Online:The Many Paths
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
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Leramil the Wise claims that the threads of fate have formed a dangerous tangle around the Outcast Inn. She's blocked from entering by her own ability to perceive the threads. I agreed to go inside, find the tangle's source, and end the threat.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Leramil the Wise.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Quest Stages[edit]
The Many Paths | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Leramil can't get any closer to the inn because of the pain the tangle she perceives inflicts on her heightened senses. I should be able to cross the barrier formed by the tangle and get inside.
Objective: Cross the Barrier
Hidden Objective: Cross the Barrier
Hidden Objective: Talk to Innkeeper Brynmir
Hidden Objective: Return Water to the Innkeeper
Hidden Objective: Search for the Recipe Book
Hidden Objective: Give the Sage's Dream to Ithelia
Unlike Leramil, I was able to cross the barrier created by the tangled threads of fate. I can now enter the Outcast Inn and search for the source of the threat that initiated this disturbance.
Objective: Enter the Outcast Inn
Strange shadowy figures wander inside the Outcast Inn. The innkeeper sounded nervous when he called me over. I should talk to him and find out what's happening.
Objective: Talk to Innkeeper Brynmir
Innkeeper Brynmir told me the strange events around the inn scared his customers. It all started when the woman by the fire entered the inn. He asked me to get water from the well so he can make her a drink and get her talking.
Objective: Get a Bucket of Well Water
I fetched water from the well. I should bring it back to Innkeeper Brynmir so he can make a drink for the woman sitting by the fire.
Objective: Bring Water to Innkeeper Brynmir
When I returned to the Outcast Inn, the woman asked for help. I should find out what she wants.
Objective: Talk to Ithelia
The woman is the Daedric Prince, Ithelia. She lost control of her powers which created the threat around the inn. A name of a drink came to her mind—Sage's Dream. I should ask Innkeeper Brynmir about this drink.
Objective: Talk to Innkeeper Brynmir
Innkeeper Brynmir believes he saw a book of obscure and ancient recipes in the back courtyard. It might contain a recipe for the Sage's Dream drink. I should search the courtyard to find the book.
Objective: Search for the Recipe Book
I found the book of obscure and ancient recipes in the courtyard's outbuilding. I should head back to Innkeeper Brynmir and show him the recipe for Sage's Dream.
Objective: Return to Innkeeper Brynmir
Objective: Talk to Innkeeper Brynmir
The innkeeper thinks he can make some substitutions for the traditional Sage's Dream ingredients. He asked that I find some sugar from the supplies in the cellar. I should head down there now.
Objective: Enter the Storage Cellar
I went down into the cellar beneath the inn. It connects to some old ruins. I should look around for the sugar that Innkeeper Brynmir requested.
Objective: Search for Sugar
Ithelia followed me into the cellar and we watched as a strange lamp appeared in front of us. I should talk to Ithelia to find out why she doesn't like this lamp.
Objective: Talk to Ithelia
Ithelia feels disgust and hatred for the lamp in a way she doesn't understand. She asked that I pick up the lamp for her. I should take the lamp so we can examine it.
Objective: Take the Lamp
After I picked up the lamp, glowing lights appeared on one side of the chamber. Ithelia said there's a path that wants to be explored and suggested I shine the lamp on it. I should use the lamp's light and see what happens.
Objective: Use the Lamp
Shining the lamp's light on the anchor produced a portal. Ithelia tells me it's a door to another reality. She called it the Many Paths. I should go through the portal and see where it leads.
Objective: Enter the Many Paths
Ithelia says we entered the Many Paths. I should explore this path and see where it leads.
Objective: Explore This Path
At the center of a large chamber containing a shrine, I found a different Ithelia from the one I met at the inn. She called me over to speak. I should talk to this alternate Ithelia.
Objective: Talk to Ithelia
The Ithelia of this path tells me that Sage's Dream will help the Ithelia of my reality regain control of her power and disperse the tangled threads hanging over the inn. I can gather tirum weed here.
Objective: Take the Tirum Weed
I gathered the tirum weed and the alternate Ithelia opened a portal back to my reality. I should step through the portal and return to the inn's cellar.
Objective: Return to the Cellar
Ithelia directed me to another path in the ruins. I should use the Lamp of Clarity to reveal the doorway to the Many Paths.
Objective: Use the Lamp
Optional Step: Talk to Ithelia
The Lamp of Clarity revealed another doorway to the Many Paths. I should step through and see where this path leads.
Objective: Enter the Many Paths
Ithelia and I arrived at different location in the same shrine as before. However, the place feels gloomy this time. Ithelia urged me forward to find the next ingredient. I should explore this new path.
Objective: Explore This Path
I found the Ithelia for this reality. She's kneeling on the floor and looks despondent. I should talk to her and learn what happened to her.
Objective: Talk to Ithelia
This alternate Ithelia seems depressed and resentful over her approaching imprisonment. However, she directed me to the next ingredient, harkfruit. I should take the harkfruit so I can leave this path.
Objective: Take the Harkfruit
I gathered the harkfruit for Sage's Dream. Ithelia learned to open a portal and created a doorway back to the inn. I should step through.
Objective: Return to the Cellar
This time the Many Paths led us to a shrine caught in the midst of battle as the forces of Ithelia and Hermaeus Mora clash. I need to explore this path and find the final ingredient.
Objective: Explore This Path
As I entered the large shrine room, I could see an enraged Ithelia in the background. A Daedra that I recognize from the first path approached and asked to speak. I should talk to him and find out what's going on.
Objective: Talk to Torvesard
Torvesard directed me to the ingredient we need, lute berries. I should gather them and leave before the Ithelia of this realm destroys everything that exists upon this path.
Objective: Take the Lute Berries
I gathered the lute berries. Now I should use the portal opened by the Ithelia of my reality to return to the inn's cellar.
Objective: Return to the Cellar
Innkeeper Brynmir was waiting for me in the inn's cellar. I should give him the ingredients I gathered so he can prepare the Sage's Dream.
Objective: Talk to Innkeeper Brynmir
Innkeeper Brynmir seems excited to try out his personal drink making machine. I should follow his instructions carefully to prepare the perfect Sage's Dream.
Objective: Properly Mix a Sage's Dream
Objective Hint: Place Tirum Weed in Pot
Objective Hint: Ignite the Heating Element
Objective Hint: Open Valve to Add Heat
Objective Hint: Place Harkfruit in Liquifying Dish
Objective Hint: Add Lute Berries to Cooling Beaker
Objective Hint: Activate the Cooling Element
Objective Hint: Open Valve to Add Cold
Objective Hint: Properly Mix a Sage's Dream
Objective Hint: Pour Sage's Dream Into the Carafe
Objective Hint: Collect the Sage's Dream
Objective Hint: Place the Sage's Dream on the Table
I successfully created a Sage's Dream drink. Maybe the first one in thousands of years. I should go upstairs so I can present the drink to Ithelia.
Objective: Return to the Outcast Inn
I found Ithelia waiting for me at her seat by the fire. I should give her the Sage's Dream so she can regain control of her powers and stop endangering the inn.
Objective: Give the Sage's Dream to Ithelia
Ithelia drank the Sage's Dream and instantly seems better. I should talk to her and find out what she's thinking.
Objective: Talk to Ithelia
Ithelia gained control of her powers thanks to the Sage's Dream. She dismissed the shadowy echoes and removed the tangle of fate from the inn. Then she disappeared. I should go tell Leramil what occurred here.
Objective: Talk to Leramil the Wise
I informed Leramil that the threat hanging over the inn came from Ithelia herself. However, it's now over. I should hand her the Lamp of Clarity and find out about my reward. |
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- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.