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Online:Greymoor Quest Items

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Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Adventurer's Journal Tzinghalis's Tower The Vampire Scholar The last notes of an ill-fated adventurer looking for riches left by the Dwemer
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Aerolf's Empty Sack From Aerolf The Pale Man A large sack suitable for carrying a large number of apples—or dismembered body parts.
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Aerolf's Filled Sack Received after collecting Draugr body parts The Pale Man A large sack carrying enough draugr parts to create a draugr corpse.
ON-icon-quest-Daedra Residue.png Alchemical Residue Kilkreath Temple The Gathering Storm The pungent remnants of an alchemical mixture found on a depleted witch pike.
ON-icon-stolen-Burial Urn.png Ancient Urn Kasalla's Warehouse The Gathering Storm The markings on this urn match the shards found in the crate on the docks.
ON-icon-quest-Augur.png Anointed Relic of Arkay From Hidaver in Solitude Feasting in the Dark This lacquered skull of a saint has been blessed by Arkay with the power to consecrate the dead.
ON-icon-solvent-Ichor.png Arkay's Sacred Oil Solitude The Gray Host A flask of holy oil. Warm to the touch, the contents shimmer with an otherworldly light.
ON-icon-stolen-Pottery.png Ash and Bones Kasalla's Warehouse The Gathering Storm A fine dust or ash fills this clay pot. Small bits of bone can be seen within the ash.
ON-icon-quest-Mammoth Tusk Shards.png Ash-Covered Fragments Western Skyrim Docks The Gathering Storm Fragments of pottery, possibly urns, litter the bottom of a hidden compartment beneath packing hay. A strange ash or dust covers the fragments.
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Ashpit Powder Mor Khazgur Mine A Clan Divided This dark, chalky alchemical powder resembles coal dust, but emits a low heat.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Assassin's Letter Chillwind Depths Dark Clouds Over Solitude This letter to Pentarch Khorb from Sister Tharda talks about unwitting miners, secrets in the darkness below, and a final ritual.
ON-icon-container-Wax-Sealed Heavy Sack.png Bag of Treats for Pickle (?) One Last Adventure A bag of tiny, bite-sized dog treats. Pickle loves them!
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png Bards College Salskap Tonight! Solitude A Salskap to Remember A flyer announcing a celebration of bards—a salskap—at the Amphitheater of the Bards College.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Barrrow Key From Jarl Reddharn Danger in the Holds An old iron key to an ancient burial barrow near Morthal.
ON-icon-stolen-Cat Doll 01.png Battered Cat Doll (?) The Pale Man This small doll could have once belonged to a child.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png The Blossoms of Maelmoth Kilkreath Temple grounds The Maelmoth Mysterium This ancient scroll contains a riddle written by the master illusionist, Maelmoth.
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Blood-stained Necklace (?) The Pale Man This simple, hand-crafted necklace is intact despite being splattered with blood.
ON-icon-stolen-Ring.png Blood-stained Signet Ring (?) The Pale Man This bloody ring bears the barely legible seal of a ram.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Bottled Narsis Folgunthur Barrow The Maelmoth Mysterium A very good illusion of the famed adventurer Narsis Dren as a bottle
ON-icon-weapon-Dagger-Chitinous.png Broken Chitin Blade Lightless Hollow Mine One Last Adventure The jagged edge of this strange blade seems to be made from hard carapace.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Wheel.png Broken Wheel Ship Wreck near The Silver Cormorant Of Ice and Death This wheel looks like it once belonged to a large wagon. The spoke is splintered, which suggests it could not bear the weight of whatever it was carrying.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Brondold's Journal (?) The Gathering Storm A leather-bound journal hidden away for safekeeping.
ON-icon-furnishing-Paper Stack 01.png Brondold's Papers Given to you by Brondold The Gathering Storm A bundle of folded papers, smudged in blood, given to you by Brondold before he died.
ON-icon-furnishing-Paper Stack 01.png Brondold's Papers Automatically given through quest progression. The Gathering Storm A bundle of folded papers, smudged in blood, given to you by Brondold before he died.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Burnt Papers Dusktown The Vampire Scholar The remaining pages from a journal that was set aflame. It mentions meeting Edjar near a Dwarven tower to the east of the Dusktown bridge.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Catacombs Key Kilkreath Temple Meridia's Brilliance This key opens the door to the catacombs beneath Kilkreath Temple.
ON-icon-furnishing-Pixie Cup.png Chillwind Mushroom Chillwind Depths Poison's Sting A rare fungus that grows within Chillwind Depths.
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Wheels.png Circuited Half-Shells Nchuthnkarst The Tones of the Deep These Dwarven components consist of two bowl-like shells, the insides of which are imprinted with angular silver threads.
ON-icon-quest-Vial of Blessed Liquid.png Cleansing Concoction From Hidaver in Solitude Mother of Shadows This flask is filled with a murky liquid full of unidentifiable chunks of ingredients that will allegedly cleanse the Shademother's corruption.
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Crude Map Chillwind Depths Dark Clouds Over Solitude A crude map revealing the location of a mine to the south of Solitude.
ON-icon-pulverized-Slaughterstone.png Cursed Blood (?) Long Journey Home A sample of sticky, congealed blood that is partially frozen.
ON-icon-quest-Diseased Flesh Sample.png Cursed Flesh (?) Long Journey Home What once covered these people is now rotted and diseased. The curse radiates within.
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png The Danger of Morokei Labyrinthian The Fading Fire These are Keldnyr's notes on the Dragon Priest Morokei, who is entombed inside Labyrinthian.
ON-icon-quest-Deathbell.png Deathbell Morthal Bog Dark Clouds Over Solitude A whole deathbell plant from the bog around Morthal, extracted roots and all.
ON-icon-furnishing-Golden Lichen 03.png Deep Lichen Chillwind Depths Poison's Sting A rare lichen that grows in Chillwind Depths.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Directions to Cure, First Clue Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine Rasir's initial instructions that lead to the cure.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Directions to Cure, Second Clue Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine Rasir's instructions that lead to the cure.
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png Directions to Cure, Final Clue Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine Rasir's instructions that lead to the cure.
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Dissonance Apparatus Tinzen in Solitude Dwemer Disassembly This object hums with an unpleasant tone. Constantly.
ON-icon-furnishing-Pixie Cup.png Dungcap Mushroom Chillwind Depths Cultural Conciliation A foul-smelling mushroom that grows in Shadowgreen [sic].
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Dust and Ashes Kilkreath Temple The Gathering Storm The only evidence that the smuggled funerary urns were in this hidden compartment is the dusting of ash inside.
ON-icon-major adornment-Dwemeri Monocular Contrivance.png Dwarven Focusing Scope Nchuthnkarst The Tones of the Deep A sturdy cylinder with curved, transparent glass at both ends. The glass itself is worn and scratched.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Dwarven Key Dusktown The Vampire Scholar A key with the distinctive markings of Dwarven technology, found among scattered objects on the floor of Fennorian's lodgings.
ON-icon-quest-Dwarven Part 04.png Dwarven Master Scepter The Scraps Scraps Matter A strange Dwarven mechanism that controls a miter. It is surprisingly light.
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Dwarven Power Node The Scraps Scraps Matter This dark, chalky alchemical powder resembles coal dust, but emits a low heat.
ON-icon-food-Spirits Red.png Empty Potion Flask Tinzen in Solitude The Strength of Giants An empty flask, frequently used by alchemists.
ON-icon-quest-Icereach Coven Medallion.png Enchanted Icereach Coven Medallion From Old Mjolen Dark Clouds Over Solitude Old Mjolen cast a divination enchantment on this medallion to help track down the vampire assassin.
ON-icon-quest-Icereach Coven Medallion.png Enchanted Icereach Coven Medallion (?) Dark Clouds Over Solitude Old Mjolen cast a divination enchantment on this medallion to help track down the vampire assassin.
ON-icon-quest-Ring of Keys.png Farmhouse Key (?) Long Journey Home Key to the Farmhouse
ON-icon-quest-Blood Vial.png Fennorian's Flask Dusktown The Vampire Scholar A crystal flask embossed with Fennorian's initial and filled with a crimson fluid, found in his Dusktown lodgings.
ON-icon-quest-Fire Salts.png Fire Salts Dragon Bridge Crisis at Dragon Bridge A grain-like substance that's warm to the touch.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Freiwen's Amulet Hunting Camp east of The Silver Cormorant Of Ice and Death An amber inlaid amulet that radiates warmth as you hold it. 'Freiwen, may I always warm your heart -M' is inscribed on the back.
ON-icon-quest-Pendant.png Freiwen's Locket From Freiwen Long Journey Home A gold locket on a thin golden chain. Inside is a picture of Freiwen as a child and her mother.
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Gabrielle's Bottle of Proving From prepared Dig Site in Solitude The Antiquarian's Art A simple bottle meant to test the abilities of newcomers to the Antiquarian Circle.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Gray Host Communique Tzinghalis's Tower The Vampire Scholar Orders from Rada al-Saran to Tzinghalis, directing him to finish his work to create a massive harrowstorm.
ON-icon-furnishing-Tamriel Map 02.png Gray Host Map Blue Palace The Gray Host A map stolen from Tzinghalis's laboratory in Blackreach. It has several markings on it.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 03.png Gray Host Orders Blackreach Camp The Gray Host Orders for the Gray Host leaders from the Ashen Lord, Rada al-Saran.
ON-icon-furnishing-Skeleton Torso.png Hagridden's Bones Midnight Barrow Prisoner of the Past The remains of Jarl Hagridden.
ON-icon-armor-Hide Helmet-Nord.png Hagridden's Helm Midnight Barrow Prisoner of the Past An ancient Nord helm worn by Jarl Hagridden.
ON-icon-armor-Dwarven Steel Shield-Nord.png Hagridden's Shield Midnight Barrow Prisoner of the Past An ancient Nord shield used by Jarl Hagridden.
ON-icon-weapon-Ebony Greatsword-Nord.png Hagridden's Sword Midnight Barrow Prisoner of the Past An ancient Nord sword used by Jarl Hagridden.
ON-icon-misc-Shiny Dwemer Gear.png Heartcog The Scraps Dwemer Disassembly A glowing, brass-colored cog. It is warm to the touch.
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Heiruna Doll After talking with the Heiruna Doll Spellbound A child's doll, it vaguely resembles a character from a popular Nord children's story. Aside from its ability to speak, there doesn't seem to be anything magical about it.
ON-icon-stolen-Goblet.png Heiruna's Goblet Dragonhome Spellbound A heavy, jewel-encrusted goblet with ornate carvings etched along the stem. It smells faintly cloying.
ON-icon-quest-Ceremonial Cheese Knife.png Heiruna's Knife Dragonhome Spellbound Etched with intricate designs, this blade is as beautiful as it is delicate. A dark, rusted stain lingers on its edge.
ON-icon-stolen-Mirror.png Heiruna's Mirror Dragonhome Spellbound The center of the mirror is made of dark, nearly black glass. The tarnished silver surrounding it twists and furls in a sinister design.
ON-icon-food-Mint Tea.png Howlwater Mor Khazgur Cultural Conciliation A bottle of potent howlwater from the Orc Mahgrok.
ON-icon-quest-Icereach Coven Medallion.png Icereach Coven Medallion Blue Palace Dark Clouds Over Solitude A medallion, its cord broken, found laying among shards of glass beneath a broken window near the scene of Queen Gerhyld's assassination.
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png Incantation of Reversal, First Fragment Solitude The Maelmoth Mysterium The first of three verses that can break Maelmoth's illusion.
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png Incantation of Reversal, Second Fragment Solitude The Maelmoth Mysterium The second of three verses that can break Maelmoth's illusion.
ON-icon-achievement-Dragonguard Scholar.png Incantation of Reversal, Third Fragment Solitude The Maelmoth Mysterium The last of three verses that can break Maelmoth's illusion.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Ingfred's Work Order Greymoor Cavern Reeh-La's Mining Samples Instructions to gather ore samples from throughout Blackreach.
ON-icon-armor-Bracers-Dragonbone.png Intact Draugr Arm (?) The Pale Man The arm of a defeated draugr. It moves no longer.
ON-icon-armor-Head-Symphony of Blades.png Intact Draugr Head (?) The Pale Man A severed, undamaged, and now inanimate draugr head.
ON-icon-armor-Breeches-Dragonbone.png Intact Draugr Leg (?) The Pale Man The leg of defeated draugr, largely intact.
ON-icon-armor-Jack-Coldsnap.png Intact Draugr Torso (?) The Pale Man An undamaged draugr torso. Whatever magic animated it has stopped.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Kal Druun's Notes Tzinghalis's Tower The Vampire Scholar The musings of Exarch Tzinghalis's assistant, attempting to figure out how to open the Dwarven door.
ON-icon-quest-Mad Jarl Circlet.png Karthald Crown Jarl Olfwenn's Hall Danger in the Holds This ornate headgear is the symbol of authority and power for the hold of Karthald. It was last worn by Jarl Olfwenn
ON-icon-quest-Fire Rock.png Kindlepitch Dragon Bridge Crisis at Dragon Bridge A fine powder used to create explosions.
ON-icon-style material-Dirty Shroud.png Kiviaq Highlands Giant Camp Cultural Conciliation A lumpy, foul-smelling bundle, wrapped in sodden leathers and fastened with belts.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Letter from Ena South of Dragon Bridge Crisis at Dragon Bridge Ena White-Eye wrote this note to Ulang and hid it in one of her camps.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Letter to Irm Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Inguya's Mining Samples An unsent letter to a woman named Irm.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Letter to the Overseer Dusktown Mine Digging Up Trouble A letter from someone name Bruik, apparently sent to Overseer Urlvar, suggesting that he knows more about the vampire attacks than he has admitted to.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter to the Pentarch Gorn's Lodge The Gathering Storm A letter found at the abandoned lodge. It orders a Breton named Pentarch Zaros to send the latest shipment to Kilkreath Temple so the ritual can begin.
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png List of Targets Dusktown Mine Digging Up Trouble A list of targets sent to the vampire from Overseer Urlvar.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Lycanthropic Immunity Tzinghalis's Tower The Vampire Scholar Exarch Tzinghalis's notes on his experiments with Edjar's werewolf pack.
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Machined Cogs and Gears Nchuthnkarst The Tones of the Deep Intricately crafted Dwarven cogs and gears of various colors and sizes.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Maelmoth's Final Journal Mages Guild in Solitude The Maelmoth Mysterium This weathered tome contains the final words of Maelmoth the Mysterious.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Maelmoth's Mysterious Key Folgunthur Barrow The Maelmoth Mysterium This heavy, iron key likely opens the door to the Mysterium's inner sanctum.
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Markarth Mead South of Dragon Bridge Crisis at Dragon Bridge A bottle of mead from the Markarth Meadery.
ON-icon-stolen-Claw.png Massive Claw Ship Wreck near The Silver Cormorant Of Ice and Death This large claw resembles the claw of a khajiit, but is much grander in size. Dark, cold blood crumbles at the base.
ON-icon-book-Coldharbour Closed 01.png Maxten's Research Journal (?) Long Journey Home A frost covered, tattered book full of magical notes detailing Maxten's necromantic investigations.
ON-icon-food-Roast Beef.png Meat Mor Khazgur A Clan Divided Game collected from Mazog's traps.
ON-icon-furnishing-Brazier Orb.png Meridia's Brilliance Kilkreath Temple Meridia's Brilliance A relic from the Kilkreath Temple that glows with Meridia's light.
ON-icon-quest-Token of Meridia.png Meridian Medallion Kilkreath Temple Meridia's Brilliance A symbol of dedication to Meridia, often carried by her followers.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 03.png Message from Fennorian Blue Palace The Vampire Scholar A message from Fennorian that tells you he's gone to Dusktown to follow up on a lead and has secured lodgings on the south side of town.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Mine Key Mor Khazgur A Clan Divided This heavy, iron key should open the Mor Khazgur Mine.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Mine Offices Key Dusktown Digging Up Trouble Elle Bitterblade's key to the offices.
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png Miner's Journal Lightless Hollow Mine One Last Adventure A journal written by one of the missing miners.
ON-icon-furnishing-Medium Rubble Pile.png Mining Samples Dusktown Cavern Kelbarn's Mining Samples A small bag of mostly worthless rocks.
ON-icon-furnishing-Medium Rubble Pile.png Mining Samples Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns Inguya's Mining Samples A bag of ores chipped from the cavern walls.
ON-icon-furnishing-Medium Rubble Pile.png Mining Samples Greymoor Cavern Reeh-La's Mining Samples A crude bag filled with chunks of rock.
ON-icon-furnishing-Medium Rubble Pile.png Mining Samples Greymoor Cavern Ghamborz's Mining Samples A collection of recently mined ore.
ON-icon-furnishing-Medium Rubble Pile.png Mining Samples Lightless Hollow Adanzda's Mining Samples A bag of ore chipped off from the rocks.
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png Missing Miners Dusktown Digging Up Trouble A letter from Overseer Urlvar to Captain Ageran, asking him to keep the investigation into the missing miners quiet.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png The Mysterium's Threshold (?) The Maelmoth Mysterium Another mysterious scroll from the mysterious mage, Maelmoth.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Narsis Dren's Skyrim Journal Solitude The Maelmoth Mysterium Narsis Dren's hasty notes on a possible incantation he was investigating before the unfortunate bottle incident.
ON-icon-quest-Crystal Key.png Necromantic Focus Shard (?) Long Journey Home This formation of ice has been permanently hardened into a focus for necromantic energy.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Necrotic Poison From Aerolf The Pale Man Aerolf claims this potion will make dead flesh smell irrestible [sic].
ON-icon-book-Scroll 06.png Nel's Hidden Loves From table in Bards College Orchestrations An epic poem, in which locations are enciphered.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Nelfthea's Crumpled Note Frozen Coast The Fate of the Frozen A private communication between Nelfthea and Magreta that spent enough time discreetly tucked away to wrinkle the paper.
ON-icon-stolen-Kyne Relic.png Nelfthea's Necklace Frozen Coast The Fate of the Frozen A hand-carved piece of stalhrim worn on a cord around the neck as a protective charm.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Nelfthea's Warning Frozen Coast The Fate of the Frozen A message from Nelfthea to her captain, hurriedly scrawled on a torn scrap of paper.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Netherroot Notes Tzinghalis's Tower The Vampire Scholar Notes concerning Exarch Tzinghalis's research into a rare plant called netherroot that is used in the harrowstorm ritual.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png New Solution Instructions Mor Khazgur Mine A Clan Divided Instructions provided by Mazog that prove she tampered with the stone magic recipe.
ON-icon-food-Berry 03.png Overripe Snowberries From Hidaver in Solitude Moonlight Kidnapping Fragrant, sticky, squishy berries enjoyed by Gerval's goats.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Overseer Urlvar's Key Dusktown Mine Digging Up Trouble Overseer Urlvar's keys to his office.
ON-icon-quest-Arrow.png Owl Feather Arrow South of Dragon Bridge Crisis at Dragon Bridge This arrow is fletched with feathers from a Druadach Mountain snow owl.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Pentarch's Orders Chillwind Depths Dark Clouds Over Solitude This letter to Pentarch Khorb seems to order the vampire to assassinate Queen Gerhyld, referred to as "a sympathetic ear at court."
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png The Penultimate Laugh Outside of Folgunthur Barrow The Maelmoth Mysterium An ornate scroll, penned by the famed illusionist, Maelmoth the Mysterious.
ON-icon-stolen-Lute.png Petraloop (?) Orchestrations This finely crafted lute is marred by graffiti on the back, the work of the student bards who have played it over the years.
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Phebe's Spirit Whistle Dusktown Digging Up Trouble A small, silver whistle with strange, spiral engravings on each side.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Pilfered Poison Around Hjaalmarch Potent Poison A crumpled scroll, covered in some sort of vile, sticky mucus.
ON-icon-quest-Poison Arrow.png Poisoned Arrow Circle of Champions Circle of Cheaters This map of Western Skyrim has numerous markings and annotations related to the Gray Host's activities.
ON-icon-food-Sweetmeats.png Preserved Brain Dragonhome The Preservation of Life The tissue of this preserved brain feels like warm marble. Strange scars mar the surface of the lobes.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Eyes.png Preserved Eyes Dragonhome The Preservation of Life Firm and glassy, these eyes were preserved by ancient embalming techniques.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Preserved Heart Dragonhome The Preservation of Life The ropey flesh of this heart still feels moist after centuries of preservation.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Rasir's Cure Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine Doses of the antidote to cure the affliction that plagues the werewolves in Dark Moon Grotto.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Rasir's Key Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine A heavy, rusted key Rasir buried in the ground.
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png Rasir's Journal Page Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine This shred of paper appears to be part of Rasir's journal.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Rasir's Journal, Page 2 Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine This shred of paper appears to be part of Rasir's journal.
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png Rasir's Journal, Page 5 Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine This shred of paper appears to be part of Rasir's journal.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Rasir's Journal, Page 8 Dark Moon Grotto Hounds of Hircine This shred of paper appears to be part of Rasir's journal.
ON-icon-furnishing-Meat Chunks 06.png Raw Meat Around The Silver Cormorant Of Ice and Death A large chunk of meat and fat packed with protein, it would likely provide plenty of energy raw or cooked.
ON-icon-furnishing-Reachman Totem 03.png Reach Ritual Fetishes Kasalla's Warehouse The Gathering Storm Rawhide, rough-hewn wood, stone, and bones, all carved with ritualistic symbols common to the Reach.
ON-icon-furnishing-Nord Pot 03.png Reach Thornfire Dragon Bridge Smuggler Caves Crisis at Dragon Bridge This clay pot is full of the volatile alchemical reagent created by Vund the Stone-Shaper. It is said to explode and dissolve stone when combined with kindlepitch.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Red Eagle Tower Key Red Eagle Ridge The Blood of Old Karth A heavy, ornate gold key that unlocks the ancient Red Eagle tower.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Refined Netherroot Brew Tzinghalis's Tower The Vampire Scholar Whorls of darkly colored blood and ground netherroot, suspended in a thick, yellow poultice.
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Refined Netherroot Brew Midlands Camp The Gray Host A jar of Tzinghalis's refined netherroot brew, fresh from Blackreach.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Report for Bitterblade Greymoor Cavern Ghamborz's Mining Samples A collection of recently mined ore.
ON-icon-book-Paper 01.png Rubbing of Eastern Mound Relief (?) The Aspiring Scholar A rubbing of a stone relief found at the eastern burial mound.
ON-icon-book-Paper 01.png Rubbing of a Southern Mound Relief (?) The Aspiring Scholar A rubbing of a stone relief found at the southern burial mound.
ON-icon-costume-Greydrake.png Sapphire Society Disguise From Leiborn Orchestrations A fine yet understated set of clothing with a plain mask.
ON-icon-stolen-Wineskin.png Tainted Water Skin Circle of Champions Circle of Cheaters The residue in this water skin smells horrendous.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Thaddeus's List of Parts Nchuthnkarst The Tones of the Deep A list of Dwarven parts needed to repair the machine, complete with hasty sketches.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png The Sea Giant's Actions Ysmgar's Beach Lost Along the Shore A scout's report on the activity of a Sea Giant.
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png The Sea Giant's Landing Ysmgar's Beach Lost Along the Shore A scout's report on the Sea Giant's camp.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png The Sea Giant's Landing Ysmgar's Beach Lost Along the Shore Descriptions documenting observations made by a scout while on patrol.
ON-icon-food-Cheese.png Shalk Resin Mor Khazgur Mine A Clan Divided A waxy substance that smells faintly of wet earth.
ON-icon-stolen-Toothpick.png Sharpened Bones From Aerolf The Pale Man Small, sharpened bones that can be easily jammed into flesh.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Skyrim Map Tzinghalis's Tower The Vampire Scholar This map of Western Skyrim has numerous markings and annotations related to the Gray Host's activities.
ON-icon-quest-Broken Garrote.png Snapped Garrote Circle of Champions Circle of Cheaters A severed piece of strangling cord embedded in the neck of a dead Orc warrior.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Snow Bear Bile Mor Khazgur Mine A Clan Divided A small vial of thick, pungent liquid.
ON-icon-food-Juniper Berry.png Snowberries Frozen Coast The Strength of Giants Bright fruit that flourishes in the cold climate of Skyrim.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Spirit Trap Dusktown Digging Up Trouble A small vial of thick, pungent liquid.
ON-icon-furnishing-Murkmire Rotten Log.png Spriggan Bark Shadowgreen Precious Bark A piece of fresh bark from a spriggan. It's surprisingly heavy.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Stonemelt Solution Mor Khazgur Mine A Clan Divided A bubbling concoction that froths at the edges.
ON-icon-stolen-Cape.png Tattered Cloak From Assaf's Backpack at her camp Dark Clouds Over Solitude Many small rips and tears have left this cloak in tatters. Fragments of broken glass are caught in the fabric.
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png To the Kind Stranger Who Finds This Lightless Hollow Adanzda's Mining Samples A note asking you to bring the samples to Ingfred the Tall in Dusktown.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Today's Instructions Hunting Camp east of The Silver Cormorant Of Ice and Death Orders from Maxten Favrete to her assistant, Zan'ikh, providing instructions about gathering corpses.
ON-icon-food-Spirits Red.png Tonic of Giant Strength Received after collecting snowberries from the Frozen Coast The Strength of Giants An experimental tonic seeking to grant those who consume it the strength of giants.
ON-icon-stolen-Collar.png Torn Dog Collar (?) The Pale Man This battered collar contains the barely legible name "Bear."
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png Tribal Artifact Chillwind Depths A Trail Gone Cold This collection of chitin and viscera appears to be a deliberate arrangement, but its purpose is inscrutable.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Unfertilized Chaurus Egg Chillwind Depths Poison's Sting A chaurus egg that hasn't yet been fertilized by a male.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Vial of Blood Dusktown Mine Digging Up Trouble A letter from someone name Bruik, apparently sent to Overseer Urlvar, suggesting that he knows more about the vampire attacks than he has admitted to.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Warmth Rune From Old Mjolen Long Journey Home A stone rune that emanates warmth.
ON-icon-stolen-Toothpick.png Wolf Bones Morthal Bog Dark Clouds Over Solitude Bones from a wolf, found in the bog around Morthal.