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Online:Tribune Alea Idolus

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Tribune Alea Idolus
Home City Skingrad
Location Rustwall Estate
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower During The Missing Cohort
Faction(s) West Weald Legion
Tribune Alea Idolus

Tribune Alea Idolus is an Imperial member of the West Weald Legion with the rank of Tribune. She was tasked by Count Calantius as marshal to investigate possible threats to West Weald, and can first be encountered at the Rustwall Estate.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Missing Cohort[edit]

If you have started Paths of Chaos from Leramil the Wise, the Rustwall Estate will be one of the locations she asks you to investigate. Once at the estate you can encounter Tribune Alea who is looking around. Speak with her to find out what is going on:

"Look around. No people. Strange, right? I detached an entire Legion cohort to guard this estate, but I haven't found a single legionary. Not even a servant.
What's your story? Do you know what happened to my legionaries?"
Started quest by finding Mercenaries Required:
I understand that you need help finding a missing Legion cohort.
"I remember when the Legion didn't have to rely on mercenaries. Still, I'd appreciate the help. Until I find my cohort or the missing servants, I have to assume Skingrad's in danger. I can't abide that.
Assist me and I'll see you well paid."
I'll help you find the missing Legion cohort.
"I hereby designate you a temporary agent of the West Weald Legion. Just until we find my soldiers. We'll search the manor house first. I'll meet you inside.
Keep your eyes open, comrade. We don't know what happened here."

After you agree to help, you can ask Tribune Alea some questions:

What should I know about Rustwall Estate?
"Well, it's usually a lot more lively. When Count Calantius isn't in residence or it isn't filled with visiting dignitaries, there's still the entire household staff. But so far I haven't found a soul. No signs of a battle or struggle yet, either."
Who's Count Calantius?
"Count Calantius governs West Weald from the city of Skingrad. He's a shrewd leader. When dignitaries visit Skingrad, the count offers them use of the Rustwall manor house.
It's the count's way of … how did he put it? Encouraging positive outcomes."
And that's why you sent a Legion cohort here?
"I sent my Legion cohort here. The best soldiers in the Weald.
The estate's proximity to the city makes it strategically important. I wanted to make sure we weren't surprised from this direction. But something happened here. We need to find out what."
Who are you exactly?
"I suppose introductions are in order. I am Tribune Alea Idolus of the West Weald Legion, marshal to Count Calantius, daughter of Quatrius Idolus, knight of Colovia.
A mouthful, I know, but I enjoy reciting my entire pedigree from time to time."
How did you get the rank of tribune?
"Faithful service to the Legion plus a strong sword arm. I fought in Varen's Rebellion and defended Colovia as the usurper war broke out. After we won the Battle for North Hook, I started moving up the ranks. Now here I am."
What was the Battle for North Hook?
"It happened at the start of the usurper war. The Daggerfall Covenant sought North Hook as a base from which to invade Imperial City. We didn't want them there.
When my commander fell, I took charge. Eventually, we repelled the invaders."
How did you become Count Calantius's marshal?
"When the usurper war began, the Legion sent me to defend our borders. Colovia has no love for those grasping to be emperor. We didn't want to get dragged into the conflict.
Count Calantius heard about my exploits and brought me into his service."
What do you do for the count?
"In addition to my duties as a Legion tribune, I perform special missions for the count. Right now, I'm looking into the various troubles plaguing the Weald. Rumors of cults and Daedra roaming the countryside, whatever's going on in the new forest."
New forest?
"It was the damnedest thing. In a flash, the rolling hills and vineyards were replaced by a thick jungle! And then those Wood Elves moved in and established the city of Vashabar.
You can imagine why the count is concerned."
Who was Quatrius Idolus?
"My father. He was a successful merchant, but I barely remember him. He died when I was very young.
He left me a great deal of gold so I could study and make something of myself. I'm grateful for that. When I was of age, I joined the Legion."

After you finish speaking with her, she will run over to the manor and enter. Once inside, you will find the place is a mess and Tribune Alea will be examining something on the ground:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Seems everyone left in a hurry. Take a look around."

Speaking with her while investigating:

"Rustwall Manor is usually pristine. The staff would never leave so much as a chair out of place. Not willingly, at any rate.
Let's look around. We need to find anything that suggests what happened here."

When you examine the candle in the window:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Servants light this when there's danger. To warn others away."

Examining the Bloody Servant Tunic:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Someone attacked the servant this belonged to."

After reading the unfinished letter To Tribune Alea Idolus:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "The captain planned to hide. But where?"

Once you have completed your investigation, Tribune Alea will want to go to the barracks:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "We need to find Captain Leronus. Meet me at the barracks on the south side of the estate."
<Tribune Alea heads outside.>

When you enter the barracks, Tribune Alea will be further in the building with the body of Captain Martin Leronus:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Back here, comrade. I found Captain Leronus."
<Tribune Alea places a letter on the table beside her.>
Tribune Alea Idolus: "What a loss. I found that letter clutched in his hand."

Speaking with her before reading the letter:

"That's Captain Leronus lying on the floor. He commanded the cohort when I wasn't with them. He was a good soldier.
I found that letter clutched in his hand. You should read it."
Did Captain Leronus serve with you long?
"We fought side-by-side at North Hook. He was brave, but never foolish. Always took every engagement seriously. A lot of soldiers would be dead right now if not for him.
When I received command of the cohort, I requested he join me."
What's the difference between a tribune and a captain?
"About three rungs on the command ladder hierarchy. I lead the cohort, but Captain Leronus usually served as our field commander. While I handled strategy and logistics details, he oversaw the forces on the ground.
Whatever killed him will pay."

After reading Letter to Captain Leronus, the Tribune will want to talk:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "The servants are hiding in the catacombs. Let's talk."

Upon speaking with her:

"The bloody clothes and the warning candle suggest someone or something attacked Rustwall. And we know Captain Leronus was working on a plan. I hoped to find him alive, but the letter from the groundskeeper tells us more than we knew before."
The letter suggests the servants are hiding in the catacombs.
"Not as grim as it sounds. The count ordered the catacombs converted into a shelter a while back. He wanted a place for anyone in residence to hide should war sweep over Colovia.
Let's hope the rest of the cohort and the servants are safe and secure."
The note says this Groundskeeper Gaius has the only key.
"Groundskeeper Gaius is a tough old hedge snipper. We need to find him and get his key to open the catacombs. Then we can see how much of the cohort and household staff survived whatever happened here.
Let's check Gaius's home first."
Let's go find Groundskeeper Gaius.

Speaking with Tribune Alea again:

"Groundskeeper Gaius's home is just down the hill to the east. Whether he's there or not, we need to find that key."

When you enter Groundskeeper Gaius's House, Tribune Alea will call out:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Gaius? Are you here? It's Tribune Alea."
<Groundskeeper Gaius comes out from behind some furniture.>
Groundskeeper Gaius: "Tribune? Thank the Divines! Are they gone?"
Tribune Alea Idolus: "Who, Gaius? Who attacked Rustwall?"

Talking to her before Gaius:

"Finally, a living person. Find out what he knows and get the catacomb key. I'll keep watch, just in case."

Speaking with Groundskeeper Gaius, he explains that he only ever saw a few wood elves sneaking around the estate and that after the catacombs were locked, he was told to hide away until reinforcements arrived. Once you have finished speaking to him, he and Tribune Alea will walk over to the kitchen table where Gaius will draw a map for you:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Grab the map and let's go. We need that key."

Speaking with her before leaving:

"Glad we found Gaius among the living. Grab that map and we'll track down the key to the catacombs. I want to make certain the staff and remaining legionaries are safe."

The next place you will need to head to is the estate's gardens to find the statue mentioned by Gaius. Once outside, Tribune Alea will tell you where to go:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "The gardens are just east of here, down the hill."

Once you are at the gardens, she will suggest heading west:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "The Rustwall gardens. Our map indicates a spot on the western side."

At this point you will find several large insects in the gardens, Tribune Alea notes this is unusual:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "These insects, they're from deep underground. What drove them to the surface?"

You can talk with her about her prior experiences:

"Gaius said he hid the key to the catacombs inside a statue. No doubt the garden has a lot of those. This is a Colovian estate, after all.
Hopefully the map he drew for us is accurate."
Are you familiar with these large insects?
"A little. You usually find bugs that big deep underground. I remember seeing lots of them while clearing Goblins out of caves.
Something must have driven them to the surface."

Upon reaching the statue of King Rislav at the western end of the garden:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "There. That's the statue marked on the map. Search for the hidden key."

Talking to her before finding the key:

"I'm pretty sure that's the statue Gaius marked on his map.
Search around it for any place he could have hidden the catacombs key. Maybe a secret compartment."

When you find the key:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "That's the key! Now let's go open the catacombs. The door is across from the barracks."

When you are inside the Rustwall Catacombs, Tribune Alea will want to press on:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Move out! We need to find my cohort."

Speaking with her here:

"I want to find my legionaries and the estate staff. They have to be down here somewhere. Let's push forward and see what lies ahead."

Further in the catacombs, you will encounter some wood elves and soon Tribune Alea will notice something on the level below you:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Look, down there!"
<Tribune Alea heads over to the railing.>
Recollection Commander Erorath: "Still no sign of the escaped legionary, shardmarshal."
Shardmarshal Vargas: "No matter, mortal. More of our forces will come through soon."
Recollection Commander Erorath: "As you say, Shardmarshal Vargas. We have more than enough weapons now."
<Shardmarshal Vargas walks away and jumps down a hole.>
Tribune Alea Idolus: "That Wood Elf, he's with the Recollection. And he's taking orders from a Dremora? What's going on here?"

Speaking with Tribune Alea after this:

"That Dremora giving orders, they called her Shardmarshal Vargas. And those Wood Elves, they're part of that Recollection cult that's been spotted in the area.
We need more information, comrade. Let's press on."
What do you know about the Recollection?
"Not as much as I would like. They're one of the possible threats on my list to investigate. Some sort of order or cult made up mostly of Wood Elves. And now I know that they're apparently working with and taking orders from Daedra!"
Any idea who that Shardmarshal Vargas is?
"A Daedra barking orders to those Recollection fanatics. Never heard of a shardmarshal before, but I assume it's some sort of rank.
Every new thing we learn just leads to more mysteries. It's damn infuriating!"

Further along she will comment:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "This furniture was meant for the comfort of dignitaries who took refuge here, not for these Recollection bastards."

As you turn a corner in the catacombs, someone will call out to you:

Legionary Caepio: "Hey! Over by the gate!"
Tribune Alea Idolus: "By my sword, a legionary! Report, soldier."
<Tribune Alea runs up to the gate.>

Talking to her before Legionary Caepio:

"That's one of my legionaries. Listen to his report, comrade, while I keep an eye out for any of those Recollection bastards."

Speak with Legionary Caepio, you learn that he is the sole survivor and while keeping out of sight of the Recollection and Daedra, he learnt there is a planned attack on Skingrad and that there is a daedric portal which is where the forces are coming from. He suggests breaking the anchors to close it while he acts as a distraction.

After talking with Caepio, Tribune Alea will agree with his plan:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Legionary Caepio is right. We need to shut down that portal."

Talking with her at this point:

"Legionary Caepio made it this far. We need to trust that he can continue to evade the enemy for a while longer.
Let's find these ruins he spotted down below and find a way to deal with that portal."

Nearby will be the hole leading to the lower level:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Down into the ruins! We've got to close that portal."

After jumping down:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Caepio said the Daedric portal was to the east."

As you wander around, Tribune Alea will have some comments:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "I wonder what these ruins were? They're certainly older than the structures above."
Tribune Alea Idolus: "An old mine, maybe?"

Speaking with her at this point:

"I think we found the source of those bugs in the garden. Somewhere down here is that portal Legionary Caepio spotted. For the security of Skingrad and West Weald, we need to close it.
Keep pressing forward. Don't let any obstacles deter us."

Upon reaching the chamber containing the portal:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "The portal! Destroy the anchors, comrade!"
Shardmarshal Vargas: "Defend the anchors! Maintain the portal!"
<Marcorlaz of Mirrormoor is summoned to defend the anchors>

Speaking with Tribune Alea here:

"I see Shardmarshal Vargas standing on those rocks by the portal. This is the portal my legionary wants us to close, and I couldn't agree more.
We're in for a tough fight, but we can't fail. Destroy those anchors, comrade. Then we're out of here."

After you have defeated the defenders and shattered the anchors, the portal will close:

Shardmarshal Vargas: "Damn these mortals! Retreat!"
<Shardmarshal Vargas creates her own portal and leaves.>
Tribune Alea Idolus: "That closed the portal! Good work!"
<Tribune Alea begins running to the east.>
Tribune Alea Idolus: "Now let's find a way out of here!"
<Legionary Caepio appears and calls out to you.>
Legionary Caepio: "This way, tribune! Follow the tracks!"

You can then follow the pair outside, Tribune Alea calls you over:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Over here, comrade. Let's talk."

Talk with Tribune Alea to complete the quest:

"My cohort, almost completely destroyed. The Rustwall staff, almost all dead. Even Shardmarshal Vargas managed to slip from our grasp. While we closed the portal and saved Skingrad, it feels like we failed, comrade."
This is part of something bigger. I came here to investigate a disturbance in the threads of fate.
"The threads of fate? That sounds ominous. But after what we saw down there, I'll keep an open mind. We learned that the Recollection cult is working with Daedra and taking orders from Shardmarshal Vargas. They got damn close to invading Skingrad!"
So the threat here is over?

Leaving and returning to the conversation at this point:

"A good officer gives credit where credit is due. You did good here, comrade. Rustwall won't be ready to host any visiting dignitaries for a while, but we learned the fate of my cohort and stopped an invasion.
Not bad for a day's work."
Is the threat here over?
"With the portal closed and the Daedra on the run, the remaining Recollection forces aren't enough to threaten Skingrad. But I'll get the Legion to send more soldiers, just in case.
Here. The pay I promised. The Legion always makes good on its debts."

After completing the quest, you can ask her some more questions:

"Consider your temporary commission suspended, comrade. Though I'd love to have you permanently assigned to my cohort.
I plan to continue to look into the Recollection and Shardmarshal Vargas. I hear there's a Wood Elf in Skingrad doing the same."
What are you going to do about the remaining Daedra and Recollection cultists beneath Rustwall?
"I'll send for more legionaries to clear them out. As many as we can spare. With the portal closed and Shardmarshal Vargas on the run, they shouldn't pose too much of a problem."
And what happens to Rustwall Estate after that?
"That's up to Count Calantius. I'll advise him to keep legionaries at the estate, even when no dignitaries are present. Problem is, we don't have many left to allocate here.
The Legion isn't what it once was, what with the Empire in disarray."
Wood Elf? You mean Beragon?
"You know him? Interesting history for a Wood Elf. Traveled Tamriel as an adventurer in his youth, then became an Imperial scribe. I understand he's retired now, but word is he's investigating the Recollection.
I should find him and compare notes."

Paths of Chaos[edit]

As the quest ends, Tribune Alea can be found at Beragon's Townhouse, with Beragon and Leramil the Wise. You can talk to her:

"The Wood Elf mentioned a strange seed the two of you found at Ostumir. If that can explain how that new forest grew up so quickly, we should look into that.
Talk to Beragon and see if he knows anyone who might be able to tell us more."
Were you able to convince Count Calantius to send more legionaries to Rustwall Estate?
"Not exactly. While he agreed to spare a few legionaries to patrol the area, he's reluctant to assign more troops there on a permanent basis. Not after I lost an entire cohort!
He ordered me to continue my investigation, though, so here I am."
Why come here?
"When we learned that the Recollection was working with Daedra at Rustwall, it seemed my clearest path forward was to find an expert. Retired adventurer, former Imperial scribe, Recollection scholar.
I probably should have visited Beragon sooner."

Seeds of Suspicion[edit]

After Beragon gives you the quest, you can talk to Tribune Alea again.

"I don't know if it's a good idea to take that seed to Vashabar. We could be handing it right back to the Recollection. Who knows how many friends they have there?"
You suspect a tie between the Wood Elves of Vashabar and the Recollection?
"They both showed up in West Weald around the same time. Oh, I don't think every Wood Elf in Vashabar is a member of the Recollection, but some must be.
It doesn't help that they occupy a new forest that appeared on land that doesn't belong to them."
Land that doesn't belong to them?
"Sure, the new forest sprang up in a part of West Weald that was mostly wild and uninhabited, but it's still part of the province. No one in Vashabar swears allegiance to Count Calantius. What's he supposed to make of that?"
So you're concerned about the count's claim to that land?
"I'm not concerned about lines on a map. People are getting hurt! The devastated area at the border of the forest is ruining farms and spawning dangerous beasts. Not to mention the attacks by the Recollection.
Someone needs to answer for all this."

After you meet with King Nantharion, Alea wants to chat.

"You were in there for a while. What did Nantharion have to say?"
King Nantharion said that Count Calantius has refused his offers to work together.
"The count doesn't know Nantharion. He and his wood elves showed up right after the new forest appeared without so much as a by your leave! Is it any wonder the count doesn't trust him?
Did Nantharion say anything about the Recollection?"
He doesn't think any of his people are involved. He asked us to report to him if we learn any more.
"Not involved? Of course he'd say that! As for reporting to Nantharion, that depends on what we find. I serve Count Calantius and the Legion, not some self-declared king.
Let's meet at the spot the greenspeaker indicated and go look for that seed."
I'll see you there.

Hold the Line[edit]

As you approach Tribune Alea Idolus, she says "If you have a weapon, I need a hand."

If you have completed The Missing Cohort, she says:

"Ah, my comrade from Rustwall! What luck. I need your help once again. Do you hear the sounds of combat? The fight for Feldagard Keep already rages.
When I learned of an impending attack, I raced to warn them, but I arrived too late."
The keep is under attack?
"Daedric forces seek to overwhelm the Legion cohort defending the keep. The legionaries here are capable, but there's something about this attack ....
We can't let the keep fall. I need to get inside and help them."
What's so important about this keep?
"In addition to defending the major roads to the north and east, its proximity to the devastated area and the new forest make it integral to the protection of the Weald heartland.
What say you? Care to take a Legion commission and help me end this?"
I'll join in Feldagard Keep's defense. How do we start?
"We need to take stock of the situation before we head inside. Stumbling into a fight blindly never ends well.
There's an overlook east of the keep. Locals usually run a small market there. We can get a good view of the keep from that location."
What have you been doing since the trouble at Rustwall Estate?
"I tried to convince Count Calantius to assign more legionaries to guard Rustwall, but as the Legion is already stretched thin, he was only willing to send periodic patrols.
Since then I've been looking into The Recollection and their Daedra allies."
What do you know about the attacking forces?
"I did a little scouting before you arrived and immediately ran into a squadron of Daedra. Shardborn Dremora, from the looks of it, but other Daedra as well.
Now I want to head to the overlook and get a better view of the current situation."
Tell me about Feldagard Keep.
"The Legion built the keep late in the First Era as part of Reman Cyrodiil's initial Imperial expansion. It's seen quite a few battles over the centuries.
Now we use it to protect the trade roads and to keep an eye on the new forest."

When you reach the overlook, Alea will crouch by the wall and say "Damn! They breached the wall. Let's talk strategy, comrade."

"Damn! The Daedra have surrounded the keep and breached the fort's outer wall. The situation is worse than I thought.
We need to get in there and help them!"
Any idea how we get inside?
"The legionaries barricaded the area past the breach. Can't go through there.
There's a side entrance on the southwest. It's obscured by overgrowth, so there's a good chance it hasn't been noticed. We'll try that way. Then we find Commander Merian."
Who's Commander Merian?
"Merian commands the troops stationed at Feldagard. He's stubborn, but has an excellent tactical mind. He'll know exactly how we can help once we get in there."
Let's go find a way into the keep.
"The door is recessed between a gap in some rocks. I wouldn't call it a hidden entrance, but it's easy to miss if you don't know about it. I'll point it out.
Once inside, we'll find Commander Merian. He'll tell us how we can help."

Approaching the hidden doorway, Alea pipes up: "The door is behind that gap in the rocks." You find the gap and enter.

"We made it in easily enough, but that's just the beginning. Tracking down Commander Merian is our objective now.
I don't know what we'll find inside, so stay alert."

As you search, Alea says: "Stay alert while we look for Commander Merian." (Other lines too.)

After Commander Merian has asked you to reset the traps and burn the ropes, Alea says as you go about the task "I didn't know Daedra could even climb ropes.", "Careful, you need those hands to fight.", "I hope this makes them mad.", "That's all of the traps. I hope they hurt." and "That's all of the ropes I can see. Good work." Then: "Let the legionaries fight the Daedra. We need to find the Commander."

Merian is in the main courtyard. Alea reports: "The courtyard is through those doors."

After you have used the ballista to slay the incoming daedra, Alea notices something.

"More Daedra, emerging from the North Door. That leads to the barracks beneath the keep. How did they get in there?
No matter. Let's go deal with this, comrade."

Once through the North Door, Alea intones:

"We crushed the Daedra's frontal assault and stopped them from getting past the barricade. But the one's (sic) who emerged from the barracks-where did they come from?"
What's this part of the keep used for?
"Living quarters. The barracks extend beneath the keep, and a dungeon is below that. I'm not sure how the Daedra could get in down there, but we should take a look.
There's one more curious thing about this assault-where's the Daedric commander?"
The commander?
"This attack is much too coordinated to not have a leader. Find the commander and maybe we can sever the head of this army.
Let's search the barracks for another breach. And keep watch for any Daedra that looks to be in charge."
Let's investigate the barracks.

During this search, the Tribune says: "We're near the armory. Let's hope they haven't found it." and "The armory's just through those doors. Be ready for anything."

You enter the armory and Tribune Alea Idolus crouches near the railings to watch the events below. Then she says:

"I wondered when Shardmaster Vargas would turn up again. I still owe her for Rustwall.
And she has a new sword. Did you see how it opened a portal? Brought in reinforcements from somewhere she called Mirrormoor. We need to take that blade."
Any thoughts on how to do that?
"Usually I'd leap the railing and rush into battle, but who knows what else that blade can do? I'd rather not be turned into a mudcrab or something.
Let's split up. If we attack her from two sides, we'll split her focus. Then we can take her down."
All right. Which way do you want me to go?
"Go around the side to that gateway across from here. I'll distract the commander, then you attack and grab the blade.
It's important we do this before she opens another portal. If reinforcements come through, we'll have a bigger fight on our hands."
All right, let's do this.
"I could still leap this railing and rush her if you think that would work. No, let's stick with the plan I outlined.
Once you're in position at the gateway, I'll distract the shardmarshal. Let's do this."
Any idea what Mirrormoor is?
"Some Oblivion plane? Look, I know as much about Daedra as I do magecraft, which is absolutely nothing. But I've heard these Shardborn mention the place. Maybe that's where they come from.
We can ask her all about it after we take that blade."

After the battle in Mirrormoor and talking to Merian, the Tribune says:

"You didn't hesitate to leap through the portal after me. You do this sort of thing pretty regularly, don't you?
Shardmarshal Vargas got away though. That's on me. I swear I'll get her next time. But that place. The sky looked like cracked glass."
I heard Shardmarshal Vargas call it Mirrormoor.
"Mirrormoor. What a desolate place. Do the Shardborn come from there? Maybe Beragon or Leramil can tell us more. We should also have them examine the blade. What did Vargas call it? Abolisher. Huh.
Would it be all right if I took the sword to them?"
Of course. Take the blade.
"A good officer gives credit where credit is due. You did good, comrade. Feldagard Keep needs to rebuild and do some cleanup, but we repelled an invasion and gained a valuable tool.
Not bad for a day's work. If only I could shake this feeling ...."
Tell me about this feeling.
"A sense that things are going to get worse before they get better. Recollection cultists prowling the region, Daedra boldly attacking the keep, magical blades that open portals as easily as I can open a door.
Something bigger is coming. I know it."

Skills and Abilities[edit]

While she accompanies you during certain quests, Tribune Alea may use the following abilities while in combat:

Imperial Protection
Golden light will surround you during combat, providing protection.
[verification needed — Unknown spectral horse attack]
A trio of spectral Imperial war horses will run in the direction of the enemy.
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