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Online:Shattered Shard

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Shattered Shard
(lore page)
Location West Weald, Ceyond, Fargrave Loom Quarter, Fargrave Outer Ruins, Hermaeus Mora's Sanctum, Ithelia's Shrine, Loom of the Untraveled Road, Mirrormoor Incursions, Nonungalo
Species Shattered Shard
Health 119,538
318,675 (Nonungalo delve boss)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
The Shattered Shard boss in Nonungalo

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As an elite rank enemy, the Shattered Shard is immune to crowd control.

Quick Strike
Basic melee attack dealing moderate-high physical damage.
Heavy Strike
A charged melee attack dealing high physical damage and applying a weak snare for 1 second. This can be blocked to negate the snare and to stagger the Shattered Shard.
Shard Volley
The Shattered Shard summons a rain of glass in three parts, first dealing moderate physical damage in an area, then twice that damage in a larger main area with two smaller areas at each side, then triple the base damage in a main area with four smaller areas in a square shape around the main area. All parts of this ability apply a weak snare for 1 second on hit.[verification needed]
The Shattered Shard forms a glass mace with its right arm and smashes a target which creates a pillar of glass on the ground, dealing moderate-high physical damage to the target. A shockwave of glass then happens and expands outwards, dealing moderate-high magic damage. The shockwave part doesn't have indicators and can hit multiple times while a growing area indicator can be seen which only indicates when the stockwave part will happen and is not its hitbox.
Shield Charge
The Shattered Shard steps back and forms a glass shield with its right arm then charges by sliding forward, dealing high physical damage and staggering targets hit. This can be blocked to negate the stagger.

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