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User talk:Lordbrian3

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Morrowind Redesign Project[edit]

Thanks for lending a hand with the Dwemer ruins! Please see UESPWiki:Morrowind Redesign Project and conform to the standars there. See Ald Sotha for an example. --DrPhoton 03:55, 19 December 2006 (EST)


Hi, thanks for all the great work you've been doing adding Shivering Isles books. I was just wondering whether you know if the title of Tamriel:Books/Litugy of Affliction, The is supposed to be spelled "Litugy" or "Liturgy". Since I don't have the expansion yet I can't check myself. Thanks! --Nephele 17:00, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

It wouldn't be misspelled like that, Nephele. Hello Brian, thanks for adding all the headers and footers and stuff for me! However, right now you've got all the notes showing up in full text at once, which makes it too hard to find things easily. See Morrowind:Books or Oblivion:Books for a better way of doing it. Also, I have noticed a lot of errors in the headers (and I think some transcription errors). How are you transcribing things? I'm no hacker so I'm transcribing by taking a screenshot of each page and laboriously copying them, switching back and forth with Alt-Tab every few words to make sure I don't get something wrong. Then I read through the whole thing twice more to make sure I didn't mess anything up.
Also, you can see from my talk page that I was asked to use the Preview button instead of making too many changes with Save Page - when you simply Save Page after changing a few words, it makes it harder to compare what's been changed, and you also increase the chances that somebody else will be spending a long time editing an article but will have to go through an extra step to include your edits in their larger edit. Again, though, thanks for the edits and fixes, this is pretty minor stuff but fixing it will make everything much easier for us all. --Edwin Herdman 22:37, 30 March 2007 (EDT)

Annotated Maps[edit]

Choco chip cookie.png
You have been given a cookie!

Your dedication and diligence to the wiki has not gone unnoticed. A user has seen the progress you've made, and has given you a cookie because of it. Good work! The user had the following to say:

I've got to admit, those maps look beautiful and well needed on the city pages. And welcome back!

-- Jplatinum16 21:47, 15 February 2011 (UTC)