Online:Cut Content/Main Quest

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The Main Quest went through some changes during initial development. The original version of the main quest involved re-assembling the Staff of Chaos. A large amount of documentation is found at the Imperial Library.

Some visited locations included Balfiera (map), Lake Canulus Refuge (map), and the Vaults of Genim (map).

Main Quest v1[edit]

"Of course! And because of your actions here, they will never find the magic weapon Chancellor Tharn wants.
That's good news for the Covenant—and possibly for all of Tamriel. Why, we're heroes! Heh heh."

The Staff of Towers[edit]

"There are many objects of Divine origin scattered throughout Tamriel with which one might recharge something as powerful as the Amulet of Kings. The difficulty is determining which is the safest and most logical to utilize."
"<<1>> believes the energies of the Crystal Tower can be tapped by the Balac, and will partially return the staff to its former power. The anchor of the Crystal Tower is called Crystal-like-Law; its energies tie the tower to Nirn."
"You say you are willing. Then let your journey begin. The towers await, their stones laid within. The Balac will be drawn to them, as the light is drawn to the dawn."
"The power to restore the Balac lies within the Anchor Towers of Tamriel. Each tower is laid upon a singular stone, its essence and foundation, the connection to Nirn. Find the stones, one to each tower, and bolster the Balac upon their energies."
"Do not travel by land to the towers! It is out of the question. The Balac is too precious, and there are many dangers out in the world. Seek the Mages Guild I say, for they are allies still, and know much of the magics of teleportation."
"The Anchor Towers await - Adamantine, Crystal, Red Mountain. Through they alone can the Balac be restored. Ask now of each tower, and I will tell what I may know."
"Find first the Zero Stone, at the heart of Adamantine Tower. In the halls above and dungeons below Clan Direnni rules. They will despise your intrusion, and guard the Zero Stone ferociously. But you must find it, tap its power, tap its power."
"The Zero Stone will restore the staff. It was laid by the gods themselves, back before the dawn.It's so simple! And yet... I fear the journey will be anything but."
"Your friends in the Daggerfall Covenant would gladly send you to Balfiera Island. They always need more reinforcements for their war. Just ask for a battlemaster in one of your alliance cities."
"In the light of the scrolls, through the veil of permeation, I saw three steps to the end."
"First there is an island of war: the place called Balfiera. You must go there to begin."
"Second: the tower, the one called Adamantine. You must get inside. Through depths and darkness you go, downwards, never up."
"And last, the Zero Stone, the core and foundation. Place the staff upon the stone. Its eternal surface connects to Nirn, to recharge and renew."

Quest stages:

I am inside the Adamantine Tower. Now I must find a way to the Zero Stone and imbue the Balac with its power.
"Charge the Balac within the Adamantine Tower"
"Charge the Balac within the Crystal Tower"
"Charge the Balac within Red Mountain"
"Charge the Balac to the Zero Stone"
"Charge the Balac to Crystal-like-Law"

The Final Battle at Adamantine Tower[edit]

Abnur Tharn betrayed us. Lyris went after him, but …

"The what reveals the where. It is Balfiera Island a rock upon the Iliac Bay. The bickering factions of Tamrial vie for its control. An endless arena of war. The battlemasters of the Daggerfall Covenant will readily send you there to die."
"To Balfiera, the island of war - to Adamantine, the tower's depths - to the foundation the Zero Stone! Upon that timeless stone the staff must be charged."
"There is but one tower on that island - the one named Adamantine. Enter the tower,but go down, not up. In those ancient depths, in the dungeons far below, you will find the foundation - the Zero Stone. It alone can restore the Staff of Towers."
"And last— the Zero Stone— the core and foundation. Place the staff upon the stone. Its eternal surface connects to Nirn, to recharge and renew."
"I hear it! The Zero Stone echoes from within the staff. You have succeeded. We are one step closer to life, one step further from annihilation."

Quest stages:

The Prophet has opened a portal to Balfiera Isle and the Adamantine Tower. I will be bringing the Amulet of Kings with me.
I must descend into the depths below the tower and locate the Zero Stone, a massive source of Divine power from the Dawn Era.
Abnur Tharn is here, speaking to his Legion soldiers through a magical projection. I should have words with him.
There is a path leading down not far from here. Abnur Tharn's soldiers and Worm Cult agents stand between me and the Zero Stone.
I've entered into some kind of ancient Ayleid observatory built up around the tower spire. I need to find my way through.
I've reached the Seal of the Stars. I must determine the configuration of constellations that will allow me through.
The way is open. The Zero Stone awaits.
The last of Abnur Tharn's minions stand in my way, hoping to delay me while the Imperial gorges himself on the energy of the Zero Stone.
Abnur Tharn has turned Lyris Titanborn into an undying servant and has set her against me. I must defeat them both to get to the Zero Stone.
Lyris Titanborn is dead, and Abnur Tharn's own demise is little penance for his crime. It is time to empower the Amulet of Kings and find my way, unerringly, to my soul.
I am in some kind of vision. The Amulet is attuning itself to my soul's location.
I will now be able to find my way to wherever my soul is kept, no matter who possesses it. The Prophet has appeared in the flesh through one of his portals. I should speak with him.
The Prophet has asked me to set and light Lyris's funeral pyre.
Lyris has been laid to rest, and her spirit will find its way to the Nord afterlife in Sovngarde. I should finish my business with the Prophet so we can return to the Harborage and prepare for our final task.
I have entered a twisting descent into the world's heart. The only way forward is down.
I've safely returned to Gudrun's Retreat. I should speak to the Prophet and tell him what transpired beneath the Adamantine Tower.

The Vaults of Gemin[edit]

QUEST: The Exclusive Vaults of Gemin
  • Soldier of Gemin
  • Ranger of Gemin
  • Gemin
  • Corrupted Soldier of Gemin
  • The Exclusive Vaults of Gemin
  • The Vaults of Gemin
  • The Vaults of Gemin
  • The Vaults of Gemin
  • A Prize From The Vaults
  • You've saved us out here. Lord Gemin will be very happy to hear about this.
  • I have been given a large golden key and told that it opens one of the main vaults, from which I can select one of Gemin's treasures.
  • I have been given a silver key that unlocks matching treasure within the Vaults of Gemin.
  • I have been given a silver key that unlocks matching treasure within the Vaults of Gemin.
  • I have been given a silver key that unlocks matching treasure within the Vaults of Gemin.
  • I have been given an iron key that opens a wooden box, bound in bronze.

Reskard's men managed to close one of the portals from which the invaders are attacking. However, they were left weak and spread out and enemies overwhelmed them and cut them off from the main force. He wants me to clear out intruders in the garden.

  • Commander Viskel has enlisted my aid in driving back the invaders pouring from the portals and report back to Gemin if successful.
  • I have helped turn away the invaders and should speak with Gemin.

After clearing out the invaders in the garden, Captain Reskard asked me to report to Commander Viskel, who is holding off invaders by the main portal just beyond the gardens.

  • We must protect Master Gemin and his guests! Prepare yourselves!
  • They have broken through! Master Gemin, I am... sorry...
  • We can hold them here for now! Follow my rangers and help Captain Meladrek!
  • Captain Skaldrex needs help! Follow my rangers to him!
  • We need help at the main portal! Fall back when you can!
  • All is lost! I am slain! Fall back! Fall back!
  • The heavy vault door swings open silently with Gemin's golden key.
  • The treasure chest opens easily with the silver key given to you by Gemin.
  • The treasure chest opens easily with the silver key given to you by Gemin.
  • The treasure chest opens easily with the silver key given to you by Gemin.
  • The wooden box opens with a creak to Gemin's iron key.
  • The treasure chest opens easily with the silver key given to you by Gemin.
  • Return to Gemin
  • Talk to Josaja
  • Master Gemin's hot springs are divine, but they're missing something ... or someone ....\n\nPerhaps you could keep us company?
  • Master Gemin's hot springs are divine, but they're missing something ... or someone ....\n\nPerhaps you could keep us company?
  • Master Gemin's hot springs are divine, but they're missing something ... or someone ....\n\nPerhaps you could keep us company?
  • Master Gemin's hot springs are divine, but they're missing something … or someone ….\n\nPerhaps you could keep us company?
  • Master Gemin's hot springs are divine, but they're missing something ... or someone .... \n\nPerhaps you could keep us company?
  • Test Gemin Keep
  • Vaults of Gemin
  • QUEST: Protect Captain Meladrek
  • QUEST: Protect Captain Meladrek
  • QUEST: Protect Captain Skaldrex
  • QUEST: Protect Captain Skaldrex
  • QUEST: Protect Commander Viskel
  • QUEST: Protect Commander Viskel
  • QUEST: The Exclusive Vaults of Gemin
  • QUEST: The Vaults of Gemin
  • QUEST: The Vaults of Gemin
  • QUEST: The Vaults of Gemin
  • QUEST: A Prize From The Vaults
  • I have succeeded in protecting both Gemin's estate and all of his highest ranking servants.
  • Gemin's estate is safe and his servants have suffered only minor losses.
  • Gemin's estate is safe and his servants have suffered only minor losses.
  • Gemin's estate is safe and his servants have suffered only minor losses.
  • Gemin's estate is safe, and the lord of the manor himself has offered me a reward.
  • The fabled Vaults of Gemin are vast treasure troves underneath an old mansion. The master of the house may be long dead, but that's not {keeping from [sic] throwing a truly epic party.
  • Gemin's estate is safe and his servants have suffered only minor losses.
I don't care about Lyris, I just want my soul back.
This is Abnur Tharn, the chancellor of the Elder Council. Formerly, anyway.
It was not there. Tharn claims that Mannimarco has been keeping it with him.

Abnur Tharn[edit]

Abnur Tharn originally posed as the villain for the Staff of Towers arc.

These raw quest stages are present in the text file for Update 7:

  • "Enter the Portal"
  • "Descend into the Ruins"
  • "Talk to Abnur Tharn"
  • "Enter the Twisting Stair"
  • "Navigate the Ayleid Observatory"
  • "Deal with the Researcher"
  • "Open the Seal of the Stars"
  • "Continue Down the Twisting Stair"
  • "Reach the Zero Stone"
  • "Defeat Abnur Tharn and Lyris Titanborn"
  • "Empower the Amulet of Kings"
  • "Learn the Location of Your Soul"
  • "Talk to the Prophet"
  • "Lay Lyris Titanborn to Rest"
  • "Descend the Twisting Stair"
  • "Triggered Entrance Event"
  • "Trigger Tharn Theater"


The Marukhati Selective originally had a role in the main quest:

  • Tell me about the Maruhkites.
  • What do the Maruhkites guard against?
  • What is the Maruhkati Selective?
  • Who are the Maruhkites?
  • It took me a year and more, but I've found how to pluck Cipher from Molag Bal's jaws.\n\nAn artifact is needed. I dare not speak its name here, but the key to its recovery is held within a book - the Maruhkati Codex.\n\nFollow the portal; find the Codex.
  • It has taken me years, but I have finally tracked down an item that can free Lord Cipher - the Maruhkati Codex. It has been secreted away in Canulus Refuge.\n\nI can get you to the Refuge, but I need you to actually track down the Codex's whereabouts.
  • Lyris, please read from the book. I must hear this.\n\nAnd you, my friend, please stay and listen. The secret of the Maruhkites shall soon be revealed, and so shall we find the path to recovering your stolen soul.
  • Find the Maruhkati Codex
  • Search the Archives for the Maruhkati Codex
  • Ghostly Maruhkite
  • Maruhkite Statue
  • Indicates owner as a member of the Maruhkati Selective.
  • This book catalogs the teachings of the prophet Maruhk, purportedly received through ghostly visions of Queen Alessia herself.
  • A primer for initiates of the Maruhkati Selective. It describes the basic dogma and principles of the sect.
  • Foul scion of the Direnni! How could you pass the trials of the faithful? No bastard elf-spawn would be so strong.\n\nDo you think to come here and put an end to the Maruhkites? We have survived much worse than you.
  • Farewell, Unbeliever. The guardians of Maruhk will soon show you the path you have chosen - that of your own destruction.
  • You are far from home, foreigner. \n\nWhat is your intent here? Have you crossed the seas to put an end to the Maruhkites? We have survived opponents far greater than you.
  • In the dying days of the Maruhkati Selective, those madman shut themselves away in an underground fortress.\n\nBut their enemies found them there. The foes fought their way in. Time passed. None emerged. It was their final refuge.
  • Unbeliever! You walk the path to righteousness, and it was I who showed you the way.\n\nMaruhk, forgive me!
  • Ugly brute! Your stench is overwhelming! I cannot imagine how a pig child could attempt to pass as one of Alessia's faithful.\n\nNow tell me what business you have here, deep within the last refuge of the Maruhkites?
  • This book will show us the way - show us what became of the Maruhkites' stolen staff.
  • Unbeliever! You walk the path to righteousness, and it was I who showed you the way.\n\nMaruhk, forgive me!
  • Unbeliever! You walk the path to righteousness, and it was I who showed you the way.\n\nMaruhk, forgive me!
  • Gods! A lizard-man in great Cyrodiil. I have been gone too long....\n\nTell me, swamp-dweller, why do you trespass here, deep within the last refuge of the Maruhkites?
  • This book will show us the way - show us what became of the Maruhkites' stolen staff.
  • Unbeliever! You walk the path to righteousness, and it was I who showed you the way.\n\nMaruhk, forgive me!
  • Elf-kind! One of the Kingslayers, even! This I shall not abide. No mer has ever trod freely in the refuge of the Maruhkites. Your presence is fortuitous, though. Killing you would be a fitting prelude to the rebirth of our order.
  • Maruhkati Vault
  • Maruhkite Devotionals
  • Maruhkati Statue
  • The Maruhkati Sermons
  • The Lost Maruhkites
  • The Exclusionary Mandates of Maruhkite Selection
  • I must retrieve a Maruhkite artifact from the Canulus Refuge.
  • I should give the Maruhkati Codex to <<1>>.
  • The Maruhkati Codex is secured away in the Canulus Refuge. To get there, I must use <<1>>'s <<2>>.
  • I should give the Maruhkati Codex to <<1>>.
  • The Maruhkati Codex is secured away in the Canulus Refuge. To get there, I must use <<1>>'s <<2>>.
  • The Maruhkites kept the Codex within someplace they call the Archives. I must find my way there in order to recover the book.
  • I have solved the Maruhkite's riddle, and the barrier is down. The <<1>> must be hidden somewhere in this back room.
  • I have solved the Maruhkite's riddle, and the barrier is down. <<1>> must be located somewhere beyond it.
  • I have solved the Maruhkite's riddle, and the barrier is down. <<1>> must be located somewhere beyond it.
  • Magical defenses protect the <<1>>. They were created by the Maruhkites many centuries ago. I need to find a way to bring down the barriers surrounding the staff.
  • There is a group of Maruhkati ghosts outside the archives door, presided over by a ghostly priest. I should speak with the priest to learn more of the archives.
  • I managed to get inside the Maruhkati archive. The <<1>> should be somewhere within.
  • I will drain you before another Maruhkite falls!
  • The Maruhkites are monsters masquerading as men. They brought us here only to do ill.
  • Stop! How dare you steal from the Maruhkites!
  • Upon your exaltation this empire was built. We, your sons and daughters, we, the disciples of Maruhk, seek only to follow the path you laid before him.
  • By the visions of the holy the jewel of St. Alessia....
  • "The final refuge of the Maruhkites became the final resting place of the staff."
  • Can you not sense it, <<1>>? The staff - it is broken, incomplete! The Maruhkites, their Dragonbreak... the Balac that was is no more.
  • This extremely rare book is an account of how the Maruhkati Selective took the Staff of Towers and hid it away to keep it from their enemies.
  • This history book contains near-incoherent ravings of the Maruhkati fanatics.
  • Archives of the Maruhkati
  • This statue stands unmoving with its arms out, hands upturned, as if expecting something.\n\nAt the base is a plaque with an inscription.\n\n"Read here how the Man-Ape Maruhk looked beyond the End and saw Eventuality."
  • Greetings, noble soldier. The Maruhkati Selective welcomes you in this time of trial.
  • A mortal walks among us. I cannot imagine what force of will has driven you this far, creature. So enlighten us. Why do you tread the dead halls of the Maruhkites?
  • I ventured into the depths of the Canulus Refuge and secured the Maruhkite Codex from its guardians.\n\nI then handed the Codex over to <<1>>.
  • I ventured into the depths of the Canulus Refuge and secured the Maruhkite Codex from its guardians.\n\nI then handed the Codex over to <<1>>, and later met him again in Wayrest.
  • Maruhkati Ritual Ward
  • Gift of the Maruhkite
  • Maruhkite Flash
  • The Spell of Sheathing. It protected this room, isolating me from the world while my brother Maruhkites were slaughtered by heretics.\n\nNow you have broken the Sheath. You must die, and then I shall begin the Order's rebirth.
  • We are... or were... followers of the great prophet Maruhk, sworn to serve his divine purpose and purge this land of its elven corruption.\n\nOthers were blind to the righteousness of Maruhk's visions... and so you find me here, the last of our Order.
  • Yes, this can only be the staff of legend. And yet... something is amiss.\n\nCan't you sense it, <<1>>? The staff - it is broken, incomplete! The Maruhkites, their Dragonbreak... the Balac that was is no more.
  • <You touch the name "Maruhk" carved into the stone.> \n\n<The magic emanating from the statue fades away.>
  • Surely your education as one of the Selective has given you consummate knowledge of our great Prophet. \n\nAfter all, Maruhk's teachings form the very heart of the Selectives' tenets.\n\nEvery novice should learn <<1>> by heart.
  • Are we not all brothers and sisters, we who have devoted our lives to the Selective?\n\nSurely, you are a Maruhkite like me. How else would you be in our secret, most sacred, and heavily guarded refuge?\n\nDear brother! What a strange question!
  • Are we not all brothers and sisters, we who have devoted our lives to the Selective?\n\nSurely you are a Maruhkite like me. How else would you be in our secret, most sacred, and heavily guarded refuge?\n\nDear sister! What a strange question!
  • That thing has a history longer than Ysmir's beard. Half of it fairytale, no doubt.\n\nI do know getting it won't be easy. The Maruhkites guarded their secrets well, and they had no bigger secret than this. Somewhere in that dungeon the staff awaits.
  • "Maruhk preached for ninety days and ninety nights, stopping only one hour in every twelve to relieve himself and quench his gullet."
  • "The Maruhkites uphold that as he preached, Maruhk was in fact in the grip of an epic and all-encompassing vision, a visitation from the spirit of St. Alessia herself."
  • "Maruhk's words were uttered as one not in possession of one's self, as if the sermon was merely being translated through him by another being."
  • Unbelievers. Like yourself, no doubt. This was once a great refuge of the Maruhkati Selective. Once.\n\nOur soldiers fought the Unbelievers, defending this place and the secrets held within. In the end, death found us all. But death was not the end.
  • This word is unfamiliar to me. But there are many things hidden here, in the last refuge of the Maruhkites. Many secret things. Our archives hold them fast, while the spirits of my brothers and sisters stand in its defense, an eternal guard.
  • Those doors are closed. You may go see with your own eyes, if you wish. And if you are strong enough - the might of the Maruhkites bars your way.\n\nBut I will tell you the way: to the north, always north. At the farthest, you will find the archives.
  • The item is not familiar to me. But there are many things hidden here, in the final refuge of the Maruhkites. Many secret things. Our archives hold them fast, while the spirits of my brothers and sisters stand in its defense, an eternal guard.
  • It's an extremely rare text. The original was destroyed, and only five copies were ever made.\n\nA wonder it survives at all. The Alessians did all they could to wipe out any reminder of the Maruhkati Selective.
  • Zealots, I would call them. A splinter faction of the Alessian Order, cult followers of a prophet named Maruhk.\n\nThat book is written by one of their order. The Prophet believes the account within could hold the key to defeating Molag Bal.
  • "This is my confession.\n\n"As a novice of the Maruhkati Selective, I watched helplessly as the glory of my order was crushed under the heel of Imperial interests."
  • "Our forces were disbanded, a standing army of the faithful dissolved down into a few scattered companies.\n\n"I heard all this, rather than saw. We initiates were relegated to the sanctuary, the last bastion of Maruhkati supremecy."
  • "What was already the final refuge of the Maruhkites became the final resting place of the staff."
  • Daybook of Scorian Antissus, Catechumen of Maruhk\n\nTwelfth of Rain's Hand: Peppered mutton again. No surprise: our cook is a Breton. At least there were grilled leeks to go with it. After dinner, practice for two bells with the Blessed Expungers....
  • <You read the title page of this venerable tome.>\n\n"The Maruhkati Sermons"\n\n"Words and Teachings from the Visionary Maruhk, the Indelible Prophet, the Leader of the Faith"\n\n<The rest of the text has rotted away and is completely illegible.>
  • <You read the title page of this enigmatic tome.>\n\nThe Lost Maruhkites: Stories of the Forgotten Sect
  • <You read the title page of this journal-like book.>\n\n"Sanctuary and the Staff\n\n"Final Confessions of a Maruhkite"
  • <You read the title page of this journal-like book.>\n\n"Sanctuary and the Staff\n\n"Final Confessions of a Maruhkite"
  • Where is the Maruhkati Codex?
  • <Touch the name "Maruhk.">
  • Maruhkite Pendant
  • Maruhkite Devotionals
  • Maruhkati Vestings
  • Galligaskins of Maruhk
  • The Exclusionary Mandates of Maruhkite Selection
  • Cipher's contact has tracked down an artifact that could let us free Lord Cipher - the Maruhkati Codex, an ancient tome secured away in the abandoned Canulus Refuge.
  • The Chronicles of the Holy Brothers of Marukh, Volume I\n\nPLACEHOLDER TEXT
  • The Chronicles of the Holy Brothers of Marukh, Volume II\n\nPLACEHOLDER TEXT
  • The Chronicles of the Holy Brothers of Marukh, Volume III\n\nPLACEHOLDER TEXT
  • The Chronicles of the Holy Brothers of Marukh, Volume IV\n\nHere is recorded the events of the Year 127 of the Blessed Alessia.\n\nIn this year was the day darkened over all lands, and the sun was all as it were Masser but three days old, and the stars..

Main Quest v2[edit]

The first rendition of the main quest was rewritten entirely at one point. It largely resembles the final product, but much extraneous dialogue was cut, and large swaths were once again rewritten before release.

The details can be read in full here.

Main Quest v3[edit]

This section contains a brief summary of Deprecated content.

Soul Shriven in Coldharbour[edit]

This version of Soul Shriven in Coldharbour was live until Update 6. The Prophet was initially the first one to greet the player, and Er-Jaseen was the one to free you. Both these roles were later taken up by Lyris Titanborn after Update 6, with the following dialogue being removed:

"Slowly, now. You've been through an ordeal. Take a few moments to collect yourself."
What's happening? Who are you?
"Like you, I am a prisoner in this place, yet so much more.
I am the past and future both. I am despair and hope. The tapestry we weave is a complex one. You cannot hope to see its pattern in its entirety. Not yet."
What do you want from me?
"You must rescue me. And I, in turn, must rescue you. You must escape this cell, take up arms and protect yourself. Then, find Lyris Titanborn."
Lyris Titanborn? Who is that? I don't understand ….

The rest of the Prophet's involvement in the quest can be read here. Er-Jaseen's deprecated dialogue is also listed on his page.

Lyris was first encountered as you entered the Bleeding Forge. Her dialogue can be found here.

The quest progresses largely the same as in the current patch with a few differences. A Skeletal Cryomancer and Pyromancer were summoned as you entered the Anchor Mooring. When you approached the base of the Anchor, Molag Bal would summon the Anchor Guardian.

Quest Stages:

Main Quest
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I awoke to a strange voice in some kind of prison cell. I should try to find a way out.
A lizard-man, an Argonian, unlocked my cell and told me to escape. I should get out of my cell and see where I am.
I need to find a weapon. There are some swords on a table nearby. I should take one of them and arm myself with it.
I found a weapon in what looks like a slave workshop. I should leave the prison and find a way out of this place.
Molag Bal commands me to return to my cell. I should destroy the skeleton he's sent to capture me.
Another skeleton has emerged from the ground. I should destroy it.
I destroyed the skeleton, but there may be more ahead. I should continue to search for an escape route.
A Nord woman has entered the Bleeding Forge. I should talk to her.
It looks like I've found a companion with a common cause. We're both searching for the Prophet. Lyris said the Ashen Mines are the way to go. We should head that direction.
We've entered a new area. I should see what Lyris knows.
It looks like we're going to have to fight our way out of this place and to the Tower of Eyes.


The Wailing Prison[edit]

If one goes out of bounds in The Wailing Prison, there are inaccessible areas that are fully completed, implying there was meant to be more exploration at some point that went unimplemented.

These raw quest stages are present in the text files for Update 7:

  • "Talk to Lyris"
  • "Talk to Lyris at the Wailing Prison"
  • "Enter the Wailing Prison"
  • "Help Inalarr"
  • "Help Galynne"
  • "Help Hazim"
  • "Find and Free the Prophet"
  • "Reach the Dark Anchor"
  • "Protect the Prophet"
  • "Talk to the Prophet"
  • "Enter the Outflow Tunnels"
  • "Find a Means to Enter the Socket Chamber"
  • "Kill the Eye of Molag Bal"
  • "Ascend into the Rectory"
  • "Open the First Cache"
  • "Find the Worm Cult Leader"
  • "Find the Armory Key"
  • "Find the Escaped Slaves"
  • "Trigger the Rockslide"
  • "Free Soul Shriven Slaves"
  • "Ignore the Slaves"
  • "Help the Slaves"
  • "Talk to Galynne"
  • "Cause a Rockslide"
  • "Talk to Galynne"
  • "Talk to Lyris"
  • "Escape the Slave Pits"
  • "Find the Armory Key"
  • "Unlock Armory Cellars"
  • "Talk to Cadwell"
  • "Enter the Rectory"
  • "Kill the Eyes of Molag Bal"
  • "Escape via Outflow"
  • "Talk to Cadwell"
  • "Escape the Slave Pits"

Canulus Refuge[edit]

The Maruhkati Codex would be kept in Canulus Refuge, where you would need to go to in order to retrieve it and use it to free Lord Cipher.

  • QUEST: The Canulus Refuge
  • The Balac is at the Canulus Refuge?
  • Where is the Canulus Refuge?
  • Can you teleport me to the Canulus Refuge?
  • Explore Canulus Refuge
  • Z65 MQ101 Canulus Refuge GY
  • The Canulus Refuge
  • Back from the Canulus Refuge! And that must be the Balac!\n\nWell go on, I don't know what's to be done with it. Give it to the old man.
  • Back from the Canulus Refuge! \n\nHow did that ring work out for you? Have you used it yet? \n\nYou really should, you know.
  • Back from the Canulus Refuge! You have succeeded then?
  • Back from the Canulus Refuge! How did that ring work out for you? Have you used it yet? You really should, you know....
  • Back from the Canulus Refuge! Were you successful? Did you get the staff?
  • What are you doing back here? The Codex still sits in the depths of Canulus Refuge. You must recover it, if we are ever to free Lord Cipher.
  • The Mages Guild will get you to the Canulus Refuge, have no doubt. From there you must find the Balac on your own.\n\nNow hurry - the Planemeld hastens even as we speak!
  • I must retrieve a Maruhkite artifact from the Canulus Refuge.
  • The Maruhkati Codex is secured away in the Canulus Refuge. To get there, I must use <<1>>'s <<2>>.
  • I need to track down the where abouts of the Codex inside Canulus Refuge.
  • <<1>> has sent me in search of a book called the <<2>>.\n\nHe believes it is somewhere inside a ruined monastary in Cyrodiil, a place called the Canulus Refuge. I can use Seagrave's portal stone to travel there instantly.
  • The <<1>> lies somewhere within the ruins of the Canulus Refuge.\n\nI must discover the book's location and return it to <<2>>.
  • I appear to be trapped in some sort of dungeon within the Canulus Refuge. I need to find a way out if I am going to recover the <<1>>.
  • <<1>> lies somewhere within the ruins of the Canulus Refuge.\n\nI must discover the staff's location and return it to <<2>>.
  • I appear to be trapped in some sort of dungeon within the Canulus Refuge. I need to find a way out if I am going to recover the <<1>>.
  • I found a note which mentioned the Balac, presumably written by the former residents of the Canulus Refuge. I should keep an eye out for any other notes, which might help me find the staff's location.
  • I found a note which mentioned the Balac, presumably written by the former residents of the Canulus Refuge. I should keep an eye out for any other notes, which might help me find the staff's location.
  • <<1>> has told me to visit the Mages Guild in order to travel to a place called the Canulus Refuge.
  • I ventured into the depths of the Canulus Refuge and secured the Maruhkite Codex from its guardians.\n\nI then handed the Codex over to <<1>>, and later met him again in Wayrest.
  • I ventured into the depths of the Canulus Refuge and secured the magical staff known as the Balac.\n\nI then returned to Lyris Titanborn's hideout and handed the staff over to the Prophet.
  • The Alessians took the Balac at Glenumbra Moor. What they did with it none can say. Their last refuge at Lake Canulus fell long ago, but the vaults beneath were never plundered. If the Balac isn't there, some word of where it's hidden will be.
  • 17588180`Straight to the point then. I like that.\n\nThe book is sealed away inside the ruins of an ancient monastary, on the shores of Lake Canulus in Cyrodiil.\n\nThis portal stone should take you directly inside the complex. It's up to you after that.
  • The book is sealed away inside the ruins of an ancient monastary, on the shores of Lake Canulus in Cyrodiil.\n\nI have attuned this <<1>> to take you directly inside the complex. It's up to you after that.
  • It's sealed away within the ruins of an ancient monastery in Cyrodiil on the shores of Lake Canulus.\n\nThis <<1>> should take you close enough to find a way inside. \n\nUsing this ring will get you back, but finding <<2>> is up to you.
  • Aye, and so we'll begin. It's time we recover the Balac.\n\nThanks to you, we know where the Balac was last kept. But we needed a fast, safe way into the Canulus Refuge. The old man here has solved that problem for us, thanks to his portal stone.
  • Ah! Of course! Now listen well:\n\nThe Balac sits in another's hands, suspended from life, out of place, out of time. Hidden, protected, this defender waits, surrounded by death in the depths of his home - a place once called the Canulus Refuge.
  • As I've said, it is too far for travel! You must visit the Mages Guild, show them you carry my ring. They cannot deny you... and through them the Canulus Refuge is mere moments away!
  • Cipher's contact has tracked down an artifact that could let us free Lord Cipher - the Maruhkati Codex, an ancient tome secured away in the abandoned Canulus Refuge.
  • 632410: 267200725`0`18`14955086` Canulus Refuge

Gudrun's Retreat[edit]

Gudrun's Retreat was an Ancestor Moth sanctuary that moth priests with recall stones would teleport too. It appears to have been an early version of the Harborage.

  • Quickly, before the Worm Cultists realize what's happened. Stand by me and activate the recall stone to take us back to Gudrun's Retreat.
  • Yes, that's it! Now activate the stone - it will transport us all to the safety of Gudrun's Retreat.
  • A moth in amber, beautifully polished. Using it will return you to Gudrun's Retreat.
  • I've found the captive Moth Priests, who were kidnapped by members of the Black Worm Cult.\n\nFortunately one of the priests had a recall stone on him. I can use it to teleport all of us out of the cave to the Ancestor Moth sanctuary, Gudrun's Retreat.
  • Enter Gudrun's Retreat
  • I've escaped the Worm Cultists' cave with the Moth Priests in tow. I should exit the room I'm in and see who else is here at Gudrun's Retreat.
  • Door to Gudrun's Retreat
  • I've made it to Gudrun's Retreat, and <<1>> is here. I should speak with her now.
  • Welcome to Gudrun's Retreat, <<1>>.\n\nNow, I'm curious - why in Shor's name did you bring a Dremora Kynval here?
  • Lyris is taking me to the Prophet inside Gudrun's Retreat. I need to speak with him to find out how the Staff of Towers will be repaired.
  • I've safely returned to Gudrun's Retreat. I should speak to the Prophet and tell him what transpired beneath the Adamantine Tower.
  • The Staff of Towers has been charged to the Zero Stone. I should now return to the Prophet at Gudrun's Retreat using the Recall Stone.


115740052, 0, 11258, 13587975, "I'll stay here this time. Good luck, small one."'

115740052, 0, 11259, 13588023, "These are the Haunted Halls of the Worm Cult."

115740052, 0, 11260, 13588069, "When we get to the top we'll know if our soul gems are here."

115740052, 0, 11261, 13588130, "The Archivist has appalling taste in interior decoration."

115740052, 0, 11262, 13588188, "This place is massive. Molag Bal has been collecting souls for eons."

115740052, 0, 11263, 13588257, "Do you hear that? Sounds like chanting."

115740052, 0, 11264, 13588297, "They're doing something with the soul gems in there."

115740052, 0, 11280, 13589173, "You have my soul, what more can you want?"

115740052, 0, 11281, 13589215, "Service in torment, slave."