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Oblivion:Antus Odiil

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Quests: written by Manic (Already Written), checked by KickbackYak (CS)

Schedule: written by Legoless (CS), checked by Gandalffi (in-game)

Services: written by TheAlbinoOrc (None), checked by Manic (CS & in-game)

Personal Inventory: written by mxk101 (CS), checked by Kalis Agea (in-game)

House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives at Odiil Farm), checked by Emoboy64 (In-Game)

Unique Dialogue: written by Arch-Mage Matt and Forfeit (in-game and CS)

Rumors: written by Forfeit (in-game and CS)

Faction: written by Manic (Already Written), checked by Vulpa (CS)

Spells: written by RoBoT (CS - none), checked by Emoboy64 (CS)
Antus Odiil
(RefID: 00028BE3)
Location Outside Weynon Priory
House Odiil Farm
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level PC+0 Class Warrior
RefID 00028BE3 BaseID 000222A0
Other Information
Health 45 + (6+3)x(PC-1), PC=5-19
Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC-1) (max=250)
Responsibility 80 Aggression 5
Essential Until The Killing Field
Faction(s) Chorrol Citizen; Odiil Family
Antus Odiil

Antus Odiil is an Imperial warrior and the younger son of Valus Odiil. They were recently chased off their farm near Chorrol by goblins, and you will need to help him and his brother Rallus fight them off. Antus is a slightly less capable fighter than his brother, but makes up for it with his fighting spirit. He says he likes the thrill of a fight, and boasts about his fighting capacities after the goblins have been dealt with. If you manage to keep them both alive, their father will reward you with the leveled blade Chillrend.

He does not exist in the game until you are on the relevant quest, at which point he appears before Weynon Priory. He follows his brother around during the quest. If Rallus dies, he remains standing wherever he was at the end of the battle with the goblins until the quest has been completed. Once his related quest is finished, the family farm will once again be safe and he will promptly move in. He sleeps from midnight to 6am in the farmhouse, and has a two-hour meal at 10am. The rest of the time he can be found either wandering around inside or helping to work the farm.

Antus wears a set of lower class clothing consisting of a dark green shirt, laced leather pants, and a pair of stitched leather shoes. He is armed with an iron longsword and carries the key to Odiil Farm along with a small amount of gold.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

"This is going to be the greatest fight ever!"

After you have agreed to take Valus' place in the battle to defend his farm, he expresses his concern about his youngest son and his fiery disposition: "Rallus knows why we have to be the ones to get rid of them. Antus... he's another story. He's a good boy, but he's hot-headed. Keep a close eye on him, will you?" His older brother will also express his worries about Antus during your journey to the farm: "I think I'm ready for this, but I worry about Antus. He's never seen a fight like this before."

Antus' personality becomes even more apparent when you first find the two brothers. They will be having an argument in front of Weynon Priory:

Rallus: "Antus, calm down. We'll be leaving soon enough."
Antus: "I just can't wait. This is going to be the greatest fight ever!"
Rallus: "This is no joke, Antus, and it's nothing to be excited about."
Antus: "If you don't want to be doing this, then why are you even here? Father and I can handle this."
Rallus: "I'm here because even though I'm afraid, I know that we have to do this. Father would feel the same way."
Antus: "Father's not scared - don't you dare say that! You'll see when he gets here. I'll ask him, and then you'll see!"
Antus: "Why isn't he here yet? What's taking him so long? He knew we were coming back for him..."
Rallus: "Patience, Antus. He'll be here as soon as he can. Don't be so anxious to go rushing into battle."
Antus: "Why not? We can't just let those creatures live, and no one else is going to do anything about it, so we should get going!"

When you approach Antus, he simply asks: "Who are you?"

He then continues wondering about the whereabouts of his father:

"Why isn't father here? He knows how important this is!"
Valus Odiil
"What do you mean he's not coming? He told YOU to come with us instead? Has he no honor?"

Whether you told him about his father or not, he ends the conversation with a simple: "Hmph."

Once you have chatted with Rallus and begin your march toward the farm, Antus will be very annoyed should you stop and talk to him:

"We can't keep stopping to talk like this! We've got to get out there and fight!"

He continues to be overly enthusiastic when you end your conversation with him: "We will spill their blood in the name of our father!"

After you arrive at the farm, another discussion takes place before the fight with the goblins begins:

"Kill the filthy creatures!"
[Rallus draws his weapon]
Antus: "Filthy vermin!"
Rallus: "Stay focused! Watch your backs, and be careful. Antus, are you ready?"
[Antus draws his weapon]
Antus: "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go!"
Rallus: "Defend yourselves! Here they come!"

Antus then joins you and his brother in fending off the attacking goblins, losing his essential status. If you manage to talk to him at the start of the battle, he yells, "Don't talk to me now! Kill the filthy creatures!" before immediately ending the conversation.

After all the goblins have been slain, his dialogue will vary depending on the health of his brother:

"Ha ha! We beat them! We slaughtered them all! Did you see? Did you see how well I fought?"

If Rallus is dead, he continues on a much different note once he realizes what happened:

"But.... oh, no. Poor Rallus. Why didn't you help him? You could've saved him! You'll have to tell father what you've done."

Either way, he immediately ends the conversation with you and says nothing else for the remainder of the quest. If Rallus is dead, he will say, "Victory!" when you approach him.

Should Antus not make it through the fight, Valus will obviously be devastated. Rallus will also comment on his death during the trip back: "We'll have to break the news to him that Antus didn't make it. He fought bravely, and father will respect that."


  • Since he spends his time during the quest following his brother, Antus has a number of greetings when you approach him that cannot be heard during normal gameplay:
"You again. Are you ready yet?" (after a non-existent stage 20)
"You can do it, Antus. You can do it... just follow big brother's lead..." (during the trip to the farm)
"Don't falter! We have them! We have them!" (during the fight)
  • Similarly, he has some goodbye lines that end up not being used:
"Hurry up, will you?" (after a non-existent stage 20)
"We must go." (after the battle)
  • Antus has two greetings that he will never say. The first was likely meant to be said before starting the quest, however he does not exist in the game at this point. He would have said: "I don't have time to talk to you! There's fighting to be done! When my father arrives, we're going back to the forest!" The second greeting appears to have been meant to be said around the end of the fight, but it is ultimately not used: "Did we get them all?... Are there more?"
  • He has two lines about Valus Odiil that are not used. The first is only available before he is activated: "He's the best fighter you'll ever meet, and as soon as he gets here, we'll be off. Just wait; you'll see." The other was supposed to be said after the battle. However, you are unable to select dialogue topics at this time: "Father will be so proud of us... but I wish he'd been here."