Online:Spirit of the Hist

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Spirit of the Hist
Home Settlement Percolating Mire
Location Across from Ja-Reet's Hut
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Spirit of the Hist

The Spirit of the Hist is a part of the Hist that can be perceived and aided by mortals with the help of lanceata pholiota mushrooms. It appears while retrieving Ja-Reet's spirit, and allowing him to reconcile with his past.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

It will speak with you as you make progress in the dream. As you drift off to sleep:

Spirit of the Hist "Seek Ja-Reet's memories. Say what should have been said."

After settling the first memory:

Spirit of the Hist "Memories remain tangled. This weakens our roots."

After settling the second memory:

Spirit of the Hist "You've untangled memories. The Hist blesses you."

After settling the third memory, it will ask you to meet him at the Hist tree:

Spirit of the Hist "Come. Meet me beneath the Hist tree."

Speak with it at the base of the Hist tree, across from Ja-Reet's Hut. It will reveal that a member of the Dominion has stolen its memories and weaken its connection to the Hist:

"Pain opens the door to corruption, separating body and spirit.
Healing cannot be complete while the corruptor 
[sic] lurks nearby."
Who are you?
"I am part of the Hist, a part you can perceive and help.
Carethil of the Dominion steals my memories and weakens my fibers, using Ja-Reet's fragile new connection to reach me."
What must I do?
"Stop Carethil! He enters the Hist through Ja-Reet's mind to take my memories. Carethil's treachery will kill me, and my children will suffer.
I will send you down to the Hist's roots. Kill Carethil, and save Ja-Reet."
I'm ready.

It then sends you beneath the roots of the Hist.

If you exit the conversation before being ready to confront Carethil, it will alternatively say:

"Are you ready at last? Carethil lurks beneath my roots, scarring them with hatred."
I'm ready. (Leads to next part of the quest)

After you speak to the spirit again to in finalizing your decision to deal with Carethil, it will say this, but the line gets cut off:

"Restore our clarity. Eject Carethil from my dream."

If you were to agree on ejecting Carethil without hesitation, and you speak to the spirit before it casts you to the roots:

"Cast Carethil out before it's too late."