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Home City Gideon
Race Argonian Gender Male
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Faction(s) Black Fin Legion

Tee-Wan is an Argonian member of Black Fin Legion. He is a childhood friend of Keshu the Black Fin and acts as her spymaster.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

After the completion of A Mysterious Event, Peek-Ereel will pass on a message to meet with Tee-Wan at the graveyard near Gideon regarding a private matter. When you arrive, you can find him talking with Vos-Huruk:

Tee-Wan: "I told you not to spook him."
Vos-Huruk: "I was perfectly civil."
Tee-Wan: "Your brand of civility leaves much to be desired."
Vos-Huruk: "Hmph."
<The pair turn to regard you.>
Tee-Wan: "Ah, good. You've arrived."

Talk with Tee-Wan to ask why he requested this meeting:

"Your punctuality is appreciated. I am Tee-Wan, spymaster of the Black Fin Legion. I serve General Keshu in all matters of intrigue.
Though the matter I need help with is of a more … personal nature. I hope I am right in trusting you with it."
I'm listening.
"Straight to it then. One of our own has gone missing. Xocin, one of our closest companions and Keshu's principal ambassador.
My informants tell me he was last seen speaking to a Dark Elf named Melyn Drad. That's where you come in."
What do you need me to do?
"Something's got him on edge, he won't talk to any of us. The members of the Black Fin Legion are easily recognizable in Gideon.
I need someone he won't see coming. I want you to see if you can speak with him and learn what he and Xocin discussed."
Where is Melyn Drad?
"He's staying at the Egg and Hammer Inn. The method of information extraction is up to you, and I will see you rewarded.
All I ask is that you be discreet. Too many prying eyes will ensure Xocin never opens up to us about whatever is going on."

After agreeing to speak with Melyn, you can ask Tee-Wan some questions:

What's the Black Fin Legion?
"Once it was the name of General Keshu's army. Over time, it has come to be synonymous with those who follow her.
Those of us that have been members of the Black Fin Legion since its inception have been close since we hatched from our eggs."
Is Xocin part of that group?
"Indeed. It includes Xocin, Vos-Huruk, Peek-Ereel and myself. We have followed Keshu the longest of anyone.
Hah. I still remember when Keshu had to rescue Xocin during our rites of maturity after he fell into a patch of quicksand."
If you're that close, do you really not have any idea where he might be?
"He has grown distant lately. Meeting in secret with other mages, disappearing for days at a time. There is something troubling him that he does not want his egg-siblings to know about.
But I believe he might have told Melyn Drad."
Who's your friend here? / Vos? Is that your friend here?
"Vos-Huruk. Likely the finest warrior in Gideon next to Keshu herself, and certainly the strongest of our ranks. She grew up with the rest of us in Seekhat-Xol and much like myself, has served the Black Fin for many years."
Black Fin?
"Apologies. It's Keshu's nickname.
Vos was actually the one to witness the event that started it. During one of our trials, Keshu emerged from the dark waters of the swamp to kill three Naga … like a black fin on the prowl, Peek-Ereel wrote."
Does Keshu know about what's going on with Xocin?
"No, I have not informed her … yet. She is very busy, as you are no doubt aware. Her claws are full with the fallout from your encounter with those crazed Dagonists.
I wish to keep her in the dark for the moment. She has enough to worry about."
Can you tell me anything about Melyn Drad? / Anything more I should know about Melyn Drad?
"He is an odd one, but no villain. An accomplished mage, an expert on the planes of Oblivion. He put his conjuration skills to work in service of the Ebonheart Pact, though he's since retired to spend his days drinking and poring over old tomes."
What makes you think he'll talk to me?
"Like most arrogant mages, he enjoys making sure others are aware of his superiority. He's a talker.
My mistake was not stopping Vos before she confronted him directly. He doesn't want trouble with the Black Fin Legion, so he's playing coy now."

When you speak with Melyn, you will learn that Xocin approached him to create a special ritual stone for a Daedra summoning. He instead to him to go to Doomvault Porcixid to find one, and implied to you that Xocin had fallen in love with one of the Kyn that he had summoned previously. When you return, only Vos-Huruk will be there and she will tell you the story of Xocin and Xyria. After this, Tee-Wan will return:

Tee-Wan: "Xocin hasn't contacted anyone else in the Legion. Tell me you have something."
Vos-Huruk: "He's looking for Xyria."
Tee-Wan: "Ah, I should have guessed."
Vos-Huruk: "Well, that explains why he didn't tell us anything."

You can then talk to Tee-Wan and tell him where Xocin was heading:

"Xyria. It's been a few years since I've heard that name.
I take it things went better for you with Melyn Drad than they did for Vos. No surprise there. Tell me what you know."
Xocin went to Doomvault Porcixid to search for a ritual stone of some kind.
"A ritual stone? I suppose that makes sense.
I assume Vos told you that Xyria died fighting for Xocin some years back. When a Dremora dies, it reforms on its home plane, but it takes a considerable amount of time before it can be summoned again."
What are you saying?
"My theory is that this ritual stone Xocin went to gather might be able [sic] circumvent the amount of time it would take to summon Xyria.
Look, you've already done what I asked, but I could use your help for just a little longer."
What do you need me to do?
"I need you to enter Doomvault Porcixid and find Xocin, make sure he's safe. He's clever, but there's no telling what kind of horrors await him in there.
Vos and I are needed here. Please, find our egg-brother for us."

You can ask some further questions:

What should I do when I find Xocin?
"Try to get him to listen to reason. He doesn't need to rush this. He should discuss it with Keshu and the rest of us.
Conjuration is dangerous to begin with. A ritual of this kind? I'm not even sure Xocin knows what could happen if it goes tail up."
Anything you can tell me about Doomvault Porcixid?
"It's dangerous, even for a seasoned mage like Xocin. Hostile Daedra roam the halls, and I've heard reports that the deeper you go, the stranger things get. Like it's a window into Oblivion.
Be careful. We're not asking you to die for us."

You can speak with him again before you venture off to find Xocin:

"I know it's a lot to ask, but it means a great deal to us that you're willing to brave that vault to find Xocin.
This isn't just about helping the Black Fin Legion anymore. Now you're helping our family. We won't forget that."

Deep inside the Doomvault, you will find an injured Xocin. After he found a Xynaz Stone, he immediately tried to summon Xyria only for the chaotic nature of the place to cause the spell to backfire. After you help recharge the stone for him, Xocin will leave the Doomvault to meet with Tee-Wan and Vos-Huruk. When you arrive, the three will be together:

Tee-Wan: "Good to have you back, brother."
Vos-Huruk: "Would've preferred not to have to send someone after you."
Xocin: "I know. I am grateful to you all, but I had to take this chance."

Talking with Vos before Xocin:

"Well done. Xocin says you arrived at a critical moment. Thank you for bringing our egg-brother back.
Now to decide what to do about this Xyria business."

Speaking with Xocin, you will learn that he still wishes to try and summon Xyria but there has been disagreement over it. While Tee-Wan feels that Xyria could be a valuable ally for the coming battles, Vos-Huruk is wary as Xyria is an outcast Dremora and her former clan could cause problems. You can speak with Vos-Huruk and Tee-Wan before making a decision:

"A decision must be made. In this time of strife, do we remain overly cautious and refuse to act? Or should we recruit a powerful ally with intimate knowledge of Dagon's forces and the Deadlands?"
Xocin says you're in favor of summoning Xyria.
"I am, and not only for Xocin's sake. There's a storm coming, friend. If a war with Oblivion itself is in our future, I am not sure our Imperial allies will be enough to help us drive them back.
We're going to need all the help we can get."
What if having Xyria draws enemies to Gideon?

Talking to Tee-Wan after he has given his opinion:

"I am the Black Fin's spymaster. I win battles by being better informed than my enemies. Xyria may know something of Dagon's plans, and even if not, she knows the tactics and weaknesses of Daedric forces.
I think it is well worth the risk."

After you have made decision you will need to talk to Tee-Wan:

Xyria will be summoned:
Xyria will not be summoned:
"It will be good to see Xocin and Xyria reunited. And I look forward to picking her brain in regards to whatever Dagon's forces have in store for us."
I hope Xyria can help.
"No doubt she will. Just as you have. You've done more than I could have asked. You're one of us now, as far as I'm concerned. I hope if it comes to it, you'll fight beside us once again.
Take this. You've earned it."
"The two of you must be right about this. I'll admit, I tend to have a soft spot when it comes to Xocin."
Gideon will be safer this way.
"I am sure you are right. We may not have Xyria, but the Black Fin Legion is proud to call you an ally. Let's hope it's enough.
Take this, with my gratitude. You've more than earned it."

If you decided that Xyria should be summoned, then Xocin will make the attempt and successfully summon her. Speaking with Tee-Wan afterwards:

"When we were growing up back in Seekhat-Xol, I would have never thought that someday my egg-brother would fall in love with a demon. Funny how things work out.
Let's give them some time. They've got years of catching up to do."

However, if you decide it is too risky for Xyria to be summoned. Xocin will decide to go to her instead:

Xocin: "I respect your wishes. But I'm sorry, I cannot lose this chance."
Xocin: "I'm sorry, Tee-Wan, Vos-Huruk. If I cannot bring Xyria here, then I will go to her."
Tee-Wan: "Xocin, wait!"
<Xocin creates a portal and enters it.>
Vos-Huruk: "See, Tee-Wan? This is what happens when you fall in love."

Speaking with Tee-Wan afterwards:

"Hmm. I should've seen that coming.
I'd better inform General Keshu. With any luck, Xocin will find Xyria and they can keep each other safe."