Online:Shattered Shard
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Shattered Shard (lore page) |
Location | West Weald, Ceyond, Fargrave Loom Quarter, Fargrave Outer Ruins, Hermaeus Mora's Sanctum, Ithelia's Shrine, Loom of the Untraveled Road, Mirrormoor Incursions, Nonungalo | ||
Species | Shattered Shard | ||
Health | 119,538 318,675 (Nonungalo delve boss) |
Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Hostile |
Related Quests[edit]
Baleful Bluffs: Defeat a unique creature in the southeast.
- Fate of the Forgotten Prince: Face Prince Ithelia and decide her fate.
- Hold the Line: Help drive invading Daedra out of Feldagard Keep.
- Ithelia's Fury: Seal tears in reality caused by the instability of Ithelia's power.
- The Many Paths: Look into the tangled threads of fates at the Outcast Inn and help Ithelia.
Mirrormoor Incursions: Disrupt a Mirrormoor Incursion.
The Untraveled Road: Enter Mirrormoor and prevent Ithelia from rewriting history.
- Unfinished Business: Please add a description for this quest
Skills and Abilities[edit]
As an elite rank enemy, the Shattered Shard is immune to crowd control.
- Quick Strike
- Basic melee attack dealing moderate-high physical damage.
- Heavy Strike
- A charged melee attack dealing high physical damage and applying a weak snare for 1 second. This can be blocked to negate the snare and to stagger the Shattered Shard.
- Shard Volley
- The Shattered Shard summons a rain of glass in three parts, first dealing moderate physical damage in an area, then twice that damage in a larger main area with two smaller areas at each side, then triple the base damage in a main area with four smaller areas in a square shape around the main area. All parts of this ability apply a weak snare for 1 second on hit.[verification needed]
- Shockwave
- The Shattered Shard forms a glass mace with its right arm and smashes a target which creates a pillar of glass on the ground, dealing moderate-high physical damage to the target. A shockwave of glass then happens and expands outwards, dealing moderate-high magic damage. The shockwave part doesn't have indicators and can hit multiple times while a growing area indicator can be seen which only indicates when the stockwave part will happen and is not its hitbox.
- Shield Charge
- The Shattered Shard steps back and forms a glass shield with its right arm then charges by sliding forward, dealing high physical damage and staggering targets hit. This can be blocked to negate the stagger.