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Blades:Rescuing the Townsfolk

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Main Questline
Help rescue the townsfolk from goblins.
Rarity: Common
Quest Giver: Junius the Elder
Location(s): Town, Highwinter Castle
Prerequisite Quest: Meeting the Town Elder
Next Quest: Rebuilding the Town Hall, Meet the Old Blademaster
Reward(s): 00000110110Lumber, 00000600600Gold
XP: 50
ID: MQ03
Recommended Level: Player Level 1
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 1
Goblins have taken townsfolk
I must rescue the villagers being held by the goblins in the abandoned Highwinter Castle.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Rescue the townsfolk (0/2).

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Two townsfolk have been locked in cages
Secret area lever

Junius will remember your name and greet you, implying that he knew your character when they were little and that the town had assumed you dead after such a long leave. Junius explains that the mercenaries smashed the ancient statue of the town's founder and a magical fire poured out. He will ask you to bring home some townsfolk that took refuge in Highwinter Castle, giving you 5 Potions of Minor Healing to aid you.

Upon embarking on the quest, you will be transported to Highwinter Castle. You will gain access to Clairvoyance, a magical wisp of light that guides you to your quest objectives (you can disable Clairvoyance in the Settings menu, if you wish). If you turn left at the bottom of the first flight of stairs, you'll find a piece of lumber.

You'll head down a flight of stairs into a dark corridor, where you'll pass a skeever. You'll find a cabbage on top of a stack of barrels on the left side of the corridor, which you can use to restore your health if need be. Head through the door to the next room. A loaf of bread is sitting on a table along the wall just left of the door. A breakable pot lies beside a pile of rubble near the middle of the room, across from the loaf of bread. A piece of lumber is a straight shot from the entrance to this room, sat on the ground between a raised platform and a brazier. A breakable pot lies along the wall to the right of the exit door. There is a goblin skirmisher in front of a cage, which the first villager is trapped within. When freeing Sabina Clovia, she will tell you that Lond, the town blacksmith, is imprisoned.

Continue past the door. A piece of chicken lies on the table immediately to your left, and in front of you will be a silver chest. Continue through the fort after collecting it. You'll descend another staircase to enter the next room, where you will have to fight a goblin skirmisher. At the base of the stairs, you'll find an apple sitting on a stack of crates beside a skeleton along the wall to your right.

This room contains a wooden chest as well as two breakable pots and a piece of lumber. A goblin skirmisher patrols the hall leading to the next room, which contains a breakable pot and an apple. Ahead, you'll find another goblin skirmisher and some lumber, as well as a secret area to your left. It is very easy to spot, as the lever is right next to the gate. Once you open this gate, you'll find two skeevers to deal with and a wooden chest to collect. After you have collected the chest, look to the wall behind it for a shining candle on the wall; this is the secret lever that unlocks a wall next to it. This secret area contains another wooden chest and some limestone.

Once you are done with the secret area, continue onward. You will have to fight a goblin skirmisher in the hallway. There's a piece of bread on a table to the right if you need to heal before fighting the goblin berserker that guards Lond's cage. There are three breakable pots in this room. Once you rescue Lond, you will receive your rewards. You may choose to leave immediately or continue exploring until you are ready to leave.
