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ESO Mod talk:UespLog Add-on

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Is it dead?[edit]

Two days since the patch, and no updated in sight? Normally updates have been available pretty much instantly on patch day...


Thanks for this great addon Daveh! It will help us a lot :)

One suggestion: It would be great if you could insert a request which language is being used. Otherwise, it may happen that there will be a mix of different languages. --Scharesoft (talk) 13:20, 20 March 2014 (GMT)

An other suggestion for this great tool. There is a plugin called Harven's Quest Journal which saves all entries of the own journal. This is perhaps something that you need for the UESPLog AddOn. --Scharesoft (talk) 11:23, 27 June 2014 (GMT)
I like the UESPcraft indicators so much that I want more of them, and one I thought of was for enchantments: could you show (on enchanted equipment, glyphs, or both) what runes would be required to duplicate that in the tooltip somehow? Also, could you add options for multiple characters (particularly for researched/not and known recipe/not) so that you would know which you need on your main character while playing an alt, as is possible in the Research Assistant addon? That might be one option that would really need a menu rather than chat commands.Jnutter819hi 04:34, 2 December 2014 (GMT)


I am trying to upload data to the wiki using the addon. Since my game account and char names are different than the wiki account I want to use the "custom" option in the uespLogMonitor program, but I can't write anything in the textbox. Moinante (talk) 14:12, 2 May 2014 (GMT)

Strange bug...I get the same issue but when I restarted uespLogMonitor it worked. I'll look into the issue more but for now just try restarting...once you have it entered it should remember the setting. -- Daveh (talk) 16:10, 5 May 2014 (GMT)
I tried again with the new version and can't write anything in the textbox. I was able to add my wiki ID there using regedit and modifiying the register entry. I noticed I can erase characters in the textbox but can't add new ones. Weird. Moinante (talk) 14:13, 19 May 2014 (GMT)

nil -- invalid string value[edit]

There is a bug on the current version of the UespLog AddOn which seems to destroy the log file. There is an error message which appears sometimes after choosing a character and starting the game:

user:/SavedVariables/uespLog.lua:268: } expected (to close { at line 61) near '['

Line 267 seems to be broken in the uespLog.lua:

[206] = nil -- invalid string value,

You can find the screenshot and the log file here. I hope this will help to improve this great addon. --Scharesoft (talk) 19:47, 10 August 2014 (GMT)

A temporary workaround would be to copy the line above it, in your case, [205] = into the broken line, so that 205 and 206 are the same. This means duplicate data will be uploaded, but it also will allow the LogMonitor to successfully upload the data.
A couple of other bugs that I have noticed:
  • /reloadui sometimes seems to blank the log file, rather than save out the current contents (although I haven't checked this since 1.3.3)
  • some data is being logged to "blankuser" rather than (in my case) "Enodoc". This seems to be working properly again however since 1.3.3.
Enodoc (talk) 21:21, 10 August 2014 (GMT)
I think this is the only possibility. It seems that this bug isn't a bug from the UespLog Addon, it's a bug from ESO. A bug report has already been sent. --Scharesoft (talk) 12:08, 14 August 2014 (GMT)
It could be either. It could be ESO outputting the wrong information, or it could be the Log recording the information incorrectly. I'll prod Dave and check that he is aware it is happening. --Enodoc (talk) 13:03, 14 August 2014 (GMT)
Thanks for the update....I thought I fixed this back in June but it seems to have re-appeared. In theory this should be "impossible" with the latest version of the add-on but I'll double-check to make sure. -- Daveh (talk) 13:46, 14 August 2014 (GMT)

After using /uespdump inventory there seems to be an other bug. Here you can find the log file before and after the error and a screenshot of the error message. --Scharesoft (talk) 12:12, 18 August 2014 (GMT)

This seems to be fixed in v0.20 but if you run into again please let me know. -- Daveh (talk) 19:00, 4 November 2014 (GMT)

"Show Item Info" error / Settings?[edit]

When I click "Show Item Info" on any item, I get this error message:

Checking type on argument bagId failed in GetItemWeaponType_lua stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'GetItemWeaponType'
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:1110: in function 'uespLog.ShowItemInfo'
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:1052: in function 'uespLog.ShowItemInfoRowControl'
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLogTradeData.lua:275: in function 'OnSelect'
EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ContextMenus/ZO_ContextMenus.lua:403: in function 'ZO_Menu_ClickItem'
8371350907706105899:4: in function '(main chunk)'|r

Also, where can I find the settings/options for the add-on?

--Holomay (talk) 06:24, 31 August 2014 (GMT)

This is fixed in v0.20. -- Daveh (talk) 18:57, 4 November 2014 (GMT)

Bug with the Improved Facial Animations[edit]

With the new update 5 and the improved facial animations there is a new bug with the uespLog addon. The spoken dialogues begin a few seconds after the text appears and the lips do not move. --Scharesoft (talk) 12:02, 4 November 2014 (GMT)

I thought that was a bug in the game rather than a bug with the add-on. Guess I should investigate that further then... --Enodoc (talk) 12:27, 4 November 2014 (GMT)
At first I thought that too, but without the uespLog addon the animations work correctly. --Scharesoft (talk) 12:50, 4 November 2014 (GMT)
It seems this issue is caused if I use the GetChatterGreeting() or GetChatterData() functions within the EVENT_CHATTER_BEGIN event. I can easily not call these functions but then I can't get the current dialogue string. Will play around with it a little more this week to see if I can come up with a work-around.
In the meantime, if you'd like to get facial animations working again you can comment out this line like:
    -- logData.bodyText = GetChatterGreeting()
in the function uespLog.OnChatterBegin (eventCode, optionCount) in uespLog.lua file. -- Daveh (talk) 19:24, 4 November 2014 (GMT)
Thanks! I hope there is a solution for it. Until then I will play without the facial animations. The recorded dialogues are more important for me. This could also be a bug in the game, so I made a bug report. --Scharesoft (talk) 07:43, 5 November 2014 (GMT)

Thanks Garkin I have the solution. You need to add the following to your addon:

ZO_InteractWindow:UnregisterForEvent(EVENT_CHATTER_BEGIN) into uespLog.Initialize

INTERACT_WINDOW:PopulateChatterOptions(logData.optionCount, false)

into uespLog.OnChatterBegin after logData.optionCount = optionCount --Scharesoft (talk) 16:53, 5 November 2014 (GMT)

Indeed this does the trick. If I use the GetChatterData() function the issue still happens but it works fine with the GetChatterGreeting() function. How on Tamriel did you figure this out? -- Daveh (talk) 20:35, 5 November 2014 (GMT)
I asked Garkin, the autor of the Compatibility Tool for ESO, for help. He has looked at the code and found the solution :) --Scharesoft (talk) 20:45, 5 November 2014 (GMT)
Awesome...thanks! Look for v0.21 to come out in the next few days that includes this fix. -- Daveh (talk) 20:56, 5 November 2014 (GMT)
You're welcome! An other problem are the achievements. There you need to remove the rewardIndex from the arguments of the functions.
local rewardType, rewardPoints, rewardName, rewardIcon, rewardQuality = GetAchievementRewardInfo(achievementId, rewardIndex)
local rewardType, rewardPoints, rewardName, rewardIcon, rewardQuality = GetAchievementRewardItem(achievementId)
itemLink = GetAchievementItemLink(achievementId, rewardIndex, LINK_STYLE_DEFAULT)
itemLink = GetAchievementItemLink(achievementId, LINK_STYLE_DEFAULT)
Without these changes the command /uespdump achievements creates an error. --Scharesoft (talk) 23:03, 5 November 2014 (GMT)

Facial Animations in Dialogues[edit]

This bug with the Improved Facial Animations seems to be there again with the latest Homestead update. --Scharesoft (talk) 11:02, 23 February 2017 (UTC)

What about this bug? The lips do not move and the dialogue begins partially late --Scharesoft (talk) 13:47, 19 March 2017 (UTC)
Bug is still there. --Scharesoft (talk) 07:59, 14 November 2017 (UTC)

Ancient Elf Style[edit]

The item style for ancient elf does not show an icon like the other styles do. Is it a problem with the Palladium image, or a minor oversight? Just curious. Jnutter819hi 05:20, 18 November 2014 (GMT)

Crafting Node Misattribution (chat log)[edit]

Encountered 2017-09-04 with addon version 1.20 on game build I collected nirnroot from a node in the Firemoth Island zone. Shortly after, while collecting iron for the crafting writ certification quest in Davon's Watch I saw that UESP associated the iron gathering with the nirnroot node, apparently.

The log shows the wrong zone and lastTarget data. Compare the timestamp with the next log entry to confirm something's off there :)

  • event{LootGained} lootType{1} rvcType{harvested} qnt{4} itemLink{|H0:item:808:30:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h|h} x{0.56145173311234} zone{Firemoth Island} y{0.67007476091385} harvestType{collect} lastTarget{Nirnroot} timeStamp{4744097135799042048} gameTime{9381989} timeStamp1{1504499389} unknown{} lang{en} userName{draeath}
  • event{QuestAdvanced} isComplete{false} stageIndex{4} stepIndex{1} uniqueId{9310333} quest{Blacksmith Certification} isPushed{false} mainStepChanged{false} x{0.80697780847549} y{0.64627051353455} zone{Davon's Watch} timeStamp{4744097135799042048} gameTime{9381995} timeStamp1{1504499389} lang{en} userName{draeath}
  • Screenshot in-game here

draeath (talk) 05:03, 4 September 2017 (UTC)

Operator / is not supported for nil / number stack traceback[edit]

It seems there is an error with the latest eso version and the uespLog addon: Screenshot. Without uespLog everything works. --Scharesoft (talk) 07:59, 14 November 2017 (UTC)

These errors only appear in the German version of ESO. But we could avoid them when checking also the result for nil on GetMagicDamageDone (line 14305) and GetEffectiveSpellPower (line 14282)
Replacing if (result ~= nil) with if (result ~= nil and value ~= nil) removes the error messages. --Scharesoft (talk) 15:56, 24 August 2018 (UTC)
It is a pity that this change is not included in the latest version. It would not be a disadvantage for the EV and would remove the bugs from the German version. --Scharesoft (talk) 16:49, 22 October 2018 (UTC)

Hides "Preview" option in Crown Store[edit]

As of version 1.40, when the add-on is enabled, it removes the option to preview items in the Crown Store for some reason, leaving only "purchase" as an option. If I disable the addon, I can preview them fine. ~ Alarra (talkcontribs) 09:58, 13 February 2018 (UTC)


There is an other bug in the current version when looting objects. You can see the error message on this picture. It's the German version of Elder Scrolls Online --Scharesoft (talk) 10:04, 5 May 2014 (GMT)

Hmmm... I've never seen this in the English language version, but the error doesn't seem to point to any language-specific issues... As far as I know, the code shouldn't be affected by the language of the client for an add-on like this. Of course the item names and other text will be in German, but it should affect the add-on's actual functioning... If you change the language of your client to English, do you still get the error? Jeancey (talk) 13:14, 5 May 2014 (GMT)
There are two language specific strings that are currently english only (I can't find them in the game's language data files):
  • uespLog.ACTION_CUT = "Cut"
  • uespLog.ACTION_COLLECT = "Collect"
I've fixed it so it won't crash but if I can find/get the German translation of these it would be good. -- Daveh (talk) 15:56, 5 May 2014 (GMT)
Yes, the bug only appears in the German version of ESO. In the english one everything works.
Cut means in ESO "Hacken" and the translation of Collect is "Sammeln". --Scharesoft (talk) 21:28, 5 May 2014 (GMT)

Feature requests[edit]

The provisioning item level feature is beyond awesome, since there are far too many ingredients to possibly remember. However, I was wondering if it could be extended to all crafting materials? When I log on to see a Guild Bank full of e.g. Sanded Birch, it would be really useful to me to know which Rank it requires without having to open a web browser to check it in the wiki - since my poor laptop struggles to run ESO and a web browser at the same time!

Also, I mentioned this to you in Guild chat, but just in case you've forgotten - please could we have an auto-destroy worms option? I understand why they need to be picked up, but I don't want to keep them. Especially not Plump Worms. I'm not an Argonian and I don't have the Invigorated Wriggles-in-Gullet recipe yet, so they just take up space. Argh! :)

Thanks for your consideration. baratron (talk) 18:16, 2 June 2014 (GMT)

I would concur to the request for all crafting materials having a similar display to the provisioning one. I hadn't even realised that it was the add-on that was colouring the ingredients until it got disabled for being out-of-date following release of Update 2. It'd be good to be able to see, for example, the power of a Potency Runestone (1, 1+, 2, 2+, etc), as I can't remember the difference between Jera and Jejora while playing, and both just say "Requires Potency Improvement 2"; Jejora of course is actually more powerful, but you can't tell in-game until creating a glyph. --Enodoc (talk) 08:13, 30 June 2014 (GMT)


Are the ESO dialogue stored somewhere online? Currently the ESO Log Viewer doesn't host them. —<({QT>> 13:48, 2 July 2014 (GMT)

Dialogue (and all game text) is stored in CSV format in the found in the list at UESP:AN#ESO Craglorn Images. This is text only however, and has practically no associations; you can't tell who said what, for example. The UESPlog does record most dialogue, so if it's not showing in the Viewer, it may just not be implemented yet, and should still be around somewhere. --Enodoc (talk) 14:43, 2 July 2014 (GMT)
Starting shortly after release UESPLog does record the quest dialog but it is not yet parsed/saved/displayed in the online viewer yet. Soon.... -- Daveh (talk) 17:49, 2 July 2014 (GMT)


Does this work with the Steam version of the game? I couldn't find the folder 'addons' into which I'm meant to unzip the files. Eldubya (talk) 21:06, 30 July 2014 (GMT)

It would probably be in the steamapps section of your drive. No idea for sure though. Jeancey (talk) 21:23, 30 July 2014 (GMT)
It does work. I use it. Go to your documents folder and it is in there. ~ Ad intellige (talk) 21:33, 30 July 2014 (GMT)
Found it! I have to go to 'liveeu' rather than 'live'. Thanks! Eldubya (talk) 21:58, 30 July 2014 (GMT)
Yeah we should really add that... --Enodoc (talk) 07:52, 31 July 2014 (GMT)
This should be fixed in v0.19 and later of the add-on. -- Daveh (talk) 16:25, 4 November 2014 (GMT)

Reddit post showing trait error[edit]

There is a Reddit post here that indicates there may be an error with the UESPlog addon, where it may incorrectly check for a trait for horses. I will admit that I know nothing about the addon, so I have no opinion about it. Can someone who knows something about the addon address this or check on it please, if necessary? --Xyzzy Talk 21:33, 8 September 2014 (GMT)

It occasionally assigns traits to a bunch of things that probably shouldn't have them, including soul gems and potions. It may be some sort of residual, in which it shows the trait of the last thing that actually has a trait on a bunch of subsequent items which really have no trait at all. --Enodoc (talk) 23:29, 8 September 2014 (GMT)
Right now it just shows everything that has the trait data value set to non-zero, whether it makes sense or not. If this is too distracting I can modify it to only display it for items and things that would make sense to have a trait. -- Daveh (talk) 16:25, 4 November 2014 (GMT)

event{TargetChange} and STR[edit]

With the new version there are two other problems:

  • The long strings with the attribute "#STR#" in the log-file together with the uespLogToCSV.lua. This error message occures when try to create the csv file: "lua: uespLogToCSV.loa:556: attempt to index local 'bookTitle' (a nil value) stack traceback: .... We assume that the tool waits for a specific scheme which is not anymore present because of the cutting of the strings.
  • It looks like that NPCs won't be recorded anymore. event{TargetChange} is not found, therefore OnLogEventTargetChange is not triggered, and we assume that the NPCs are logged there. --Scharesoft (talk) 13:59, 16 September 2014 (GMT)
Actually, the NPCs are logged several ways from what I can gather. When you talk to them, they are logged. They were also logged on target change, yes, but again, there are other ways of doing it. The add-on will have to be updated of course. Jeancey (talk) 18:25, 16 September 2014 (GMT)
With the former versions of the plugin (or ESO) event{Target Change} was also logged, enemies and other npcs without dialogues seems to use these event and now they are not in the log file. Normal NPCs with dialogues are logged correctly. --Scharesoft (talk) 07:26, 17 September 2014 (GMT)
This was a change in the API sometime in the summer that made reticleover no long return the target's position. I've updated the add-on in v0.20 to use the player's position instead. There appears to be no current way to even estimate a target's position in the ESO API at the moment. This affects anything in uespLog that gets the position of anything not the player. This will make it slightly less accurate but there's no other option at the moment. -- Daveh (talk) 16:25, 4 November 2014 (GMT)

Error due to GetNumLastCraftingResultItems being renamed[edit]

  • The new name in Update 4 is GetNumLastCraftingResultItemsAndPenalty (and it returns an extra result now). This is called in the add-on on line 1791, in OnCraftCompleted; I had to change this to get rid of a nil error popping up every time I deconstructed anything (presumably also any other situation where this is called). Quantheory (talk) 05:10, 17 September 2014 (GMT)
This is fixed in v0.20 of the add-on as well as a few other API changes. -- Daveh (talk) 16:25, 4 November 2014 (GMT)


Could you add a settings menu rather than having to run everything through the chat box? I would be very grateful. Jnutter819hi 05:20, 18 November 2014 (GMT)

Took a while but I finally added a basic settings menu which will be available in v0.24 of the add-on (released in a few days). -- Daveh (talk) 15:20, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

Unknown(?) style gets "Breton" label?[edit]

The Way of Air set looks like a Yokudan style, but in the database it looks Breton. Moreover, while I browse an item, the image does not say 'Breton' in the lower left corner as it does with the correct styles, e.g. Darkstride. However, when I use a link to the item on the pages, it does. Same thing happens with the Way of Fire set. The Lord's Mail set keeps the correct image, but the label is still "Breton". Can it be that the styles for which there are no motifs get substituted by the Breton by default? ~ Shuryard (talk) 00:33, 1 March 2015 (GMT)

That's probably the case with those Yokudan sets. The question now is how to fix the data. —Legoless (talk) 00:58, 2 March 2015 (GMT)

Patch 1.6[edit]

Just a heads up that Patch 1.6 is being released on Monday 2nd March. Since it changes EVERYTHING about Provisioning (all the recipes and all the ingredients), as well as introducing hundreds of new items through the Justice system, it's inevitable that UESPlog will need updating. That is, if it's still being worked on - I notice the banner has disappeared from the top of pages in the Online section now?

Let me know so I can advise Guild members whether they should carry on running it or not. Thanks! baratron (talk) 13:45, 1 March 2015 (GMT)

With update 6 this error message appears when trying to talk to people:
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:1645: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:1645: in function 'uespLog.OnChatterBegin'
--Scharesoft (talk) 12:22, 4 March 2015 (GMT)
You need to change
INTERACT_WINDOW:PopulateChatterOptions(optionCount, false)
INTERACTION:PopulateChatterOptions(optionCount, false)
--Scharesoft (talk) 08:33, 5 March 2015 (GMT)
When I gather loot and crafting materials I get this:
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:2174: attempt to index a boolean value stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:2174: in function 'uespLog.OnLootGained'
MortenOSlash (talk) 16:54, 5 March 2015 (GMT)
I don't know how to fix this correctly, but a temporary fix would be to comment the lines 2168 till 2176 out with -- ("--You looted [Sword] (x1) (level 30, Breton)" till 2176 "--end"). --Scharesoft (talk) 22:25, 5 March 2015 (GMT)
I've just uploaded uespLog v0.22 which fixes these and a few other issues related to Update 6. -- Daveh (talk) 13:52, 11 March 2015 (GMT)
UespLog is the best! It is the research and known recipe assistant part that makes it for me. I can not wait to get home in a couple of days, to my computer, to try it! (I really should not have a hidden ESO installation on my job travel laptop. Of course I have not! Erhm.) —MortenOSlash (talk) 23:51, 11 March 2015 (GMT)

() For some reason the style, researched and known recipe parts does not seem to manifest in this version so far? —MortenOSlash (talk) 20:36, 12 March 2015 (GMT)

Tested no on the two different computers I play ESO. On one, the research and recipe assistant part works. On the other, it does not. On the one that works I just updated the UESPLog by copying the new files on the top of the old. On the one that does not, I did a fresh install of the UESPLog addon. —MortenOSlash (talk) 10:00, 14 March 2015 (GMT)
Solved: It was the fact that this version of the addon was not zipped in a folder with the correct name, so when I used the zip file name, it failed. —MortenOSlash (talk) 08:20, 27 March 2015 (GMT)

Justice System / bounty error[edit]

After installing the addon (this was the only change to my game), I encountered an error. If you have a bounty, and a guard catches you / you activate guard dialogue, this error comes up:

bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table/struct expected, got nil)

stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'ipairs'
EsoUI/Ingame/InteractWindow/Keyboard/InteractWindow_Keyboard.lua:125: in function
EsoUI/Ingame/InteractWindow/Keyboard/InteractWindow_Keyboard.lua:317: in function

5820303170085895645:3: in function '(main chunk)'


and you cannot choose to pay your bounty. You are dumped from the dialogue, and marked as kill on sight. This also happened with someone else in the UESP guild the other night.
Deactivating the addon prevents the error (obviously,) or you can try never stealing... or getting caught.
SCarverOrne (talk) 00:53, 17 April 2015 (GMT)

Thanks for the bug report...I'll look into it this week and get an update out for it. -- Daveh (talk) 20:29, 20 April 2015 (GMT)
Forgot about this for a while but it is now fixed in v0.23. Or you can just edit your uespLog.lua file and change the last line in the uespLog.OnChatterBegin function (around line 1865) to:
   INTERACTION.optionCount, INTERACTION.importantOptions = INTERACTION:PopulateChatterOptions(optionCount, false)
-- Daveh (talk) 17:17, 3 June 2015 (UTC)

Manual Submission Form[edit]

The manual submission form doesn't seem to be working, since last Thursday. When I try to submit my uesplog.lua file (which is currently 18.5 MB), it sits for a while and then loads a blank page. The Page Source confirms it to be blank. baratron (talk) 20:17, 20 April 2015 (GMT)

Thanks, will look into the issue this week. -- Daveh (talk) 20:29, 20 April 2015 (GMT)
Totally forgot about this and finally got around to fixing it. It hasn't been working since the server migration back in February due to PHP-Lua not being installed on content3. -- Daveh (talk) 18:56, 2 June 2015 (UTC)
It's definitely working now. Thanks! baratron (talk) 01:32, 4 June 2015 (UTC)

Log Viewer Error[edit]

The error report below is moved here from an incorrectly created subpage.  ~Shuryard (talk) 04:29, 3 May 2015 (GMT)

Not sure if this is the correct place to report. The Log Viewer gives an error when using the single parameter record=location. It works if you limit the number of records returned by the query using filter and filterid (for example record=location&filter=name&filterid=heavy%20sack).

   Failed to retrieve record data!
DB Error:Error writing file '/tmp/MYEc1QIc' (Errcode: 28)
Last Query:SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS location.* FROM location ORDER BY zone LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0 ;

Joshieecs (talk) 14:17, 26 April 2015 (GMT)

This was due to using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS which was an easy method to get the total number of rows for a limited query. This works fine for small tables but the location table got so big it resulted in this error due to a time-out or size-overflow error. I've switched the way of getting the record counts which solves this bug and makes things the display noticeably faster for large tables. -- Daveh (talk) 19:31, 2 June 2015 (UTC)

Mining items[edit]

I can't seem to get the mining command to work properly. I enabled the debug text and found that it jumps item IDs by 100 and says that all mined items are bad. I can't find any logged data of the mined items either. Also, should uploading the uespLog.lua file immediately update the item database or does it refresh in intervals? -- Faunter (talk) 9:22, 2 June 2015 (GMT)

Mining items is a little tricky and I haven't checked to make sure it hasn't broken since the latest update. The first few 1000 (10000?) item IDs are mostly unused so it will give you a "bad item" message for a while. It tries to mine items in batches of 100 at a time as a balance between speed and locking up/crashing ESO. The logged data is in the same place as all the uespLog data, in Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\uespLog.lua (at least on the Windows platform). Note that you'll need to do a /reloadui in ESO to get the log file to update. The item database is automatically updated once per day but I don't think the mined items are included in that update. The mined item database is a little hacky at the moment and I may have done it all by hand.
I'll be updating the mined items myself shortly, hopefully beginning this week if I can squeeze the time in. I should also document the mining procedure a bit more somewhere. -- Daveh (talk) 12:45, 2 June 2015 (UTC)
So I was half right...the log parser does automatically parse any mined item lines. What it doesn't do is update the item summary data automatically. I've not set it up so it will update it automatically once per day. I forgot to mention the other difficulty in logging all of the mined item data is the sheer amount of it. The saved variable file is limited in size to around 64,000 lines (anymore and the game won't load them and it eventually crashes). This takes under a minute of mining items to collect this amount of data. When I did it I setup the uespLogMonitor program and tweaked the update time so it kept up with all the mined item data and I could essentially run in continually for most of the day.
I'll be in game soon to fix some bugs with the uespLog and will start the updated item data collection shortly after. -- Daveh (talk) 19:51, 2 June 2015 (UTC)
I've finished mining items and the data has been parsed so the item data/item links should be all updated. As a reference for the work involved:
  • ~16 hours of in-game time dumping item data and uploading it with uespLogMonitor. The game logs you out if you are inactive for ~15 min so you have be at the computer and move every so often.
  • ~4 hours of parsing the data.
  • 6.2 GB of logs, 25 million lines, resulting in 15.5 million variations of 21153 items.
-- Daveh (talk) 12:05, 5 June 2015 (UTC)


User-Baratron-No Nirnhoned icon.jpg

This is quite a major problem. Currently UESPlog does not mark Nirnhoned items in the same way that it marks other traits. e.g.

You see how the Nirnhoned items are marked neither with a tick to say that the character knows the trait, nor with a ? to say he doesn't? They look like ordinary items without a trait at all!

I'm not likely to accidentally sell or break down Nirnhoned items which have been upgraded to gold quality, but I have accidentally given away white items :) baratron (talk) 18:17, 27 June 2015 (UTC)

I didn't notice this since I don't have any Nirnhorned items. I'll get one and play around and see how to fix it. -- Daveh (talk) 16:00, 24 July 2015 (UTC)
This is fixed in v0.24 of the addon which should be out next week if the crash-bug in it doesn't show up again. -- Daveh (talk) 21:50, 25 July 2015 (UTC)

Logs which are too big to upload?[edit]

Any bright ideas for what I can do with the six (doh!) UESPlog.lua files I have which are over 20 MB and therefore can't be uploaded by the Manual Submission form? Unfortunately the file size warning never happens before about 22 or 23 MB, so I never realise that the files are too big unless I suddenly remember to check my SavedVariables directory!

Can they be split into smaller chunks with a text editor, or would that completely destroy their structure and render them useless? Please let me know. baratron (talk) 18:22, 27 June 2015 (UTC)

Have you tried uploading it? I don't know offhand what the upload limit is but I can easily increase it to make it work with those sized files. Try again in a few days and let me know. -- Daveh (talk) 16:01, 24 July 2015 (UTC)
Yep - they don't work. I get "Error: Failed to upload file! The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form. Error Code: 2"
I looked at the source code for the page and found <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="21000000" />. Probably need to increase the size of that "value" in order to upload larger files?
I have a Windows PC now so will cease to be a menace very soon! I don't think there are any other Mac users actively uploading data. baratron (talk) 21:00, 25 July 2015 (UTC)
Ahh...I set it on the server side and missed this client side one. Try reloading the page and trying again. If you get an error message or otherwise let me know. -- Daveh (talk) 21:49, 25 July 2015 (UTC)

Serious problem with v0.24![edit]

Screenshot of Guild Store crash

Today my game started crashing every time I went to a Guild Store and tried to look at my own listings. I tracked the problem down to an addon, and discovered it was UESPlog causing the crash.

Directory listing of SavedVariables

It transpires that UESPlog is writing ridiculously long logs! I've had this computer since Friday, and in six days, it's written 374 MB of data! That seems rather excessive.

So I opened up the UESPlog.lua file in SavedVariables and discovered that it's appending an entire new copy of the event log each time, instead of replacing the contents of the old file.

The first copy of the data ends on event [27752]. The second copy ends on [27793] - but still includes the lines from [1] to [27752]. The last copy of the data ends on event [34281], by which time the file is 1.1 million lines long.

baratron (talk) 00:31, 30 July 2015 (UTC)

Also, I tried to use /uespreset all followed by /uesplog off to have the functions of UESPlog without the logging, and it still made the Guild Store crash in the same way. Hrm. baratron (talk) 00:55, 30 July 2015 (UTC)
I had no problem with v0.24 in the Guild Store, but after updating to v0.25 I seem to have a crash every other time I try to open the menu. I do not know if it is the same problem, though. —MortenOSlash (talk) 17:37, 30 July 2015 (UTC)
Change the "every other time" to "nearly every time". I will try to revert to v0.24 now to see. —MortenOSlash (talk) 18:07, 30 July 2015 (UTC)
Can you give me more details on when the crash occurs: i.e., when you open the guild store, when you browse/list/sell items, when you hover the mouse over an item, etc.... Does it still crash after you do /uespcraft off? Are you on PC or Mac and which server (NA, EU, PTS, etc...)? At the moment I can't replicate any crash with v0.25 involving the guild store. -- Daveh (talk) 00:14, 31 July 2015 (UTC)
PC, EU, with Add Ons Master Merchant and Price Tracker Updated. It happened just after I opened the Guild Store. The Sell icon seemed greyed out, like I was with a Guild Merchant of one of the other guilds. I can not now remember if I actually managed to try to click the Sell icon or if the crash came before it. So far I have not had crashes with v0.24, but then again I have not been opening the Guild Store more than three-four times since downgrading. I hope it helps. As far as I am concerned, I can use the v0.24 as long as ESO does not change much. —MortenOSlash (talk) 04:50, 31 July 2015 (UTC)
Eh. Well. I can not live with v0.24, as I just discovered, then get Bara's error when looking up my listings. This also answers my speculation above. It is not the same bug. —MortenOSlash (talk) 04:58, 31 July 2015 (UTC)
I've been able to duplicate your issue. I'm not sure why it didn't show up in testing v0.25 but it will be fixed in v0.26 which I'll try to get out today. The issue is with some of the game API functions crash the game if called at the wrong time. This particular crash, for example, happens when you first open the guild store and call the GetTradingHouseSearchResultItemLink(1) function with no items listed (or just the guild tabard). -- Daveh (talk) 12:19, 31 July 2015 (UTC)

() That one works fine now, but I still crash when I open listings. —MortenOSlash (talk) 11:03, 1 August 2015 (UTC)

Minor visual bug[edit]

While this likely isn't affecting any data, I figured I should bring this up. Since installing the add-on, whenever I loot gold, it seems to always have something like this, indicating it's of a racial style (or sometimes a type of ingredient).

On a separate note, I've also noticed the loot interface doesn't show whether the trait on a piece of equipment is known like the inventory does. Schiffy(Talk) 17:09, 13 September 2015 (UTC)

Falsely marked as trait known[edit]

I suddenly observed while in the Blacksmithing Deconstruct menu that a pair of Greaves of the Fire (I guess greaves is a pair, just as a pair of trousers?) was falsely marked with the white "check" symbol for trait known. When I bought them in a Guild Store and when I deposited them in the bank, they were correctly marked red question mark for unknown trait. —MortenOSlash (talk) 18:17, 13 September 2015 (UTC)

Correction: The white "check" symbol is shown in every menu, except the Guild Store menu where I bought it. —MortenOSlash (talk) 18:25, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
Update: I have found what is the problem. The trait in question is a trait I am currently researching. It was marked with the red question mark in the Guild Store, but every other listing of items marks it with the white check symbol. In effect this makes the indication at times misleading. —MortenOSlash (talk) 05:16, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
I ran into this problem too. It is fixed in v0.40 (I think) and later. -- Daveh (talk) 16:03, 14 December 2015 (UTC)

New Imperial City styles[edit]

Just in case anyone's wondering, the new IC styles reported by UESPlog using the game internal names are as follows:

  • Marauder = Aldmeri Dominion
  • Rogue = Daggerfall Covenant
  • Summoner = Ebonheart Pact

baratron (talk) 03:11, 17 September 2015 (UTC)

Mercenary crafting motif chapter falsely marked as unknown[edit]

The Crafting Motif 19, Chapter 4: Mercenary Bows, is falsely marked as unknown. —MortenOSlash (talk) 06:18, 14 December 2015 (UTC)

Another addon I'm using, Do I Keep It For Alts, also marks every mercenary chapter as unknown, even if I know it, so maybe this issue doesn't lie on daveh's end. -- SarthesArai Talk 11:06, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
This is a game bug. If you look at a motif that your character has learned, the text in the top left corner should change from "Motif" to "Known Motif". The same thing happens with recipes. However, the Mercenary style is bugged & does not do this. Therefore the game provides incorrect information to addons. baratron (talk) 12:06, 14 December 2015 (UTC)
I bugged this way back when Orsinium was on the PTS but still waiting for it to be fixed. I've loot at a few things but there appears to be nothing that can be done. -- Daveh (talk) 16:04, 14 December 2015 (UTC)

UespLogMonitor v0.50 error messages[edit]

In addition to Windows advising against running uespLogMonitor I get three error messages from uespLogMonitor v0.50 about missing files. The files missing are MSVCP140.dll, mfc140.dll and VCRUNTIME140.dll. These are way out of my knowledge to find solutions to, so I run UespLog Addon v0.41 until a solution is found. —MortenOSlash (talk) 08:53, 19 December 2015 (UTC)

Thanks for the note. These are probably runtime files for MS Visual C++ 2015. I'll find the link for the redistributable file and post it here. -- Daveh (talk) 15:14, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
Try this MS Download Page and see if that fixes the issue for you. -- Daveh (talk) 15:16, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
Thanks! I will install the v0.50 again right away. —MortenOSlash (talk) 16:23, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
Nope! I am afraid it still is the same when I try UespLogMonitor. —MortenOSlash (talk) 16:28, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
I ran into the same problem, but I found that installing the x86 (32-bit) version of the Visual C++ Redistributable works, but not the 64-bit version -- SarthesArai Talk 18:22, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
Oh yes, I was thinking the 32/64 bit depends on what OS you are running but it actually would need the 32-bit Redistributable as uespLogMonitor is a 32-bit compiled program. If you still have problems with it please let me know! -- Daveh (talk) 18:30, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
Works for me with the 32 bit version. It was not very intuitive when you have a 64 bit system. —MortenOSlash (talk) 19:22, 19 December 2015 (UTC)
Problem still exists! At least in Windows 8.1! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:57 on 11 June 2016 (UTC)

Lua memory issue[edit]

DL'd the lastest version, probably v0.50, 27 December 2015.

When initially logging in with a character, this popup message appears:

Lua is reaching its memory limit. You should consider disabling some addons and reloading the UI

Turning off the uesp addon fixes this issue. Honestly, I did not know a language could have a memory limit. Aside from needing to deal with an annoying popup whenever I start playing, this has no obvious impact. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:14 on 27 December 2015 (UTC)

Thanks for the note. uespLog can use up a lot of memory especially if you are using a lot of other add-ons. You can increase the Lua memory limit by opening your Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\Live\UserSettings.txt and edit the line LuaMemoryLimitMB "64", changing the 64 to 128 or larger (mine is set to 256). Also make sure you are uploading and clearing the logged data either using uespLogMonitor or manually via /uespreset all. You can check how much data uespLog is storing by the /uespcount command. Hope this helps! -- Daveh (talk) 15:51, 4 January 2016 (UTC)


Since there is (beta) gamepad support with a completely own UI for a while for the PC, I wanted to ask if there are any plans for this addon to support the gamepadUI?

I would even like to be involved in the development for such a feature. I'm currently just a bit stunned by the sheer amount of (also sparsely commented) code, which may be due to me being new to esoUI and lua. Skullix (talk) 23:08, 9 January 2016 (UTC)

0.60 marked as outdated[edit]

ESO marks the UespLog 0.60 as outdated. —MortenOSlash (talk) 07:15, 7 March 2016 (UTC)

I'm assuming you were playing with v0.60 before the Thieves Guild update? If so it was likely due to playing on the game with API verison 100013 where uespLog v0.60 uses API 100014, as does the Thieves Guild update. If you still run into problems after the update let me know. -- Daveh (talk) 13:21, 7 March 2016 (UTC)
I did, but hard to say for me if that was it. I downloaded your third upload of 0.60 before starting again anyway, and I did not have chance to test it before the Thieves Guild update trickled into my computer. Coming to think of it, I think I observed other updated add-ons with the same problem correcting themselves now, so that was probably it. I can not remember having had this problem with early releases of add-ons on prior updates though? —MortenOSlash (talk) 20:19, 7 March 2016 (UTC)

fps Performance Hit with UESPlog 0.60[edit]

@Sedrethi, @Malevan and I have all experienced an odd bug with UESPlog 0.60 and the current patch. When using abilities that drop ground DoTs in combat, (e.g. Elemental Blockade from Destruction Staff, Eruption from Dragonknights, Liquid Lightning from Sorcerers) followed by a Destruction Staff ability like Crushing Shock or Impulse, UESPlog seems to cause a massive stutter in frame rate, e.g. from 66 fps down to 7 fps and then back up to 66 fps. AoE DoTs cause it to happen consistently.

The more damage that is occuring, the worse the performance hit. Even turning off the log functionality of UESPlog does not help.

@Malevan believes this may be caused by the new functionality which calculates skill coefficients. baratron (talk) 01:49, 10 March 2016 (UTC)

Yah, I just saw the guild notice. Offhand I'm not sure what is causing it. The skill coefficients are only used when you actually run the "/uespskillcoef" command so shouldn't be coming into play. Likely an event handler that has run amok or something else non-obvious. Will look into it. -- Daveh (talk) 02:26, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
I've uploaded v0.61 this morning which should fix this issue. If you have further problems just let me know!. -- Daveh (talk) 17:08, 10 March 2016 (UTC)
v0.62 also should help a little bit more with regards to lag when killing things. -- Daveh (talk) 20:20, 15 March 2016 (UTC)

"Internal" style names[edit]

Sometimes, I notice that UESPlog displays a different name for a style than the one it's style book gives. And sometimes it just displays "Unknown". I take it it goes by the names used internally by the game engine. The Soul Shriven style armour that can be picked up in Coldharbour during the tutorial is reported as "Knight", I don't know if the same is the case for crafted Soul Shriven. Other styles I've seen are "Nightblade", "Warrior", "Mage" (I think the last two are the Malacath and Trinimac styles?) and "Ranger". Is there some list somewhere over which style corresponds to these names?--AngryNord (talk) 10:03, 28 May 2016 (UTC)

UESP Build Log Won't Delete[edit]

While trying to figure out a build with my character and communicating with a few people over the Enjin forum, I used your rather useful Add-on. The problem seems to be that I now can't delete the builds I uploaded. While having one up there wouldn't bother me, I seem to have six. Why I can't delete them is beyond me as I am the one who created them and all. Is this a time issue? Or some other bug? One way or another I'd like all my various 'Isolde' builds off the site as I feel like that's a little bit of clutter and would rather make things simple. I'd appreciate the help on all this. CatMarie (talk) 13:27, 3 June 2016 (UTC)

Hmm,that's a bit odd. According to UESPWiki:EsoCharData, the user who creates a build should also be able to delete it. I assume you have looked both at the main Special:EsoBuildData list, and the individual builds, and can find no delete button? Were you logged in when you uploaded them? --Enodoc (talk) 13:39, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
I have been wondering about the same. I submitted via the UespLog AddOn, and can find nowhere to delete. Can it be that the add-on does not connect my character or ESO user account to my UESP user? That would explain why I can not delete it, but now why the add-on creates a new entry each time. —MortenOSlash (talk) 15:21, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
If you go to the Build Overview page you should see a "Delete" button to the right of each entry that you have permission to delete. It is based off of your wiki user name which is entered either in the manual submission form when you upload it or in the options of uespLogMonitor (I assume that may be MortenOSlash's issue). I did a quick test and it seems to be working fine for me. Looking at CatMarie's builds (Isolde Vierten I assume) she should be able to delete them as the builds seem to have the correct wiki user name associated with them. Can you make sure you are logged in and try again? The multiple build uploads are due to how the build upload system works. For now once you upload a build(s) you can clear the in-game build data with /uespbuilddata reset to make sure it isn't uploaded multiple times.
Edit: I also added some extra logging so when you rebuild the build page to see if you can delete anything I can check the logs to see what is going on in the permission code which may help track down the issue. -- Daveh (talk) 16:24, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
I seem to have missed the bit about putting my user name in the options of the uespLogMonitor. (I have added it now, so next time it will work, I hope.) I guess it will not connect the two previous uploads of "Brist"? —MortenOSlash (talk) 21:10, 3 June 2016 (UTC)
Unfortunately not, but if you let me know which characters are yours I can update them manually. -- Daveh (talk) 21:22, 3 June 2016 (UTC)

() If you would be so kind as to delete the two oldest "Brist", I would be very happy. Thanks in advance. The third one was added by me just now as an update. There I can see the delete button now. —MortenOSlash (talk) 22:02, 3 June 2016 (UTC)


Some security concerns were brought up here on the forums. —Legoless (talk) 02:33, 5 June 2016 (UTC)

Ghastly Eye-Bowl Recipe with red question mark[edit]

The Ghastly Eye-Bowl Recipe gives a red question mark in listings (like Guild Merchant listings), even if it is known. —MortenOSlash (talk) 16:32, 16 October 2016 (UTC)

Known motif indicator on v1.00[edit]

If I am not the only one missing the known motif indicator on v1.00, there might be a bug? —MortenOSlash (talk) 19:15, 11 February 2017 (UTC)

So, since I do not get any response, does it mean I am the only one experiencing this? —MortenOSlash (talk) 09:45, 19 February 2017 (UTC)
Or should bugs rather be reported somewhere else? —MortenOSlash (talk) 14:01, 26 February 2017 (UTC)
I swear I could have posted here after your last message. I talked to Dave, and he knows and the issue is fixed, it'll be out in the next release, which he though would be out soon. Jeancey (talk) 14:52, 26 February 2017 (UTC)
OK. Thanks! —MortenOSlash (talk) 15:01, 26 February 2017 (UTC)

Database Discrepancy[edit]

Vale's Legacy Leggings

We've noticed a discrepancy between our database and the life game: ItemID 10879 exists in our database as Vale's Legacy Leggings of the Shadow Dancer, but in the game, it is just Vale's Legacy Leggings. -- SarthesArai Talk 10:40, 14 February 2017 (UTC)

The database hasn't been fully updated for Update 13 yet, so that might account for the discrepancy. --Enodoc (talk) 11:09, 14 February 2017 (UTC)

LogMonitor crashes[edit]

My LogMonitor.exe has started crashing. I say "started" because uespLog v1.00 was fine at first, and then last time I went to submit a log it crashed after the log had submitted. Today I have not been able to upload the log at all.

So I tried updating to uespLog v1.01, but the LogMonitor.exe still exits without attempting to upload the log. This is the error message: Problem signature:

 Problem Event Name:       APPCRASH
 Application Name:      uespLogMonitor.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp: 5728cf68
 Fault Module Name:     ucrtbase.DLL
 Fault Module Version:  10.0.10586.9
 Fault Module Timestamp:        5642c5f8
 Exception Code:        c0000005
 Exception Offset:      000392a6
 OS Version:    6.1.7601.
 Locale ID:     2057
 Additional Information 1:      0a9e
 Additional Information 2:      0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
 Additional Information 3:      0a9e
 Additional Information 4:      0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:


So I don't know what that means because it's Windows stuff, but I have uploaded the log manually and will use /uespreset all. I will let you know whether it was just a single corrupted log (e.g. by the game crashing), or whether the monitor tool has a bug. baratron (talk) 23:43, 18 March 2017 (UTC)

I've had to upload two logs manually now. LogMonitor.exe is continuing to crash with the exact same error message. The local filename on the UESP server for the log I just submitted is /home/uesp/esolog/upload/uespLogVwfGy9 - I suppose you can check it to see whether it is corrupted in some way? Alternatively, maybe I need to obtain a new copy of that ucrtbase.dll? An internet search is suggesting it is part of the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, but not being a Windows person, I don't really understand the error I'm getting. baratron (talk) 01:36, 29 March 2017 (UTC)
Also here is the log from UESPlog itself:
 02:29:46.286 -- Documents Path = C:\Users\helen-louise\Documents
 02:29:46.286 -- SavedVars Path = C:\Users\helen-louise\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\
 02:29:46.294 -- Program initialized...
 02:29:46.294 -- Log monitoring is enabled
 02:29:46.294 -- Saved variable path set to 'C:\Users\helen-louise\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\'
 02:29:46.294 -- Sending logged data to ''
 02:29:46.295 -- Checking log every 60 seconds
 02:29:46.295 -- Using '4744031130594836481' as last parsed timestamp
 02:29:46.295 -- Using '4744031130594836480' as last backup timestamp
 02:29:46.295 -- Using player/account name for identity
 02:29:46.295 -- Log level set to display info, warning, and error messages
 02:29:48.044 -- Checking log...
 02:29:48.050 -- Log has gained 30138907 bytes
 02:29:48.051 -- Loading saved variables from 'C:\Users\helen-louise\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables\uespLog.lua'...
 02:29:48.397 -- Found data for user 'baratron' in saved variable data.
 02:29:48.398 -- Parsing data sections in saved variable log for account 'Arzhela Petit'...
 02:29:48.399 -- Found the charData section with no content.
baratron (talk) 01:53, 29 March 2017 (UTC)
Okay! It looks like I had a corrupted uespLog.lua file in SavedVariables, and /uespreset all /reloadui wasn't able to wipe the corruption. I renamed the file and let UESPlog create a new one, and now the program works. It might be an idea to insert some sort of check or warning about corrupted files though, rather than simply having the program crash completely! baratron (talk) 22:27, 1 April 2017 (UTC)

NPC Dialogue[edit]

On the add-on page, it says NPC dialogue is logged. Is there anywhere that I can access it? It would make writing quest walkthroughs a lot easier if it's stored somewhere. AlphaAbsol (talk) 08:06, 15 June 2017 (UTC)

It *is* there, but it is hard to read. (Theres a fair amount of "gibberish" to sift though.) Timeoin (talk) 22:09, 14 October 2017 (UTC)

Enemy abilities[edit]

Would it be possible for this addon to log what abilities enemies are using? If so, it would make it easier to fill out that info on NPC pages as well as to determine NPC classes (based on using the same abilities) --FioFioFio (talk) 02:52, 4 October 2017 (UTC)

I second this, if it is at all possible. Timeoin (talk) 02:56, 4 October 2017 (UTC)

Bitter Pill[edit]

Just wanted to bring it to the attention of someone, but "A Bitter Pill" i believe is slightly bugged in the log data.

There are two quests with the same name, one a repeatable in the Clockwork City, another in Forgotten Crypts. Via the log data, however, they have the same Quest ID. Just wanted to let you know. Timeoin (talk) 23:29, 11 November 2017 (UTC)

Update 17[edit]

Hi Dave, Update 17 is available on the PTS. It features a new class of furnishing (storage chests/coffers), as well as the new Outfit System (transmogrification). Please let us know whether the existing UESPlog will be able to handle this new data. Thanks! baratron (talk) 01:33, 9 January 2018 (UTC)

v1.40 prevents Crown Store previews[edit]

Running UESPlog v1.40 prevents items in the Crown Store from being previewed. I experimented with turning options on and off, without any success. Lurlock believes the bug might be something to do with logging of Crown Store items. --baratron (talk) 22:58, 13 February 2018 (UTC)

v1.51 is bugged in combination with Awesome Guild Store[edit]

Using the two addons together breaks the functionality of the "E" key to move items in and out of the bank. Disabling one fixes the problem.

Here is the error:

   EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:711: function expected instead of nil
   stack traceback:
       EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:711: in function 'TryBankItem'
       EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1510: in function 'INDEX_ACTION_CALLBACK'
       EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlotActions.lua:96: in function 'ZO_InventorySlotActions:DoPrimaryAction'
       EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/ItemSlotActionController.lua:30: in function 'callback'
       EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_KeybindStrip/ZO_KeybindStrip.lua:645: in function 'ZO_KeybindStrip:TryHandlingKeybindDown'
       (tail call): ?
       (tail call): ?

Note that not everyone who runs Awesome Guild Store v0.43 with UESPlog v1.51 is having the problem, so it might well be linked to a specific setting within the addons rather than the addons themselves. baratron (talk) 03:54, 3 June 2018 (UTC)

v1.60 issues[edit]

1) UESPlog causes the game to hang when leaving the Skills window. This occurs even when UESPlog is the only addon enabled.

2) In combination with Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter, the following error occurs:
Checking type on argument trackingLevel failed in GetJournalQuestConditionType_lua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'GetJournalQuestConditionType'
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4982: in function 'uespLog.LogQuestStepData'
<Locals> journalIndex = 18, numSteps = 1, questName = "Provisioner Writ", questStageIndex = 1, questUniqueId = 2102777, logData = tbl, stepIndex = 1, numConditions = 3, conditionIndex = 1 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4925: in function 'uespLog.LogQuestData'
<Locals> journalIndex = 18, logData = tbl, numSteps = 1, questName = "Provisioner Writ", questStageIndex = 1, questUniqueId = 2102777 </Locals> user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4880: in function 'uespLog.OnQuestAdded'
<Locals> eventCode = 131079, journalIndex = 18, questName = "Provisioner Writ", objectiveName = "", logData = tbl, questStageData = tbl, questUniqueIds = tbl </Locals>

Checking type on argument trackingLevel failed in GetJournalQuestConditionType_lua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'GetJournalQuestConditionType'
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4982: in function 'uespLog.LogQuestStepData'
<Locals> journalIndex = 19, numSteps = 1, questName = "Provisioner Writ", questStageIndex = 1, questUniqueId = 354171, logData = tbl, stepIndex = 1, numConditions = 3, conditionIndex = 1 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4925: in function 'uespLog.LogQuestData'
<Locals> journalIndex = 19, logData = tbl, numSteps = 1, questName = "Provisioner Writ", questStageIndex = 1, questUniqueId = 354171 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4880: in function 'uespLog.OnQuestAdded'
<Locals> eventCode = 131079, journalIndex = 19, questName = "Provisioner Writ", objectiveName = "", logData = tbl, questStageData = tbl, questUniqueIds = tbl </Locals>

Currently testing to see whether clearing old UESPlog data fixes the issue. --baratron (talk) 23:39, 13 August 2018 (UTC)

It isn't only Provisioning Writs which cause an error, btw. All Crafting Writs do. Possibly all quests taken from boards. I've tested with the daily board in Kvatch and got the following:
Checking type on argument trackingLevel failed in GetJournalQuestConditionType_lua
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'GetJournalQuestConditionType'
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4982: in function 'uespLog.LogQuestStepData'
<Locals> journalIndex = 16, numSteps = 2, questName = "Looming Shadows", questStageIndex = 1, questUniqueId = 963356, logData = tbl, stepIndex = 1, numConditions = 4, conditionIndex = 1 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4925: in function 'uespLog.LogQuestData'
<Locals> journalIndex = 16, logData = tbl, numSteps = 2, questName = "Looming Shadows", questStageIndex = 1, questUniqueId = 963356 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/uespLog/uespLog.lua:4880: in function 'uespLog.OnQuestAdded'
<Locals> eventCode = 131079, journalIndex = 16, questName = "Looming Shadows", objectiveName = "", logData = tbl, questStageData = tbl, questUniqueIds = tbl </Locals>
Also, clearing old UESPlog data doesn't seem to help. --baratron (talk) 00:09, 14 August 2018 (UTC)
These errors are also still in the latest uespLog version. --Scharesoft (talk) 16:08, 24 August 2018 (UTC)

LogMonitor is broken?[edit]

23:10:44.974 -- Sending logged data to ''
23:10:44.974 -- Checking log every 60 seconds
23:11:47.108 -- ERROR: Failed to send the HTTP form request!

tried from 2 different locations. 20:17, 24 September 2018 (UTC)

While I have occasionally observed a similar error, I have never had any permanent problem. If encountered I have just closed and restarted the LogMonitor those few occasions, and the reporting has uploaded again. Have you tried running the LogMonitor as Administrator? —MortenOSlash (talk) 15:45, 30 September 2018 (UTC)
I'm getting "ERROR: Saved variable file not found!" error when uespLogMonitor tries to update. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, and it still won't properly update. Also, I'm noticing it saves the Sales data in a different area than it used to. Any reason why, or any fix to this? Otherwise, I may have to uninstall it, if it won't update properly. Vyc Ðarkshådøw (talk) 02:33, 23 May 2019 (UTC)

Can't research Jewelry traits[edit]

Apparently, I can't research Jewelry Crafting traits while UESPlog is active. Obviously I've checked that I have slots available, that the item isn't locked and all of that. Essentially the only difference between being able to research the traits and not is whether UESPlog is active.

I think this may be a clash with another addon rather than solely UESPlog's fault, but I can't narrow it down further. I'm sure that it isn't Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter at fault this time, but I don't really have any other addons which should affect crafting.

Here's a list of everything I'm running on the characters who are having problems. (Note that although I have both Awesome Guild Store and Master Merchant, they are switched off for all but one character.)

Bank & Guild Bank assistance:

  • Advanced Filters by Randactyl
  • FCO GuildBankQuickSelect by Baertram
  • Roomba by Wobin & CrazyDutchGuy & Ayantir


  • Foundry Tactical Combat
  • S'rendarr by Phinix, Kith, Garkin, silentgecko

Crafting and Farming:

  • Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Creator v2.5.15.3
  • FeedAnArmy by katkat42
  • HarvestMap by Shinni
  • Itemization Browser by @code65536
  • Votan's Fish Fillet by votan
  • Votan's Fisherman by votan

Travel tools:

  • Crafting Stations 1.14 by kottsemia, Garkin, sirinsidiator
  • Easy Travel by sirinsidiator
  • GuildShrines by Valve and Kyoma
  • MapPins by Hoft
  • Votan's Improved Locations by votan

Info for specific dungeons/trials:

  • Asylum Sanctorium Status Panel by @code65536
  • BRHelper by andy.s
  • Raid Notifier by Kyoma, Memus, Woeler, silentgecko

General, should be obvious from the name what they do:

  • AlphaGear 2 v6.4.0 beta 2 by AlphaLemming & mesota
  • Crown Crate Tracker by Faunter
  • DO I KEEP IT for Alts by Wandamey
  • Essential Housing Tools by @Cardinal05
  • GuildNotificator by Ayantir, Calia1120
  • GuildSalesAssistant for MM by d0piate and Philgo
  • Librarian by Calia1120, Flamage
  • MailR by Ravalox Darkshire, Calia1120 & Hoft
  • NoAccidentalStealing by Shinni
  • Rainbow Reticle by Calia1120
  • Tamriel Trade Centre by
  • UndauntedDaily by sirinsidiator
  • Votan's Achievements Overview by votan
  • WPamA (What Pledge at my Alts) by @ForgottenLight (EU)

Also Libraries:

  • Lib3D-v3 by Shinni
  • LibAddonMenu-2.0 by Seerah, sirinsidiator, et al
  • LibCustomMenu by Votan
  • LibGPS by sirinsidiator & Votan
  • LibGuildHistory by Mattmillus and Deome, updated by Calia1120
  • LibMapPing by sirinsidiator
  • LibMapPins 1.0 r17 by Garkin (modified by Sensi)
  • LibSavedVars by silvereyes
  • LibStub
  • Votan's Addon List by votan

All addons have been updated to the current version available in Minion as of today. Let me know if you'd like me to try any particular combination of addons.

Thanks! baratron (talk) 02:47, 25 November 2018 (UTC)

Khajiit passive "Feline Ambush" not considered in custom stats[edit]

Since v1.80, when playing as a Khajiit that has at least one rank of Feline Ambush active, the increased Crit Damage will not be shown under the "Spell Crit Dmg" and "Weapon Crit Dmg" custom stats.

I don't know how you personally would code this but I've been adding the following code myself in each version since v1.80:

        -- Feline Ambush, 36067/45299/45301, 3/6/10%
    currentId = GetSkillAbilityId(7, 1, 4)

    local felineAmbushPassiveRank = GetSkillAbilityUpgradeInfo(7, 1, 4)

    if (felineAmbushPassiveRank == 1 and currentId == 36067) then
        critDamage = critDamage + 0.03
    elseif (felineAmbushPassiveRank == 2 and currentId == 45299) then
        critDamage = critDamage + 0.06
    elseif (felineAmbushPassiveRank == 3 and currentId == 45301) then
        critDamage = critDamage + 0.1   

- Psyknux (talk) 18:51, 24 May 2019 (UTC)

problems with the coefs[edit]

hey, i got a problem with the coefs logging. I followed the inctrutions as i as can (reset cp, reset skills, changing stat and power etc), but when i try the next step in this case it would be /usc save i get an Error message.
i'm pretty new in this kind of stuff and i hope somebody can help me 12:35, 16 July 2019 (UTC)

Text Rendering Error[edit]

The UNICODE character "…" (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS U+2026) is featured in at least one item flavour text, but the generated item image is unable to display it: image link. —Legoless (talk) 17:56, 27 October 2019 (GMT)

v2.20 unwanted Uesplog messages in custom chat channels[edit]

After updating to v2.20, I have found that the NPC records notifications (eg: UESP: Found NPC NPCName (Health HP)) are appearing even chat tabs which have been created/modified to only record one thing, such as NPC dialogue and the Guild channels. This most recent version is the first time that this has been happening and before turning off one of the logging options the screetshot notifications were appearing everywhere as well.--Talyyn (talk) 07:34, 28 February 2020 (GMT)

FR: log submit REST API[edit]

How about to add REST API to simplify log submit on non-windows platforms? Handling the submit page's form POST headers with curl is too messy, write full-fledged python/java uploader a bit of overkill, and running yet another foreign programm is highly questionable. (uploading by hands is even more lame) And, in my case log file not lives in 'Elder Scrolls Online/live' tree. --Roukoru (talk) 05:59, 28 July 2021 (UTC)

Game Dialogue no longer recording in uespLog .lua file[edit]

I noticed this in the v3.05 version. When you view the uespLog .lua text as a text file, it shows that it has not been tracking all the character dialogue a player has experieced. While it will track the opening dialogue for each stage, it is not recording the characters responses or the dialogue threads that come from them. --Talyyn (talk) 23:35, 9 June 2022 (UTC)

Is there a way to fix this issue? Because it still doesn't log the conversation in v3.25, only ChatterBegin. Kazouha (talk) 08:52, 15 January 2025 (UTC)

503 HTTP response[edit]

For a long time, I've been getting a "ERROR: Received a '503' HTTP response when sending form data! Unknown Error!" whenever I try to send data. Anyone know what that's about? -Caraamon (talk) 21:31, 13 September 2023 (UTC)

Issues with ESO Set Reference data quality[edit]

Regarding the ESO Set Reference:

There's some odd stuff in the data that doesn't make sense. I don't know if it's actually bad data in the game or if it's corrupted on this end.

For example, look at the "Alessian Order" set. In the Item Slots column, it lists this...

Heavy(All) Shield Weapons(All) Neck Ring Medium(Hand Chest Leg Head) Light(Hand Chest Leg Head)

This is a Heavy set. There are no Medium or Light pieces.

The this is the list of sets I've found with invalid Item Slot data...

  • Alessian Order
  • Thews of the Harbinger
  • Night Mother's Embrace
  • Draugr's Heritage
  • Steadfast's Mettle
  • Galerion's Revenge
  • Vicecanon of Venom
  • Blessing of High Isle

As an aside, the data in this column doesn't appear to be standardized/normalized. The same slots can appear in a different order from set to set.

There also appears to be some issues with the "Sources" column.

For the set "The Blind", the Source is "Monsters". All other Monster sets (other than PvP) list "Monster" without the trailing "s".

There's a bunch of weapons from Dragonstar Arena and Maelstrom Arena that have the Sources listed as "Trial" when it should be "Arena". Here's the full list that I found...

  • Caustic Arrow
  • Cruel Flurry
  • Crushing Wall
  • Destructive Impact
  • Grand Rejuvenation
  • Merciless Charge
  • Perfected Caustic Arrow
  • Perfected Cruel Flurry
  • Perfected Crushing Wall
  • Perfected Destructive Impact
  • Perfected Grand Rejuvenation
  • Perfected Merciless Charge
  • Perfected Precise Regeneration
  • Perfected Puncturing Remedy
  • Perfected Rampaging Slash
  • Perfected Stinging Slashes
  • Perfected Thunderous Volley
  • Perfected Titanic Cleave
  • Precise Regeneration
  • Puncturing Remedy
  • Rampaging Slash
  • Stinging Slashes
  • Thunderous Volley
  • Titanic Cleave

Wkrick (talk) 23:46, 23 February 2025 (UTC)

Thanks for the notice! Should be all fixed in addition to what you mentioned on Discord. -- Daveh (talk) 19:43, 25 February 2025 (UTC)