Online:Quest Hubs

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Ancestor's Landing

This page lists all the Quest Hubs in Elder Scrolls Online. These locations are associated with an Objective, which needs to be completed through the related quests in order to mark the location as completed on your map. For Points of Interest which have no associated Objective, see Explorable Locations.

Aside from those in Imperial CityCrown Store, there are no Objective-based locations in Cyrodiil. However, there are six settlements which serve as "quest hubs" in the traditional sense, as they are the only places in the zone where repeatable quests are available. Cheydinhal, Chorrol and Weynon Priory are categorized as Explorable Locations, while Cropsford, Vlastarus and Bruma are capturable AvA Towns. Bruma also has a separate map marker for its dolmen.

Aldmeri Dominion[edit]


  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Castle Rilis — A ruined elven castle in northern Auridon, north of Firsthold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png College of Aldmeri Propriety — A school in northwestern Auridon. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Dawnbreak — A town in northern Auridon, just southwest of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Ezduiin — An elven ruin in central Auridon, just northwest of Skywatch. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Firsthold — A city at the northwestern corner of the island of Auridon. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Glister Vale — A small, secluded vale and fortified tower in central Auridon, due west of the town of Mathiisen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Greenwater Cove — A town in northern Auridon, due south of the city of Firsthold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Mathiisen — A town in central Auridon, just southwest of the city of Skywatch. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Lighthouse.png North Beacon — A lighthouse in northern Auridon, northeast of the city of Firsthold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Phaer — A small town in the center of Auridon, just south of the town of Mathiisen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Quendeluun — An elven ruin in north-central Auridon, southeast of the College of Aldmeri Propriety. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Shattered Grove — A town in central Auridon, just west of the city of Skywatch. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Silsailen — A small town in southern Auridon, just north of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Skywatch — A city at the eastern side of Auridon. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Lighthouse.png South Beacon — A lighthouse in southern Auridon, northwest of the city of Vulkhel Guard. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Tanzelwil — A haunted elven ruin in southern Auridon, due west of the town of Phaer. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Torinaan — An elven ruin located in northern Auridon, just north of Dawnbreak and southeast of Firsthold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Vulkhel Guard — A port city at the southern tip of Auridon. (map)


  • ON-mapicon-Cemetery.png Bone Orchard — A large cemetery in southwest Grahtwood, northeast of Southpoint. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Brackenleaf — A grove in southeastern Grahtwood, north of Haven. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cave.png Cave of Broken Sails — A cave in southern Grahtwood, west of Haven. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Cormount — A town in northern Grahtwood, north of Elden Root. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Elden Root — A city in eastern-central Valenwood, in the Grahtwood region, and the capital city of the Aldmeri Dominion. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Falinesti Winter Site — The winter location of Falinesti, in central Grahtwood, just west of Elden Root. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Gil-Var-Delle — A giant ruined tree in western Grahtwood, west of Elden Root. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Goldfolly — An abandoned Orc stronghold in northwestern Grahtwood, south of the Redfur Trading Post. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png The Gray Mire — A community of Argonian refugees in southern Grahtwood, just east of Southpoint. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Dock.png Haven — A port city in southeastern Grahtwood. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Karthdar — A small settlement in northeastern Grahtwood, southeast of Cormount. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Laeloria — An Ayleid ruin in central Grahtwood, north of Elden Root. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Ossuary of Telacar — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Grahtwood, east of Elden Root. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Redfur Trading Post — A town in northwestern Grahtwood. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Reliquary of Stars — An Ayleid ruin in northern Grahtwood, west of Cormount. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Gate.png Reman's Bluff — A rocky escarpment located southwest of Redfur Trading Post in northwestern Grahtwood. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Southpoint — A city in southwestern Grahtwood. (map)


Khenarthi's Roost[edit]

Malabal Tor[edit]

  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Abamath — An Ayleid ruin in southern Malabal Tor, northwest of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Baandari Trading Post — A city in eastern Malabal Tor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Belarata — An Ayleid ruin in southern Malabal Tor, north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Bloodtoil Valley — A contested settled valley in central Malabal Tor, north of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Deepwoods — A village in western Malabal Tor, east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Dra'bul — A Wood Orc stronghold in central Malabal Tor, west of Vulkwasten. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Falinesti Summer Site — The summer location of Falinesti, in western Malabal Tor, east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Dock.png Fuller's Break — A dock in northern Malabal Tor, east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Ilayas Ruins — A set of Ayleid ruins in western Malabal Tor, just east of Velyn Harbor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Jathsogur — A large Wood Orc stronghold in southern Malabal Tor, northeast of the Grahtwood gate. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Jode's Pocket — An island camp off the north shore of Malabal Tor, north of Vulkwasten. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Ouze — A graveyard in eastern Malabal Tor, east of Silvenar. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Silvenar — A city in eastern Malabal Tor that serves as the spiritual home of all Bosmer. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Tanglehaven — A small town in central Malabal Tor, south-southwest of Vulkwasten. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Treehenge — A grove in northeastern Malabal Tor, north of Baandari Tradepost. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Valeguard — A grove in eastern Malabal Tor, southeast of Silvenar. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Velyn Harbor — A large port town in western Malabal Tor, north of the Greenshade gate. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Vulkwasten — A settlement and brewery in central Malabal Tor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Wilding Run — A grove in northern Malabal Tor, west-northwest of the Baandari Trading Post. (map)

Reaper's March[edit]

  • ON-mapicon-City.png Arenthia — A city in northern Reaper's March. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Estate.png Do'Krin Monastery — A Khajiiti temple located in western Reaper's March, northwest of the Grahtwood tunnel. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Dune — A city in eastern Reaper's March. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Falinesti Autumn Site — The autumn location of Falinesti, in central Reaper's March, west-northwest of Rawl'kha. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Fort Grimwatch — A fort in northwestern Reaper's March. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Fort Sphinxmoth — A ruin in northeastern Reaper's March, north of Dune. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Greenhill — A riverside settlement in northern Reaper's March, southwest of Arenthia. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Hadran's Caravan — A camp in southeastern Reaper's March. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Crypt.png Moonmont — A Khajiiti temple in southern Reaper's March. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Pa'alat — A small town in northern Reaper's March, northwest of Dune. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Rawl'kha — A city in central Reaper's March. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png S'ren-ja — A small town in eastern Reaper's March, southwest of Dune. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Senalana — An Ayleid ruin in northern Reaper's March, west of Arenthia. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Thizzrini Arena — A camp in central Reaper's March, just north of Rawl'kha. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Thormar — An Ayleid ruin in southern Reaper's March, east of the Do'Krin Monastery. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Two Moons Path — An ancient Khajiiti temple in the eastern section of Dune, in Reaper's March. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Vinedusk Village — A small town in western Reaper's March, east of the Malabal Tor gate. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Willowgrove — A small town in southern Reaper's March, south of Rawl'kha. (map)

Daggerfall Covenant[edit]

Alik'r Desert[edit]




  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Aldcroft — A town in east-central Glenumbra, south of Camlorn. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Baelborne Rock — A ruined fort in southern Glenumbra, just northeast of Daggerfall. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Beldama Wyrd Tree — A secluded glade in the forests of Daenia in southern Glenumbra. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Crypt.png Burial Mounds — A collection of crypts in northern Glenumbra, southwest of Crosswych. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Camlorn — A city in north-central Glenumbra. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cemetery.png Cath Bedraud — A large cemetery in northern Glenumbra, west of Crosswych. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Crosswych — A town in northeastern Glenumbra close to the Stormhaven border. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Daggerfall — The largest city in Glenumbra, located at the southwestern end of the peninsula. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png Deleyn's Mill — A farm and lumbermill in southeastern Glenumbra, east of Daggerfall. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Dresan Keep — A ruined tower in south-central Glenumbra, west of Aldcroft. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Dwynnarth Ruins — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Glenumbra, southwest of Crosswych. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Eagle's Brook — A coastal town in north-central Glenumbra, just west of Camlorn. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Battlefield.png Glenumbra Moors — A battlefield in central Glenumbra, and the location of the ancient Battle of Glenumbra Moors. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Hag Fen — A marshland area in eastern Glenumbra, northeast of Aldcroft. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Lion Guard Redoubt — A camp of the Lion Guard in northern Glenumbra, northeast of Camlorn. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Red Rook Camp — A bandit camp in southeastern Glenumbra, south of Aldcroft. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Shrieking Scar — An escarpment in southwestern Glenumbra, north of Daggerfall. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Crypt.png Tomb of Lost Kings — A crypt in northeastern Glenumbra, south of Crosswych. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Vale of the Guardians — A wooded grove in the forests of Daenia in southern Glenumbra. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Westtry — A town in the Cambray Hills of central Glenumbra, southwest of Camlorn. (map)


  • ON-mapicon-Cave.png Breagha-Fin — A cave in northern Rivenspire, southwest of Northpoint. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Camp Tamrith — A camp in southwestern Rivenspire, south-southwest of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Battlefield.png Crestshade — A village in western Rivenspire, west of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png The Doomcrag — A ruined Ayleid tower located in northwestern Rivenspire, northwest of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Estate.png Edrald Estate — A manor located in eastern Rivenspire, south of Fell's Run. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Fell's Run — A small town in eastern Rivenspire, south of Northpoint. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png Hinault Farm — A farm in southern Rivenspire, south of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Hoarfrost Downs — A small town in central Rivenspire, east of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Lorkrata Hills — The site of a ruined fortress located in central Rivenspire, east-northeast of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Moira's Hope — A small town in southern Rivenspire, southeast of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Northpoint — The primary city of House Dorell, located in northeastern Rivenspire. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cemetery.png Ravenwatch Castle — A castle in northwest Rivenspire, northwest of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Crypt.png Sanguine Barrows — A graveyard in southeastern Rivenspire, southeast of Hoarfrost Downs. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Shornhelm — The capital city of Rivenspire, located in the center of the region. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Silverhoof Vale — A valley in southern Rivenspire, south-southwest of Shornhelm. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Battlefield.png Traitor's Tor — A battlefield in eastern Rivenspire, east of Shornhelm. (map)


Stros M'Kai[edit]

Ebonheart Pact[edit]

Bal Foyen[edit]

Bleakrock Isle[edit]


  • ON-mapicon-DwemerRuin.png Bthanual — A Dwemer ruin in central Deshaan, west of Mournhold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Mine.png Deepcrag Den — A kwama mine south of Mournhold, just north of the gate to Shadowfen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-DaedricRuin.png Eidolon's Hollow — A Daedric ruin in northeastern Deshaan. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Malak's Maw — An Orc camp in southwestern Deshaan, southwest of Narsis. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Mournhold — A city on Morrowind's southern mainland, in the Deshaan region. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Muth Gnaar — A monastery in western Deshaan, just southeast of the town of Narsis. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-DwemerRuin.png Mzithumz — A Dwemer ruin in northern Deshaan, north of Mournhold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Narsis — A town in western Deshaan, just south of the village of Quarantine Serk. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Obsidian Gorge — A pass in northern Deshaan, east of Narsis and west of Mournhold, filled with old Daedric ruins. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Quarantine Serk — A small village in western Deshaan, just north of the town of Narsis. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Selfora — A small town in eastern Deshaan, east of Mournhold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Estate.png Shad Astula — An academy of magic located in north-central Deshaan, just northeast of Mournhold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Shrine of Saint Veloth — A ruin in eastern Deshaan, north of the Tal'Deic Fortress. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Silent Mire — An Argonian town in eastern Deshaan, just southeast of the Tal'Deic Fortress. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Tal'Deic Fortress — An Ebonheart Pact-aligned House Redoran military outpost in eastern Deshaan, located northwest of Silent Mire. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Tribunal Temple — A large temple in the northern section of Mournhold in Deshaan. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Vale of the Ghost Snake — A large river valley in eastern Deshaan, east of the city of Mournhold. (map)


The Rift[edit]


  • ON-mapicon-Dock.png Alten Corimont — A port in eastern Shadowfen, east-southeast of the Hatching Pools. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Bogmother — An ancient Argonian ruin in northern Shadowfen, southeast of Stormhold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cemetery.png Deep Graves — A large and ancient Argonian cemetery in southern Shadowfen, southwest of Alten Corimont. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Forsaken Hamlet — An abandoned village formerly named Duskwallow Hamlet in eastern Shadowfen, north of Alten Corimont. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Hatching Pools — Located in central Shadowfen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Hissmir — An ancient Argonian ruin located in southern Shadowfen, southwest of the Hatching Pools. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Loriasel — An Ayleid ruin in southwestern Shadowfen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Mine.png Mud Tree Village — A mining town in central Shadowfen, south of Stormhold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Dock.png Murkwater — A village in southern Shadowfen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Estate.png Percolating Mire — A village in southeastern Shadowfen, southeast of Alten Corimont. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Stillrise Village — A cursed Kothringi village in northwestern Shadowfen, west of Stormhold. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Stormhold — A city in northern Shadowfen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Sunscale Strand — An ancient Argonian ruin in southeastern Shadowfen, southeast of Alten Corimont. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-DaedricRuin.png Ten-Maur-Wolk — A Daedric ruin in northeastern Shadowfen, northeast of the Hatching Pools. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png White Rose Prison — A fort in western Shadowfen, west of the Hatching Pools. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png Xal Ithix — A farm in the southwestern corner of Shadowfen. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Zuuk — An abandoned Kothringi village around an Ayleid ruin in central Shadowfen, west of the Hatching Pools. (map)


  • ON-mapicon-DaedricRuin.png Ash Mountain — A volcano in southeastern Stonefalls, southwest of the town of Senie. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png Brothers of Strife — An two enormous statues towering over a series of ruins in southern Stonefalls, south of Ebonheart. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Davon's Watch — A city in northeastern Stonefalls. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Ebonheart — A city in central Stonefalls. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Fort Arand — A fort in southern Stonefalls, south of Ebonheart. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Fort Virak — A fort in northwestern Stonefalls. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Heimlyn Keep — A fort in western Stonefalls, north of Kragenmoor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png Hrogar's Hold — A farmstead in western Stonefalls, east of the Argonian village of Lukiul Uxith. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Estate.png Iliath Temple — A Tribunal temple in western Stonefalls, northwest of Kragenmoor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Kragenmoor — A city on the southwestern side of Stonefalls. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Lukiul Uxith — An Argonian town in western Stonefalls, just north of Heimlyn Keep. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Crypt.png Othrenis — A necropolis in southeastern Stonefalls, southwest of Senie. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png Sathram Plantation — A plantation in the far west of Stonefalls, just northwest of Kragenmoor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Senie — A town in eastern Stonefalls, south of Davon's Watch. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Battlefield.png Starved Plain — A battlefield just outside Davon's Watch in Stonefalls. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png Sulfur Pools — A series of pools in west-central Stonefalls, west of Ebonheart. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cave.png Tormented Spire — A large active volcano with a cave in southern Stonefalls, east of Kragenmoor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Battlefield.png Vivec's Antlers — A battlefield in central Stonefalls, just west of Ebonheart. (map)



Blackreach: Greymoor CavernsGreymoor[edit]

  • ON-icon-location.png Dark Moon GrottoGreymoor — The western cavern of the Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns cave system.
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png DusktownGreymoor — A small mining town located in the Dusktown Cavern section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Estate.png Greymoor KeepGreymoor — A massive fortress and home of the Gray Host, which occupies the entire northern section of Greymoor Cavern in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cave.png The Lightless HollowGreymoor — A mine in the Lightless Hollow section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located in the eastern side of the cavern. (map)


  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png BorderwatchBlackwood — An Imperial fortress in Blackwood, located north of Leyawiin. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cave.png Deepscorn HollowBlackwood — A cave in Blackwood, located on a small island southeast of Tidewater Cave. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-DaedricRuin.png Doomvault VulpinazBlackwood — A Daedric ruin in Blackwood, located northeast of Fort Redmane. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Farmer's NookBlackwood — A sleepy farming village in Blackwood, located northwest of Hutan-Tzel. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png GideonBlackwood — A city in the center Blackwood, located on the Black Marsh side of the border. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Ruin.png GlenbridgeBlackwood — An Argonian pilgrimage site in Blackwood, located southeast of Gideon. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Hutan-TzelBlackwood — An Argonian village in Blackwood, located northeast of Gideon. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png StonewastesBlackwood — An Argonian village in Blackwood, located northwest of Rockgrove. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png VeyondBlackwood — An Ayleid ruin in Blackwood, located northeast of Leyawiin. (map)

Clockwork CityClockwork City[edit]



CyrodiilImperial City[edit]

The DeadlandsThe Deadlands[edit]


  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png LlansharaFiresong — A Druidic village located northeast of Llanshara Wayshrine that has been overrun by Dreadsail Pirates. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Y'ffre's PathFiresong — A sacred Eldertide Circle site in central Galen. (map)

Gold CoastDark Brotherhood[edit]

Hew's BaneThieves Guild[edit]

High IsleHigh Isle[edit]

  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png All Flags IsletHigh Isle — An islet and castle located in the middle of High Isle. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Amenos StationHigh Isle — The only settlement on Amenos. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Mine.png Brokerock MineHigh Isle — A mine located in eastern Amenos. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Castle NavireHigh Isle — The seat of power House Dufort, located far west of Gonfalon Bay, southwest of All Flags Islet. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Dock.png Skulltooth CoastHigh Isle — A shipwreck site and large Dreadsails camp located in northwestern Amenos. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Steadfast ManorHigh Isle — The ancestral home of Lord Bacaro Volorus located west of Gonfalon Bay, south of All Flags Islet. It has now become a recovery center for wounded alliance war soldiers, run by the Society of the Steadfast. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Stonelore GroveHigh Isle — A Stonelore Druid grove. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Keep.png Tor DraiochHigh Isle — A wizard's tower located south of the Dufort Shipyards. (map)


Northern ElsweyrElsweyr[edit]

The ReachMarkarth[edit]

  • ON-mapicon-Town.png KarthwastenMarkarth — A village found in the Reach, located north of Rebel's Retreat. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-DwemerRuin.png Reachwind DepthsMarkarth — A Dwemer ruin found in The Reach, located northeast of the Reachwind Ritual Site. (map)

Southern ElsweyrDragonhold[edit]


  • ON-mapicon-Gate.png Cey-Tarn KeepSummerset — An Aldmeri Dominion fort found south of Alinor Docks, protecting the path into Alinor proper. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Corgrad WastesSummerset — A ruined town found southwest of the Crystal Tower. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Gate.png Direnni AcropolisSummerset — An abandoned and haunted settlement in northern Summerset, north of Shimmerene. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Ebon StadmontSummerset — A mysterious forest found southwest of Cloudrest. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Estate.png Illumination AcademySummerset — A university in northwest Summerset, east of Lillandril. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png LillandrilSummerset — A town found in the northwest part of Summerset. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png RellenthilSummerset — A township found in the center of Summerset, northeast of Alinor. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Farm.png RussafeldSummerset — A winery found northwest of Shimmerene, in central Summerset. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Gate.png Sea KeepSummerset — An Aldmeri Dominion fortress in northwest Summerset, located southeast of Lillandril. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png ShimmereneSummerset — A town located on the eastern shore of Summerset. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Grove.png Sil-Var-WoadSummerset — A zoo in southeast Summerset, southeast of Shimmerene. (map)

Telvanni PeninsulaNecrom[edit]

  • ON-mapicon-Mushroom Tower.png Ald IsraNecrom — A Telvanni settlement located on the western coast of the Fungal Lowlands, south of Kemel-Ze, on the Telvanni Peninsula. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-DwemerRuin.png Kemel-ZeNecrom — A partially underwater Dwemer ruin situated along the northwestern coast of the Fungal Lowlands. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Crypt.png SailenmoraNecrom — A holy site located in the middle of the Telvanni Peninsula. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Mushroom Tower.png Tel DrelothNecrom — A Telvanni mushroom tower situated along the southern edge of the Padomaic Crest. (map)


  • ON-mapicon-Camp.png Ald'ruhnMorrowind — An Ashlander meeting place found north of Balmora. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png BalmoraMorrowind — A city found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png GnisisMorrowind — A Redoran mining town found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Molag MarMorrowind — A town found in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, east of Suran. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Sadrith MoraMorrowind — A city found in the Azura's Coast region of northeastern Vvardenfell. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png SuranMorrowind — A House Redoran town found northeast of Vivec City in the Ascadian Isles region of Vvardenfell. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Mine.png Vassir-Didanat MineMorrowind — A struggling ebony mine located to the south of Balmora. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Cemetery.png Veloth Ancestral TombMorrowind — A tomb found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, southeast of Gnisis. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-City.png Vivec CityMorrowind — The largest city on Vvardenfell and the home of Vivec. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png VosMorrowind — A town found in the Grazelands region of Vvardenfell. (map)

West WealdGold Road[edit]

Western SkyrimGreymoor[edit]

  • ON-mapicon-Town.png Dragon BridgeGreymoor — A town in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located southwest of Solitude. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png KarthwatchGreymoor — The capital town of Karthald Hold in Western Skyrim. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-DaedricRuin.png Kilkreath TempleGreymoor — A Nordic shrine dedicated to Meridia in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located west of Solitude. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Mine.png Mor KhazgurGreymoor — An Orc stronghold in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located north of the Karthald Great Lift. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Town.png MorthalGreymoor — A town that serves as the capital of Hjaalmarch Hold in Western Skyrim. (map)
  • ON-mapicon-Nord Boat.png The Silver CormorantGreymoor — A Redguard merchant ship from Rihad found locked in ice east of Solitude. (map)



  • ON-mapicon-AyleidRuin.png Stirk — An island off the west coast of Cyrodiil. (map)