xiven shouting at them. We must help them!"
I'll help. Where do we start?
"A magical barrier shields the entryway to the hall. It's powered by elemental crystals. We must destroy the crystals and collect a key to open the gate.
You must hurry. Daedric justice can be swift."
I'll take care of it.
"Collect the gate key from the coffer to the north and destroy the three crystals to bring down the barrier. There's one crystal in each tower.
Meet me near the Hall of Judgment's entrance when you're done. I'll continue scouting until then."

He wants you to save his Mage Guild colleagues, taken to the Hall of Justice and put on trial by Judge Xiven. You may ask him more about himself and the situation at your own discretion.

Destroy the Elemental Crystals

Destroy the Crystals[edit]

You are required to destroy three elemental crystals to lower the barrier preventing access to the hall and recover a key to the gate from the coffers to the north. The three crystals are found in the southeast, southwest and northwest corners of the main courtyard area, and are kept inside of the spiraling towers that stand within these ruins. Sneak or fight your way pass the Dremora that litter the area and destroy each crystal.

The key, on the other hand, is found within a dilapidated building, guarded by an elite. Defeat the elite and retrieve the gate key from the Daedric Coffer in the corner.

Malkur's Atronach Distraction

Once you've destroyed the crystals and recovered the key, make your way over to Malkur Valos, who is standing at the entrance and raising flame atronachs. Talk to him, and he will give you an update:

"The trial is over. Judge Xiven found my companions guilty and sentenced them to death. They were taken to the cells below the hall while preparations are made for the execution.
I'm working on a distraction to cover our escape. Did you find the key?"
I have the gate key. Let's go rescue the mages.
"An excellent suggestion! There's no time to waste. Let's get inside and free the others."
Let's go rescue the mages.

After you're done talking to him, follow him into the Hall of Judgment.

Rescue the Mages[edit]

The freed prisoners

Once inside the inner courtyard, if you speak to Malkur again he will inform you that he will hold the gate while you rescue the mages. The inner courtyard is guarded by Magistrate Bogtro, a [[on:Xivilai|xivilai].

Malkur Valos: "Oh, good. A guard. And I thought this was going to be boring."
Magistrate Bogtro: "The guilty are drawn to us like torchbugs to honey. Come and be judged, mortals."

The two of them will square off; if you decide to, you can fight guard alongside him, which will grant you some extra dialogue, but it is not necessary.

There are five doors off of the courtyard, but only the center door can be used. Through the door is a large room with many large cages, three of which contain the mages; Tarrami, Dithis Romori and Denthis Romori. There is a backpack near the center of the room containing the key to the cages. Unlock their cages:

Tarrami: "Great rescue, but now what? Do you have a plan or are we making this up as we go along?"
Dithis Romori: "I still can't believe they sentenced me to death! Of all the nerve!"
Denthis Romori: "They found me guilty? Me? I'll make them rue the day! Rue, I say!"

Once you've released them all, to speak to Tarrami. If you've met them once before, the initial dialogue changes:

If you're complete strangers: If you've met before:

"Thank you! This one thought we were done for after Judge Xiven sentenced us to death.
How do we get out of the Hall of Judgment? They're not going to let us simply walk out of here."

"Oh, a familiar face. This one didn't recognize you at first, but you arrived just in time. Tarrami thought we were done for once Judge Xiven sentenced us to death.
But how do we get out of the Hall of Judgment? They're not going to let us simply leave."

Malkur fights Judge Xiven
Malkur Valos is guarding our retreat. The way should be clear.
"Malkur? Well, why didn't you say so? Tarrami wondered what happened to him.
But this one has had enough of this place. Let's get out of here."
I'm ready when you are. (Advances the Quest)
What happened at the trial?
"The trial was a farce. They just wanted to make us squirm. Judge Xiven went on and on about fairness and equitable treatment, but he decided we were guilty from the start."
A successful rescue mission

Upon exiting to the inner courtyard, you are asked to protect the three mages while they breakthrough a magical barrier blocking access through the gate. After several waves of monster and humanoid Daedra, you will face Judge Xiven and his raised Clannfear. Once defeated, the mages will have broken through the barrier so you are able to escape. In the main courtyard, the Malkur raised flame atronachs are battling the other Daedra.

The mages run off and open a portal to the Hollow City; speak to Malkur to receive Arbiter's Vambraces and complete the quest:

"We fought well, didn't we? I think we might just have a chance at turning this disaster into a successful operation."
You can make it to the Hollow City from here?
"We've opened a portal to the city. Feel free to use it, if you want.
We're in your debt. Without your help, the others would still be locked away—or worse. We'll get to safety and begin stabilizing the portals to Nirn right away."

You can use the portal summoned to teleport to the Hollow City.


  • The elemental crystals won't exist in the towers before starting the quest.
  • The flame atronachs summoned by Malkur Valos will continue to exist in the ruins, battling against the daedra, after the quest is completed.
  • After completing this quest, the Library in the Hollow City is unlocked, and the four mages (and some other unnamed mages) can be found in and around the building.


  • Magistrate Bogtro respawns very quickly after death if you remain in the arena. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Hall of Judgment
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to destroy the three elemental crystals inside the three towers to bring down the magical barrier protecting the entrance to the hall. I also need to collect the gate key from the guarded coffer in the northern section of the ruins.
Objective: Destroy Elemental Crystals: 0/3
Hidden Objective: Earth Crystal
Hidden Objective: Air Crystal
Hidden Objective: Fire Crystal
Objective: Collect the Gate Key
Hidden Objective: Kill Optional Boss
I destroyed the elemental crystals and collected the gate key. Now I should meet Malkur Valos at the entrance to the Hall of Judgment.
Objective: Talk to Malkur Valos
I gave the gate key to Malkur. I should follow him into the Hall of Judgment.
Objective: Enter the Hall of Judgment
The captured mages are being held in cells below the Hall of Judgment. I should enter the holding cells and locate them.
Objective: Enter the Holding Cells
Hidden Objective: Kill Optional Boss
One of the captured mages said that the key to the cages is on the table. I should find the key.
Objective: Collect the Cage Key
I have the key to the cages. Now I should free the captured members of the Mages Guild.
Objective: Rescue Denthis Romori
Objective: Rescue Dithis Romori
Objective: Rescue Tarrami
Now that the mages have been released from their cells, I should talk to Tarrami.
Objective: Talk to Tarrami
The rescued mages have headed outside to meet up with Malkur. I should join them.
Objective: Meet the Mages Outside
The way out has been blocked by a shield spell. The rescued mages can disrupt the spell, but they need time to accomplish that. I should defend them while they work to open the gate.
Objective: Defend the Mages
I defended the mages and they were able to defeat the spell blocking the way out. We can leave the Hall of Judgment now.
Objective: Exit the Hall of Judgment
The mages cast spells to cause chaos and better cover our escape. I should find Malkur Valos and the other mages on the road outside the Court of Contempt
Hidden Objective: Kill Judge Xiven
Objective: Meet the Mages Outside
Finishes quest☑ I found the mages on the road outside the Court of Contempt. They've even already opened a portal. I should talk to Malkur Valos and make sure they're all right.
Objective: Talk to Malkur Valos
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.