User:Vilnar/Crafting data

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Weapon traits

Trait Material Description
Powered Chysolite Reduces the cooldown of weapon enchantments
Charged Amethyst Increases enchantment charges
Precise Ruby Increases Weapon and Spell Critical values
Infused Jade Increases weapon enchantment effect
Defending Turqoise Increases total Armor and Spell Resistance
Training Carnelian Increases weapon skill line experience with this weapon type
Sharpened Fire Opal Increases Armor and Spell Penetration
Weighted Citrine Increases weapon attack speed

Apparel traits

Trait Material Description
Sturdy Quartz Give a change to avoid decay when wielder is defeated
Impenetrable Diamond Increases resistance to Critical hits
Reinforced Sardonyx Increases this items Armor value
Well-fitted Almandine Reduces the cost of Sprinting slightly
Training Emerald Increases armor skill line experience with this armor type
Infused Bloodstone Increases this items armor enchantment effect
Exploration Garnet Increases exploration experience (?)
Divines Sapphire Increases Mundus Stone effects (?)

Clothing materials (cloth style)

Material Required skill Refined from
Jute Raw Jute
Flax Tailoring 2 (?)
Cotton Tailoring 3 (?)
Spidersilk Tailoring 4 (?)
Ebonthread Tailoring 5 (?)
Famin Tailoring 6 (?)
Ironthread Tailoring 7 (?)
Silverweave Tailoring 8 (?)
Void Cloth Tailoring 9 (?)

Clothing materials (leather style)

Material Required skill Refined from
Rawhide Rawhide scraps
Leather Tailoring 2 (?)
Thick Leather Tailoring 3 (?)
Hide Tailoring 4 (?)
Topgrain Hide Tailoring 5 (?)
Fell Hide Tailoring 6 (?)
Iron Hide Tailoring 7 (?)
Scaled Hide Tailoring 8 (?)
Daedra Hide Tailoring 9 (?)

Metalworking materials

Material Required skill Refined from
Iron Ingot Iron Ore
Steel Ingot Metalworking 2 (?)
Orichalc Ingot Metalworking 3 (?)
Dwarven Ingot Metalworking 4 (?)
Ebony Ingot Metalworking 5 (?)
Calcinium Ingot Metalworking 6 (?)
Galatite Ingot Metalworking 7 (?)
Moonstone Ingot Metalworking 8 (?)
Voidstone Ingot Metalworking 9 (?)

Woodworking materials

Material Required skill Refined from
Sanded Maple Rough Maple
Sanded Oak Woodworking 2 (?)
Sanded Beech Woodworking 3 (?)
Sanded Hickory Woodworking 4 (?)
Sanded Yew Woodworking 5 (?)
Sanded Birch Woodworking 6 (?)
Sanded Ash Woodworking 7 (?)
Sanded Mahogony Woodworking 8 (?)
Sanded Nightwood Woodworking 9 (?)

Tannins (Clothing)

Improvement Material
Normal -> Fine Hemming
Fine -> Superior Embroidery
Superior -> Epic Nord Lining
Epic -> Legendary Dreugh Wax

Tempers (Blacksmithing)

Improvement Material
Normal -> Fine Honing Stone
Fine -> Superior Dwarven Oil
Superior -> Epic Grain Solvent
Epic -> Legendary Tempering Alloy

Resins (Woodworking)

Improvement Material
Normal -> Fine Pitch
Fine -> Superior Turpen
Superior -> Epic Mastic
Epic -> Legendary Rosin

Crafting style

Style Material
Breton Molybdenum
Redguard Turpen
Orcish Manganese
Nord Corundum
Argonian Flint
Altmer Adamantite
Bosmer Bone
Khajit Moonstone
Ancient Elf Malachite
Reach Copper
Primitive Argentum
Daedric Daedra Heart
Imperial Nickel

Armor pieces:

Body part Light Medium Heavy
Torso Robe Jack Cuirass
Feet Shoes Boots Sabatons
Hands Gloves Bracers Gauntlets
Head Hat Helmet Helm
Legs Breeches Guards Greaves
Shoulders Epaulets Arm cops Pauldron
Waist Sash Belt Girdle