There is a large variety of places in Oblivion. This page only lists some of the most interesting locations in Cyrodiil and beyond. Other places are listed on the following dedicated pages:
- Ayleid Wells — Ancient wells that may be used to fortify and restore magicka.
- Bodies of Water — Lakes, rivers, and seas.
- Buildings — Noteworthy buildings.
- Castles — Castles in the cities of Cyrodiil outside the Imperial City.
- Chapels — Chapels and temples in the cities of Cyrodiil and in the wilderness.
- Guild Halls — Headquarters for the major guilds in the cities of Cyrodiil.
Homes — NPC residences.
- Houses — Player residences you can buy or otherwise acquire.
Inns — Inns, taverns, and other places that rent beds.
- Magical Stones — Ancient stones that may be used to obtain greater powers or bound weapons and armor.
Oblivion Gates — Portals to the Daedric planes central to the main quest.
- Regions — Geographical regions of Cyrodiil.
- Roads — Roads, both marked and unmarked.
- Ships — Ships and shipwrecks.
Stables — Stables where you can buy horses.
- Unmarked Campsites — Small campsites featuring bedrolls not marked on the map.
- Unmarked Places — Points of interest, bridges, piers, and other locations not marked on the map.
- Wayshrines — Ancient shrines that may be used to heal, cure disease, and fortify and restore attributes.
Note: The Oblivion-Places category provides an index of all places in the game, except those in the Shivering Isles.
For places in the Shivering Isles, a separate worldspace added by the Shivering Isles expansion, see the Shivering Isles Places page. This is the realm of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath, accessed through A Strange DoorSI on an island in Niben Bay.
The UESP's Oblivion map can be used to locate all of these places. Most of the individual place pages include map links that center the map on that specific place. See maps for other available maps of Cyrodiil.
Note on Dungeon Sizes[edit]
The sizes (small, medium, or large) of Ayleid ruins, caves, forts, and mines indicate the number of zones they contain, as follows:
- Small: One zone
- Medium: Two or three zones
- Large: Four or more zones
The Imperial City — The central capital of the Empire on City Isle in Lake Rumare, in the Heartlands region. It is divided into the following districts:
Arboretum — The city park in the southeast sector of the city, full of statues and trees.
Arcane University — A fortified district southeast of the main city walls serving as the Mages Guild's headquarters.
Arena District — The site of the Arena in the east sector of the city, where warriors fight to the death.
Elven Gardens District — A residential district in the northwest sector of the city.
Green Emperor Way — The cemetery and gardens in the heart of the city, with the Imperial Palace at the center.
Imperial City Prison — A fortified district northeast of the main city walls serving as the Imperial Legion's headquarters and city prison.
Market District — A commercial district in the northeast sector of the city, featuring most of the city's shops and services.
Talos Plaza District — A wealthy residential district in the west sector of the city, with a dragon statue at its center.
Temple District — A residential district in the southwest sector of the city, with the Temple of the One as its centerpiece.
Waterfront District — The city's docks, on the southwest shore of City Isle.
Anvil — City of Dibella, in the Gold Coast region to the far southwest, with a significant Redguard and Wood Elf population.
Bravil — City of Mara, in the Nibenay Valley region to the south.
Bruma — City of Talos, in the Jerall Mountains region to the north, with a significant Nord population.
Cheydinhal — City of Arkay, in the Nibenay Basin region to the northeast, with a significant Dark Elf and Orc population.
Chorrol — City of Stendarr, in the Great Forest region to the northwest.
Kvatch — City of Akatosh, in the Gold Coast region to the southwest, overrun by the Daedra from the first portal to Oblivion.
Leyawiin — City of Zenithar, in the Blackwood region to the far south, with a significant Argonian and Khajiit population.
Skingrad — City of Julianos, in the West Weald region to the southwest.
Aleswell — A village with an inn north of the Imperial City (quest-related). (map)
Blankenmarch — A village northeast of Leyawiin. (map)
Bleaker's Way — A village with an inn south of Bruma (quest-related). (map)
Border Watch — A village with an inn north of Leyawiin (quest-related). (map)
Brindle Home — A village north of Skingrad (quest-related). (map)
Cropsford — A village southeast of the Imperial City (quest-related). (map)
Hackdirt — A village with an inn south of Chorrol (quest-related). (map)
Harlun's Watch — A village south of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Pell's Gate — A village with an inn south of the Imperial City (quest-related). (map)
Water's Edge — A village north of Leyawiin (quest-related). (map)
Weye — A village with an inn west of the Imperial City (quest-related). (map)
Applewatch — A farm west of Bruma (quest-related). (map)
Drakelowe — A farm south of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Gweden Farm — A farm southeast of Anvil (quest-related). (map)
Harm's Folly — A farm between Bruma and Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Lord Drad's Estate — A farm and estate north of Anvil (quest-related). (map)
Lord Rugdumph's Estate — A farm and estate north of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Odiil Farm — A farm southeast of Chorrol (quest-related). (map)
Shardrock — A farm between Kvatch and Skingrad (quest-related). (map)
Shetcombe Farm — A farm northeast of Kvatch (quest-related). (map)
Weatherleah — A farm between Skingrad and Chorrol (quest-related). (map)
Whitmond Farm — A farm north of Anvil (quest-related). (map)
Faction Settlements[edit]
Cloud Ruler Temple — A fortified temple northwest of Bruma (quest-related). (map)
Gottlesfont Priory — A settlement and chapel between Chorrol and Skingrad. (map)
Knights of the Thorn Headquarters — A building west of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Priory of the NineKotN — A settlement and chapel southeast of Skingrad (download-specific). (map)
Temple of the Ancestor Moths — A settlement and chapel north of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Weynon Priory — A settlement and chapel southeast of Chorrol (quest-related). (map)
White Stallion Lodge — A building north of Leyawiin (quest-related). (map)
Player Bases[edit]
Battlehorn CastleFS — A large castle west of Chorrol that can be won by defeating the attacking marauders (download-specific). (map)
Deepscorn HollowVL — An underground lair southeast of Leyawiin catered to infamous characters (download-specific). (map)
Dunbarrow CoveTD — A medium-sized cave south of Anvil containing a home catering to thieves (download-specific). (map)
Frostcrag SpireWT — A tower east of Bruma that serves as a home for magic-oriented characters (download-specific). (map)
Isolated Buildings[edit]
Cadlew Chapel — A defiled chapel east of Bravil containing necromancers. (map)
Greyland — A building west of Leyawiin (quest-related). (map)
Isolated House — An unmarked house between Bravil and Skingrad. (map) *
Roland Jenseric's Cabin — A building between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
* Does not have a map marker on the in-game map.
Aerin's Camp — A campsite north of Cheydinhal occupied by a master acrobat (quest-related). (map)
Atrene Camp — A campsite north of Anvil. (map)
Bawnwatch Camp — A campsite southeast of Bravil (quest-related). (map)
Black Dog Camp — A campsite east of Bravil containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Bodean Camp — A campsite northwest of Kvatch containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Bogwater — A campsite southeast of Leyawiin (quest-related). (map)
Brotch Camp — A campsite northwest of Skingrad containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Camp Ales — A campsite north of Kvatch containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Carbo's Camp — A campsite south of Cheydinhal containing bandits. (map)
Collarbone Camp — A campsite east of Skingrad containing bandits. (map)
Crestbridge Camp — A campsite southeast of the Imperial City containing NPCs (quest-related). (map)
Dagny's Camp — A campsite northeast of Kvatch containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Fat Ramp Camp — A campsite west of Skingrad containing bandits. (map)
Fisherman's Rock — A campsite north of Leyawiin containing NPCs (quest-related). (map)
Garnet Camp — A campsite east of Bravil containing bandits. (map)
Gnoll's Meeting Camp — A campsite east of Kvatch containing bandits. (map)
Gro-Bak Camp — A campsite east of Skingrad containing a bandit. (map)
Hidden Camp — A campsite between Cheydinhal and Bruma containing bandits. (map)
Last Chance Camp — A campsite northwest of Kvatch containing bandits. (map)
Marsh-Punk Camp — A campsite northeast of Leyawiin containing bandits. (map)
Mortal Camp — A campsite southeast of Kvatch containing bandits. (map)
Nayon Camp — A campsite east of Bravil containing bandits. (map)
Ra'sava Camp — A campsite east of Kvatch containing bandits. (map)
Seran Camp — A campsite northeast of Leyawiin containing bandits. (map)
Sercen Camp — A campsite south of Cheydinhal containing a bandit. (map)
Sweetwater Camp — A campsite south of the Imperial City containing bandits. (map)
Troll Candle Camp — A campsite east of Anvil occupied by a master marksman (quest-related). (map)
Trossan Camp — A campsite northeast of Bravil containing bandits. (map)
Valley View Camp — A campsite northwest of Skingrad containing bandits. (map)
Varus Camp — A campsite northwest of Kvatch containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Walker Camp — A campsite north of Cheydinhal containing Camonna Tong thugs. (map)
Wind Range Camp — A campsite north of Cheydinhal containing bandits. (map)
Cloud Top — A mountain and ruined fort northwest of Chorrol (quest-related). (map)
Dive Rock — A mountain and campsite north of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Dragonclaw Rock — An unusual rock formation northeast of Bruma (quest-related). (map)
Gnoll Mountain — A mountain and campsite east of Bruma (quest-related). (map)
Harcane Grove — A grove north of Bravil containing three Minotaurs of the Grove and the Unicorn (quest-related). (map)
Hero Hill — A hill southeast of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Mouth of the Panther — A river inlet and shipwreck southeast of Bravil (quest-related). (map)
Old Bridge — A bridge south of the Imperial City (quest-related). (map)
Shadeleaf Copse — A pond northeast of Skingrad (quest-related). (map)
- The Sentinel — An unmarked ancient statue northeast of Bruma (quest-related). (map)
Daedric Shrines[edit]
Azura's Shrine — A Daedric shrine north of Cheydinhal. (map)
Boethia's Shrine — A Daedric shrine southeast of Cheydinhal. (map)
Clavicus Vile's Shrine — A Daedric shrine southwest of the Imperial City. (map)
Hermaeus Mora's Shrine — A Daedric shrine west of Bruma. (map)
Hircine's Shrine — A Daedric shrine south of the Imperial City. (map)
Malacath's Shrine — A Daedric shrine north of Anvil. (map)
Mephala's Shrine — A Daedric shrine northeast of the Imperial City. (map)
Meridia's Shrine — A Daedric shrine west of Skingrad. (map)
Molag Bal's Shrine — A Daedric shrine west of the Imperial City. (map)
Namira's Shrine — A Daedric shrine east of Bruma. (map)
Nocturnal's Shrine — A Daedric shrine north-northeast of Leyawiin. (map)
Peryite's Shrine — A Daedric shrine east of Bravil. (map)
Sheogorath's Shrine — A Daedric shrine north-northwest of Leyawiin. (map)
Shrine of Sanguine — A Daedric shrine north-northwest of Skingrad. (map)
Vaermina's Shrine — A Daedric shrine southwest of Cheydinhal. (map)
Ayleid Ruins[edit]
Anga — A small Ayleid ruin between the Imperial City and Bruma containing NPCs (quest-related). (map)
Anutwyll — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northwest of Bravil containing monsters. (map)
Arpenia — A small Ayleid ruin between Bravil and Leyawiin containing animals (quest-related). (map)
Atatar — A large Ayleid ruin between Bravil and Leyawiin containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Bawn — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin southeast of Bravil containing undead. (map)
Belda — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal containing conjurers. (map)
Beldaburo — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northwest of Anvil containing conjurers. (map)
Ceyatatar — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between the Imperial City and Skingrad containing conjurers. (map)
Culotte — A small Ayleid ruin southeast of the Imperial City containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Elenglynn — A small Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Skingrad containing necromancers. (map)
Fanacas — A small Ayleid ruin north of Cheydinhal containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Fanacasecul — A small Ayleid ruin west of the Imperial City containing undead. (map)
Garlas Agea — A small Ayleid ruin between Kvatch and Anvil containing necromancers. (map)
Garlas MalatarKotN — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northwest of Anvil containing Aurorans (download-specific). (map)
Hame — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin southeast of Cheydinhal containing necromancers. (map)
Hrotanda Vale — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin north of Chorrol containing bandits. (map)
Kemen — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin east of Cheydinhal containing undead. (map)
Lindai — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin east of Chorrol containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Lipsand Tarn — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin north of Chorrol containing vampires. (map)
Mackamentain — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northeast of Bravil containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Malada — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin far east of Bravil containing undead, monsters and animals (quest-related). (map)
Miscarcand — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between Skingrad and Kvatch containing goblins and undead (quest-related). (map)
Morahame — A small Ayleid ruin east of Bravil containing monsters. (map)
Moranda — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Bruma containing monsters (quest-related). (map)
Nagastani — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal containing monsters and undead. (map)
Narfinsel — A small Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map)
Nenalata — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin east of Bravil containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Nenyond Twyll — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin south of the Imperial City containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Ninendava — A small Ayleid ruin northeast of Chorrol containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Niryastare — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northwest of Kvatch containing undead. (map)
Nonungalo — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map)
Nornal — A large Ayleid ruin southwest of Cheydinhal containing marauders and undead (quest-related). (map)
Nornalhorst — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin east of Skingrad containing vampires. (map)
- The Old Way — A large Ayleid ruin underneath the Imperial City containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Ondo — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin far east of Bravil containing monsters and undead. (map)
Piukanda — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between the Imperial City and Bruma containing undead. (map)
Rielle — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northwest of Bruma containing undead. (map)
Sardavar Leed — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin south of the Imperial City containing conjurers. (map)
Sedor — A small Ayleid ruin between Cheydinhal and Bruma containing ogres (quest-related). (map)
Sercen — A small Ayleid ruin north of the Imperial City containing bandits. (map)
Silorn — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin southeast of Skingrad containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Talwinque — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between Skingrad and Kvatch containing bandits. (map)
Telepe — A small Ayleid ruin northwest of Leyawiin containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Trumbe — A small Ayleid ruin northwest of Kvatch containing undead. (map)
Vahtacen — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin south of Cheydinhal containing undead (quest-related). (map)
VanuaKotN — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin southeast of the Imperial City containing undead (download-specific). (map)
Varondo — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin north of Kvatch containing conjurers and daedra. (map)
Veyond — A large Ayleid ruin northeast of Leyawiin containing trolls. (map)
Vilverin — A large Ayleid ruin northeast of the Imperial City containing bandits and undead (quest-related). (map)
Vindasel — A small Ayleid ruin southwest of the Imperial City containing nuisance animals and one NPC (quest-related). (map)
Welke — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin east of Bravil containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Wendelbek — A large Ayleid ruin east of Bravil containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Wendir — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin between Chorrol and Skingrad containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Wenyandawik — A medium-sized Ayleid ruin northwest of Bravil containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Amelion Tomb — A medium-sized cave northeast of Leyawiin containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Arrowshaft Cavern — A medium-sized cave far east of Bravil containing animals and monsters. (map)
Barren Cave — A small cave west of Cheydinhal containing vampires and undead. (map)
The Beast's Maw — A medium-sized cave between Bruma and Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map)
Bedrock Break — A small cave east of Bravil containing animals and monsters. (map)
Black Rock Caverns — A medium-sized cave northwest of Chorrol containing bandits. (map)
Bleak Flats Cave — A small cave northwest of Skingrad containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Bloodcrust Cavern — A small cave southeast of Skingrad containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Bloodmayne Cave — A medium-sized cave west of Bravil containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Bloodrun Cave — A small cave far east of Bravil containing necromancers. (map)
Boreal Stone Cave — A small empty cave west of Bruma (quest-related). (map)
Bramblepoint Cave — A medium-sized cave east of Bravil containing monsters (quest-related). (map)
Breakneck Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Chorrol containing monsters. (map)
Brittlerock Cave — A medium-sized cave northwest of Kvatch containing Daedra (quest-related). (map)
Broken Promises Cave — A small cave southwest of Chorrol containing bandits. (map)
Bruma Caverns — A small cave west of Bruma containing nuisance animals (quest-related). (map)
Capstone Cave — A medium-sized cave west of Bruma containing bandits. (map)
Charcoal Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Bravil containing monsters and bandits. (map)
Cracked Wood Cave — A small cave southeast of the Imperial City containing goblins (quest-related). (map)
Crayfish Cave — A large cave south of Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map)
- Crypt of the Night Mother — A small cave beneath Bravil in which the Night Mother can be summoned (quest-specific). (map)
Dark Fissure — A medium-sized cave southeast of Cheydinhal containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Darkfathom Cave — A small cave southeast of Leyawiin containing daedra (quest-related). (map)
Deepscorn HollowVL — An underground lair southeast of Leyawiin catered to infamous characters (download-specific). (map)
Dunbarrow CoveTD — A medium-sized cave south of Anvil containing a home catering to thieves (download-specific). (map)
Dzonot Cave — A medium-sized cave west of the Imperial City containing bandits. (map)
Echo Cave — A medium-sized cave west of Bruma containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Fallen Rock Cave — A small cave northwest of Skingrad containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Fatback Cave — A medium-sized cave south of the Imperial City containing goblins. (map)
Felgageldt Cave — A medium-sized cave between Imperial City and Skingrad containing bandits. (map)
Fieldhouse Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of Leyawiin containing conjurers. (map)
Fingerbowl Cave — A large cave north of the Imperial City containing necromancers and undead. (map)
Frostfire Glade — A small cave between Bruma and Cheydinhal containing animals. It leads to an isolated, quest-specific glade. (map)
Fyrelight Cave — A medium-sized cave between Skingrad and Kvatch containing monsters. (map)
Glademist Cave — A small cave between Chorrol and Bruma containing monsters (quest-related). (map)
Goblin Jim's Cave — A medium-sized cave north of Skingrad containing goblins. (map)
Grayrock Cave — A medium-sized cave east-northeast of Skingrad containing monsters. (map)
Greenmead Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of Skingrad containing monsters. (map)
Haynote Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Skingrad containing monsters and animals. (map)
Horn Cave — A medium-sized cave south of the Imperial City containing bandits and monsters. (map)
Howling Cave — A medium-sized cave east of Skingrad containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Hrota Cave — A small cave north of Anvil containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Imperial Sewers - North Exit — A medium-sized sewer north of the Imperial City containing bandits. (map)
Imperial Sewers - South-East Exit — The southeastern entrance to the Imperial City sewer system. (map)
Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial) — A large sewer northeast of the Imperial City where the tutorial takes place. Later, it may be seen as Imperial Prison Sewer (Scheduled for Execution). (map)
Imperial Prison Sewer (Scheduled for Execution) — The sewer system northeast of the Imperial City you access to kill Valen Dreth. (map)
Jakben Imbel's House — A large manor in the Imperial City Talos Plaza District in the main plaza between The Tiber Septim Hotel and Umbacano Manor (quest-related). (map)
Kindred Cave — A medium-sized cave far east of Bravil containing necromancers. (map)
Kingscrest Cavern — A large cave north of Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map)
Lake Arrius Caverns — A large cave north of Cheydinhal containing NPCs (quest-related). (map)
Leafrot Cave — A medium-sized cave far east of Bravil containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Lost Boy Cavern — A large cave far east of Bravil containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Memorial Cave — A small cave southeast of the Imperial City containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Mingo Cave — A small cave between the Imperial City and Bravil containing monsters. (map)
Mongrel's Tooth Cave — A small cave north of Kvatch containing monsters. (map)
Moss Rock Cavern — A small cave north of the Imperial City containing necromancers and undead (quest-related). (map)
Muck Valley Cavern — A small cave between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal containing animals (quest-related). (map)
Newt Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of Bravil containing monsters. (map)
Nisin Cave — A small cave between the Imperial City and Skingrad containing monsters. (map)
Nonwyll Cavern — A medium-sized cave north of Chorrol containing monsters (quest-related). (map)
Onyx Caverns — A medium-sized cave east of Leyawiin containing bandits. (map)
Outlaw Endre's Cave — A medium-sized cave southwest of Bruma containing bandits. (map)
Pothole Caverns — A small cave between the Imperial City and Bravil containing necromancers. (map)
Quickwater Cave — A medium-sized cave north of Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map)
Red Ruby Cave — A medium-sized cave southeast of Bruma containing monsters. (map)
Redguard Valley Cave — A small cave between Chorrol and Skingrad containing ogres (quest-related). (map)
Redwater Slough — A small cave far east of Bravil containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Reedstand Cave — A medium-sized cave between Bravil and Leyawiin containing monsters. (map)
Robber's Glen Cave — A small cave northwest of Bravil containing imps and monsters (quest-related). (map)
Rock Bottom Caverns — A small cave between Chorrol and Skingrad containing goblins. (map)
Rockmilk Cave — A medium-sized cave between Bravil and Leyawiin containing marauders and bandits (quest-related). (map)
Sage Glen Hollow — A medium-sized cave northeast of Bravil containing conjurers. (map)
Sandstone Cavern — A medium-sized cave northeast of Kvatch containing monsters (quest-related). (map)
Serpent Hollow Cave — A medium-sized cave between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map)
Serpent's Trail — A small cave northeast of Bruma containing monsters and animals (quest-related). (map)
Shadow's Rest Cavern — A medium-sized cave northeast of Chorrol containing monsters. (map)
Shattered Scales Cave — A medium-sized cave far southeast of Bravil containing monsters. (map)
Shinbone Cave — A medium-sized cave southeast of the Imperial City containing goblins. (map)
Sideways Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of the Imperial City containing monsters. (map)
Silver Tooth Cave — A medium-sized cave between Cheydinhal and Bruma containing goblins. (map)
Sinkhole Cave — A medium-sized cave northwest of the Imperial City containing bandits. (map)
Smoke Hole Cave — A medium-sized cave between Kvatch and Anvil containing undead. (map)
Smuggler's Cave — A small empty cave south of Anvil (download-related). (map)
Swampy Cave — A medium-sized cave southeast of Cheydinhal containing trolls (quest-related). (map)
- Temple of the Ancestor Moths — A large cave north of Cheydinhal (quest-related). (map)
Tidewater Cave — A small cave southeast of Leyawiin containing trolls (quest-related). (map)
Timberscar Hollow — A small cave southeast of the Imperial City containing goblins (quest-related). (map)
Toadstool Hollow — A medium-sized cave south of Bruma containing undead. (map)
Underpall Cave — A large cave between Bruma and Chorrol containing undead (download-related). (map)
Undertow Cavern — A medium-sized cave north of Leyawiin containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Unmarked Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Bruma containing monsters. (map)
Veyond Cave — A large cave north of Bravil containing NPCs. (map)
Wellspring Cave — A small cave east of the Imperial City containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Wenderbek Cave — A small cave south of Cheydinhal containing goblins. (map)
Wind Cave — A medium-sized cave between Chorrol and Skingrad containing monsters. (map)
Yellow Tick Cave — A medium-sized cave between the Imperial City and Chorrol containing conjurers. (map)
Arkved's Tower — A large fort southwest of Cheydinhal containing daedra (quest-related). (map)
Battlehorn CastleFS — A large castle west of Chorrol that can be won by defeating the attacking marauders (download-specific). (map)
Crowhaven — A medium-sized fort northwest of Anvil containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Dasek Moor — A medium-sized fort south of Kvatch containing marauders and undead. (map)
Fathis Aren's Tower — A medium-sized fort south of Bravil containing conjurers, daedra, and dremora (quest-related). (map)
Fort Alessia — A medium-sized fort southeast of the Imperial City containing marauders. (map)
Fort Ash — A medium-sized fort between Chorrol and the Imperial City containing goblins. (map)
Fort Aurus — A small fort northeast of Bravil, across the Niben Bay, containing conjurers (quest-related). (map)
Fort Black Boot — A small fort between Bravil and Skingrad containing conjurers. (map)
Fort Blueblood — A medium-sized fort southeast of Leyawiin containing marauders (quest-related). (map)
Fort BulwarkKotN — A medium-sized fort northeast of Leyawiin containing conjurers (download-specific). (map)
Fort Caractacus — A small fort north of the Imperial City containing conjurers (quest-related). (map)
Fort Carmala — A small fort south of Chorrol containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Fort Cedrian — A medium-sized fort between Bravil and Cheydinhal containing marauders. (map)
Fort Chalman — A small fort northeast of the Imperial City containing undead. (map)
Fort Coldcorn — A small fort between the Imperial City and Chorrol containing monsters (quest-related). (map)
Fort Cuptor — A medium-sized fort far east of Bravil containing necromancers. (map)
Fort Dirich — A small fort between Skingrad and Chorrol containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Fort Doublecross — A medium-sized fort northeast of Leyawiin containing necromancers. (map)
Fort Empire — A medium-sized fort northwest of the Imperial City containing monsters. (map)
Fort Entius — A medium-sized fort far east of Bravil containing conjurers. (map)
Fort Facian — A medium-sized fort southeast of Cheydinhal containing undead. (map)
Fort Farragut — A small fort east of Cheydinhal containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Fort Flecia — A small fort east of Bravil containing goblins. (map)
Fort Gold-Throat — A small fort east of Bravil containing goblins. (map)
Fort Grief — A medium-sized fort northeast of Bravil containing NPCs (quest-locked). (map)
Fort Hastrel — A medium-sized fort north-northwest of Kvatch containing vampires. (map)
Fort Homestead — A medium-sized fort south of the Imperial City containing marauders. (map)
Fort Horunn — A medium-sized fort between Bruma and Cheydinhal containing monsters. (map)
Fort Irony — A small fort southeast of Bravil containing goblins (quest-related). (map)
Fort Istirus — A medium-sized fort between Skingrad and Kvatch containing necromancers. (map)
Fort Linchal — A medium-sized fort north of Kvatch containing necromancers. (map)
Fort Magia — A medium-sized fort east of the Imperial City containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Fort Naso — A small fort south of Cheydinhal containing vampires. (map)
Fort Nikel — A small fort west of the Imperial City containing bandits and marauders. (map)
Fort Nomore — A medium-sized fort between Bravil and Leyawiin containing monsters. (map)
Fort Ontus — A medium-sized fort north-northeast of Kvatch containing necromancers (quest-related). (map)
Fort Pale Pass — A large fort hidden deep in the mountains northeast of Bruma containing undead Akaviri soldiers (quest-related).
Fort Rayles — A medium-sized fort northwest of Chorrol containing conjurers. (map)
Fort Redman — A medium-sized fort between Bravil and Leyawiin containing vampires. (map)
Fort Redwater — A medium-sized fort far east of Bravil and northeast of Leyawiin on the Panther River that contains vampires. (map)
Fort Roebeck — A medium-sized fort south of the Imperial City containing conjurers. (map)
Fort Scinia — A medium-sized fort east of Cheydinhal containing marauders and undead (quest-related). (map)
Fort Sejanus — A medium-sized fort southeast of the Imperial City containing conjurers. (map)
Fort Strand — A medium-sized fort east of Anvil containing marauders (quest-related). (map)
Fort Sutch — A small fort north of Anvil containing mercenaries (quest-related). (map)
Fort Teleman — A medium-sized fort northeast of Leyawiin containing necromancers and Daedra (quest-related). (map)
Fort Urasek — A medium-sized fort east of the Imperial City containing goblins and marauders. (map)
Fort Variela — A medium-sized fort between Bravil and the Imperial City containing necromancers. (map)
Fort Virtue — A small fort southwest of the Imperial City containing undead. (map)
Fort Vlastarus — A small fort east of Skingrad containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Fort Wariel — A small fort northwest of Kvatch containing marauders. (map)
Fort Wooden Hand — A medium-sized fort between Chorrol and Skingrad containing marauders. (map)
Frostcrag SpireWT — A tower east of Bruma that serves as a home for magic-oriented characters (download-specific). (map)
Sancre Tor — A large fort north of Chorrol containing undead (quest-related). (map)
Sundercliff WatchMR — A very large fort far east of Bravil containing NPCs and vampires (download-specific). (map)
Abandoned Mine — A medium-sized mine far east of Bravil containing bandits. (map)
Barren Mine — A small mine between Bravil and Leyawiin containing goblins. (map)
Belletor's Folly — A medium-sized mine south of Kvatch containing bandits. (map)
Bleak Mine — A small silver mine north of Anvil containing NPCs (quest-related). (map)
Collapsed Mine — A medium-sized mine far east of Bravil containing bandits. (map)
Crumbling Mine — A small mine southeast of Chorrol containing bandits. (map)
Cursed Mine — A medium-sized mine west of Skingrad containing bandits. (map)
Derelict Mine — A medium-sized mine east of Skingrad containing goblins. (map)
Deserted Mine — A medium-sized mine far east of Bravil containing bandits. (map)
Desolate Mine — A small mine northwest of Cheydinhal containing goblins (quest-related). (map)
Doomed Mine — A small mine southeast of Cheydinhal containing bandits. (map)
Echo Mine — A small mine northwest of Skingrad containing bandits. (map)
Empty Mine — A medium-sized mine east of the Imperial City containing goblins. (map)
Exhausted Mine — A medium-sized mine between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal containing goblins (quest-related). (map)
Flooded Mine — A small mine north of Bravil containing one NPC (quest-related). (map)
Forsaken Mine — A medium-sized mine south of Leyawiin containing trolls (quest-related). (map)
Gutted Mine — A small mine north of Cheydinhal containing vampires (quest-related). (map)
Haunted Mine — A medium-sized mine southeast of Bravil and northeast of Leyawiin containing goblins. (map)
Infested Mine — A medium-sized mine north of Kvatch containing marauders. (map)
Pillaged Mine — A medium-sized mine southwest of Chorrol containing goblins. (map)
Plundered Mine — A medium-sized mine east of Bruma containing goblins. (map)
Rickety Mine — A medium-sized mine east of Cheydinhal containing bandits. (map)
Shattered Mine — A medium-sized mine north of Kvatch containing bandits. (map)
Squandered Mine — A medium-sized mine south of Cheydinhal containing bandits (quest-related). (map)
Beyond Cyrodiil[edit]
- Oblivion — The Planes of various Daedric Princes, including Mehrunes Dagon.
- Oblivion Caves — Random caves encountered in the Planes of Oblivion.
- Sigil Keeps — Giant citadels guarding an Oblivion Gate's Sigil Stone.
- Realm of Boethia — The Plane of the Daedric Prince Boethia (quest-specific).
- Realm of Peryite — The Plane of the Daedric Prince Peryite (quest-specific).
- Paradise — Mankar Camoran's Paradise (quest-specific).
- Arkved's Oasis — A small island in Oblivion (quest-related).
- Henantier's Dreamworld — Inside the mind of an Altmer warlock (quest-specific).
- Painted World — A fantasy world inside a painting (quest-specific).
- Frostfire Glade — The frigid resting place of a fallen knight (quest-related).
- Pale Pass — A mountain pass north of Cyrodiil containing an ancient Akaviri stronghold (quest-related).
See Also[edit]
- Dungeons — General information on dungeons (including Ayleid ruins, caves, forts, and mines).
- Interior Test Cells — Interior locations that exist in the game's data files but are not accessible through normal gameplay.