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Location Bad Man's Hallows, Bangkorai, Bangkorai Garrison, Cragwallow Cave, Crypt of the Exiles, Outside Elden Hollow, Eyebright Feld, Eyebright Feld Dolmen, Falinesti Winter Site, The Frigid Grotto, Greenshade, Imperial Underground, Khenarthi's Roost, Jodewood Dolmen, Lorkrata Hills, Ondil, Ossuary of Telacar, Reaper's March, Sanguine Barrows, Shattered Shoals, Senalana, Shroud Hearth Barrow, Silaseli Ruins, Speckled Shell Plantation, Thormar, Tower Rocks Vale, Troll's Toothpick, Ushmal's Rest, Viridian Woods, Westmark Moor
Riften Ratway
Exile's Barrow, Watcher's HoldOrsinium
Cicatrice Caverns, Meirvale Keep Catacombs, Rimmen Palace RecessesElsweyr
Forsaken Citadel, Senchal's slumsDragonhold
Greymoor Cavern, Greymoor Keep, Kilkreath Temple, Morthal Barrow, Western SkyrimGreymoor
Nighthollow KeepMarkarth
Borderwatch, Niben Forest, Twyllbek Ruins, Undertow Cavern
Abhain ChapelHigh Isle
Near Llanshara WayshrineFiresong
Species Skeever
Health 13,846
Reaction Hostile
Medium Armor Raw Materials
Imperial City:Imperial Fragments, Tel Var Stones

Skeevers are large rat-like creatures found across Tamriel. They often attack in packs of two or three. Skavengers are similar creatures.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
The skeever spins around and bites fiercely, dealing moderate physical damage. This attack can be blocked to set the skeever off-balance.
Pestilent Pus
When a skeever dies, it leaves behind a large AoE that flings poison at all standing within it. There is an achievement for avoiding damage from this ability on Veteran. (Scalecaller Peak only)Dragon Bones

Unique Skeevers[edit]


Generic Skeevers[edit]

Generic, unnamed skeevers can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These skeevers have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of skeevers, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Wayrest Sewers I Near The Rat Whisperer Normal26,523Veteran58,327
Ratmaster's Prowl Summoned periodically by Olveidi the Ratmaster 13187
Imperial City SewersImperial City
High IsleHigh Isle
Harena Hypogeum, Irrigation Tunnels, Lambent PassageImperial City
Spire of the Crimson CoinHigh Isle
Scalecaller PeakDragon Bones Throughout the dungeon Normal19,647Veteran52,657
Southwest of Arkthzand WayshrineMarkarth
Zenithar's AbbeyBlackwood
Standard skeevers 13,846
Massive skeevers 66,121
The Silent HallsBlackwood Summoned by Mixultlan Rootstrangler 23,600
Sul-Xan Ritual SiteBlackwood Summoned by Veesha the Swamp Mystic 49,300
Coral CliffsHigh Isle
Summoned by mystics ~3,000
All Flags Islet, Ghost Haven BayHigh Isle Location occupants 13,846
Appears after defeating two waves of skeevers 66,121
