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Skyrim talk:Console/Archive 3

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Console discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

non-english keyboards and console invocation

It is clear to me that the accent key is only meant as an example, but, as we say here, we know our pigs by their walk, so a lot of people will take this as provided whatever their native kbd layout and ask/complain a lot. On german keyboards, that key is not '/~ but °/^, the accent key `/' is next to backspace, other languages use again other combos. Better say „the key to the left of 1 in the writing section of the keyboard”. Or leave it out completely and just say „default key used to invoke the console”. Using function keys is a bad idea, since many utilities (like eg. Fraps or Getimg) or even the desktop itself use these. Better suggest a ctrl-whatever combo instead, that ought to work in 99% of all cases. 14:15, 25 November 2012 (GMT)

Console, Non-English Keyboards and Steam

Should it be noted in the Accessing the Console With Non-English Keyboards section that the Steam application's default screenshot key combination is Shift+F12 and this may cause a conflict? I do not know how important this is because I do not use Steam in a language other than English or a non-programmable keyboard: someone who this may pertain to would have to comment. --Anubis Priest 23:24, 11 March 2012 (UTC)

I don't think that's terribly relevant, since Shift+F12 is an unlikely key to have a tilde on. In fact, I don't think function keys are ever used in any of the standard keyboard layouts to be anything other than function would probably break a large number of applications. Robin Hoodtalk 04:47, 5 April 2012 (UTC)

The PCMiscStat (or PCMS) commands

In doing some research into displaying and modifying the Player Character Miscellaneous Statistics (PCMiscStat or PCMS) in the console I have found out that quotation marks are not required for stats like barters but quotations are required to get the console to properly identify multi-word (hypen/no hyphen?) stats like Days as a Werewolf. I have changed the page to show the result of this research and to better explain the use of the two commands. Any constructive edits/thoughts would be welcome. --Anubis Priest 03:43, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for the changes. If it's like previous Consoles, it would only be the ones with spaces that require quotes, but I haven't tested this. Robin Hoodtalk 04:20, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

tcl - what happens if targeted on a creature/NPC or static object

Someone has posted here: RE: the tcl command, that "make sure you don't have a target selected, or they will become bugged".

The same user comments here on the tcl command: "I saw an NPC I accidentally TCL'd "fly" in the air to attack a dragon."

Has anyone had the same experience or experienced other bugs with tcl'ed creatures, NPCs or static objects? Or does the tcl command have no effect on targeted NPCs, creatures or static objects?

Galacticninja 04:17, 16 March 2012 (UTC)

At any point there is an ID at the top centre of the console the TCL command will be applied to that object. I have had NPCs drop through the world, go flying, walk through the air to follow me and so forth; objects that are Havok based have fallen through the world; and base static objects allowed the player character and Havok objects to fall through them. I have never had a miss-placed TCL do nothing. --Anubis Priest 03:39, 10 April 2012 (UTC)

PipBoyRadioOff command - What does it do?

Inside the "All Known Console Commands" section on the page, I found "PipBoyRadioOff".

Considering this is Skyrim, not Fallout, there are no PipBoys.

If someone could tell me what this does, I would be grateful.--I a m g o o f b a l l--Need Something? Drop by on my Talk Page. What I've done for this site. 22:39, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

It's effectively disabled. The parameters are checked to ensure they're valid, but apart from that, it does nothing at all. It reports that it ran successfully, though, which is why you don't get any error messages or anything like that. Robin Hoodtalk 23:05, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

Redirect: Console commands

There's a page "Oblivion:Console commands". For Skyrim, I've repeatedly found myself typing console commands into the search box and not be directed here. Would a redirection make sense? -- 00:54, 21 March 2012 (UTC)

done. If you have any future requests for pages to be made, please take them to UESPWiki:New Page Requests. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 00:59, 21 March 2012 (UTC)

How do I rename an NPC?

I need to know how to rename an NPC, because I typed in "setactorfullname" and then typed in the desired name, but it didn't work. Can someone please help me? I would appreciate it. Nikofeelan 21:21, 25 March 2012 (UTC)

You need to click on someone THEN type/enter it in. -Anon — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:56 on 8 July 2012

Activate door bars?

Is there any way to raise the lock bar on doors with the unlock command? Just targeting the door and using 'unlock' does not seem to work.. and you can't easily target the bar...— Unsigned comment by WooShell (talkcontribs) on 3 April 2012

Only using the tcl command to walk through the door to the other side will help. I think door bars are placed to prevent any possible lockpicking perks and the Skeleton key (vanilla or by mod) from breaking quest chains. --Anubis Priest 03:42, 10 April 2012 (UTC)

PSB is not Populate Spell Book, but rather Player Spell Book (see console: help psb 1)

I've changed the line of Populate Spell Book into Player Spell Book. Using the console to see the full non-abbreviated meaning of PSB shows that the command can alternately be written as PlayerSpellBook to get the same effect as when writing PSB in the command console. The P therefor stands for Player, not Populate. :) To check this for yourself, simply type help psb 1 into the command console. -- 22:52, 9 April 2012 (UTC)

A VERY useful command you should add

completequest <quest ID> :-) — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 25 April 2012

Location ID

How do you find the location ID that's needed for a few commands? Nothing on the article says. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:11 on 18 May 2012

If you look at individual Place pages, they should be listed in the Place Summary table (on the right-hand side of each article). I believe some places (such as larger dungeons) may have more than one location code for different zones. ABCface 20:31, 18 May 2012 (UTC)
The sidebar only says 'Console Location Code'. Some commands, like the getlocationcleared command, need a separate ID number that the wiki doesn't seem to list. 19:36, 20 May 2012 (UTC)
I believe you can use help in the console. Machina lucis 23:03, 31 May 2012 (UTC)

Showinventory command question

On the PC, is there anyway for the console to display more than six lines, or alternately to wait after an item is displayed for the user to hit return. Currently the command Showinventory blazes through leaving only the last six lines displayed which are sometimes things like: ---> BAD EDITOR ID (000XXXXX) It would be even neater if the output could be directed to a text file. Kalevala 04:33, 31 May 2012 (UTC)

I don't think so, unless there's something in the ini file, but I think you can use the PGUP and PGDN commands to scroll. Vely►Talk►Email 04:37, 31 May 2012 (UTC)

Merchant Gold

is there a command to permanently alter a merchants gold amount? — Unsigned comment by Jpalmss (talkcontribs) at 01:26 on 7 July 2012

No, you have to use the Creation Kit to do that. There are already some mods in Steam Workshop that have done this. -CoolGamer 23:06, 8 July 2012 (UTC)
The "Additem" command works for me. But I'll need someone to confirm this because I've got a few mods loaded atm. 04:48, 19 January 2013 (GMT)

For the command incPCS: some of the skill names are different in console?

I've noticed that when I try to advance the skills archery and speech using incpcs, it doesn't work. But when I type in "incpcs marksman" it advances archery. I couldn't find an alternate name for speech to work, though. Does anyone know why it does this or what the name for speech is? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:52 on 6 August 2012

The Archery and Speech skills were renamed for skyrim as a result of the skills overhaul. However the actual words used for the skills under the hood didn't change. They are Marksman and Speechcraft respectively. 23:19, 6 November 2012 (GMT)

additional commands not listed ?

Is there no list of all commands ? I mean I found at least some commands which are not listed here like removefac / removefaction or getinfaction .... 12:08, 11 September 2012 (EDT)

There's an {{Incomplete}} tag at the top of the page, which means this page is still missing information. — ABCface 12:14, 11 September 2012 (EDT)

"actors" command (as stated in getavinfo)

with jordis selected, "getavinfo sneak" returns 15 (among other information) "actors sneak" doesn't return anything at all anyone know how to use this command or should I remove the information from getavinfo ? 06:20, 14 September 2012 (GMT)

TCL is sort of a semi-targeted command

try it : if you type tcl while an actor is selected you won't get the confirmation message that collision has been turned off and of course it just won't work 06:59, 14 September 2012 (GMT)

never mind that didn't saw the notes, I was focusing on the fact that it was classified as a toggle command 07:03, 14 September 2012 (GMT)

Set timescale and Waiting

Im sure alot already know this but I just figured it out if your timescale is 0 which I use a bit if im just out and about farming items and not questing and use the wait function it will reset to 12:00pm on Sunday or however they say it but the date itself will not revert so lets set it was 3:00pm Wednesday the 20th and used wait with a timescale set to 0 it would revert to 12:00pm Sunday the 20th. Had this happen once and didn't know what the heck was going on kept trying to wait or sleep and nothing my time was just frozen at 12pm actually restarted my game because of it but now just playing around stumbled across the same situation and figured out what was wrong. If you use the getcurrenttime function after doing this it will return some odd number like J-%/ or something like that it will correct itself as soon as you turn you timescale back on though and time will flow normally from 12pm but you would still be stuck on Sunday the 20th instead of Wednesday So one quick question is there a set day or date function to correct this not that its probably a big deal its more of a immersion thing unless your the ocd mascot like me who needs everything perfect lol I don't think it would mess with any quests — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:25 on 16 September 2012‎

as far as I remember, some people reported glitches & bugs in the game when the timescale is set too low (below 6 or 7) 14:09, 30 September 2012 (GMT)
here goes an example 14:12, 30 September 2012 (GMT)

Patch 1.7: Addperk commands still functioning?

I have attempted to make the addperk command several times and with various perks, some of which were available in skill trees as the next perk. But the command was never accepted. An example: I typed 'player.addperk 000dcaf8' (without the citations) which is the skill perk ID for 'Insightful Enchanter' but received the following message: "Invalid perk "000cdaf8" for parameter perk Compiler's script not saved". I received this message every time I attempted the addperk command, it didn't matter which skill tree or which skill perk ID, or whether or not the skill would be available for my next perk point, nor if I had any perk point available when I used the command. I found the perk IDs in-game by clicking them on the skill trees while having the console open, and I also consulted UESPwiki where I found and confirmed the perk IDs I've been trying to use in-game. Now my questions are: Am I doing something wrong? Or is it possible that the addperk command is no longer usable after (the official) Patch 1.7? AmaDraque (talk) 11:09, 27 September 2012 (GMT)

Addperk works for me. But the ID for 'Insightful Enchanter' is 000587e, as can be seen here. Where on the wiki did you find perk-IDs that didn't work? --Alfwyn (talk) 13:39, 27 September 2012 (GMT)

Should ModPCMiscStat added?

Should the Command ModPCMiscStat be added to this page? It can be used to alter the statistics.
((sry, I don't know how to make a table in this wiki))
Command = ModPCMiscStat "<stat>" <val>
Effect = alters the statistic
Notes = <stat> is the name of the statistic value you want to alter. <val> is the positiv or negativ ammount you want to alter the statistic value. Example: ModPCMiscStat "Total Lifetime Bounty" -1 20:43, 7 October 2012 (GMT)

Heathfire console

Just found dozens of variables using "byoh" prefix for Hearthfire, just do a search "help byohh". However I was not able to successfully add more logs using "set byohhouselogcount to 200", it'll reset. Any ideas? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:42 on 9 October 2012‎

Adding logs (xx00300e) to the inventory seems to work, they are transferred to the logpile automatically: player.additem 0300300e 200, with the Form ID for the logs adjusted to your situation. --Alfwyn (talk) 13:05, 9 October 2012 (GMT)

Non-PC Races

What non-PC races have players used via the console commands and how effective or buggy have those races been? I could not find a list of what non-PC races were even available. - Lady_Greyhawk on 12-10-12 @ 10:26 am

you can use any monster or creature race (i.e. dragon, draugr, skeleton, wolf, harerace(rabbit), dragonpriest) Note that most races will cause the camera to be placed just below the surface of the ground, and may cause your character to equip effects that will be retained after changing your race back (specifically the Dragon Priest). Some races can also cause the game to crash (i.e. werewolfbeastrace), and you should not play as a dragon inside cities, as they are too small.-- 05:07, 8 January 2013 (GMT)

WARNING section

Does anyone agree with my idea that the "WARNING" on the page here could be made huge and prominent, like an FDA "Black box" warning? Even the brilliant JR messed up his Skyrim program by being careless with it. If so, maybe someone else can take a crack at doing it? JR is not good at visual layout. --JR (talk) 04:46, 9 January 2013 (GMT)

Done by Silencer. I've reworded it. Now if someone edits whatever I wrote, we might have accomplished something. --JR (talk) 14:04, 9 January 2013 (GMT)

Addperk note about help (perkname) 0 - incorrect information?

Headline says it all. I tried this with many different perks and it doesn't work. It registers the perkname but does not display the perkID. This is quite frustrating as when I'm trying to make a god-like character for testing, I can only get 80 perks without going back and forth between game and uesp pages. Am I missing something (I've added the "0" everytime, also tried 123&4) or is this information completely incorrect? 17:31, 16 January 2013 (GMT)

Sorry for the double post, just got a call from a buddy of mine, asked him about it and he helped me through it. While I'd normally make the edit myself, I'm sure it'd be undone in a matter of min. If you want to find a perkid, typing "Help (Perkname) 4" will reduce the amount you have to scroll through (via pageup/down that was the key) and for a perk with 2 names, Help "perk name" 4, quotations are needed for a perk with a space. Earlier versions of skyrim (according to my buddy, not direct information) have a problem handling perk names with spaces. 17:39, 16 January 2013 (GMT)

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