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User talk:SerCenKing/Archive-2010-11

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This is an archive, please don't post messages here. Post them on my talk page instead.

Imperial Sewers Split[edit]

As one of only two official OPRPers who are still active that I'm aware of, I wanted to bring this to your attention, just in case you miss it going through RC. Robin Hoodtalk 23:27, 5 November 2010 (UTC)

What to do?[edit]

Hey SerC! I know that you are more or less busy with that real-life thing, but I also know that you are occasionally snooping around, so I figured I'd ask you this: What to do when you find something not displayed on the (wiki)map during your OPRP-work? THIS map lacks a green dot in the catacombs-like structure connecting the two large rooms - there are three chests (coffins, actually), not two. How to correct that? And how to correct the written info? --Krusty 00:08, 11 November 2010 (UTC)

Hey Krusty! Hope all is well and that the latest filming went smoothly. In a case like this, the most important variable is: Does the container meet the "relevance criteria"? What this means is: Are there any valuable items in the container? Checking from the CS, the two chests marked are "DungTombCoffin01" while the unmarked one is "DungTombCoffinEmpty". This is actually misleading, because there is chance for some bones and lower-end clothes to be found in it. OTOH, the other coffin type has a chance of containing jewelry, potions, lockpicks, ingredients, weapons, gold, armor and ammo. What I'm basically getting at is that the unmarked chest doesn't contain enough valuable stuff to be mentioned - just like food sacks for example. In this case, it's best to leave things as they stand and not mention the coffin.
However, should there be a genuine mistake (like here) the best thing to do is leave a message to the map creator or me and we'll fix the map. Hopes this helps and good luck with the walkthrough! --SerCenKing Talk 21:06, 11 November 2010 (UTC)
Gotcha. The walkthrough is up and running, and as usual, you are more than welcome to tweak it. I'll go ahead and make the minor change, though. Thanks for the response! --Krusty 07:54, 14 November 2010 (UTC)

PANIC in the SI-team![edit]

Hey SerC! I need to know what to do with this. I have written schedule, inventory and rumors - but wtf to do with the dialogue? Once upon a time, I wrote this to S'drassa and was totally ignored. Now it is your turn. I think my suggestions to S'drassa was okay, but I need to clear that Sandbox NOW, so maybe you have any suggestions? And yes, I'm ignoring that you are busy in real-life! :D (Still hope, everything is fine, though) --Krusty 18:59, 23 November 2010 (UTC)

Hiya! I've been quite busy in the past few days so I only just read your message. I think the structure you proposed was ok, so I'll stick to that. Incidentally, tomorrow I have a day off because of a teacher strike (yes really :P) so I'll try to get round to it... However it is my birthday, so there is an "if" factor... Should be done by the end of the week though :) --SerCenKing Talk 21:51, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
Ah, nice to hear from you! I'll leave the Sandbox alone for now then - but man, I would like to empty it soon! If I don't see you, have a happy birthday, my friend! --Krusty 21:56, 24 November 2010 (UTC)
I did my best. Hope this helps, feel free to ask me if need any other help :) --SerCenKing Talk 18:11, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
Thanks a lot, birthday boy! I'll try to give the three responses to each oddity some sort of nice layout - and then I'll can the rest of the dialogue, the first "tour" excluded of course. Seems like old Una is going to be finished very soon! --Krusty 18:15, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

Happy Birthday![edit]

Happy birthday minister! Hope you won't raise our taxes to buy gifts. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 00:01, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

Happy birthday, serjo! (See Dunmer greetings)--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 02:10, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
And another happy birthday, this time from Dinamarca! Hope to see you back on the site soon as it suffers without you! Oh, birthday gifts can be found here and here. It is me, still trying to learn the OPRP - and the walkthroughs could use your special touch. Have a good day and cheers! --Krusty 09:52, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
Happy birthday from chilly London too! rpeh •TCE 09:59, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
Thanks everyone! I've had an alright day so far I guess - being home thanks to teachers striking was a plus though! ;) --SerCenKing Talk 18:12, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

Crayfish Cave revamp[edit]

Hey SerC! No rush or anything, but I'm still trying to get a hang of the OPRP and recently took on a giant project; Crayfish Cave. I am now at my wits end and, with the exception of some typos here and there, the page is finished as far as I'm concerned. I have not yet launched the revamped version, because I'm insecure about the whole thing - mostly because it is so big and (for me) so complex. The whole revamp can be found in my sandbox HERE. If you could read through it I would be most grateful - also, as usual, you are more than welcome to make some tweaks and correct any typos you may find. I cross my fingers you can find the time, but again; no rush. Thanks! --Krusty 18:58, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

That's cool, I'll see if I can do it tonight, or tomorrow at the latest... I'm currently checking over some birthday presents I got :P --SerCenKing Talk 19:26, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

A few questions[edit]

Hey SerC! Since I know that you're really bored with almost nothing to do, here are a few questions for you:

  • I launched the Crayfish Cave revamp. I realize that the walkthroughs are too long - still, I think you have a much better feel about what to "peel" out.
  • Could you give an opinion on THIS discussion? Just skip to the point where I indent it with the words "screw it". :)
  • I also made a choice about the Una Armina-page. What do you think? Also, would it be possible to find exactly what a "fully-filled" museum tour would sound like? I don't have my completed save anymore, but it would be a nice addition to the page if we could write a museum tour dialogue with the quest "complete."

Hope it is okay that I send a few problems your way - remember, there is absolutely no rush! --Krusty 17:21, 26 November 2010 (UTC)

Ok, so I gave my two cents on the Catacombs on rpeh's page, basically I'm for a page with info on the house and the Catacombs. Great job on Crayfish Cave! I especially liked your walkthroughs for Zones 1 and 5, and went ahead to shorten some of the others: just make sure you point at the most important bits, without detailing every single move the player should make! :) If I've got a bit more time before I head off to the cinema, I'll take a look at Una ;) --SerCenKing Talk 18:22, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
Thanks a lot for tweaking the Crayfish Cave-page - I need to learn not mentioning all the minor-loot chests, and focus on what is important. Ah well, if I keep going I will get it sooner or later! :) It was a great cave to investigate actually; had a blast over the dead-drunk Goblin and thought the inclusion of the extra chamber with the Soul Gem was brilliant - fascinating how many surprises this game contains. Anyway, thanks again! --Krusty 18:36, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
Hey again, SerC! I just wrote walkthroughs for Pinnacle Rock (needs tweaking at second glance, though), but wanted to ask a question: What to do if you stumble upon traps that are dysfunctional? The Cave-In traps here just doesn't work - or exist. --Krusty 20:15, 28 November 2010 (UTC)
I'll see if I can give that a look later today - a delightful english essay awaits me :S --SerCenKing Talk 15:20, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. On second thought, the trap might have been triggered by the opposition in the room, but that is merely impossible to find out in-game, and there's really no serious rubble lying around. An extra set of eyes is a good idea, I think. Also note, that for both Corpserot Passage and Aichan, I felt it necessary to make the walkthroughs a bit longer, as the dungeons represnts mini-quests on their own - and the walkthroughs ended up almost like an "escape-from-prison-and-get-everything" type of deal. Nevertheless, everything is more complicated and complex in the Isles - even the places. --Krusty 15:50, 2 December 2010 (UTC)


Since you are knowledgeable about the CS, I have a question to ask, though this may involve Ini settings. Is it possible to change the actor that you take control at the start of the game? Let's say, to put Raminus Polus or Irlav Jarol (examples)? --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 17:45, 29 November 2010 (UTC) P.S. I can't believe I forgot that, 2 days ago you completed 2 years into UESP. Congratulations!

Yeah, congrats on the 2 years SerCenKing! Not many people have the time or patience to stick around that long. --Dremora Lord 17:52, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
Thanks to both of you :) Rigas - unfortunately I have no idea, sorry :( --SerCenKing Talk 15:20, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
Doesn't matter. I'll take a look at it myself. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 15:36, 2 December 2010 (UTC)

Regarding the SI revamp[edit]

Looking through the list, I saw that some places needed in game verification. What would this consist of and could I help out on this task? - Emoboy64 21:08, 30 November 2010 (UTC)

Feel free to join in! Your help would very much be appreciated :) Basically, the objective is to provide walkthroughs for the various SI dungeons, according to the guidelines found here. You may want to check out these three pages for inspiration. If you need help, just holla. --SerCenKing Talk 15:20, 2 December 2010 (UTC)
Under the places section, there is a header 'Places needing in-game verification' with links to stores and the palace. I would like to do some work on them links, but im not sure what needs doing on them, the header confused me. - Emoboy64 15:39, 2 December 2010 (UTC)