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< Skyrim: Items / Mining / Smithing(Redirected from Skyrim:Iron Ingot)
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Iron Ingot
An Iron Ore Vein

Iron weapons and heavy armor are commonplace, low-quality items, crafted out of iron ingots, which can be mined at any of hundreds of ore veins scattered across Skyrim.


Name ID Weight Value
SR-icon-ore-Iron Ore.png Iron Ore 00071cf3 1 2
SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron Ingot 0005ace4 1 7
  • 3 Iron Ores are obtained by mining Iron Ore Veins. Can be purchased at all levels.
  • 1 Iron Ingot is obtained by smelting 1 Iron Ore (this is the only case where only one ore is required to make an ingot). Can be purchased at all levels.
  • 1 Steel Ingot is obtained by smelting 1 Iron Ore and 1 Corundum Ore.
  • Iron Smithing is available from the start of the game, without any Smithing perks.
  • Iron Armor is level 1 Heavy Armor, made from Iron Ingots and Leather Strips.
  • Iron weapons are level 1 weapons, made from Iron Ingots and Leather Strips.

Mineral Sources[edit]

In addition to the following guaranteed sources, the best random locations are:

  • Iron Ingots are always sold by all blacksmith merchants, at all levels.
  • Iron Ingots may be sold by general goods merchants at all levels.
  • Iron Ore may be sold by blacksmiths and general goods merchants at all levels.

There are a total of 668 veins, 81 ores, and 275 ingots available in the game. Individual iron ore vein outcroppings are found scattered everywhere across Skyrim. Only particularly notable locations are included in the following list, including places where large amount of the metal may be found and places that are particularly easy to access. The Iron Veins category contains a more complete list of places containing smaller numbers of veins.

All exterior ore veins are shown on (map). Note, however, that only 50 veins are shown on the map at one time; to see the next set of 50 veins, click on "Next" at the bottom of the list of results. Given the high density of iron veins on the map, a more efficient way to find veins near your current location is to not use the search feature, but instead simply zoom in at your current location on the map. Veins are shown at either of the two highest zoom levels.

Region Location Veins Ores Ingots Details (see place pages for full information)
Whiterun Hold Halted Stream Camp 16 4
Haafingar Solitude Blacksmith 5 27 3 Ores and 4 Ingots are outside the building; the others are all inside.
Winterhold Fort Fellhammer 10 10
Falkreath Hold Embershard Mine 8 2 2
The Rift Treva's Watch 1 3 18
Hjaalmarch Sorli's House 4 19
Haafingar East Empire Company Warehouse 3 15 In the hold of the Red Wave.
Falkreath Hold Knifepoint Ridge 6 3
The Rift The Scorched Hammer 2 15
The Pale Forsaken Cave 11
Haafingar Haafingar Stormcloak Camp 10
The Pale Nightgate Inn 10
Hjaalmarch Stonehills 10
The Pale Iron-Breaker Mine 6 1
Haafingar Jala's House 9
The Reach Blind Cliff Cave 6
Eastmarch Gloombound Mine 6
Haafingar Solitude Lighthouse 1 8
Haafingar Proudspire Manor 8
The Reach Left Hand Mine 5
The Rift Forelhost 5 5
The Reach Nchuand-Zel 4
Hjaalmarch Rockwallow Mine 4
Haafingar Evette San's House 5
Whiterun Hold Riverwood 5 At Alvor's work area.
Eastmarch Lost Knife Hideout 3
The Rift Northwind Mine 3 On PC With the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, these will all be changed to ebony, swapped with Redbelly Mine.
Winterhold Whistling Mine 2 3
The Reach Understone Keep 4 1 At Moth gro-Bagol's work area.

Iron Smithing[edit]

Iron items appear in leveled lists from the start of the game, and can be forged without the need to unlock any Smithing perks. This also means that only normal-level tempering of iron items is possible (there is no perk that provides the ability to "improve them twice as much").

Iron Armor[edit]

Iron Armor is the lowest-quality heavy armor in the game. All items can be tempered using 1 Iron Ingot.

The Fearsome Fists Creation adds the Brawler's iron gauntlets, a new gauntlet variant. The base pair can be crafted and differ only in appearance, while a pair with a 10 point Fortify Unarmed enchantment can be bought from vendors.

A male Nord wearing iron armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-IronArmor(m).pngSR-icon-armor-IronArmor(f).png Iron Armor
30 125 25 5 3 24.7 81 5.66 2.84
SR-icon-armor-IronBoots.png Iron Boots
6 25 10 3 2 2.8 -2 1.88 0.93
SR-icon-armor-IronGauntlets.png Iron Gauntlets
5 25 10 2 2 2.8 5 2.27 1.25
SR-icon-armor-Brawler's Iron Gauntlets.png Brawler's Iron GauntletsCC
5 25 10 2 2 2.8 5 2.27 1.25
SR-icon-armor-IronHelmet.png Iron Helmet
5 60 15 3 2 1.8 33 1.56 2.22
SR-icon-armor-IronShield.png Iron Shield
12 60 20 4 1 7.9 29 2.93 1.94
Totals (with shield): 58 295 80 17 10
Totals (without shield): 46 235 60 13 9
Appears only with Alternative Armors - Iron

Iron Plate ArmorCC[edit]

Iron Plate Armor is a variant set added by the Alternative Armors - Iron creation. A full enchanted set can be recovered through the quest Brothers in IronsCC, while unenchanted pieces can be crafted and also appear in random loot.

Each piece has a slightly higher armor rating and higher value than regular iron. Only the cuirass weighs slightly more.

A female Imperial wearing iron plate armor with a banded iron shield
Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-Iron Plate Armor.png Iron Plate Armor
31 150 27 5 3 25.7 106 5.85 3.41
SR-icon-armor-Iron Plate Boots.png Iron Plate Boots
6 35 11 3 2 2.8 8 1.88 1.3
SR-icon-armor-Iron Plate Gauntlets.png Iron Plate Gauntlets
5 35 11 2 2 2.8 15 2.27 1.75
SR-icon-armor-Iron Plate Helmet.png Iron Plate Helmet
5 75 16 3 2 1.8 48 1.56 2.78
Totals (with iron shield): 59 355 85 17 10
Totals: 47 295 65 13 9

Banded Iron Armor[edit]

Banded Iron Armor is marginally better quality heavy armor than standard Iron Armor. One drawback of Banded Iron armor is that only a cuirass and shield are available, meaning that it is impossible to create a Matching Set of Banded Iron armor (Patch 1.9 later addressed this bug). Both items can be tempered using 1 Corundum Ingot.

A male Nord wearing banded iron armor
Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Corundum Ingot.png Corundum SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-armor-BandedIronArmor(m).pngSR-icon-armor-BandedIronArmor(f).png Banded Iron Armor
35 200 28 1 5 3 28.7 116 5.56 2.38
SR-icon-armor-BandedIronShield.png Banded Iron Shield
12 100 22 1 4 1 6.9 29 2.35 1.41

Iron Weapons[edit]

Iron weapons are the lowest-quality weapons in the game, and appear in leveled lists from the start of the game. All items except ammunition can be tempered using 1 Iron Ingot. Arrows can only be smithed if the Dawnguard add-on has been installed. Bolts are only available with the Rare Curios creation installed.

There is no "Iron Bow", only Iron Arrows. The bow found at similar levels is the Long Bow, which cannot be crafted but can be improved with firewood.

Name (ID) Weight Value Damage Crit.
Speed Reach Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips Weight Value Weight Value
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger.png Iron Dagger
2 10 4 2 1.3 0.7 1 1 0.9 0 1.82 1.00
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Sword.png Iron Sword
9 25 7 3 1 1 2 1 6.9 8 4.29 1.47
SR-icon-weapon-Iron War Axe.png Iron War Axe
11 30 8 4 0.9 1 2 2 8.8 10 5.00 1.50
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Mace.png Iron Mace
13 35 9 4 0.8 1 3 2 9.8 8 4.06 1.30
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Greatsword.png Iron Greatsword
16 50 15 7 0.7 1.3 4 2 11.8 16 3.81 1.47
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Battleaxe.png Iron Battleaxe
20 55 16 7 0.7 1.3 4 2 15.8 21 4.76 1.62
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Warhammer.png Iron Warhammer
24 60 18 9 0.6 1.3 4 3 19.7 23 5.58 1.62
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Arrows.png Iron Arrow
0 1 8 N/A 1 Iron + 1 Firewood =
24 Iron ArrowsDG
-6 12 0.00 2.00
SR-icon-weapon-Iron Bolt.png Iron BoltCC
0 1 8 N/A 1 Iron + 1 Firewood =
Makes 10 bolts
(?) (?) (?) (?)
This item can only be crafted by siding with the Dawnguard.
