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Online:Life Mender

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ON-icon-skill-Argonian-Life Mender.png Life Mender
Line Argonian
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 5
Rank II 2 15
Rank III 3 30
Life Mender I: Increases your healing done by 1%.
Life Mender II: Increases your healing done by 3%.
Life Mender III: Increases your healing done by 6%.

Quick to Mend increases the effectiveness of any healing you do.


  • Prior to Update 21, this ability was called "Quick to Mend", and also increased your healing received. This update also lowered the level requirements from 25, 35, and 50 to the current values of 5, 15, and 30.

Patch Notes[edit]

  • Increased the bonus healing received from this passive to 3/6/9 from 2/4/6.
  • This passive now grants a 1/3/5% bonus to both healing done and healing received, instead of a 3/6/9% bonus to only healing done.
  • Gain 5% Healing Done and Received → Life Mender: Increases your Healing Done by 6%.
    • Developer Comment: Previously, Argonians were mathematically twice as good as some races. We wanted all races to stand out, yet still allow for choice of playstyle. Their focus is now on their natural healing capabilities, as well as their ability to prolong and stay in a fight. Now they have more stats in regards to what the goal of the race is, while they'll have less in other areas that weren't in line with that vision.