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Released on January 27, 2025. (forum post)

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The Elder Scrolls Online v10.3.2 introduces a few adjustments to the Vengeance Campaign abilities and to the Fallen Banners dungeon content. Additionally, the Anniversary Jubilee is available for testing this week! Check out the cake and the new loot available. There are general fixes for Fallen Banners, Gold Road and Base Game content. Those changes are outlined below. We have copied all PC EU characters for usage during week three of PTS. As always, feel free to provide feedback on PTS v10.3.2 through our feedback and bug threads, located here.

  • Overview
  • New Features / Updates / Big Changes
    • Event Testing: Anniversary Jubilee
  • Fixes & Improvements
    • Chapters & DLCs
    • Base Game

Anniversary Jubilee[edit]

Another year, another Jubilee! Get your 2025 cake by helping Apprentice Mogh once again, and chow down on a slice to get your three (3) Event Tickets each day. The Impresario will sell a replica cake and cake slice furnishing for this year’s cake as well, so you can keep them in your house as a reminder to eat more cake.

As with last year and years going forward, the +100% experience bonus once gained from eating the cake is now passive throughout the event, no actions required. You can find Anniversary Jubilee Gift Boxes from any of the following activities:

  • Killing any final Dungeon boss
  • Killing any final Trial boss
  • Killing any World Boss
  • Completing any Incursion event
  • Rewards for the Worthy Boxes (the box is inside the main box!)
  • Tribute Reward Bags (100% Gold/Purple, 50% Blue, 10% Green)
  • Completing any Daily Quest
  • Killing any final Arena boss
  • Killing Tho'at in Infinite Archive

The first one of these you earn each day will be of gold quality and have the best chance for the shiniest rewards. Gift boxes can include tradeable pages for the new Worm Cult Hunter outfit style (that is, someone who hunts the Worm Cult, not a hunter who works for the Worm Cult), as well as fragments for the Soiree Steed from last year. Previous years’ offerings, including the Earthbone Ayleid and Bonemold outfit style pages, might also appear in purple quality boxes. The Earthbone Ayleid pages also rotate into the Bag of Jubilee Yesteryear, in case you wanted to spend excess tickets to finish out your collection.

The unique and bound style pages from 2024's Anniversary Jubilee are also back, with some improvements on their availability sourcing (as done in Pan-Tamriel Celebration in early 2025). As you earn achievements related to the sourcing, the chance to receive them from said sources increases dramatically. These will also appear on the Impresario for 10 tickets each.

  • Replica Trueflame Sword: Very rare drop from fishing. Less rare if you have either Dominion, Covenant, or Pact Fisherman achievement. Uncommon rarity if you have all base-game Master Angler achievements.
  • Replica Staff of Worms: Very rare drop from dolmens. Less rare if you have either Dominion, Covenant, or Pact Anchor Shatterer achievement. Uncommon rarity if you have Anchors Away achievement.
  • Replica Sunna'rah Staff and Replica Barbas Wolf Helmet: Very rare drop from Vvardenfell world bosses. Less rare if you have Defender of Morrowind achievement. Uncommon rarity if you have Savior of Morrowind achievement.
  • Replica Ul'Vor Staff: Very rare drop from Abyssal Geysers. Less rare if you have Abyssal Devastator achievement. Uncommon rarity if you have Savior of Summerset achievement.

Holiday Achievement vendors in major cities also carry new Anniversary Jubilee thematic furnishings, sold for gold and requiring the listed event achievement.