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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
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Quests: written by Already written, checked by Aegithalos

Services: written by Aegithalos (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Jeancey, checked by Aegithalos

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Aegithalos

Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos

Spells: written by Jeancey, checked by Aegithalos
On-Wan (On_Wan)
Home City Ebonheart
Location Argonian Mission
Race Argonian Gender Female
Level 3 Class Slave
Other Information
Health 53 Magicka 104
Alarm 0 Fight 30

On-Wan is an Argonian slave hiding beneath the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart. If you find her, you can use the information to blackmail Im-Kilaya into donating more money to the Imperial Cult for Alms from the Argonian Mission. A copy of the Marksman skill book The Marksmanship Lesson can be found in the same room.

Like all Argonians, she is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater; otherwise she knows no spells. She is wearing common pants and shirt, as well as the magical bracer that all slaves wear.

Related Quests[edit]

Imperial Cult[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Alms from the Argonian mission[edit]

Obviously, On-Wan is in no position to donate any gold to your cause:

  • "Please. I am afraid. Do not tell. I am hiding."
  • alms for the poor
    • [If Disposition ≥ 30.] "I am a runaway slave. I have nothing. I must hide here until a boat comes, and then they will help me return to my country."
    • [Else.] "I must hide here until a boat comes, and then they will help me return to my country."
  • Background
    • [If Disposition ≥ 30.] "I was a slave, but I have escaped. I am hiding here. Please don't tell."
  • runaway slave
    • "Yes. I said this. This is true."