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< Blades
This is a list of all quests in Blades. Progress through each quest tree can be tracked via the in-game Quest Map as you venture onward.
- Coming Home: Return home after evading the Thalmor.
- Meeting the Town Elder: Find the Town Elder.
- Rescuing the Townsfolk: Help rescue the townsfolk from goblins.
- Rebuilding the Town Hall: Start restoring your town by rebuilding the Town Hall.
- Lumber Run: Gather wood and free the woodcutters.
- Rebuilding the Smithy: Help Lond rebuild his smithy.
- The Greencap Bandits: Rescue the captive villagers.
- Hidden Mysteries: Explore the Ayleid ruins.
- Mercenaries on the Run: Gather information from the Mercenaries.
- The Name of Evil: Learn more about the released lich.
- The Bloodfall Queen: Confront the Bloodfall Queen.
- A Tale of Two Brothers: Explore the tomb of an Ayleid king.
- Secrets of the Ayleids: Find an Altmer scholar who can decrypt ancient Ayleid Runes.
- The Missing Scroll: Meet with the Bloodfall Queen to find out about the Elder Scroll.
- The Lair of the Sorcerer-King: Find the Sorcerer-King's lair.
- Hangman's Wood: Investigate Hangman's Wood.
- The Howling Caves: Investigate the Howling Caves.
- Journey to Fort Cassynder: Investigate Fort Cassynder.
- The Ruins of Niryastare: Explore the ruins of Niryastare.
- The Haunted Forest: Retrieve the stolen Elder Scroll.
- Facing the Dragon: Convince a dragon to give you information regarding the Sorcerer-King.
- The Treasure Hunter: Get help from a Khajiiti treasure hunter.
- The Ayleid Crown: Retrieve the Ayleid Crown.
- The Lost Ritual: Ask townsfolk about the ritual incantation.
- The Old Enchanter: Find the enchanter known as Martin Gavinius.
- The Ghost's Tale: Talk to the Ghost of Valentis.
- High Treason: Warn the Queen about the Traitor in her court.
- The Five Stones: Travel to Valenwood and find the five Varla Stones.
- The Founder's Statue: Recreate and restore the statue of the town's Founder.
- Wrath of the Sorcerer-King: Face the Sorcerer-King in battle.
Goblin Scourge[edit]
- The Goblin Scourge: Cull local goblins. (Must be done four times)
- The Red and the White: Rid Jena's grove of all goblins.
- Goblins United: Investigate a goblin stronghold.
- A Fragile Alliance: Perform a false flag attack on the White Ghost goblin tribe.
- No Honor Among Thieves: Plant false evidence to trick the goblins into turning against the Greencaps.
- The Blue God: Steal a sacred idol of the goblins.
- The Goblin Messiah: Prevent another goblin alliance from ever happening again.
- Meet the Old Blademaster: Defeat Henrik Seven-Swords.
- Practice with Henrik Seven-Swords: Defeat Henrik Seven-Swords.
- Practice with Henrik Seven-Swords II: Defeat Henrik Seven-Swords.
- Practice with Henrik Seven-Swords III: Defeat Henrik Seven-Swords.
- Practice with Henrik Seven-Swords IV: Defeat Henrik Seven-Swords.
- The Justiciar Cometh: Meet up with the Thalmor in your town.
- The Troll Trap: Take the Thalmor on a wild goose chase.
- The Forbidden Divine: Find out who's tipping off the Thalmor.
- The Freedom to Believe: Warn the Talos worshippers of the Thalmor.
- The Haunted Grove: Take the Thalmor into the Haunted Grove.
- The Messenger: Kill the Thalmor messenger.
- Draugluin's Tomb: Take the Thalmor on yet another wild goose chase.
- Prisoner of the Thalmor: Rescue Martin Gavinius from the Thalmor. (Only if Martin Gavinius wasn't killed in The Old Enchanter)
- A Friend in Need: Deal with the Thalmor once and for all.
Bloodfall Queen[edit]
- Picking up the Pieces: Investigate a raided village.
- The Greencaps' Trail: Investigate Woodhope Keep.
- In the Queen's Service: Investigate a suspected Greencaps hideout.
- Raid on the Bandits' Base: Assist the Bloodfall Queen in attacking the Greencaps.
- A Snake in the Grass: Talk to residents in town to find a spy.
- A Treacherous Quarry: Interrogate the spy.
- Cutting Off the Snake's Head: Infiltrate the Greencaps' base.
- The Queen's Justice: Talk to the Queen on Frontinus' behalf.
- The Farmer's Plea: Investigate the murder of Frontinus' brother.
- Gabrielle's Hunt: Search for a Dwemer construct rod.
- The Cave of Thieves: Find M'jaddah to discover more about the River Snake.
- Gabrielle's Apprentice: Continue your search for the Dwemer construct rod.
- The Big Hit: Intercept the River Snake's cargo.
- Gabrielle's Treasure: Ensure the Bloodfall Queen and Wanum are safe.
- Trophy Hunting: Investigate a ruin with Destane.
- A Cry for Help: Find out what happened to Sorine's village.
- The Scorched Earth: Another village has been burned down, time to investigate.
- Into the Fire: Meet up with Saashi and Sorine.
- The Dragon Slayer: Defeat the warrior Azzin in the Arena.
- The Hunt, part 1: Search for the dragon.
- The Hunt, part 2: Find the dragon with Azzin.
- Resolution: Confront Azzin about Shulkunaak.
- Tournament: Practice with Noura: Practice arena combat.
- Tournament Trials: Connelain of the Reach: Defeat Connelain of the Reach in the arena.
- Tournament Trials: Najeepa Swims-in-Blood: Defeat Najeepa Swims-in-Blood
- Tournament Trials: Rakhad: Battle Rakhad in the arena.
- Tournament Trials: Tasha: Fight against Tasha.
- Exhibition Fight: Wolves: Defeat wolves in the Arena.
- Tournament: Garzul gro-Durgoth: Defeat Garzul gro-Durgoth.
- Tournament: Aragoth: Defeat Aragoth.
- Tournament: Severa Calvina: Defeat Severa Calvina.
- Tournament - Round 1 Finals: Defeat Wanum.
- A Question of Murder: Investigate the murder of Volusianus.
- Exhibition Fight: Bears: Entertain the crowds by fighting against bears.
- Tournament: Molriel: Defeat Molriel in the arena.
- Tournament: Dalan Silver-Skin: Defeat Dalan Silver-Skin in the arena.
- Tournament - Round 2 Finals: Fight against Malanwen to proceed onto round three.
- Exhibition Fight: Atronachs: Entertain the crowds by fighting atronachs.
- Tournament: Dalsa Veleth: Fight against the Dunmer spellsword Dalsa Veleth.
- Tournament: Arielle Themond: Fight against Arielle Themond.
- A Few More Questions: Time for some more investigation.
- Tournament - Round 3 Finals: Fight the Bloodfall Queen in the arena.
- Exhibition Fight: Enchanted Statues: Show off your skills against enchanted troll statues.
- Tournament: Dinahan-Al-Rihad: Fight against Prince Dinahan-Al-Rihad.
- Tournament: Thorbjold: Fight against the Nord warrior, Thorbjold.
- The Message: Boregis has a message for you.
- Tournament - Round 4 Finals: Fight against Campanus Tetius.
- A Visit to Blackridge: Investigate Blackridge.
- The Long Shadow of the Past: Confront Martius Silius.
- Tournament: Brynhildur War-Wind: Fight against Brynhildur War-Wind.
- Tournament: Garen Bethalas: Fight against Garen Bethalas.
- Tournament: Angarion the Bold: Fight against Angarion the Bold.
- Tournament - Championship Fight: Fight against the Grand Champion.
Wizard Tower[edit]
- The Wizard's Tower: Navigate through a wizard's challenge tower.
- The Wizard's Challenge: Make your way through Brold's latest challenge.
- Brold's Reward: Collect your reward.
- Deadly Neighbor: Check in on Murbak's sister.
- The Heretic: Rescue the daughter of an Orc chief.
- Like Father, Like Son: Rescue Henrik's son, Jonathan, from the Thalmor.
- Mining Misfortune: Rescue a group of missing miners.
- Pool of Despair: Investigate disappearances from a nearby town.
- Shadow of Doubt: Investigate a haunted castle.
- Silk Farm Hunt: Clear out a nest of rogue spiders.
- The Troll Hunter: Hunt down more trolls, including their mother. (five times at different levels)
- Vilified: Investigate a Dunmer accused of murder.
- Villains: Take out the gang that framed Brals and threatened his family.
- The Spectral Forest: Battle enemies immune to physical damage.
- Frigid Corruption: Protect yourself from the chilling frost.
- The Impenetrable Grove: Defeat defensive enemies in a deep forest.
- The Pit of Pestilence: Defeat poisonous enemies.
- The Eldritch Grotto: Fight spell-casting enemies.
- The Sundered Caves: Cleave through enemies with an axe.
- The Purifying Flames: Incinerate necromancers and their animated skeletons.
- A Blizzard of Blades: Use frost magic against your opponents.
- Vault of Lightning: Defend yourself from shocking magic.
- Sticks and Stones: Defeat the enemies using only bashing damage.
- Crypt of Flames: Withstand fire attacks from undead Ayleids.
- The Blade's Edge: Use slashing damage to defeat enemies.
- The Thunder and the Fury: Use shock attacks against your foes.
- Golden Madness: Fight Golden Saints using poison
- A Battle Unceasing: Fight against warriors that only use stamina abilities.
- Wrath of the Undying: Fight against regenerating enemies.
- The Dark Hold: Dodge rageful enemies' attacks.
- Saints' Revenge: Fight against Golden Saints.
- Oblivion's Call: Fight against Dark Seducers.
- The Lich's Tower: Use shock attacks against cursed creations of the Sorcerer-King.
- Rage of the Ayleids: Fight aginst the remains of Ayleid warriors and sorcerers.
- The Web Mother's Trap: Battle against poisonous spiders.
- Death's Shadow: Fight against fire and poison.
- Servants of the Blue God: Fight against two ogre twins.
- Fortress of the Savage Throne: Use poison attacks against shockful enemies.
- Fire and Ice: Fight against atronachs and an ancient Dragon.
- The Trickster: Investigate rumors of the Trickster.
- Unholy Quickenings: Defeat Thalmor agents with shock and bashing attacks.
- Spirit of the Hunt: Take part in the Great Hunt.
- Trapped!: Defeat elemental enemies.
- The Biting Blade: Use frost and slashing attacks.
- Gauntlet of the Impenitent: Fight elemental enemies.
- Prisoner of the Golden Keep: Use fire and bashing attacks.
- A Darker Dungeon: Use frost and slashing attacks.
- Return to the Wizard's Tower: Use shock and bashing attacks within this copy of Brold's Tower.
- Children of Muluk: Use poison and cleaving attacks.
- Attack of the Spell Casters: Slay bosses of increasing resistance.
- The Trap: Use poison to defeat enemies.
- Season of the Witch: Use cleaving and poison attacks.
- Feats of Strength: Fight the elemental crew.
- The Long Night: Stop a not-so-jolly Ogre and his helpers.
- The Beast in the Shadows: Use cleaving and frost attacks.
- The Ancient One: Protect yourself from freezing and electrifying enemies.
- Kill it with Fire: Use slashing and fire attacks.
- The Noxious Menagerie: Fight against freezing and poisonous enemies.
- Curse of the Ayleids: Use bashing and frost attacks within this otherworldly fort.
- The Green and the Black: Use bashing and poison attacks.
- (Enemy) Hunter
- The (Enemy) Killer.
- Bounty Hunter: (Enemy)
- A Plague of (Enemies)
- The (Enemy) Menace
- Against the (Enemies)
- The (Enemies) of (Place)
- Never Cry (Enemy)
- The Doom That Came to (Place)
- Trouble at (Place)
- Too many (Enemies)!
- Attack of the (Enemies)
- Cleaning up (Place)
- Arena Fight: (Duelist)
- The Champion of (Arena)
- (Duelist)'s Challenge
- Showdown at (Arena)
- Tonight at the (Arena): (Duelist) vs. the Town Champion
- Guts and Glory: (Duelist)
- I, (Duelist), Gladiator
- Champions: (Duelist)
- Explore (Place)
- (Place)
- Journey to (Place)
- Terrors of (Place)
- Imperial Survey: (Place)
- A Visit to (Place)
- The Secrets of (Place)
- (Place): A Closer Look
- To (Place) and Back Again
- The Road to (Place)
- Scouting (Place)
- (Item) Wanted
- Find the (Item)
- Retrieve the (Item) from (Place)
- Steal the (Enemy)'s (Item)
- The Lost (Item)
- Finders Keepers: (Item)
- Find the (Item) in (Place)
- Go to (Place), Bring Back (Item)
- Kill the (Enemy), Win the (Item)
- (Item) Run
- (Item) Needed
- Visit (Place), Bring Back (Item)
- A Wealth of (Item)
- (Item) Galore
- Plundering (Place)
- Neverending (Item)
- The Riches of (Place)
- Escape from (Place): Rescue the townsfolk and defeat the boss.
- The Prisoners of (Place): Rescue the townsfolk and defeat the boss.
- Trapped in (Place): Rescue the townsfolk and defeat the boss.
- Rescue: (Place): Rescue the townsfolk and defeat the boss.
- Lost in (Place): Rescue the townsfolk and defeat the boss.
- (Place): The Missing Townsfolk: Rescue the townsfolk and defeat the boss.
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