Online:Worm Cult Savage

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Worm Cult Savage
Location Dark Anchors, Honrich Tower, Lost Prospect, Nimalten Barrow, Pinepeak Cavern, Rulanyil's Fall, Taarengrav, Treehenge, Trolhetta Cave, Vernim Woods, The Vile Pavilion
Imperial City's Memorial DistrictImperial City
Underground SepulcherThieves Guild
Race Imperial Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Brute
Other Information
Faction(s) Worm Cult
Worm Cult Savage

Worm Cult Savages are Imperial brutes affiliated with the Worm Cult. They can be found in various locations throughout Tamriel.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Low Slash
The enemy slashes the player's shins, doing moderate physical damage and snaring the player. Blocking will reduce the damage.
The enemy charges forward, doing moderate physical damage as well as knocking down any player within the red rectangle. Blocking will reduce the damage taken and prevent the knock down. If the enemy does not hit anything, it will be stunned for a few seconds.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Castle of the Worm[edit]

When you approach the house Sir Cadwell is being harangued by Worm Cultists in, the Worm Cult Savage will yell to him.

Worm Cult Savage: "Your snooping around has reached its end."
Worm Cult Savage: "Do you like your skin? I think we can find another use for it!"
Worm Cult Savage: "How dare you defy the Order of the Black Worm, slave!"

When you first enter the Inner Keep, you'll hear the following conversation between two Imperial Worm Cult members:

Worm Cult Savage: "No, no, hear me out. How many Tharns does it take to rule an Empire?"
Worm Cult Assassin: "Would you shut up? I'm trying to work here."
Worm Cult Savage: "None. The one on the throne is a patsy and the one in the tower isn't useful anymore!"
Worm Cult Assassin: "That's not even funny. Get back to work, would you?"
Worm Cult Savage: "What? It's true. Lord Mannimarco is going to peel his skin off and make a particularly ugly flesh atronach out of him, mark my words."
Worm Cult Assassin: "And if you don't help me, I'll make sure you're sewn up right alongside him. Now shut up!"

Generic Worm Cult Savages[edit]

Generic, unnamed Worm Cult Savages can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These Worm Cult Savages have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of Worm Cult Savages, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Cyrodiil Dark Anchors 31,364 (no-CP), 42,677 (CP)
Castle of the Worm Wretched Squalor
Inner Keep
Wrothgar Unfinished Dolmen ON-misc-Boss 1.png 60,418
Player has died once during a quest related to an instanced location.
Two deaths taken during a quest in an instanced location.
Three deaths taken during a quest in an instanced location.