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Deer, rams, and goats can rear up on their hind legs and bleat. Indriks can rear on their hind legs and produce a magical effect.
Arboreon Elk[edit]
The Arboreon Elk is a datamined mount.
Buoyant Armiger Ram[edit]
- "Curious, the horned beast sniffed at food before turning away. 'Ah, curiosity drives it, but caution tempers it. A wise beast for Lord Vivec's study. Perhaps it can teach fools wisdom and open sages to hope.' And so it ended."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
The Buoyant Armiger Ram is available as an Apex-level reward from Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Teacher".
Celestial Ram[edit]
- "The stars do not always stay in the sky in Craglorn. They wander, leaping over rocks, and occasionally eat everything you planted in your garden. Those tusking goats can take their shimmering hides somewhere else!"—Ubri, Belkarth Horticulturalist
The Celestial Ram is a cervine mount. It is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Celestial Crown Crates. It can be purchased for 1,600 . Its default name is "Comet".
Clawhorn Mountain Goat[edit]
- Happiest when climbing their native Valus Mountains, these sure-footed mounts grudgingly accept both saddle and reins for as long as their rider allows them to keep moving—or provides them with prodigious amounts of mountain flower treats.
The Clawhorn Mountain Goat was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from August 4 to August 11, 2022. Its default name is "Mountain Flower".
Corrupted Indrik[edit]
The Corrupted Indrik is an upcoming mount. Its default name is "(?)".
Crimson Indrik[edit]
- Born when a sunset's light tickles Magicka-imbued bird feathers, the Crimson Indrik possesses a flowing gait. Scholars observe that the indrik's magical nature promotes self-reflection.
The Crimson Indrik was obtained by combining four different Crimson Berries with a Nascent Indrik mount. The Nascent Indrik would become a Crimson Indrik. Its default name is "Caprice".
Dawnwood Indrik[edit]
- These magical creatures have a special relationship to Y'ffre the nature god, and seem to draw strength from the very bones of the earth beneath their hooves. It's a privilege for a mortal rider to be borne by such an enchanted beast.
The Dawnwood Indrik was obtained by evolving the Nascent Indrik mount. It was briefly seen being ridden by a player in the ESO Summerset Gameplay Trailer. It is no longer possible to evolve a Nascent Indrik into a Dawnwood Indrik as of the conclusion of the 2019 Jester's Festival. Its default name is "Sparkle".
Eerie Elk of Dread[edit]
- Is this ghostly Elk an antlered mount from the spirit world, or is it a sending from Lord Hircine's Oblivion plane of the Hunting Grounds? It seems solid enough, and doesn't disappear in broad daylight, so it must be more than just a haunt!
The Eerie Elk of Dread is a mount that was sold from May 30 through June 4, 2019, for 3,000 . It also appears as a Legendary-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates. Its default name is "Spook-Antlers".
Elden Root Elk[edit]
- Legend says a trading caravan was once ambushed on its way to Elden Root. Only one survived. Days later they arrived safely, slung across the back of a majestic white-and-black elk. Perhaps you might make such a friend if you find yourself in need.
The Elden Root Elk is available as a Legendary-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates. Its default name is "Cloudmantle".
Eldersblood Peak Ram[edit]
- Watching mighty trees fall to this ram's practice leaps and headbutts led to its eventual domestication by the Nords around its home peak. Bring that power, as well as its love of scaling treacherous heights, into your stable!
The Eldersblood Peak Ram was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from August 19 to August 26, 2021. It returned on March 10, 2025 at the reduced price of 2,500
. Its default name is "Treebane".
Evergloam Indrik[edit]
- Woven carefully from shadow wisps of Nocturnal's realm, these noble indriks shy from the light of day until trained by a patient rider to tolerate it. Forever after, they move under Magnus's fierce glow as if to defy it.
The Evergloam Indrik was available in the Crown Store for 4000 from January 27, 2022 to February 3, 2022.
Falinesti's Faithful Totem Elk[edit]
- "At the Battle of Falinesti, several herds of Wood Elf totem elks vanished—some say to Khajiit scoundrels. Later, Falinesti Faithful regained them, gifting them to devout riders. What constitutes a devout rider? Ask them."—Flaccus Terentius
The Falinesti's Faithful Totem Elk is an elk mount. It is available from the Crown Store individually for 3,000 , or as part of the Flames of Ambition Collector's Bundle for 4,000
. It entered the Crown Store on March 8, 2021 for PC, and March 16, 2021 for consoles. It will leave the store on (?). Its default name is "Sprigganbane".
Faunfrolic Great Elk[edit]
- Inspired by the knights of Castle Navire, a band of Fauns decided to breed elks as their mounts. They stopped when they realized their hooves made it difficult to ride and, in truth, they could run just as fast as the elks could.
The Faunfrolic Great Elk was available from the Crown Store in 2022's Black Fredas Bundle. Its default name is "Extraneous Hoof".
Galerion's Indrik[edit]
- Gilded from head to hoof, this indrik practically glows with the light of inspiration. It may have been a fabled companion of Vanus Galerion. Whether or not the legends are true, its rider will see a world full of shimmering ideas and possibilities.
Galerion's Indrik is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Brighthorn".
Great Dark Ram[edit]
- "The mythic texts of discredited scholars are right, the Great Dark Ram lives! Hircine appears in this form only during Rain's Hand in the Great Forest. Soon, there will be the trials of virility. I hope my strength endures."—Lost Journal of Bekelva
The Great Dark Ram was available in the Crown Store for 4,000 from May 12 to May 19, 2022. Its default name is "Hunt-Father's Get".
Great Dark Stag[edit]
- The Great Dark Stag is one of the five Aspects of Hircine, invoked as Uricanbeg, "whose hooves drum the Blood Summons." Riding Skill does not affect this mount's appearance.
The Great Dark Stag is available from the Crown Store for 4,000 for just one day, for fatal Fredas, every Friday the 13th. It's added that day, and removed on the next one. Its default name is "Get of Uricanbeg". Unlike other mounts, it has no visual upgrades for Riding Skill.
Great Elk[edit]
- Though the Reachmen of Markarth say they were the first to successfully domesticate the Great Elk of Skyrim and break them as mounts, the Nords of Haafingar say it was really all their idea. Riding Skill does not affect this mount's appearance.
A Great Elk mount was available from the Crown Store for 4,500 . It returned to the store in 2021, where it was offered from April 29 to May 6. ESO Plus members were able to purchase it at a discounted ?
. Its default name is "Chandelier". Its appearance is not affected by Riding Skill upgrades.
Hailcinder Vale Elk[edit]
- Some claim a ghost possesses this proud steed, providing it with a haunting glow. Others point to its chosen diet: glowing flora and fungi. Regardless, riders feel as if they're gliding on air.
The Hailcinder Vale Elk is available as part of the Hailcinder Mount Pack. Its antlers have a glimmering white aura. Its default name is "Glimmersheen".
Hollowjack Indrik[edit]
- "Twisted twigs, a scent of death, a dance amid the briars. A dash of howls and drip of gore starts sinister fires. Stir round with haunted bone, then call me with your screams. If I approve, a mount you gain to torment your foes' dreams."—Lord Hollowjack
The Hollowjack Indrik was available in the Crown Store for 4,000 from October 26 to November 2, 2023. Its default name is "Grinning Terror".
Hollowsoul Steed[edit]
- "The great expanse between the planes of the Aurbis is endless night, the Outer Darkness of the Void. Some few things, blessedly few things, live in this endless nothingness. And they are strange beyond imagining."—Azandar al-Cybiades
The Hollowsoul Steed is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crates. It can be purchased directly for 1,600 . Its default name is "Mourning".
Icebreath Indrik[edit]
- When the winter air grows quiet and heavy just before snowfall, woodsmoke touched by Magicka swirls into the form of an Icebreath Indrik. Summerset scholars believe these mounts allow those with insight and wisdom to understand their deepest wish.
The Icebreath Indrik is obtained by combining four different Icebreath Berries to evolve a Nascent Indrik. Its default name is "Crystalfall".
King's Guard Ram[edit]
- Stablers who see this impressive steed enter yards say they're blessed with good luck. Not only does caring for these Glenumbran rams bring profit, but their presence is said to herald a calm and peaceful night ahead.
The King's Guard Ram is available as a Legendary-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates. Its default name is "Cheer".
Luminous Indrik[edit]
- The Luminous Indrik seems to radiate the same soft aetherial glow as the stars in the heavens, but steady and nearby rather than flickering and remote. It's reassuring, somehow.
The Luminous Indrik is an evolved variant of the Nascent Indrik mount. It was obtained by combining four different Luminous Berries. Its default name is "Starglow".
Master-Wizard's Ram[edit]
- "Most mages prefer not to ride onto the front line of a battle. But if they must, they go prepared. The Mages Guild chooses their steeds with care, only training the most surefooted rams to carry their magisters into battle."—Magus Vacia Sidonia
The Master-Wizard's Ram is available as a Legendary-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Revayne".
Mossheart Indrik[edit]
- Summerset scholars state this indrik, which comes into being at the base of the oldest tree in the forest, possesses an air of profound agelessness. Those riding these magical creatures find that weighty matters ease away.
The Mossheart Indrik is obtained by combining four different Mossheart Berries with a Nascent Indrik mount. The Nascent Indrik will become the Mossheart Indrik. Its default name is "Sagacity".
Nascent Indrik[edit]
- As an incarnate nature spirit, an Indrik first appears in its comparatively drab Nascent form before somehow differentiating into one of their more splendid variations.
Traditionally found roaming the isle of Summerset, Indriks are especially powerful magical creatures, and they can provide a challenge for even the most experienced adventurers. While it is possible to hunt them in the wild, it is also possible to acquire one as a mount. In order to acquire the Nascent Indrik mount, players must take part in four in-game events and collect four magical feathers, with a different one available for each specific event in 2018. See the main page for full details. Its default name is "Quiescence".
Nibenay Bay Ram[edit]
- "Sturdy rams graze the lush meadowlands all around Nibenay Bay. An amusing tale claims they first became steeds because the local herbalist wearied of them eating all the nirnroot. They were trained to saddle and now, here we are." —Sadia Vonius, Student
The Nibenay Bay Ram is available as a Legendary-level reward in Wraithtide Crates. Its default name is "Nirnbane".
Oaken Order Mountain Goat[edit]
- Cavalry masters of the Oaken Order diligently trained mountain goats to the bridle. Now, these surefooted creatures are both mounts and companions. None can match their spirit or persistence, or so the wizardly knights boast.
The Oaken Order Mountain Goat is a cervine mount in the appearance of a large goat covered in grass stains. It was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from October 6 to October 13, 2022. Its default name is "Bearded Wonder".
Oldefire Elk[edit]
- "On the first night of Hearthfire, folks all over the Systres burn blessed oldefire logs. The smoke mingles with the soughing of leaves, giving form to spirits unseen the rest of the year. They take the form of loyal elk steeds."—Book of the Leaves
The Oldefire Elk is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward from Stonelore Crown Crates. Its default name is "Soughty".
Onyx Indrik[edit]
- It's believed by some of the Sapiarchs of the High Elves that an Onyx Indrik comes about when a Nascent Indrik is exposed to certain berries imbued with geological Earthbones essences.
The Onyx Indrik is acquired by combining four different Onyx Berries, obtained through Quarter 3 events in 2019. Its default name is "Anthracite".
Palefrost Elk[edit]
- Moonlight glints off glittering snowflakes during a ritual to imbue a white elk with the intelligence of a ghost captured from the frigid seas near Jehanna—or so claims High Rock lore. True or not, this steed understands more than most expect.
The Palefrost Elk was obtained immediately after pre-purchasing the High Isle Chapter. Its default name is "Ghostwhisper".
Pineblossom Vale Elk[edit]
- When seen at night, this elk emanates a faint glow, rivaling the unusual color shifts in the northern skies of Skyrim or the glowing fungus of Blackreach's vast caves. Stunning!
The Pineblossom Vale Elk was available during a NVIDIA GeForce promo in January of 2025. Its default name is "Skyshimmer".
Pure-Snow Indrik[edit]
- Some find it strange that the Pure-Snow Indrik should exist in Summerset, where winter never comes, but as the Sapiarch of Elemental Arcana points out, "Frost magic works everywhere."
The Pure-Snow Indrik was It is obtained by combining four different Pure-Snow Berries to evolve a Nascent Indrik. Its default name is "Frost-Antler".
Ram of Dark Delights[edit]
- The shadowy shapes of inky goats lead revelers through the streets to Sanguine's latest celebration. Often, the animals are fitted with the symbols of the party: sweet drinks and heady rose perfumes. Take a ram like this into your care at your own peril.
The Ram of Dark Delights is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Grim Harlequin Crates. Its default name is "Rosebud".
Ram of Dark Dreams[edit]
- "Swirls of velvety purple. Curved horns. Eyes glowing as they stared down at me. Did I still dream? Had I eaten the wrong mushroom? But no, I was awake. Ah, Vaermina. I delight in serving you, but this gift interrupts my studies."—Malven Relas's Journal
The Ram of Dark Dreams is a cervine mount available to those who obtain the Sane and Clearheaded meta achievement. Its default name is "Night Terror".
The Reindeer is a datamined collectible.
Riften Coalhorn Ram[edit]
- None dare stare Riften's native ram in the eyes—it sees threats in many things, and only its owner can meet its gaze without needing to brace for an immediate headbutt. In short, would-be Riften Coalhorn Ram thieves are frequently airborne.
The Riften Coalhorn Ram was available in the Crown Store for 3,000 from April 8 to April 15, 2021. Its default name is "Ratstomper".
Seaghost Pillion Moose[edit]
- "I've always preferred moose to elk or horses. In battle they're more reliable, they're cussed strong, and for overland travel they can't be beat. Plus, their noses are just so soft!" —Yvon Serielle, Daggerfall
The Seaghost Pillion Moose is available in the Crown Store for 5,000 from August 8 to August 15, 2024. Its default name is "Tooker".
Snowdrift Vale Elk[edit]
- This elk's blue luminescence stems from its origins, claim Mages Guild scholars: they coalesce from a beam of pure light, blessed by Azura, that falls upon a drift of snow. Or perhaps, as others state, its diet of blue entolomas causes the azure glow.
The Snowdrift Vale Elk is an upcoming mount. Its default name is "Nightbeam".
Solstice Indrik[edit]
- Legend says this indrik was born of a child's toy, touched by magic on the year's longest night. Others believe a worthy rider wished it into being by pleading with the moons on a cold Frostfall night. Regardless, riders see the world for the wonder it is.
The Solstice Indrik was available in the Crown Store for 4,000 from December 21, 2023 to January 4, 2024. Its default name is "Snowheart".
Spectral Indrik[edit]
- Rare indriks don't die but instead live on as haunting apparitions. Though they walk between two worlds, these ghostly steeds serve their chosen companions well as mounts. Some Summerset High Elves claim this is a true sign of a rider's worthiness.
The Spectral Indrik was obtained by combining four different Spectral Berries with a Nascent Indrik mount. Its default name is "Elegy".
Spiritwalker Pillion Elk[edit]
- "Calmer than horses and more dependable than camels, elk are the preferred mount for traversing Tamriel's forests. Their regal bearing gives the rider plenty of visibility, without attracting too much attention."—Steady Hooves: An Elkback Journey
The Spiritwalker Pillion Elk is a multi-rider mount that was available in the Crown Store for 5,000 from January 23 to January 30, 2025. Its default name is "Olir."
Star-Orphan Elk[edit]
- "After weeks of searching, I finally caught a glimpse of that illustrious beast on the horizon. I thought it was a vision from Meridia, but then it approached on the icy tundra and I felt the warmth of its breath on my hand." —Journal of Mage Abzrolg
The Star-Orphan Elk is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. Its default name is "Lightlorn".
Stonelore Elk[edit]
- "We value elk for their nimble hooves and gentle nature. They accompany us where larger beasts cannot go. They do not shirk in the face of danger or abandon their work. I wish I could say the same about some of the initiates! Hmph!"—Druid Barjot
The Stonelore Elk is available as an Apex-level reward in the Stonelore Crown Crates. Its default name is "Pearlwort".
Umaril's Radiance Elk[edit]
- "The Unfeathered sought victory over the Sunnatren. 'Their banners portray crude elks. Let them tremble as we defeat them on such beasts.' A season ended before I finished my work. May they forever remain loyal to him."—Gandravanya's Journal, Translated
The Umaril's Radiance Elk is a cervine mount. It is available as an Apex-level reward in the Unfeathered Crown Crates, and can also be bought directly from the Crown Store for 400 / 8,000
while the season is active. Its default name is "Sancretren".
White Fall Hinterland Ram[edit]
- After giants claimed the White Fall area as their own, these dark-ombre rams migrated into Skyrim, where Nords trained them to saddle. Although they frequently butt heads, literally, while being broken in, you'll not find a more loyal mount.
The White Fall Hinterland Ram is an upcoming mount. Its default name is "Dark Velvet".
Windhelm Cliff Ram[edit]
- More docile than other rams, this mount provides a steady seat even among the most challenging of mountain terrain. In fact, some Windhelm natives claim they'd not ride any other steed through mountain passes during the winter months.
The Windhelm Cliff Ram is attainable through Prime Gaming and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate in the Cliff Ram Pack, which was available from June 28, 2022 until September 20, 2022. The bundle contains the Windhelm Cliff Ram as well as two Xanmeer Crown Crates and the Druidic Knotwork Face Tattoos markings. This article details how to receive the Cliff Ram Pack through Amazon Prime Gaming, and this article explains how to acquire it through Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Its default name is "Featherhoof".
Yorgrim River Ram[edit]
- In an annual Windhelm competition, contestants must ride their potential prizes up a mountain then down at top speeds—bareback and without falling off. Most rams toss riders into the air on purpose, validating the claim that the ram chooses its rider.
The Yorgrim River Ram is available in the Crown Store for 3,000 . It released on July 9, 2020. Its default name is "Skyram".