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Oblivion:Jorck the Outcast

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Jorck the Outcast
(RefID: 00015DA3)
Home City Bruma
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 2 Class Commoner
RefID 00015DA3 BaseID 00015D83
Other Information
Health 32 Magicka 77
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Bruma Citizens; Beggars; Bruma Beggars
Jorck the Outcast

Jorck the Outcast is a Nord beggar living in Bruma. His bedroll and food bag can be found behind Arnora's House. You may contract the rust chancre disease should you fight him.

He starts every day by strolling around the front of the Great Chapel of Talos from 6am to 10am, begging for food and money from any townsfolk passing by. After he has tried his luck there, he moves to the east gate of the city and continues to beg there for four hours. At 2pm he will move again, this time stationing himself in front of Nord Winds. After a long day of begging, he will return to his bedroll at 6pm to eat from his bag and have a two-hour-long dinner. At 8pm he will roam around his bedroll behind Arnora's House until he goes to sleep at 10pm, though he will soon wake up (see Bugs). If at any point it starts raining, he will beat a hasty retreat to the covered patio of Bradon Lirrian's House.

His only possessions are a sack cloth shirt along with sack cloth pants. He may also be carrying any amount of gold that he earned in the day. By being a beggar he doesn't have access to weapons or powerful spells, using instead his fists in combat.

He and the other beggars around Cyrodiil can give you information about how to join the Thieves Guild and also play a part in the Speechcraft Training quest. For a small fee, he will also prove useful during the quest Spies, as he will provide information about Jearl and her new resident.

Related Quests[edit]


  • His sleep AI package (BrumaBeggarSleep01) is set to 'Wander' instead of 'Sleep'. Since the location data is a radius around his bedroll, he will, after a short period of sleeping in it, wake up and stroll around the area until 6am, at which point he will resume his normal schedule.
    • PC Only The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.5.4, addresses this issue. The package type gets corrected, alongside similar issues for Bravil and Skingrad packages, although any edits to the Bruma packages aren't documented in the changelog.