Online:Quartermaster Oblan
"Maybe your marines can prove they're more than two-legged cargo in shiny armor." -- Oblan on Dominion Marines
Quartermaster Oblan | |||
Location | Shattered Shoals, Cat's Eye Quay, Grahtwood | ||
Ship | The Prowler | ||
Race | Khajiit | Gender | Male |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Aldmeri Dominion |
Quartermaster Oblan is a Khajiit quartermaster of The Prowler, a ship in Khenarthi's Roost. His family is apparently full of smugglers.
Related Quests[edit]
Cast Adrift: Search for survivors in the Shattered Shoals.
Unsafe Haven: Reclaim Haven from pirates.
- A Little on the Side: Recover the goods needed for the inn's "side business".
A Storm Upon the Shore: Drive the Sea Vipers out of Seaside Sanctuary.
Pelidil's End: Defeat a leader of the Veiled Heritance on the high seas.
- The Missing Prowler
: Help a Dominion smuggler recover her ship from Maormer pirates.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
Cast Adrift[edit]
You approach him to ask for help for Sergeant Firion's squad. He isn't exactly eager to help.
- "You aren't a slick-arsed Sea Viper or a cabbage-mouthed castaway. State your business with the crew of the Prowler."
- "What luck! The Prowler was untouched by the hurricane. Then, as we sailed past these shoals, a storm came out of nowhere and beached us!
Wait, what are you doing here?" - A Dominion marine was killed in a nearby cave.
- "The hurricane killed hundreds of marines. Why does it matter if one of them died in a cave?"
- He was murdered in some kind of ritual. His squad needs reinforcements.
- "Oh. Well, the Prowler is like a hen in a wolf den until she's seaworthy again.
Maybe your marines can prove they're more than two-legged cargo in shiny armor. If they pitch in, I'll consider reinforcements. They up for it, or are they all talk?"
If some of the marines did not receive their glow juice:
- Some are injured, but I'm sure they'll help where they can.
- "Stubbed their toes, eh? Never understand why they fight in sandals.
Until the leaks are patched, our hold will take on water. Oh, and our helmsman's wheel cracked in the storm. Locate a replacement in the wreckage and I'll have a sailor pick it up." - I'll see if they can find the helmsman's wheel and patch the ship.
If you healed every marine successfully:
- I'm sure they'll help where they can.
- "And I'm sure they'll be as useful as they were in the hurricane.
Should they care to prove otherwise, they're welcome to do actual work patching leaks in the Prowler's hold. Maybe they can locate a replacement helmsman's wheel in all this wreckage." - I'll see if they can find the helmsman's wheel and patch the ship.
In both cases, he'll finish with:
- "Oh, and our sun-sighter!
It must have fallen overboard when we beached. Our lookout saw those skink-fingered pirates make off with it. You'll have to get the sun-sighter back, any way you can." - I have a few questions.
- "Sure, talking's easier than working.
Well? Ask."- Who are the Sea Vipers?
- "Barnacles on the arse. They're all Sea Elves—"Maormer," they call themselves. Nothing more than pirates, if you ask me.
Some say they have a connection to the water itself, but it's a lie. Anyone can learn weather magic like they do."
- "Barnacles on the arse. They're all Sea Elves—"Maormer," they call themselves. Nothing more than pirates, if you ask me.
- What's a sun-sighter?
- "Captain Jimila uses it to navigate. I could tell you how the sun and stars show the ship's exact position, but none of it matters while it's in the Sea Vipers' hands."
- Tell me about the Prowler.'
- "The pride of the Long Coast. We'll sail for the Dominion as long as they pay us to raid enemy shipping."
- Are you pirates?
- Who is in charge of the Prowler?
- "Captain Jimila took over the Prowler a few years ago. She's smart, cunning, and deadly dangerous when provoked.
She's also luckier than anyone I served. Every ship in the fleet smashed to flinders on Khenarthi's Roost. Every ship but the Prowler."
- "Captain Jimila took over the Prowler a few years ago. She's smart, cunning, and deadly dangerous when provoked.
- Who are the Sea Vipers?
Speaking to him again before recovering the items:
- "The sooner the Prowler's repaired, the sooner we get out of these musk-damned shoals."
Once you have recovered the required items, either by yourself or with assistance from the squad, he will allow the squad aboard.
- "That was fast. All right, there's room on the Prowler for your marine friends, as long as they work for their meals."
- You promised reinforcements.
- "I said I'd consider it. Captain Jimila is the only one who can make that call."
- Then what does your captain say?
- "Something you'll want to hear. You just made the Prowler seaworthy, and Captain Jimila always pays her debts.
Go, talk to her. She only bites if you give her good reason."
Speaking to him again:
- "Captain Jimila has time for you. I don't."
After speaking to Captain Jimila and before you hear out Mastengwe:
- "The Prowler's down two sailors because of those fish-Elves.
Would've been three, if it weren't for Mastengwe's nimble feet. She can climb rigging like she's running to the top."
After you have heard Mastengwe's story:
- "The Sea Vipers are prowling around the beach, stealing our supplies. Do you know how hard we worked to liberate those crates from Covenant sloops?
Stinking fish-Elves."
When you return from stopping the storm ritual, Oblan will admit the Broadhead Marines can pull their weight.
- "Your marine friends helped with repairs and protected our sailors from a Sea Viper ambush. Don't know their thoughts on privateers, but I wouldn't turn them away if they decide to sign on."
After you have spoken with the Captain, he will be more optimistic:
- "Thanks to you, we'll be able to float the Prowler off this beach at the next high tide."
The Tempest Unleashed[edit]
After you have stopped the Maormer's blood ritual, he will be beside Captain Jimila on the shore at Cat's Eye Quay. If spoken Oblan will have a cynical outlook on the new alliance.
- "Khenarthi's Roost seems happy to join the Dominion now, but it won't last. I give it less than a year til [sic] they forget what happened here."
Unsafe Haven[edit]
After arriving in Haven on board the Prowler with Captain Jimila, you'll hear the quartermaster barking out notices and commands:
- Quartermaster Oblan : "All clear, captain! No more of them aft!"
- Quartermaster Oblan : "No enemies in range, captain, but we're taking on water!"
- Quartermaster Oblan : "Prowler's clear, captain, but we need to lay up!"
- Quartermaster Oblan : "She's taking on water, captain! Crew to the pumps!"
- Quartermaster Oblan : "Deck's clear, captain. There's still fighting in the hold!"
Speak to him and he'll say:
- "Looks like we won't be putting into Haven anytime soon. I don't know how we're going to keep our schedule."
After accepting the quest he'll say:
- "Good thing the captain spotted pirates on our approach. If she hadn't turned us when she did, we'd be decorating the bottom of the bay."
A Little on the Side[edit]
Speaking to him before the quest:
- "Ah, a friendly face … but now isn't the time for idle chatting. I've got a little business to take care of. Can I see you later, perhaps at the inn?"
Khezuli asks you to deliver something to her contact, who turns out to be the quartermaster.
If you met him before:
- "Oh, hello. Guess I should've expected to see you around. Not that it isn't good to see you, but ….
Why are you here, exactly?"
Otherwise, if this is your first time meeting him:
- "Oh, hello. Who might you be? You have a familiar air about you, but I cannot place the face."
- I have something for you.
- "Well, you're full of surprises! You weren't followed here, were you?
No, no, never mind, I'm sure everything's fine. Thank you for delivering this! Good for the crew's morale."
After you complete the delivery.
- "Well, I'd best get back to the Prowler. I expect the Captain Jimila will want all hands on deck.
Needn't bother her with this business, right? Right, right."
Speaking to him after the Jackdaws are routed:
- "Pirates routed, delivery made, and you of all people to do it! Strange times, my friend.
I think I'll stretch my legs before heading back to the Prowler. The rest of the crew can handle repairs, for once!"
He is the author of a note related to the quest.
A Storm Upon the Shore[edit]
Just outside Serpent's Grotto, you'll find the quartermaster with Major Cirenwe and a captive Maormer, Larnil:
- "Little Elf thought he could get away from Oblan. He was wrong."
Pelidil's End[edit]
After you defeat Vicereeve Pelidil and sail back to Seaside Sanctuary, Oblan will be back on the deck on the Prowler.
High Isle[edit]
The Missing Prowler[edit]
On the prison island of Amenos, you'll meet Jimila who's looking for the lost Oblan. Head out in search of the quartermaster.
If you choose to find Oblan using the smuggler's mark he left and when you reach the final mark:
- Captain Jimila: "Good another mark. We're on the right…wait. Do you hear that?"
- <Oblan is shouting in the distance>
- Quartermaster Oblan: "I will scratch out your eyeballs! Let me down!"
Suspended from some timbers is Oblan dangling by his feet:
- Quartermaster Oblan: "Someone… please help me!"
Speaking to him while he's in a predicament:
- "This is very embarrassing."
- Jimila said you probably found trouble.
- "I'm sure it's painfully obvious at this point that you've found me in this predicament. Perhaps you could help me out of it?"
- You're pretty high up there.
- "Where is that Breton? He said he'd be right back!"
- Which Breton?
With that line, you are introduced to Adwig Racicot, Oblans captor. In order to get Oblan out of his predicament, you'll need to talk to Adwig:
- "Could you please talk with that Breton and bargain for my release?"
After agreeing to help Adwig, you can try to speak to Oblan again:
- "You should get a move on."
- How did you get yourself in this situation?
- "Look, this is embarrassing enough as it is. Perhaps if you can help get me down by completing the Breton's task, I'll tell you all about it."
Speaking to him if you persuaded Adwig to skip out on the supply run and just find his pack:
- "Please hurry, all the blood in my body is now in my head. I feel like I'm going to pop."
Return and Oblan will be on his feet again, sort of:
- "I never thought that madman was going to let me down. I'm still recovering from all of the blood in my body rushing to my head!"
Later, Jimila will have a plan to get the Prowler back by exploding the sea elve's flagship:
- "This plan is crazy. Like, Skooma Cat crazy.
Why do we never have anything good to drink when Captain Jimila makes us do things like this?" - You really think it's that crazy?
- "Well, Jimila and I have been through a lot and she's never steered me wrong. We may have our differences now and again but I trust her with my life.
And if she trusts you, I trust you. You're trustworthy, right?" - Don't worry. Do you remember your job?
- "Yes. You're going to lead me to the overlook above the cove so I can get a gull's eye view of the Sea Elves' ship. Once you plant the kindlepitch and give me the signal, I'll loose a fiery arrow onto the deck.
Then … boom!" - Right. Let's head to the overlook.
As you make your way, he'll comment:
- Quartermaster Oblan: "Jimila wants me to loose the arrow …. Me! I couldn't spear a whale if it landed on the quarterdeck! It will be fine, though. Yes. Totally fine."
- Quartermaster Oblan: "I cannot wait to get back out to sea. We've been on land far too long!"
Reach the overlook and he'll take his leave:
- Quartermaster Oblan: "We part company here, I think. I'll get into position and await your signal. Good luck!"
Make your way onto the boat and place the pitch:
- Quartermaster Oblan: "Ho, there! Are we ready to light it up?"
Signal him with your whistle:
- Quartermaster Oblan: "One distraction coming right up!"
- <He shoots the fire arrow, which will start a chain of explosions on the ship>
- Quartermaster Oblan: "Now hurry up and get to the Prowler! I'll meet you and the others there!"
Take care of the flagship and return to shore where Jimila will be standing among several dead sea elves:
- Captain Jimila: "Sure, now everyone arrives. After I've already taken out the pirates. Typical."
- Quartermaster Oblan: "Did you see that shot? A thing of beauty, that's what it was!"
- Adwig Racicot: "Wait till the lads hear about this! Ho ho!"
- Captain Jimila: "Yes, yes, we're all very happy. We'll have time to celebrate after we weigh anchor. Unlock the wheel, my friend, and let's get out of here!"
Once aboard, he'll only say:
- "We should get a move on before these pirates realize what's going on."
Free the Prowler and he'll add:
- Quartermaster Oblan: "Ha! Fine sailing, my friend! First rate!"
Speaking to him:
- "The way you handled those pirates was impressive … but the way I handled the bow? That was masterful!"
After the quest, he'll say:
- "Thanks again. For everything. Especially the bit about not leaving me hanging upside down in a moony Breton's trap."
- Are you going to stay out of trouble?
- "I'm sure the captain would appreciate that, but it's not really my forte. Trouble seems to find me, so I imagine I won't be able to avoid it."
Khenarthi's Roost[edit]
If he is spoken to before you have started helping the Broadhead Marine squad, he will be more concerned with other matters.
- "Cabbage, salted pork, rum … dear gods, the Prowler will smell like a flux-riddled mammoth if we can't improve her stores."
Vulkhel Guard[edit]
When you arrive in Vulkhel Guard, he will be annoyed by the delays.
- "Looks like we won't be putting into Haven anytime soon. I don't know how we're going to keep our schedule."
Later you can find him on the beach west of Haven:
- "Ah, a friendly face … but now isn't the time for idle chatting. I've got a little business to take care of. Can I see you later, perhaps at the inn?"