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Morrowind:Alms from the Argonian Mission

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Walkthrough: written by TheRealLurlock, checked by Yagutzal

Objectives: written by TheRealLurlock, checked by Yagutzal

Reward: written by TheRealLurlock, not checked
Visit the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart and collect donations for the Cult.
Quest Giver: Iulus Truptor in Ebonheart
Location(s): Ebonheart
Prerequisite Quest: Alms from the Skyrim Mission
Next Quest: Buckmoth Alms
Reward: 2 Exclusive Fortify Luck Potions or Zenithar's Frock
Disposition: +5/+10 (Iulus Truptor)
+40 (Im-Kilaya) (if finding On-Wan and using this information)
Reputation Gain: +5/+10 (Imperial Cult)
ID: IC9_Argonian_alms (Also: IC9_Argonian_alms, IC9_slave_hiding)
Required Rank: Layman
The Argonian Mission

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Iulus Truptor at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart for a new almoner mission.
  2. Visit the Argonian Mission to collect some alms.
  3. Persuade Im-Kilaya to donate some gold.
  4. Return to Iulus to complete the quest.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Almoner Mission[edit]

Iulus Truptor at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart will ask you to perform a collection of donations from the Argonian Mission in town.

Alms from the Argonian Mission[edit]

If Im-Kilaya's disposition towards you is at least 50, he'll give you the whole 100 gold. However, if you find the slave On-Wan behind a locked (25) door, you can persuade Im-Kilaya to donate even more by asking about the "Runaway slave" before asking about "Alms for the poor". Finding the slave also causes Im-Kilaya's disposition to jump by 40 points.

Alternatively, with high enough Speechcraft (and perhaps also if you have already returned Rabinna and/or Reeh-Jah here), you need not use blackmail. If his disposition is 80 or higher, Im-Kilaya will tell you this:

"The Imperial Cult has our respect. We are disappointed that the Imperial Cult does not speak out against the inhumane practices of slavery in Morrowind. But perhaps you are right. It is by demonstrating our superior commitment to civilization and humanity that we best disprove the Dunmer's barbaric insistence that we are no more than animals. Please accept this donation to the Imperial Cult on behalf of the province of Argonia."

after which he donates 200 gold. Approaching others in the Mission is fruitless; they apologize politely and direct you to speak to Im-Kilaya as their leader.

Return to Iulus. If you raised only 100 gold, you will receive a five point disposition bump, five points of faction reputation and two Exclusive Fortify Luck Potions. At 200 gold you receive a ten point disposition bump, ten faction reputation points, and the magical Zenithar's Frock.


  • You can complete the quest without visiting the Argonian Mission by giving Iulus 200 gold out of your own pocket right after he gives you the quest, if you wish to do so.
  • If you failed to collect enough gold, Iulus is disappointed and his disposition drops by ten.
  • You can increase Im-Kilaya's disposition towards you multiple times by selecting the "runaway slave" topic multiple times and thereby, acquire the 200 gold this way as well.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Alms from the Argonian Mission (IC9_Argonian_alms)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 Iulus Truptor told me to ask the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart for alms for the poor. The fund raising goal for the Argonian mission is 100 gold. When I have reached the goal, I should return and deliver the gold to Iulus Truptor.
10 On behalf of the province of Argonia, the Argonian consul, Im-Kilaya, gave me 100 gold as alms for the poor.
20 On behalf of the province of Argonia, the Argonian consul, Im-Kilaya, gave me 200 gold as alms for the poor.
30 Finishes quest☑ I told Iulus Truptor I was not able to raise enough gold from the Argonian Mission to reach the fund raising goal of 100 gold. He was disappointed, and told me to decide whether my talents and temperaments are suited for fund raising. Before I approach him again for an almoner's mission, I must be sure I want to give the Imperial cult my full commitment.
50 Finishes quest☑ I reached the Argonian mission fund raising goal, and delivered the 100 gold to Iulus Truptor. He seemed pleased. He gave me a little blessing, and told me to speak to him again when I'm ready for another almoner's mission.
60 Finishes quest☑ I reached the Argonian mission fund raising goal, and DOUBLED it! I delivered the 200 gold to Iulus Truptor. He seemed very pleased. He gave me a handsome frock blessed by Zenithar, and told me to speak to him again when I'm ready for another almoner's mission.
Alms from the Argonian Mission (IC9_Argonian_not)
1 Finishes quest☑ I told Iulus Truptor I was not able to raise enough gold from the Argonian Mission to reach the fund raising goal of 100 gold. He was disappointed, and told me to decide whether my talents and temperaments are suited for fund raising. Before I approach him again for an almoner's mission, I must be sure I want to give the Imperial cult my full commitment.
Alms from the Argonian Mission (IC9_slave_hiding)
5 I found an Argonian slave named On-Wan hiding in a cell beneath the Argonian Mission. I suspect this is a secret the Mission would be eager to keep, since harboring runaway slaves is a crime. Perhaps this will give me leverage when I solicit for alms for the poor.

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