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User talk:Velyanthe/Archive3

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This is an archive of past User talk:Velyanthe discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.
May 01, 2012 - July 30, 2012

A little formatting query[edit]

I noticed on the Skyrim:High Gate Ruins page, that the formatting had gone slightly wrong in the intro - a space missing between "... Ustengrav." and "Vokun, ..." and decided to investigate by comparing the source to another location page (I'm new, so didn't know how the source should look), but it all seemed fine, except that the page should add not just a space, but actually start a new paragraph. I tried changing The "Vokun" to a non-link, and the preview formatted nicely.

This seems to go deeper than the page just being formatted incorrectly. Is there a known work around for this - other than simply starting the first non-descripton text with a non-link?

I hope a) I'm being useful and b) that all made sense. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:24 on May 2, 2012

That made sense. Yes, there is a way, I've discovered after experimenting.
{{Place Summary
}} [[Category:Skyrim-Places-Dragon_Priest_Lairs]]<br>
[[Skyrim:Vokun (creature)|Vokun]], one of the [[Skyrim:Dragon Priest|Dragon Priest]]s, resides here. The quest [[Skyrim:A Scroll For Anska|A Scroll For Anska]] is initiated as soon as you speak with [[Skyrim:Anska|Anska]] in the ruins. There is also a word wall here for [[Skyrim:Storm Call|Storm Call]].
Add the <br> either after the category or right before Vokun's name, but not on the line in-between them.
There might be another way to fix that formatting, but you'd have to ask someone else. Nephele, RobinHood70, and Elliot are all pretty good with templates, so they might know. Vely►Talk►Email 18:26, 2 May 2012 (UTC)
Simple when you know - I should've at least tried the html approach. I suppose the template could be fiddled to fix this, but I guess it's easy enough to fix and unlikely enough to not desperately need it.
It has now just been reworded to not require the <br> at all, which seems like a sensible plan. I won't rock the boat while I'm so new!
Plum dog 19:39, 2 May 2012 (UTC)
Well, everyone's input is always useful! If you're knowledgeable with templates, you can check it out, though it'd probably be better if you took it to a sandbox to test it, since it's used on so many pages. Vely►Talk►Email 19:47, 2 May 2012 (UTC)
The workaround to leave it on the same line is to make sure that your paragraph starts on the same line as the Place Summary template ends. In other words, put "Vokun" immediately after the category. That said, it probably makes more sense to have the template always put a space...I can't imagine when we wouldn't use I'll go do that. If it does cause problems in some way I'm not thinking of, we can always put it back. Robin Hoodtalk 21:09, 2 May 2012 (UTC)

Unknown Dwarven monument[edit]

Do you know what the name of the monument/statue that is on the (same) mountain but west of "Mt Anthor"?

It has a dwarven sculpture face on the monument, two dwarven chests also, and on top of the monument are several potions (you would need to turn on tcl cheat to see them).

Also, just south of this, slightly down the same mountain is a flag on a cliff, with a mace and helmet under it (probably unrelated to this monument), but you can see this from the dwarven monument if you stand on the edge of the cliff looking south, and it's not snowing.

Are these already mentioned on this site? Neither of these are showing up on my game map as having names. If they're not already on the site, I can add them, but I don't have names for them and haven't added anything completely new before. What should I do?

Thanks--Anathema 08:03, 4 May 2012 (UTC)

It has no name, unless it's in the Skyrim guidebook, which does name some unnamed locations. I don't know what to do about unmarked locations; I don't think it's been decided yet.
The CK doesn't name the models or area anything interesting, but if anyone else is interested in looking, it's in cell POISnowy24.
You could bring up the issue of unmarked locations on the Community Portal. Vely►Talk►Email 19:13, 4 May 2012 (UTC)
Is it The Alftand Ruined Tower? --JRTalk E-mail 01:52, 20 May 2012 (UTC)
Delayed reply, but no, JR, it's not. It's a statue, the CK gives it no name. Vely►Talk►Email 23:15, 4 June 2012 (UTC)

Alik'r Warriors "Fix"[edit]

You made an edit, it shows what changes here: You said that: "we don't know who they're looking for by name, so reword." But, in fact we do know who they are looking for, but in the actual quest, they both say that her name is in fact Iman, even Saadia herself doesn't argue that fact. I like the colour purple. Ziguildmaster 00:55, 20 May 2012 (UTC)

I never found that in the quest and it wasn't on the quest page, but it is already on Saadia's page and Google confirms that, so I'll re-add it.
Purple is a pretty nice color. Vely►Talk►Email 01:17, 20 May 2012 (UTC)
Purple is one of the best colours ever. Ziguildmaster 01:19, 20 May 2012 (UTC)

Big Space[edit]

THANK YOU! AlphaArgonian182 01:19, 20 May 2012 (UTC)

You are very welcome :) Vely►Talk►Email 17:04, 20 May 2012 (UTC)


Hey Velyanthe. I thought you might be interested in this discussion concerning the similarities between Markarth and Snowhawk, since you were the one to remove the note from Lore:Snowhawk. --Legoless 12:12, 26 May 2012 (UTC)

Thanks. Vely►Talk►Email 15:05, 26 May 2012 (UTC)


Thanks for the reminder about page-up and page-down. I'm like <head slap> duh! Why didn't I think of that? Kalevala 14:50, 1 June 2012 (UTC)

Haha, you're very welcome! Vely►Talk►Email 19:20, 1 June 2012 (UTC)


Thanks for the friendly nod! I don't normally edit wikis but I just couldn't help myself when I saw an image caption saying "khajiit female wearing ----- armor" when it was an imperial in the image. Keep wiki'ing! Captainoftheobvious (Skyrim nexus) Posted 00:16 BST 08/06/12

Actually, that was just changed yesterday for all images, so it already said "Imperial"--I thought you had simply added a space underneath the description! We actually have a persistent issue in which pages do not appear to be up-to-date, which happens more frequently and on more pages for anonymous users than logged in users.
You are very welcome for the welcome! Vely►Talk►Email 23:21, 7 June 2012 (UTC)

Dragon Claw Doors[edit]

The recent addition to the Bleak Falls Barrow quest about the dragon claw doors brings up an issue. Though I have not experienced it myself it has been added to a lot of pages, quest and location, which to me confirms its existance. Is there somewhere a detailed fix can be added to explain all the possible fixes, or at least one known working fix. Nearly every entry is worded slightly differently and they will need to be conformed so it doesn't look sloppy. Failing a singular place for a detailed fix which I can't think of, I would suggest the Bleak Falls pages because it us (usually) the first quest and dragon door found. The Silencer has spokenTalk 16:52, 9 June 2012 (UTC)

I would put it on Puzzle Totems, with altered wording here to say "Pictures and bugs can be found on the Puzzle Totems page." Vely►Talk►Email 16:55, 9 June 2012 (UTC)
I forgot about that page. Seems good to me, I'll look for a detailed fix somewhere and change the bugs to link to there. The Silencer has spokenTalk 17:02, 9 June 2012 (UTC)

hey um if u remember my post on kitkats talk page its me the 10 year old editor[edit]

Hey I was wondering do you know any articles that need fixed or pages to be writen and how did you take the uespaholic test I need to take it — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:40 on 24 June 2012

Velyanthe has a notice at the top of this page explaining that he will be unavailable, but this page lists many ways to help out, and the UESPholic test can be found here. ABCface 04:41, 26 June 2012 (UTC)

While you were technically correct...[edit] probably wasn't necessary to spend almost 2 hours changing all instances of "whilst" to "while". While the general policy is to use US English, the policy also says we don't need to go out of our way to correct UK spellings, unless it could cause ambiguity in likely search terms. (e.g. "armor" vs. "armour") So if you were planning on doing likewise with other UK/US spellings, I might suggest that your efforts could be better spent elsewhere. So, sure, correct them when you see them (preferably if you're also making some other substantive edits to the page), but there's no need to do a site-wide eradication of all UK spellings. (Plus, we could probably enlist a bot to do that kind of grunt-work if we really wanted to make everything consistent.) --TheRealLurlock Talk 03:33, 11 July 2012 (UTC)

I had little else I could have done at the time due to my mental state; something simple and easy was nice, and I did come across a few other grammatical errors I fixed, along with reminding myself to check certain pages I had forgotten about. I'm not planning on going through and changing any more alternate spellings, though, and I don't think there really are any except for words using double L's (like levelling vs. leveling). It was just the one. Vely►Talk►Email 13:24, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
Alright, it's up to you. I know I'm not exactly one to talk, having given myself plenty of tedious menial tasks in the past. Just making sure it wasn't the beginning of some big crusade to clean up all the spelling inconsistencies everywhere. If you're looking for a project, I'm sure there's a couple out there. I myself have been busy documenting the latest Tamriel Rebuilt release, which nobody else seems to be paying attention to. Could use some help getting all the NPC pages, as well as full details on the locations, if you're up for it. If not, no biggie. I'll just be chipping away at it, bit by bit... --TheRealLurlock Talk 02:09, 12 July 2012 (UTC)
I haven't played TR at all, and may not for a while, though I have the first two parts of it downloaded. I have a couple projects I've been working on lazily, and if I really need something I check what pages need cleanup or verification, so I'm not particularly wanting for things to do. Vely►Talk►Email 01:51, 13 July 2012 (UTC)
Heh. To be honest, neither have I, but I saw a large body of work that needed doing, so I figured why not? I'll probably have more time for actually playing games in a month or so, but for now I just live vicariously through the CS and the wiki. I'm really more of a game analyst than a gamer per se. Anyhow, cheers and whatnot. --TheRealLurlock Talk 01:59, 13 July 2012 (UTC)


I've made you a blocker for now so you and Silencer can watch the wiki while I'm busy with other things. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 16:40, 21 July 2012 (UTC)

Got it. Vely►t►e 16:41, 21 July 2012 (UTC)
It's been a few days and you haven't needed to use them, So I'm going to remove blocker rights for now. While I'm not opposed to you keeping them as you're a patroller, I do think I would need a confirmation from another administrator before making the change permanent. Either way, most blocking that needs to be done is spam which isn't really helped by blockers much, so I don't necessarily see the need to fill blocker ranks. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 00:32, 27 July 2012 (UTC)
Not a problem for me. Vely►t►e 00:38, 27 July 2012 (UTC)

Link Format[edit]

Can you answer a question for me? I've noticed two different formats for links in the possessive or plural form, one with the "s" or apostrophe "s" separate from the link (e.g. Arondil's), and one with it included in the link (Arondil's). Is one of them considered more correct than the other? I personally prefer to see the entire word as the link, and I couldn't find any guidance on the Links help page. Thanks in advance. --XyzzyTalk 02:13, 23 July 2012 (UTC)

I was wondering myself. I think keeping it all in the link would be better, as it's the only case in which an entire word wouldn't be linked, and that's probably just due to formatting (since single quotes are used for italics and bold). It would keep consistency too, since later there's "Arondil's Journal" or something else linked on the page you're looking at, I believe. Vely►t►e 02:15, 23 July 2012 (UTC)
I think it was agreed that it is more correct to leave the S out of the link, although both are used. —Legoless 02:33, 23 July 2012 (UTC)
Both are considered equally correct. The usage of leaving it out of the link comes from wikis where there isn't as much cross-namespace usage, and same-space links like [[RobinHood70]]'s page work as normal. It's a lot less cluttered-looking to have the shortcut link with the "'s" outside of it. Because of how much we use namespaces here, we've changed that behaviour, so the link gets expanded automatically to a full piped link (e.g., RobinHood70's page), even if it's typed in as a shortcut link (as that one was). For that reason, it's probably not as desirable to have the "'s" outside the link here as it would be elsewhere, but it makes no technical difference at all. Robin Hoodtalk 03:17, 23 July 2012 (UTC)
Ok. If it makes no difference, I'll just leave it as it is. Thanks for all of the feedback, everybody. --XyzzyTalk 03:41, 23 July 2012 (UTC)


For the little hussle on Skyrim:Dragons Talk page. I read things and take it the wrong way and now before I make a minor edit I usually think it out and back it up. I used this wiki for years and it helped me alot and I need to thank people like you who work on it and I'm sure I could find a place to thank and contribute.Gunbeard 15:57, 23 July 2012 (UTC)Gunbeard

It's alright. The way we usually avoid taking things the wrong way is through the Assume Good Faith and Etiquette policies we've got. It's certainly okay to have disagreements and talk them out on talk pages, just please remember to be courteous when doing so :) Vely►t►e 16:01, 23 July 2012 (UTC)
Alright :D Gunbeard 23:30, 23 July 2012 (UTC)Gunbeard

Drunk Cultist[edit]

Hi Velyanthe! Does the Drunk Cultist qualify as a candidate for Sandbox4 - (Unused NPCs and empty NPC pages list)? Maybe you have a minute to read my musings about that NPC? --Holomay 03:21, 27 July 2012 (UTC)

You can add her to the list if you'd like. Tomorrow I'll double-check through the quest's aliases and see what parameters are there for her existing along with any other CK use info, if any, and remove her if I see something. If not, we can assume she doesn't exist until further notice. Vely►t►e 04:25, 27 July 2012 (UTC)
What about the images of unused NPCs like the Drunk Cultist? Adding "image=none" to the NPC page or using the console to make them visible for a screenshot? --Holomay 08:52, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
If you felt up to it, we'd need images of all of them if we added even one to the page (we probably have images of a couple hidden away). We could create an image category for unused NPCs. If you do, it'd be great if you put them in a suitable environment, though I figure you'd try doing that anyway. The same could be done for the templates. Have fun :) Vely►t►e 15:39, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

Vandalizing Bryling[edit]

Hey Vely.Just wanted to mention that someone vandalized Bryling's page,calling her,"a great lesbian."I edited this out.I believe it was the user,who vandalized the page.I was wondering if you could look into this.Thank you.--Skyrimplayer 14:21, 28 July 2012 (UTC)

Already taken care of. The easiest way to deal with this is copy the IP address or username, and paste it into the appropriate message box here which will add the message to their talk page automatically. ABCface 14:26, 28 July 2012 (UTC)
Nice timing.I was just about to say that you'd warned him.^_^--Skyrimplayer 14:35, 28 July 2012 (UTC)
In most cases, you can send a warning message, though sometimes other preset messages (about removing all the content from a page, for example) work better. Vely►t►e 15:33, 28 July 2012 (UTC)


Hey Vely.Sorry to bother you but the new editor WAntoniett has placed a link to an external site.I was reading ABCface's talk page and saw that AKB said not to send warnings to spammers so I was just wondering what to do about it.Although,by the time you read this,there will probobaly have had something done already.^_^--Skyrimplayer 13:13, 29 July 2012 (UTC)

If a spammer edits their userpage or user talk page by adding a spam link to an external site, then remove all the content from the userpage or talk page and replace it with {{speed|spam}} or {{speed|spamming links to external sites}}. On rare occasions the account will actually be a person and the site a legitimate blog, so if you're not certain, it's best to leave it alone as someone else should find it soon.
If they spam another page with unrelated links, then remove the links. If such links are repeatedly re-added to a single page, contact an administrator and suggest that they protect the page (which will prevent anonymous users and new accounts from editing the page). Vely►t►e 15:32, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
TRL blocked her a little while ago.And it was on her userpage,just to clarify.--Skyrimplayer 17:01, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
Yep. All this info applies to future occurrences as well. Vely►t►e 17:03, 29 July 2012 (UTC)

Patrolling question[edit]

Hi Vely. Can I get your opinion on something? I'm sure this has come up before, but now that I'm a patroller, I see the overwhelming number of edits that come through that really should be brought up in the forums (I saw your recent response on the Thalmor talk page). Should we (patrollers) be reverting, or redirecting (like you did), these kinds of questions on the talk pages? I reverted one that was forum-like, but mostly because it was completely off-topic. --XyzzyTalk 17:51, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

You should revert ones that are completely forum-like, yes. However, that editor was responding to a forum-like section that had not been deleted, so I redirected to the forums instead--a number of individuals could have and would have seen that section, and I'm hesitant to delete something so old. Additionally, if there is a topic that many individuals bring up, having such a note on the page is useful (I think this happened on the Dawnguard page or something). It's a personal preference for me; if it's old and someone replies or if multiple people have contributed, I redirect the conversation to the forums, but if it's recent and only has one or two contributors, I revert it. Vely►t►e 17:59, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Back when that particular Thalmor discussion was started, the site was a mess and there were temporary patrolling guidelines in place for the Skyrim namespace that basically said "if it's not spam, mark it patrolled". So during that time, a lot more things like that ended up remaining on talk pages than should have. In general, forum-like discussions that have multiple responses are kept for wiki-history/archiving purposes, but further additions after patrolling guidelines went back to normal should be reverted or directed to the forums. ABCface 18:27, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Ok, I think I understand. Thanks to both of you for your help. Please let me know if you see me reverting edits that you don't think I should be.

() This leads to my next question: what is considered "forum-like"? I interpret it to mean those such as "How do I get the thing that opens the thing?" and "I think Ulfric is a racist because blah, blah, blah". I figure this is somewhat open to interpretation, but basically comes down to a question of whether the post seeks to improve the site, rather than simply help somebody with a gameplay question or express an editor's opinion about something. Is this somewhat in-line with policies? --XyzzyTalk 19:03, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

"How do I get the thing that opens the thing?" is probably a legitimate question--sometimes articles aren't 100% clear. If someone has a question about how gameplay works and such--which is the information that the article is supposed to provide--then it should be answered, as the article could be amended to include or clarify this information. As for "is Ulfric racist?", yes, that would be forum-like unless the article says he's racist or the person is pushing to have such information about his personality placed on the page. Vely►t►e 19:09, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Good to know. Thanks again for your help! --XyzzyTalk 19:14, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Not a problem! Vely►t►e 19:15, 30 July 2012 (UTC)