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Online:Curse Breaker

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ON-icon-achievement-UD Skill Master.png Curse Breaker
Type Quests Achievements
Points 15
Dye Doomcrag VerdigrisDoomcrag Verdigris
Furnishing(s) Constellation Tile: the Ritual (0001000010,000 Gold)
Constellation Tile: the Shadow (0001000010,000 Gold)
Constellation Tile: the Tower (0001000010,000 Gold)
You ended the blood-curse and restored order in Rivenspire.

Curse Breaker is awarded for completing the following objectives in Rivenspire:

Earning this achievement will allow you to purchase a Constellation Tile: the Ritual, Constellation Tile: the Shadow, or Constellation Tile: the Tower for your house. They cost 0001000010,000 Gold each and can be purchased from Lozotusk in Rivenspire.