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A Wight

Wights are an enemy group in Blades that are hostile to the player. Wights are weak to fire and cleaving damage, but resist bashing, shock, and poison damage. The damage type they deal is based on the weapon they carry. Despite each having 120 magicka, they do not have any spells to cast.

For more information, see the main lore article.



The following Wights are the variants found in Jobs, the Abyss, and many other Quests.
Wight Monster Family & Wight Monster Family Abyss

Wights Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Weakness to Fire Resist Shock Resist Poison Weakness to Cleaving Resist Bashing Abilities
Wight Min 5 35 150 170 68 94 8.4 51.84 61.44 5.4 5.4 Power Attack (1)
Max 15 57 310 270 203 188
Crypt Wight Min 16 59 368 280 218 204 9.41 90.72 107.52 10.08 10.08 Skullcrusher (1)
Shield Bash (1)
Quick Strikes (1)
Max 28 81 611 400 345 315
Wight Lord Min 29 83 601 410 351 320 13.16 126.9 150.4 14.1 14.1 Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (2)
Max 41 105 790 530 459 416
Gravecall Wight Min 42 107 813 540 472 426 16.56 159.69 189.26 17.74 17.74 Indomitable Smash (1)
Staggering Bash (2)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (5)
Max 54 126 962 660 564 509
Wight Exalter Min 55 128 989 670 561 508 21 202.5 240 22.5 22.5 Reflecting Bash (3)
Indomitable Smash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Quick Strikes (8)
Max 69 157 1,300 810 700 652
Dread Wight Min 70 158 1,333 820 712 664 27.3 263.25 312 29.25 29.25 Reflecting Bash (6)
Recovery Strikes (8)
Indomitable Smash (6)
Staggering Bash (8)
Guardbreaker (8)
Quick Strikes (13)
Max 84 186 1,650 960 864 813
Wight Reckoner Min 85 189 1,627 970 875 823 33.6 324 384 36 36 Reflecting Bash (9)
Recovery Strikes (11)
Indomitable Smash (9)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Quick Strikes (16)
Max 99 214 2,051 1,110 1,026 972

Frigid Corruption[edit]

The following Wights can be encountered in Frigid Corruption. They deal only frost damage.

Wights Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Weakness to Fire Resist Shock Resist Poison Weakness to Cleaving Resist Bashing Abilities
Wight Min 5 35 75 170 13.5 94 8.4 51.84 61.44 5.4 5.4 Power Attack (1)
Max 15 57 155 270 14 188
Crypt Wight Min 16 59 276 280 218 204 9.41 90.72 107.52 10.08 10.08 Skullcrusher (1)
Shield Bash (1)
Quick Strikes (1)
Max 28 81 458 400 345 315
Wight Lord Min 29 83 601 410 351 320 13.16 126.9 150.4 14.1 14.1 Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (2)
Max 41 105 790 530 459 416
Gravecall Wight Min 42 107 894 540 472 426 16.56 159.69 189.26 17.74 17.74 Indomitable Smash (1)
Staggering Bash (2)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (5)
Max 54 126 1,058 660 564 509
Wight Exalter Min 55 128 1,187 670 561 508 21 202.5 240 22.5 22.5 Reflecting Bash (3)
Indomitable Smash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Quick Strikes (8)
Max 69 157 1,560 810 700 652
Dread Wight Min 70 158 1,599 820 712 664 27.3 263.25 312 29.25 29.25 Reflecting Bash (6)
Recovery Strikes (8)
Indomitable Smash (6)
Staggering Bash (8)
Guardbreaker (8)
Quick Strikes (13)
Max 84 186 1,979 960 864 813
Wight Reckoner Min 85 189 1,953 970 875 823 33.6 324 384 36 36 Reflecting Bash (9)
Recovery Strikes (11)
Indomitable Smash (9)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Quick Strikes (16)
Max 99 214 2,461 1,110 1,026 972

The Pit of Pestilence[edit]

The following Wights can be encountered in The Pit of Pestilence. They deal only poison damage.

Wights Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Weakness to Fire Resist Shock Resist Poison Weakness to Cleaving Resist Bashing Abilities
Wight Min 5 35 75 170 13.5 94 8.4 51.84 61.44 5.4 5.4 Power Attack (1)
Max 15 57 155 270 14 188
Crypt Wight Min 16 59 276 280 218 204 9.41 90.72 107.52 10.08 10.08 Skullcrusher (1)
Shield Bash (1)
Quick Strikes (1)
Max 28 81 458 400 345 315
Wight Lord Min 29 83 601 410 351 320 13.16 126.9 150.4 14.1 14.1 Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (2)
Max 41 105 790 530 459 416
Gravecall Wight Min 42 107 894 540 472 426 16.56 159.69 189.26 17.74 17.74 Indomitable Smash (1)
Staggering Bash (2)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (5)
Max 54 126 1,058 660 564 509
Wight Exalter Min 55 128 1,187 670 561 508 21 202.5 240 22.5 22.5 Reflecting Bash (3)
Indomitable Smash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Quick Strikes (8)
Max 69 157 1,560 810 700 652
Dread Wight Min 70 158 1,599 820 712 664 27.3 263.25 312 29.25 29.25 Reflecting Bash (6)
Recovery Strikes (8)
Indomitable Smash (6)
Staggering Bash (8)
Guardbreaker (8)
Quick Strikes (13)
Max 84 186 1,979 960 864 813
Wight Reckoner Min 85 189 1,953 970 875 823 33.6 324 384 36 36 Reflecting Bash (9)
Recovery Strikes (11)
Indomitable Smash (9)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Quick Strikes (16)
Max 99 214 2,461 1,110 1,026 972

A Blizzard of Blades[edit]

The following Wights can be encountered in A Blizzard of Blades. They are immune to all but frost damage.

Wights Level Damage Health Stamina Armor Block Fire Immunity Shock Immunity Poison Immunity Slashing Immunity Cleaving Immunity Bashing Immunity Abilities
Wight Min 5 35 60 170 13.5 94 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Power Attack (1)
Max 15 57 124 270 14 188
Crypt Wight Min 16 59 184 280 218 204 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Skullcrusher (1)
Shield Bash (1)
Quick Strikes (1)
Max 28 81 306 400 345 315
Wight Lord Min 29 83 361 410 351 320 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Staggering Bash (1)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (2)
Max 41 105 474 530 459 416
Gravecall Wight Min 42 107 569 540 472 426 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Indomitable Smash (1)
Staggering Bash (2)
Guardbreaker (1)
Quick Strikes (5)
Max 54 126 673 660 564 509
Wight Exalter Min 55 128 693 670 561 508 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (3)
Indomitable Smash (2)
Staggering Bash (4)
Guardbreaker (4)
Quick Strikes (8)
Max 69 157 910 810 700 652
Dread Wight Min 70 158 933 820 712 664 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (6)
Recovery Strikes (8)
Indomitable Smash (6)
Staggering Bash (8)
Guardbreaker (8)
Quick Strikes (13)
Max 84 186 1,155 960 864 813
Wight Reckoner Min 85 189 1,139 970 875 823 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Reflecting Bash (9)
Recovery Strikes (11)
Indomitable Smash (9)
Staggering Bash (11)
Guardbreaker (11)
Quick Strikes (16)
Max 99 214 1,436 1,110 1,026 972

Unique Wights[edit]

Boss Names[edit]

  • Powerful Wight
  • Ancient Wight
  • Fierce Wight
  • Bloodthirsty Wight
  • Relentless Wight
  • Angry Wight
  • Prince Anumaril of Erokii
  • Narilmor the Ravager
  • Filestis the Decayed
  • Prince Uuril, Scourge of Men