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Oblivion:Fieldhouse Cave

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Fieldhouse Cave
(view on map)
# of Zones 3
boss-level Conjurers, Conjurer Enemies
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Chest
1 Hand to Hand Skill Book
Console Location Code(s)
FieldhouseCaveExterior, FieldhouseCave, FieldhouseCave02, FieldhouseCave03
Northeast of Leyawiin
Fieldhouse Cave

Fieldhouse Cave is a medium-sized cave northeast of Leyawiin containing conjurers. It contains three zones: Fieldhouse Cave, Dust Sumps of Fieldhouse, and Black Balconies of Fieldhouse.



Key to Maps
Map of Fieldhouse Cave, Exterior

Zone 1: Fieldhouse Cave[edit]

Fieldhouse Cave
The alchemy store near the bedroll at 'b'

On the surface, and with only three zones, this Conjurer dungeon might seem like easy exploration, but it is in fact a huge and complex cave with multiple paths, levels, and plenty of enemies, so be prepared for a long trek. Upon entering from door Out, follow the path and dispatch two enemies before you reach an intersection. Head south first until you reach an alchemy lab (I) with tables and shelves laden with alchemical equipment, as well as a minor loot chest.

Backtrack and head west now instead, into a brazier-lit room where an enemy guards a minor loot chest and some alchemical equipment. Next you will need to make your first choice of many:

  • The southern tunnel leads you to a living area with another alchemy lab (H), bookshelves, a campfire and a bedroll (b) and a minor loot chest. From here you then have two different entrances to the next zone: one of them (C) is accessed by jumping down a hole in the southeastern room and the other (D) is reached by ignoring the hole and continuing east. Both doors basically land you in the same area of the next zone, Dust Sumps of Fieldhouse.
  • The western tunnel leads to door E, which provides quick and easy access to the many treasures of the third zone, Black Balconies of Fieldhouse and from there, you can explore the rest of the cave backwards.
  • Choosing door C or D makes for an even quicker and more convenient path to the third zone, via a nearby door in Dust Sumps of Fieldhouse.



  • 2 Chests 02 (1 locked)
  • 1 Chest 04
  • The following alchemy equipment will always be found: 5 Novice Alembics, 3 Novice Calcinators, 3 Novice Mortar & Pestles, and 13 Novice Retorts
  • The following books will always be found: 1 Mysticism and 1 The Argonian Account, Book 4
  • The following ingredients will always be found: 2 Apples, 2 Corns, and 2 Lettuces
  • The following plants will always be found: 15 Cairn Bolete plants and 6 Wisp Stalk plants
  • Some of the above items are clustered at the following locations:
    • At H: 1 Apple, 1 Mysticism, 1 Novice Alembic, 2 Novice Calcinators, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, and 6 Novice Retorts
    • At I: 2 Novice Alembics, 1 Novice Mortar & Pestle, and 4 Novice Retorts

Doors and Gates:


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map

Zone 2: Dust Sumps of Fieldhouse[edit]

Dust Sumps of Fieldhouse

This zone is huge and parts of it can be confusing, so keep an eye on the map and make sure you have visited all tunnels and rooms. Upon arriving from Fieldhouse Cave through door C or D, notice that the southwestern door at F provides quick and easy access to the third zone, Black Balconies of Fieldhouse. For complete exploration, head east and choose the southwestern path when you reach the fork, as it will save you from having to retread your steps later on. The tunnel leads to a honeycomb area of multiple tunnels with a minor loot chest and up to two enemies, but keep moving towards the east and you will eventually reach a large room with a locked chest, an enemy and paths leading north and south.

Take a detour north, defeat the nearby enemy and claim the contents of the chest in the tunnel, then return to the room. Take the southeastern tunnel until you reach two tunnels in close vicinity, both leading west. A huge chamber with both upper and lower levels is ahead, and the tunnel to the right leads to the upper level, while the path to the left will lead you to the lower level. As the upper level contains absolutely nothing of interest, pick the latter path and proceed until you emerge in the large room. There are four enemies here, and unless you use sneak you may end up fighting all of them at once. There are two campsite areas to the north and south, the former also hosting a minor loot chest. Locate the tunnel heading west and follow it until you reach a small room that serves as another living area. Here you will find an enemy, a minor loot chest, shelves hosting alchemical equipment (H), a bedroll (b) and door G, which leads to Black Balconies of Fieldhouse.



  • 3 Chests 01 (1 locked)
  • 2 Chests 02 (1 locked)
  • 1 Chest 04
  • The following alchemy equipment will always be found: 2 Novice Alembics, 2 Novice Calcinators, and 4 Novice Retorts
  • The following books will always be found: 1 Mysticism
  • The following plants will always be found: 16 Cairn Bolete plants and 18 Wisp Stalk plants
  • Some of the above items are clustered at location H: 1 Mysticism, 1 Novice Alembic, 2 Novice Calcinators, and 4 Novice Retorts


Doors and Gates:


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map

Zone 3: Black Balconies of Fieldhouse[edit]

Black Balconies of Fieldhouse

This third zone contains quite a bit of important treasure and is definitely worth exploring. There are multiple entrances from both the first and second zones and, depending on your previous choices, you will arrive to the Black Balconies from either Fieldhouse Cave (door E) or from two possible entrances from Dust Sumps of Fieldhouse (door F or G). If you entered from the latter, you will immediately be faced with an enemy.

The main part of this zone is a large southeastern room, which is divided into two levels. If you enter from door G you will end up on the lower level, while door F opens onto the top level. The lower level hosts no treasure, so if you emerge there simply make you way west, battling past two enemies, until you reach the northwestern corner. From here you can head up a tunnel to the north to the upper level. Along the way is a small room hosting chest containing a rare copy of The Seed and a hefty amount of gold. Once on the upper level, use the fallen tree trunks to move between ledges and head for the southwstern corner, where a boss-leveled Conjurer at A guards the boss chest at B.

Next jump back down and take the tunnel leading west out from the lower level of the room, looting a chest along the way. The first room you enter has two enemies and a door on its southern wall; just beyond it a small room with a minor loot chest and the Hand to Hand skill book Way of the Exposed Palm hidden under a Cairn Bolete plant. Press on and avoid the small room to the south, which only contains a large amount of bones and an enemy, and press on to the north towards door E, which leads you right back to the first zone. Along the way you'll encounter two more enemies and one minor loot chest.


  • 1 boss-level Conjurer at location A on map
  • 10 Conjurer Enemies (each 50% probability Conjurer, 50% Daedra)


Doors and Gates: