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This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is knowledgeable about the Orrery official download. |
This user is knowledgeable about the Spell Tomes official download. |
This user is knowledgeable about the Thieves Den official download. |
This user is knowledgeable about the Vile Lair official download. |
This user is knowledgeable about the Wizard's Tower official download. |
This user is from Sweden. |
This user is male. |
This user shares the birthday of his character, 10th Sun's Dawn! |
This user is right-handed. |
This user is an atheist. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
About Me |
Hey, my name is Oscar and I come from Sweden, I have many userboxes (not any longer), and I love Welkynd Stones. Mmyyyy Precioussssssss...
Projects |
Characters |
Full Name: Aron
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Birthdate: 3E 412, 10th of Sun's Dawn (21 years old)
Birthsign: The Lord
Class: Dragon Knight
Follower: N/A
Factions: N/A
Outdated Characters |
Full Name: Walterius
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Birthdate: 3E 414, 10th of Sun's Dawn (19 years old)
Birthsign: The Lord (it was father Akatosh's will that the Lord appeared at that night)
Class: N/A
Follower: N/A
Factions: N/A
Walter Thibault
Full Name: Waltherious Decimus Thibault
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Level: 11
Birthdate: 3E 414, 10th of Sun's Dawn (19 years old)
Birthsign: The Lord (it was father Akatosh's will that the Lord appeared at that night)
Class: Holy Knight
Follower: Squire Athros
Factions: Fighters Guild (Master), Mages Guild (Arch-Mage), Arena (The Divine Avenger, Grand Champion), Knights of the Nine (Divine Crusader), Nine Divines (Pilgrim), Knights of the White Stallion (Knight-Errant), The Order of the Virtuous Blood (Brother), Court of Madness (Madgod)
Therias Gorogoth
Full Name: Therias Gorogoth
Race: Dunmer (Vampire)
Gender: Male
Level: 2
Birthdate: 3E 181, ?? of ???? (252 years old)
Birthsign: The Shadow
Class: Slayer
Factions: The Dark Brotherhood (Listener)
Full Name: Athros
Race: Bosmer
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Birthdate: 3E ???, ?? of ???? (?? years old)
Birthsign: The Thief
Class: Thief
Factions: Thieves Guild (Gray Fox)
Asgeirr Silvershield
Full Name: Asgeirr Silverskold
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Birthdate: 3E ???, ?? of ???? (?? years old)
Birthsign: The Warrior
Class: Chieftain
Factions: N/A
Fanfiction |
A Dragon Knight
Favourites |
- Favourite NPC's: Martin, Jauffre, The Gray Fox, Lucien Lachance and Maglir
- Favourite Race: Imperial, Nord
- Favourite Towns: The Imperial City, Chorrol, Kvatch, Bruma
- Favourite follower: Squire Athros
- Favourite Enemy: Mehrunes Dagon, Umaril the Unfeathered
- Favourite Mods: Dragon Knight Armor, Elven map Redux
- Favourite DLC: Fighter's Stronghold, Knights of the Nine
Images |
Sandboxes |
Sandbox I
Sandbox II
Links |
My YouTube Account