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Online:Two Sides to Every Coin

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Help the Duchess deliver her message from the castle to the Alik'r camp.
Zone: Stormhaven
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Required for Cadwell's Almanac Alcaire Castle — Resolve the Military Standoff that threatens the Covenant.
Quest Giver: Sir Hughes
Location(s): Alcaire Castle
Prerequisite Quest: Army at the Gates
Next Quest: Life of the Duchess
Reward: Low Leveled Gold
XP Gain: 939
ID: 2564
Duchess Lakana needs a messenger
Duchess Lakana needs someone to take a message to the leader of the Redguard camp outside the gates. Sir Hughes suggested I act as her messenger and report on what she reveals.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Sir Hughes.
  2. Talk to Duchess Lakana.
  3. Gain entry to the Redguard general's house.
  4. Return to Duchess Lakana.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Following Army at the Gates, continue talking to Sir Hughes. He needs to talk to the Duke about your findings, but he's wary about accusing the Duchess without knowing what she's up to. Lakana has spoken with Envoy Darima and now wants to go speak in person with the Redguard general. Obviously, Sir Hughes can't allow that, but the envoy can't deliver a message either as the Duchess has forbidden it. However, you can do the job; you will already have Lakana's trust after arranging for the envoy to get in, according to Sir Hughes.

Go offer your services. Duchess Lakana is in her room along with Envoy Darima, up the stairs from the library. Lakana is grateful you intervened in the situation regarding Dame Falhut; she is alone, she feels, with no one she can trust in Alcaire Castle. She wonders if she can even trust the Duke himself, as someone has been trying to kill her. A taste-tester died a few days before, from a poison intended for the Duchess.

The camp

When asked why, Lakana will speculate that rivals for the Alik'r throne may be trying to destroy the Covenant. King Fahara'jad, Lakana's father, has been trying to identify the assassins. Lakana needs to speak with General Thoda outside, but as she is not allowed, she feels stuck. Envoy Darima can't go either, as the gates might close and lock behind her and Lakana desperately needs her friend right now. You may go, she says when you offer, but General Thoda may not allow you to see him. If you can duel and best some of his warriors, he will be curious enough to want to see you, and you can deliver the message.

Head down to the camp at the river. You can challenge any Alik'r Bravo or Alik'r Champion through dialogue, and there are many to choose from. Once you have dueled five successfully, Thoda's House, the southeastern building in the camp, will be open to you.

General Thoda is inside. Though at first he will be angry that you picked fights with his soldiers, explaining the situation will give you the mastermind's name, spoken by the poison-maker himself before he died: Falhut.

It is up to you to protect Lakana now, so return to the castle quickly. Lakana will be surprised that Dame Falhut would resort to murder, but she will give you 86 gold for your help. Continue talking to her to receive the next quest, Life of the Duchess.

Quest Stages[edit]

Two Sides to Every Coin
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should speak with the duchess. She's in her room on the top floor of the castle.
Objective: Talk to Duchess Lakana in Her Room
The duchess asked me to speak with Thoda, the commander of the Redguards outside Alcaire Castle. To get his attention, she suggested I fight some of his soldiers to prove my mettle.
Objective: Challenge Alik'r Soldiers: 0/5

(Once you have completed the above, the objective will change to the following.)

Objective: Speak to General Thoda
Finishes quest☑ One of the knights I first met, Dame Falhut, is apparently behind an attempt on Duchess Lakana's life. I should inform her at once.
Objective: Talk to Duchess Lakana
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.