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Skyrim talk:Console

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Archive 1: Nov 2011 – Dec 2011
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Archive 4: Mar 2012 - Apr 2016

Non-Existent "SetClass" command used as example?[edit]

Near the bottom of the page in the BAT file discussion, this example is found: "for example prid a2c94 then setclass 13176 will cause Lydia to level up correctly."

Contrarily, there is no "setclass" console command listed in the text, and a quick Google search reveals url [1], which discusses an ActorBase script function with the syntax "Function SetClass(Class c) native." I do not believe that ActorBase functions are valid as console commands.

It would be great if someone who actually knows for sure would either

(a) Add the SetClass console command to the main page if it is in fact applicable; or
(b) remove the example falsely alleging that the SetClass ActorBase function works as a console command.

--HoggyDog (talk) 01:57, 20 October 2019 (GMT)

Comment removed after repeated attempts to circumvent the insane Wiki autorestructuring and reformatting of the text I actually entered, completely misaligning it and destroying its readability.

Whoever is in charge of this is surely doing all they can possibly to to stifle input.

Disgustedly,HoggyDog (talk) 09:21, 3 January 2020 (GMT)

Skyrim:Creation Club[edit]

Skyrim:Creation Club for Skyrim:Special Edition will disable Skyrim:Achievements. What about Console? True Nord (talk) 12:08, 8 May 2021 (UTC)

That's not true, at least not on the Steam version. I have many creations installed and I'm still earning achievements. Olaus (talk) 05:30, 17 June 2021 (UTC)

Missing the command `find`? || Also question on how commands are found in the first place.[edit]

Apparently find <text> is a console command, however it's not listed here nor in any other lists I've seen online; although ironically it's rather hard to find if there is one with the command listed on google due to it being such a common word.

I'm not quite sure what the command is listing, but it does list things.

Example of usage:

find imperial

Also, how do people find these console commands and figure out what they do? That's also proven too difficult to search using google.. is there a command that lists commands?

The find one I found just by randomly trying it, but I can't imagine all of those were found by randomly trying as well.

--signature added during my reply to Robin Hood, didn't know it didn't happen automatically when I first posted these questions-- -- 10:15, 26 December 2021 (UTC)

The console commands are taken directly from the executable. I just checked quickly and it's clear that the find command is built-in and isn't something added by SKSE, which means our list is out of date. I'll have to see if I can find the time to do that at some point.
As for figuring out what the commands do, that's largely down to trial and error. Conceivably, you could figure out all of them by reverse-engineering the executable, but that would be a rather arduous task for very little gain, I would think. I don't recall if there's a command that lists the other commands. I don't think there is, but I'm honestly not sure. Robin Hood(talk) 22:55, 18 December 2021 (UTC)

Turns out there IS a way to list all console commands, it's the help command! Here's what it says for the find command: help "find" 1(imgur link)
Although, there's a problem with making it list all the console commands, in that passing an empty string to make it list all of them finds so many script functions that you can't scroll far enough up the console with PageUp to get to the actual commands: help "" 1(imgur link)
Also there's the possibility that the description the game gives the consoles isn't wholly accurate, although it's probably still helpful for figuring out some commands.
For example it says that ClearConsole/clear is a command that clears the console log, but I tried both commands and neither did anything: help "clear" 1 and trying to use them(imgur link)
Hope this helps :) -- 10:15, 26 December 2021 (UTC)
Apparently the find command, and presumably every other command that help "" 1 lists, actually IS in the list of commands, they're just in the collapsed section All Known Commands that I have overlooked this whole time 🤦‍♀️.
It only has the generic description that the game gives them or no description at all, but they seem to all be there.
Sorry for not searching more thoroughly than just ctrl+f'ing before asking.
Should this talk section be deleted then? Although maybe the help command being usable to search for commands could be useful information somewhere. -- 00:07, 31 December 2021 (UTC)
I could've sworn I checked the extended command list the other day when you first mentioned the "find" command, but maybe I missed it. As far as deleting the talk section, no, we don't normally do that. As unlikely as it might be, there's the possibility that someone will find this helpful in the future, like if they overlook the collapsed list as well, for example. Robin Hood(talk) 05:06, 31 December 2021 (UTC)