Online:Gloria Fausta
Gloria Fausta | |||
Location | Aldcroft, Camlorn, Lion Guard Redoubt, Shinji's Scarp, Wayrest | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly |
Gloria Fausta is an Imperial werewolf hunter. She is first encountered in Aldcroft, looking to deal with the werewolf situation that has arisen. She is also seeing to the safety of Duke Sebastien. Gloria has a personal stake in this matter, as she is a living descendant of Faolchu and aims to remove this shame from her family line. Depending on the decisions made, she can be seen again later in Glenumbra and Stormhaven.
Related Quests[edit]
A Duke in Exile: Help find a kidnapped duke.
Wolves in the Fold: Investigate the Camlorn refugees for any signs of Faolchu's agents.
Lineage of Tooth and Claw: Discover how Faolchu was summoned back from the dead.
The Glenumbra Moors: Head to the ancient battleground at Glenumbra Moors.
Rally Cry: Help the Lion Guard reach the city of Camlorn.
A Lingering Hope: Help the Lion Guard get inside the city of Camlorn.
The Fall of Faolchu: Confront Faolchu the Reborn and retake the city of Camlorn.
The Labyrinth: Find a safe place within the labyrinth of crypts at Cath Bedraud.
Angof the Gravesinger: Stop Angof the Gravesinger's necromantic plan to conquer Glenumbra.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
A Duke in Exile[edit]
After rescuing the Duke, he'll mention a "mysterious woman" who he feels you should rescue too. Enter the Ransacked House near the lighthouse, and you'll find her, bound and feisty.
- "My executioner? You couldn't lift the axe, let alone deal with all the blood."
- Save your insults for the Bloodthorn. I'm here to free you.
- "Splendid. Cut me loose. We'll kill these Bloodthorn dogs and then go after Faolchu and his werewolves."
- Duke Sebastien will want to talk to you first.
- "Sebastien? We don't have time for … oh, very well. We'll talk to the Duke.
Let's go, then. No time to waste."
- "Sebastien? We don't have time for … oh, very well. We'll talk to the Duke.
- What kind of threat do you pose to Faolchu?
- "Let's just say I have some inside knowledge that can help us put an end to the mangy dog.
Now get me out of these ropes."
- "Let's just say I have some inside knowledge that can help us put an end to the mangy dog.
- Hold still and I'll cut you loose.
If you have already saved Camlorn, the dialogue will be slightly different:
- "My executioner? You couldn't lift the axe, let alone deal with all the blood."
- Save your insults for the Bloodthorns. I'm here to rescue you
- "Splendid! Cut me loose! You may think you defeated Faolchu, but his influence spreads like wildfire.
Something's not right in Aldcroft." - Duke Sebastien will want to talk to you.
- "Sebastien? I have no time for…oh, very well. We'll talk to the Duke. But every moment we delay allows the threat to grow stronger."
- Hold still and I'll cut you loose.
Release her and she'll head out the door saying:
- Gloria Fausta: "My thanks, friend. That was too close for comfort. I'll meet you in Aldcroft."
Inside the Duke's Temporary Command, if you speak to her before speaking to the Duke, she'll say:
- "Thanks again for your help with the Bloodthorn. It was careless of me to get captured.
Now, shall we straighten out this gloomy town of Aldcroft?" - You seem to know a lot about werewolves.
- "What of it? Don't you have some werewolves to go find?"
- I'm interested in your story. I did save your life.
- "Fair enough. All right, here's the dark truth. I'm related to Faolchu. He's my ancestor. Every day, my family and I live with the shame of the horrors he inflicted on the world. And now he's back.
So I hunt werewolves—and I kill them."
Wolves in the Fold[edit]
If you have already spoken to the Duke, she'll say:
- "I know why you're here, but where I got that amulet is a discussion for another time.
Just be careful. The werewolves won't appreciate having their secrets revealed." - How does the amulet work?
You can ask her more about Hircine:
- "I'm no expert, but Hircine is the Daedric Prince of manbeasts. The amulet bears the Call of Hircine.
Werewolves can't resist its call—it forces them to reveal their true nature. Pretty useful, right?" - The Call of Hircine?
- "Don't you know anything? Hircine! The creator and guardian of all were-creatures?
Hircine's Call … well, it calls to their true nature. Reveals them for the beasts they really are."
- "I'm no expert, but Hircine is the Daedric Prince of manbeasts. The amulet bears the Call of Hircine.
Speak to her after revealing werewolves among the Camlorn Refugees and she'll tell you:
- "They were hiding here among us, weren't they? I thought as much.
I hate missing out on killing werewolves, but I had, well, something else I had to keep an eye on."
Lineage of Tooth and Claw[edit]
After speaking to the duke, you can speak to Gloria about the ritual she's going to perform to capture a live werewolf:
- "As soon as you catch a werewolf, meet me in the cave across the bay.
I hate to miss the fun of the hunt, but I have to prepare the cave for our reluctant guest." - Tell me about the ritual you're going to perform.
She will not joke about being related to Faolchu:
- "Faolchu died a long, long time ago. He was summoned back from the dead. I want to find out who to blame for that. You can read the history of a werewolf's sire from the blood of his offspring.
That's why we need to capture a werewolf." - Aren't you Faolchu's offspring?
- "If that was a joke, I don't think it was very funny.
Go capture me a werewolf. I've got things to do."
After you've captured a werewolf, meet Fausta in the cave north of Aldcroft:
- "You caught one. Good. Let's get him into the circle."
- All right. What do we do?
- "I'll create a link between the three of us. We'll be able to see into the werewolf's past. And, hopefully, into Faolchu's past as well. The connection between offspring and sire is strong."
Witness the vision and return to her:
- "So it was Angof. I thought I smelled the stench of true evil."
- Faolchu and Angof working together? What do you think it all means?
If Angof the Gravesinger is still at large:
- "You saw what I saw. In order to stop Faolchu for good, we need to put an end to Angof. A tall order, but it's not impossible.
Wait … the werewolf apparently has something to say."
Otherwise if you already stopped Angof the Gravesinger at Cath Bedraud:
- "You saw what I saw . Faolchu answered to Angof. But at least you took care of the Gravesinger.
Wait…the werewolf apparently has something to say."
After the werewolf informs you the Duke has been infected with lycanthropy, she'll say:
- "The Duke was infected? I was afraid of that, but I hoped I was wrong.
I've been keeping an eye on him in case … the change came over him." - We have to do something.
- "Faolchu has been ahead of me every step of the way. This failure falls on my head. But we can resolve this here and now.
I need to die and you need to take my blood." - What?
- "We're wasting time! I need to die so you can take my blood.
If administered in time, the blood of the master can cure his spawn. You know I'm Faolchu's descendent [sic]. If the Duke drinks my blood, he'll be cured of the curse."
- "This poison will kill me quickly without contaminating my blood. Swear to me you'll finish what we started. Save the Duke and restore my family's honor.
And may the Eight watch over you."
- "This poison will kill me quickly without contaminating my blood. Swear to me you'll finish what we started. Save the Duke and restore my family's honor.
- "Damn it! I hope your noble attitude doesn't get everyone else killed!
All right. I guess I'll stay alive long enough to see this through. Let's go before it's too late. I'll meet you in Aldcroft."
- "Damn it! I hope your noble attitude doesn't get everyone else killed!
If you let Gloria take the poison, she'll immediately die.
If you convinced Gloria to live, you'll find her with Duke Sebastien outside his residence:
- "Looks like we're in time. The Duke hasn't transformed yet, but he's very close.
If you're sure about this, you'd better act now."
If you let the Duke say goodbye to his family, follow him into the house and the duke will have already transformed and murdered his wife and daughter:
- "By the Eight! He killed them. Get in there and destroy the Duke. I'll make sure he doesn't get past you. Go!"
Return to Gloria:
- "He killed them, didn't he? By Stendarr, that's one more score we need to settle with Faolchu.
It's my fault. I should have acted sooner. I shouldn't have waited for proof that the Duke had been cursed." - You didn't know for certain. You didn't want to kill an innocent man.
- "Small comfort that is. Chamberlain Weller and I will burn the Duke's body. In secret, of course. No one needs to know what happened here.
This was bad business. Let's bring it to an end."
If you tell Gloria to capture him immediately, she'll say:
- "That was unexpected. Why did you change your mind?"
- We can't kill the Duke. Camlorn needs him.
- "You really are an old softy. Well, I've got him. I think. Normally, I'd never keep a werewolf as a pet.
But in this case, perhaps you're right. If we can cure the Duke, that would certainly be better than killing him."
The Glenumbra Moors[edit]
If you choose not to pick up the quest, she will say:
- "This isn't over yet."
If you took down the Duke after he murdered his family, she'll say:
- "So the Duke of Camlorn is dead.
Restoring his city won't be easy now."
After the quest, if you spared the Duke:
- "I'm sure Faolchu would call mercy a weakness. But I think it shows strength of character.
We're going to need such strength in the days ahead."
Speaking to her:
- Is there anything more that we can do for Camlorn?
- "Faolchu's already been brought back to life once. We need to make sure that can't happen again."
- How do we prevent that?
- "The Duke had Mages Guild researchers working on that problem. They're trying to find out how Faolchu originally died.
If you want to help, they're at Glenumbra Moors. The battle site where Faolchu died the first time." - I'm on my way.
Rally Cry[edit]
Going forward if Gloria was kept alive at the end of Lineage of Tooth and Claw, she can be encountered throughout Glenumbra.
Prior to starting Rally Cry, you'll find her at the palisades:
- "Camlorn was a great city before Faolchu dug his claws into it. Just look what he's done."
After talking to General Gautier, she'll add:
- "I'd love to join you on the attack, but these troops are green. Most of them have never fought a werewolf, so I'll need to stick with them to show them how.
But kill a few for me."
Clear the palisades and she'll be at the city gates:
- "These werewolves were much tougher than the ones near Aldcroft. Nice work getting us in.
If you're trying to impress me, you're doing a good job. Keep it up and maybe we'll talk later."
After getting orders from the general, she'll keep you on your task:
- "Get into that tower and lock that gate. We'll be right behind you."
Unlock the gate and she'll move to the courtyard:
- "You see what's happened to Camlorn?
If not for you, that would have been the fate of Aldcroft."
A Lingering Hope[edit]
When A Lingering Hope is started, Gloria has her own opinion on the situation.
- "I hate to say it, but the General's right. We need to find Darien.
Mara protects fools and drunkards, so I'm sure he's still alive." - Do you know Darien?
- "Darien? Know him? Not really. Well ….
Oh, all right! I know him. Darien and I were once … that is … I've spent some time with him. Before. In the past. Way, way past. If you see him … oh, never mind. What's that look for?"
The Fall of Faolchu[edit]
After Faolchu is killed and Camlorn is retaken, Gloria will be inside the city near a water fountain watching Darien consoling Germonde Penot:
- "Ha! Now you're just showing off.
But I'm glad to see you alive and well. Darien, too. Tamriel would be a poorer place without the two of you in it." - Where do you think Angof is hiding?
- "That's a problem for another day. Let's enjoy this victory.
You won here. Savor that while you can."
Lion Guard Redoubt[edit]
When you arrive at the Lion Guard Redoubt, Gloria is also there.
- "Saving the day again, eh? Can't say I'm surprised.
But I'm not about to let you have all the glory. There ought to be enough here for both of us."
She will move on from the camp after you completed Mists of Corruption.
The Labyrinth[edit]
After you placed the binding stone in Cath Bedraud, you will find out that Gloria is one of the soldiers that volunteered to enter the Cath Bedraud catacombs. She will be with Darien, Sir Lanis Shaldon and a couple of Knights of the Dragon. She will be checking up on a wounded knight:
- "This poor soul doesn't have much time. His blood, it's boiling.
That bite must have infected him. Even Faolchu wasn't capable of this."
After the quest:
- "Always saving the day, aren't you? Heh. I can't say I'm surprised to see you here. In fact, I'm glad to see you!
In any case, I wasn't going to let you have all the fun. I'm happy to take on anything that won't lie down and die like it should."
Angof the Gravesinger[edit]
Once Angof the Gravesinger is killed, Gloria can be found back at the Redoubt:
- "I wish I'd been there when you killed Angof. I had to get the others back to safety. I think they'll all recover.
But I must … well, congratulations. You really are something."
If you spoke to Sir Lanis but haven't turned in the quest, she will say:
- "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you killed Angof. I needed to get the others back here safety. I think they'll recover. Now if only Darien would stop distracting me with his chatter.
Anyway, you really are something."
Gloria has a final farewell once Angof the Gravesinger is completed.
- "Maybe I'll go back out on the road. Darien and I used to get ourselves into a lot of trouble. I've sort of missed it."
Shinji's Scarp[edit]
Gloria can be encountered alongside Darien Gautier at the Murtag Clan Camp in Shinji's Scarp.
- "Well if it isn't the hero of Camlorn."
- Hail Gloria Fausta, how goes the monster hunting business?
- "Hah! I've more or less given it up unless you count chasing after Darien when he goes on a tear."
- Are you two … together now?
- "What? No! No.
What would give you that idea? Darien's about as faithful as a bred stud, only he doesn't have the looks." - I see.
- "That's right, you see. Darien needs a babysitter more than a wife. I have no desire to embrace him in either way.
Still, every day is a new adventure."
- Even if Gloria dies at the end of Lineage of Tooth and Claw she will sometimes appear alive and well in Wayrest alongside Duke Sebastian with no explanation.
- If you completed The Fall of Faolchu before meeting Gloria. She will acknowledge the defeat of Faolchu, however if you ask her about her knowledge of werewolves, she will still treat Faolchu is back.
- If you never started A Duke in Exile, you can find Gloria at the palisades near Camlorn.