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User talk:Rpeh/Arc 200802

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This is an archive of previous comments on my talk page. Please do not post a message here - use this link to go to the active page instead. Thanks.

Not again![edit]

did you seethis? he's using proxy sites now. Volanaro 05:56, 29 January 2008 (EST)

Yeah I just saw. Thank you for the cleaning up. Typical - I try to do some work and this is what happens... –RpehTCE 06:23, 29 January 2008 (EST)
by the way, when he messed up your page i wasn't sure wether to revert it or leav it alone, i know you don't allow editing other pages but i wasn't sure if this would be a valid exception, should i avoid doing this in the future? Volanaro 06:27, 29 January 2008 (EST)
Reverting vandalism is 'always' acceptable, no matter what page it's on. Thank you for fixing my user page! –RpehTCE 06:29, 29 January 2008 (EST)
Weird, Just saw you send a warning message to some IP adress concerning a nonsense edit, but when you check the history it says it was an account called XB0X, any idea what's going on? not sure if it's you know who or not. Volanaro 12:00, 3 February 2008 (EST)
Thanks for that - I forgot to warn the actual account too. Since I also suspected "You Know Who" I did an IP lookup and warned that IP meaning to do the account next... but then forgot. Now done! –RpehTCE 12:05, 3 February 2008 (EST)

Good news! Some of these incidents have been passed on to the head of ICT at my school, perhaps something will start to change for the better now. Volanaro 07:30, 4 February 2008 (EST)

That is indeed good news. If you or your head of ICT would like any help in producing a list of the vandalistic edits he has made, I'd be only too happy to assist - believe me. –RpehTCE 07:48, 4 February 2008 (EST)
Thanks for protecting my page, I'm not sure what you know who's been up to lately as i've been off school ill for the past few days, back tomorrow though hopefully! Volanaro 07:07, 5 February 2008 (EST)
Here's a proxy IP you might want to block, Volanaro 05:49, 11 February 2008 (EST)
Thanks, but it looks accidental to me. We can only really block IPs without provocation if there's a definite suspicion that it might be used for vandalism and this one doesn't quite fit the bill. If it starts misbehaving we can block it then. –RpehTCE 07:55, 11 February 2008 (EST)

Protect your User Page[edit]

Dang it, Rpeh. You seriously need to protect your user page. Don't know exactly what you did to make those vandals so angry, but it is kinda getting old reverting vandalism to your user and talk page..... Vesna 21:40, 31 January 2008 (EST)

Done. I just wish more young people on the site would follow your example rather than trying to prove how stupid they are. –RpehTCE 01:57, 1 February 2008 (EST)

Re: mercantile bug[edit]

Thanks for getting more verification on that bug. I discovered this by chance. I am playing on Xbox, GOTY edition.

Was seriously getting miffed that my most friendly merchants were only offering me 1/4 of the price, and the max i could barter an item to was just under half. As I had bartered with that enchanter and her disposition had dropped to about 55, she offered 10300 for that ebony sword. more then double then before. I could then barter it up to about 15k, a vast improvement. I have since tried this with many merchants, all at disposition 100 at start.

Hope this helps, let me know if you need more details.

Problem with Fighters Guild[edit]

I am having a real hard time trying to get Azzan to give me the quest "The Stone of St. Alessia". I don't know why this is happening, but I avoided the demotion before doing that quest, by doing two other quests for Burz gro-Khash. And, now, I cannot get any of the contractors to give me a quest to continue. Did I do something wrong on my part? Could this have something to do with the Knights of the Nine plug-in? I am playing this on Xbox 360, and I really do not want to start another game just to get on further in the Fighters Guild. Any way around this or any way to help is greatly appreciated.

Have you done the Trolls of Forsaken Mine quest for Modryn Oreyn yet? That's the prerequisite quest for the stone. –RpehTCE 01:52, 4 February 2008 (EST)


Hi, There is a user on here who keeps on saying stuff on volenero's account or what ever it is called. He keeps on saying stuff about me on it. What is the users name. Well he dont say stuff about me he just says my name. So what is his user name? Benny220 05:39, 4 February 2008 (EST)

That user has edited from a number of accounts: Xbox, Mass effect pwns oblivion, XB0X360 elite, and so on. Volanaro might know the real name of the idiot concerned. –RpehTCE 05:56, 4 February 2008 (EST)

Those images[edit]

Have you made those images? The... cool ones many have on their userpages? If you have... I would like one which says Sir Walter Thibault! =D --Sir Walter Thibault 06:54, 4 February 2008 (EST)

Lord btw... Remembered that I am planning him to become Lord soon so... "Lord Walter Thibault" >X] --Sir Walter Thibault 06:55, 4 February 2008 (EST)

Which ones in particular? I see you've managed to use some already. Also, please could you start using the "Show preview" button when making changes to your page? At the moment you're rather swamping the Recent Changes page. Thanks. –RpehTCE 07:50, 4 February 2008 (EST)
I just got it. You mean the Daedric ones? You can download the font from here and then roll your own. I just used Paint Shop Pro and played around until it looked okay. Eshe's looks better though. –RpehTCE 13:45, 4 February 2008 (EST)


Can you tell how i would get those icons some users have example: this user is a male or this user plays on XBOX. — Unsigned comment by Arch-Mage666 (talkcontribs)

Sure. Take a look at this page and you'll find directions for a whole range of pre-built boxes as well as instructions for making your own. –RpehTCE 16:19, 6 February 2008 (EST)

How do you make a redirect link?[edit]

Can you please tell me how to make a redirect link? Thanks! --Matthewest 16:42, 6 February 2008 (EST)

Use #REDIRECT [[Pagename]]
It needs to be the first command on a page. See this for instance. –RpehTCE 17:13, 6 February 2008 (EST)

Am I the only one?[edit]

I just patrolled an edit. One edit. Three time. Recent changes isn't keeping up with me. Are you running into the same issue? Somercy 12:36, 8 February 2008 (EST)

Odd... I've not had any problems myself. –RpehTCE 13:29, 8 February 2008 (EST)

Thought it was just a fluke, but it happened again with Redguard whathisname's Manor redirect edit. Might be my computers. I'll take this to Nephi if it happens again. Somercy 10:05, 11 February 2008 (EST)

Is it that you're pulling up recent changes immediately after patrolling an edit? My guess would be that one of the new settings for improved performance is just limiting how quickly the recent changes page gets updated, in which case I'm not sure that it's a setting we really want to tweak: do we want to force the server to regenerate the recent changes page 10 times per second? (I'm not saying that you're refreshing it that often, but it's quite possible with all the people who monitor that page that it gets requested that often). Your patrols are all getting recorded: for example, the Umbacano Manor logs show that you patrolled that edit twice. So perhaps just try waiting a minute before expecting the exclamation point to disappear; if in doubt, you can always check the logs and make sure that your patrol was recorded there. --NepheleTalk 12:46, 11 February 2008 (EST)
Mkay. Was just wondering why it was happening. Thank you milady-love! Somercy 13:55, 11 February 2008 (EST)
I've had the same problem too, and from what I've experienced, Nephele's theory is correct. Whenever I mark the page as patrolled it does get recorded, however it takes a while for the recent changes page to update, so the exclamation mark will still be showing if you immediately return to the recent changes after patrolling an edit. Just wait a few seconds after you have patrolled an edit and the RC will update.--Willyhead 09:35, 12 February 2008 (EST)

Need help[edit]

Hey mate, sorry I edited so many times, it's just that I can't get a link to a section of a page.

For example, on the Things to Do When You're Bored, I made a section called Trek, but I can't get a link to that section? can you please help me? It would be much appreciated mate, Thanks.

Redguard Elite 11:04, 10 February 2008 (EST)

You need to use a hash: [[Oblivion:Things to Do When You're Bored#Trek]] and then a pipe to indicate the text you want to appear - [[Oblivion:Things to Do When You're Bored#Trek|Trek]]. –RpehTCE 11:09, 10 February 2008 (EST)

oh hey thanks man, I couldn't remember it from my Wikipedia days as I haven't been on in a while, much appreciated mate thanks. 12:30, 10 February 2008 (EST)

Prize Templates[edit]

Alright Rpeh, I see that wine there! I'm not sure if you will remember this, but a while ago we discussed creating prize templates. I ignorantly rambled on about being useless while you tried to encourage me to improve the site, not hold it up. Well, I guess you could say I'm inspired by your recent wine template (It was you who created that, right?), and have decided to try one myself. I don't plan to get this one up with the rest on the Prize Template category; I'll create a Sandbox for it. At the moment, however, I am completely lost as to how to go about creating a template. Uhh.... *respectfully clears throat* ...little help? --HMSVictory 13:21, 12 February 2008 (EST)

Sorry to but in on this, but I've had experience with it too. I recommend to go to any of the templates and edit it. At the bottom of my userpage, you can also find the EXACT code to my "Golden PennyRacer" Prize. Just edit that, an dplay around with it. Go ahead, and best wishes! ;] --Playjex 13:26, 12 February 2008 (EST)
Playjex is right--your best bet is to just go in and play around with one of the existing templates. There's plenty of people who can help you if you run into problems along the way! Have fun :) --Eshetalk13:51, 12 February 2008 (EST)
I'd agree. There's also good help here on the sort of things you can do. –RpehTCE 13:55, 12 February 2008 (EST)
Alright, it's finished. Check it out here. Just one problem: I know the parameter to change text colour, but where should I put it? I wish to change the title's colour, but where does the parameter go? --HMSVictory 15:29, 12 February 2008 (EST)
You want to change the color of You have been given a Moonwalk! ? Just put it in the FC template, like this: {{FC|red|You have been given a Moonwalk!}}, inside the <big> tags. That example turns it red, but of course you can use any color you like ;). --Eshetalk17:19, 12 February 2008 (EST)


(moonwalk moved to the cookie jar)

Thanks, HMS! I actually used to be able to moonwalk myself. I seem to have lost the knack though. –RpehTCE 05:01, 14 February 2008 (EST)
I'd love to see that! ;) --GuildKnightTalk2me 12:58, 14 February 2008 (EST)
Shame on you, Guildknight! I'm sure Rpeh's dancing skills are worthy of our disintervention! Anyway, you're the one who constantly pumps out Prize Tamplates! --HMSVictory 14:36, 14 February 2008 (EST)
We should get a vid of Rpeh's moonwalk and make another template! --GuildKnightTalk2me 16:23, 14 February 2008 (EST)
That will happen shortly after hell freezes over! Besides - I said I *used* to be able to do it! –RpehTCE 16:25, 14 February 2008 (EST)

I'm so disappointed! ;) --GuildKnightTalk2me 16:28, 14 February 2008 (EST)

GROW UP! --HMSVictory 11:24, 15 February 2008 (EST)


Now here's a shameless double-post if I ever created one! Anyway, straight to the point. As you'll see on my talk page, I have mastefully created (pathetically copied) a table for my archives. However, I wish to place this in the center of the page, and I can't seem to find where the ''<center>'' line should be placed. Any help? --HMSVictory

I think this is what you mean:
! style="text-align:center" | Text –RpehTCE 15:39, 15 February 2008 (EST)
Thanks! Oh and, by the way has started vandalising the wiki again. I've noticed some very strange edits from him/her as well. --HMSVictory 10:56, 16 February 2008 (EST)
Oh I'm watching him. Don't worry about that... –RpehTCE 10:59, 16 February 2008 (EST)
I frankly can't see why people vandalise the Wiki in the first place. They can't make a profit, and no one here pays any attention to them, just to their edits. And usually they're only up for a few seconds before someone reverts them. --HMSVictory 11:01, 16 February 2008 (EST)

PHP Script to display Tamriel formatted date[edit]

Not sure how to get this into the system as it would most likely need server access to insert the code.

You can view it in action here And view the source at

P.S. This would display the server date not the users local date. But displaying the date in the users time zone would be pretty easy to do if you want me to.

Patros 06:52, 18 February 2008 (EST)

Very nice. Difficult to use that kind of thing on the wiki though. I might have a stab at translating it to Template code a little later. –RpehTCE 07:02, 18 February 2008 (EST)
Like this: Morndas, 31st of First Seed –RpehTCE 07:52, 18 February 2008 (EST)
Translate it to Template code? If you want to forward me any relevant files I would be happy to make the changes and then send them back to you for review. Patros 04:19, 20 February 2008 (EST)
You're okay - I've already done it. That date in the previous comment is generated by a wiki template - you can click here to see the source. –RpehTCE 04:30, 20 February 2008 (EST)
I guess the next trick is to see if there is a way to override how the wiki displays dates so that it is applied site-wide, if other people think this would be cool. Can you override functions in php with an include file? There would have to be a file which is included/imported (I can't remember the php terminology) by any page request. Does anyone out there have experience with this. Otherwise I will download MediaWiki and experiment. Patros 05:18, 20 February 2008 (EST)
I don't know, I'm afraid. I wouldn't want to unilaterally override the date format either - it would be nice to offer it as an option on the Preferences though. –RpehTCE 05:50, 20 February 2008 (EST)
That would be the way to go. I'm going to be on holidays for a couple of weeks so I'll check out the possibility after I get back. Patros 05:54, 20 February 2008 (EST)

Sloppy Reverts[edit]

Sorry about my intrusion on your patrolling! I know that I'm not a Patroller, I just wanted to clear some things up. The revert to the TES4ModIdeas page was pretty stupid, and I should have modified the edit instead of deleting it. I want to make it clear that I am aware of my mistakes. I'm still learning, so please go easy on me! --HMSVictory 06:48, 19 February 2008 (EST)

We all make mistakes. It's good to see more people looking at RecentChanges in any case. With that particular one, I can actually sympathise with your removal - it really wasn't the best-written text I've ever seen! –RpehTCE 06:56, 19 February 2008 (EST)
Thankyou! I was considering nnominating myself for Patroller status, but I think this incident has changed my mid. I still have a lot to learn about what should/n't be reverted and how to best tackle unusual edits. I'll think it's best if I leave it be for now. --HMSVictory 06:59, 19 February 2008 (EST)
You're doing the right thing though - watch the recent changes page and try to fix any problematic edits. Take a look at the successful (and unsuccessful) nominations on the Patrollers page and read the comments. It's the best way to learn what is expected. –RpehTCE 07:04, 19 February 2008 (EST)
As usual, Rpeh, I can only thank you for your guidance. Just a random question: On the Recent Changes page, edits show a +/-# depending on how much has been added or subtracted to or from the article. What controls the value of the number? My guess is number of letters. --HMSVictory 07:08, 19 February 2008 (EST)
Yes, it's the number of characters. Not just letters - things like newline characters also count. –RpehTCE 07:38, 19 February 2008 (EST)
Understood. --HMSVictory 14:00, 19 February 2008 (EST)

Council of Mages[edit]

Do please come and help resolve this issue. Robed Dawnbringer 12:29, 21 February 2008 (EST)

My page is "Flagged" and innapropriate.....My god, what a useless pun.[edit]

Hey Rpeh, I think you can help me on this: On my user page the flags at the top are a bit, umm, biased to one country.. You'll se the immediate problem if you just go to the page. Is there any way you could fix that?

Thanks, Game Lord

PS. To avoid further problems, is it actually possible to just edit things using the HTML code? I know it's possible with some things, like italics etc. but can I do other things with it? Because I'm a lot better at the HTML code, than this sites code. (No offence, I just havent had time to get used to it, joined last week or 2 weeks ago or something)

For the image, you need to do this: [[Image:Scotland.png|40px]]. I'll leave you to make the change as it's not usually appropriate to edit somebody else's user page. As for using HTML syntax, preferably not. It's better to use nice clean wiki markup. It's not that tricky to get the hang of. Keep trying and read our help files. –RpehTCE 14:30, 21 February 2008 (EST)

Adding new item pages[edit]

Hello again,

I noticed that for every item I add to the list of artifacts, you create an item page for it. Should I do this for the items I'm adding, then use the more common type of link from the artifacts page to the item page?

Hi - I was just about to post on your talk page! I took the information you'd posted on the artifact page and put it on the item's page instead. Then we include the item page through transclusion. Take a look at my changes to the Artifact page to see what I mean. The benefit of this is that the artifact can be put onto more than one page really easily - by transcluding it more than once. We may want, for instance, the helmets to go on a Unique Helmets page or something like that. –RpehTCE 09:45, 22 February 2008 (EST)

Starting new pages[edit]

Hi a third time,

Sorry if I seem to be pestering you. I have another question. When I try to start a page for the item I'm about to add to the artifacts page (Hrormir's Icestaff). It simply takes me to [[Oblivion:Staves|Oblivion:Staves, Hromir's Icstaff. This happens if I make a link, use the search box, or type in the URL. So how do I actually create the page without being redirected?

Thanks, Game Lord

Don't worry - we're here to help! It's good to have sensible people who ask sensible questions, believe me. When you get redirected like that you'll notice a link at the top left of the page "redirected from (whatever)". If you click that link you'll be taken to the redirect page but it won't redirect you. You can then edit it as normal. When you're done you transclude it like any other template - {{Namespace:PageName}}. –RpehTCE 09:54, 22 February 2008 (EST)
Ok, thanks

Got your note[edit]

I'm admittedly ignorant about wikipedia and the program in general. I got your message today, Rpeh, and this is the best way I found to reply. If there's another, let me know.

I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. I also appreciate your acknowledgment that the statement was provocative depending on one's point of view.

I can also acknowledge that your comment may not have been intended the way I received it; that's possible.

I also acknowledge that my response was very strong and forward, for a plethora of reasons not all of which were actually merited. I am confrontational by nature as well, and I'm aware that this is a trait that is not a positive one, is difficult to control and that causes me more problems than it solves. I most certainly could have expressed myself better - and the explanation above is not intended as an excuse, simply an explanation. I'm ultimately in control of my life, and therefore the decisions I make as well, so please don't interpret the above as a "cop-out" in any way. I'm abrasive and I know it, and I know it's not okay.

I do want to help with the wiki. I think I can offer good things to the community and it's a community I want to be part of. I already found a few bugs that weren't listed in the wiki. Some of the things I hone in on turn out to already be covered, but some don't. I think I have something to offer, and I think this is a cool project that could be fun.

What I don't want is a confrontational situation. I'm still feeling this community out just like you're learning about me.

My very first encounter here was one of "anal retention" and so, whether rightly or wrongly, that becomes the "status quo" and it takes time and experience - evidence shown over time - to show that this is not the norm. I admit I'm looking for it, because I don't want to invest my time in something that's just going to frustrate me down the road.

I'll be less defensive, and hope that time shows this was simply a rocky start to what really is going to be a fruitful project for all of us.

Thanks for your note. It carries weight that you took the time and effort to contact me on it and make the statements you did. It certainly gives me a reason to keep hanging around before passing judgment.

Best wishes.


Great Help - Cookie[edit]

(cookie moved to the jar)

Thank you! It's always nice to know I'm being of some help. It's good to see a lot of questions appear too - they help improve the site because we get to find out what information is missing and what can be improved

Image Acceptability[edit]

Doesn't it mention somewhere on the Help:Images page that NPCs should be in a non-hostile position, and take up most of the image itself? The Daris Adram image meets neither of these criteria, and the distance in the image between the NPC and the Player looks rather longer than most NPC images I have seen in the Morrowind namespace. Sorry about that. --HMSVictory 12:05, 25 February 2008 (EST)

Not that I can see! I know there are other images where the subject is doing more than just standing there so if that one is being marked there will need to be a lot of others too. As far as the size is concerned... I suppose it could be a bit bigger, but it's not very different to a lot of others. If you want to upload a different version, feel free of course. –RpehTCE 12:09, 25 February 2008 (EST)
I may upload a different version, as an encylopaedia, to me, needs to have clear, detailed images whose subjects are relatively close to the camera and in a fundamental, upright position, preferably standing. But I suppose that the UESP's standards differ from mine. Not that it matters. Anyway, I know that this is completely irrelevant, but could you give me some feedback for my new Fanfiction The Armour of Contempt (Sorry for the British spellings!). I know I always come to you for these things, but no one else seems to be active at the moment. Thankyou! --HMSVictory 12:24, 25 February 2008 (EST)
I was going to read it a little later. I remember enjoying One Final Effort a while back so I'm looking forward to this one! –RpehTCE 12:27, 25 February 2008 (EST)
This one's about the Imperial Legion. I tried to achieve a huge contrast between the first and second sections, while maintaining a certain air of similarity. I still haven't finished One Final Effort, so I'll have to get back to that soon. --HMSVictory 12:29, 25 February 2008 (EST)

Quick Question.[edit]

Hey there Rpeh. I asked this question on the forums as well and no one seems to know the answer as the thread seems to be being neglected. Perhaps I'm just impatient, but you seem to be extremely knowledgeable about Oblivion and reliable to give a quick and helpfull response, so I thought I'd just ask you directly. The forum post goes as follows:

"I'm a bit confused on how enchanted damage works. For example, my character is mainly an archer class but of course carries a melee weapon with him in the event that he runs out of arrows or he needs it for some other reason (I've found this to be a good practice as I have needed to resort to melee combat on numerous occasions). Until now I have been using an unenchanted Glass Dagger. The Glass Dagger shows in my inventory with an attack of 7. While going through a cave I ran across a "Dagger of Flames" which appears to be an Elven Dagger with a fire damage enchant on it. The damage of the weapon itself shows as 6, but the enchantment gives it 15 points of fire damage on strike. Does this mean that essentially the fire dagger does 21 points of damage (base damage + enchant damage (6+15)) on each strike until the enchant wears off, or am I not understanding the math of this game?

Thanks in advance for any answers." --Mole126 21:52, 25 February 2008 (EST)

Yes, the dagger will do 21 points of damage to most enemies until the enchantment is used up, at which point you can recharge the weapon. However, the two components of the damage are affected differently to your enemy's possible defenses. Some of the base damage can be absorbed by your enemy's armor (see The Complete Damage Formula); the Fire Damage is unaffected by armor. On the other hand, the enchantment will be affected by any fire resistance, magic resistance, or other similar effects your enemy may have. For more details on your weapons, you can see the entries for Glass Dagger and Dagger of Flames respectively. --NepheleTalk 22:56, 25 February 2008 (EST)
Not quite who I was expecting, but thank you none the less. That answers my question completely. It seems to me now that the Dagger of Flames is a far better weapon in almost all respects than the Glass Dagger. --Mole126Talk 23:09, 25 February 2008 (EST)