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Morrowind:Hall of Justice Secret Library

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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by WoahBro

Exterior Images: added by WoahBro, checked by Jeancey
Hall of Justice Secret Library
(view on map)
Librarian Brerayne Raloran
Console Location Code(s)
Vivec, Hall of Justice Secret Library
Vivec, Temple
The Hall of Justice Secret Library

The Hall of Justice Secret Library is a storehouse for controversial books accessed via half-hidden and locked trapdoors in the Justice Offices and the Office of the Watch.

Inside the Secret Library

The trapdoor in the Justice Offices is locked (75), and the trapdoor in the Office of the Watch is trapped and locked (50).

The library contains books thought by the Tribunal Temple to be too dangerous to be viewed by the general public, in addition to many more common books also found in the Library of Vivec, among other places. It is tended by Brerayne Raloran, who will refuse to speak to you about anything. She may even attack you if you try to talk to her. However, as long as you don't try to talk to her, you are free to read any book in the library (including the ten skill books) without consequence. If you try to take them, however, you'll have to tangle with her and the Ordinator posted here. Among the notable books to be found here are 9 out of The 36 Lessons of Vivec, one volume from 2920, The Last Year of the First Era, the rare second volume of Vampires of Vvardenfell, another book on vampires - Galur Rithari's Papers, the Dissident Priests' book Progress of Truth, and the three notes given by Vivec when you meet him during the Main Quest, regarding the events at Red Mountain.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Brerayne Raloran Female Dark Elf Pilgrim Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 15 127 110 90 30



Hall of Justice Secret Library entrance on west side of the map