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Hello. I'm SwordSlayer, I joined the site in september '07 and I have found it very usefull since then, also I have contributed to some articles. If you would like to contact me for information:

  • E-mail me
  • Leave a message at my talk page.
  • Pm me on the forums.

User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
OB-icon-Knights of the Nine.png This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
Playstation.svg This user plays on the PlayStation.
Flag Netherlands.png This user is from the Netherlands.
Flag England.png This user is from England.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.


Well, the name says it, I'm a slayer, and i slay with swords. Very simple to come up with, but I think it's a cool name, and so does one of my character's name is too.

I'm 15 years old, live with my mom and dad, and have a PS3 with ofcourse, Oblivion. The knights ofthe nine are included there so i have that one too. My hobbies are going out with friends, skating (just skates, not skateboarding) and playing some games (like oblivion! :D ). I've got no pets, i regret that :(. And well that was about me...

Why did i join?[edit]

Well thats easy, UESP is a really good site. But I also think much more is out there in the game, that should be added, especially for PS3 and Xbox360, wich have some other errors occured then the PC version. Ofcourse I also do it for extra help, because I'm not the perfect source of info either.

What did I do recently?[edit]

I am currently busy with the Redesign Project For Oblivion Places, because I like to do some dungeons so now and then to increase my levels and help everyone who needs a walktrough out! Also, I edit some other things, like Things to do when you're bored, and other stuff that will come out looking nicer when it's finished.

What do I like about oblivion and what not?[edit]

To start with what I like, qua characters I like:

-Mehrunes Dagon (being the evil guy is hard, respect)

-Volanaro (for his humor)

-Pyrite (for being dragonlike thingy)

What I like about Oblivion, other things:

The graphics, AWESOME made, really.

The size of the world, impressive how big it is :o

The length of the game, just perfect, not too long not too short.

The option of buying a house! Just perfect for me :) I love decorating stuff.

What don't I like?

-Umbanaco (Obsessive and annoying, go get your own artifacts ^^)

-Adoring fan (I wish I could delete him from the game, really just ANNOYING FAN )

The variety of the monsters, meaning that theres only imps, wolfs, bears, rats trolls and minotaur's in the outside world, and then the daedrics but... There's not much more then that, it's a pity.

My Oblivion Characters[edit]

  • Well I have 2 characters right now, one is a male bosmer (wood elf), the class is a Brute Mage, wich i created myself, because I wanted swordfighting, Destruction and Heavy armor in one. Also i have almost everything 100, and I completed all the quests on that character. His level is 48, and play time over 500 hours. Even though i completed the game, I still love to do some dungeons, and use the information i got for walktroughs to help the Oblivion Places Redesign Project. Ofcourse I also do all the exploring for finding some funny glitches, and taking all the treasures home in Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad. I simply love to decorate my house with all my treasures, even though I get pissed very quick and then my controllor goes trough the room (Timbeerr! ^^). Right now I'm busy with placing all the books in the shelfs in rosethorn hall. It's not fun to do, but the result will look nice.

  • When I did that i thought, well MAN what a great game, so i decided to do it all over again, this time with a male Khajiit called Jo-Dar-Dro-Ra wich means that he's a very respected warrior/thief. I've just began playing with him so play time is about 1-2 hour(s), and level still 3. Even though I didn't spent so much time getting to make him better, I really love the Khajiit race since I made him, there looking cool, nice abilities, etc.