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Welcome To My Page! Leave me a message on my talk page if you need me! Got Roleplaying Ideas for Skyrim? Click here: User:PsijicOrder/Skyrim_Roleplaying_Ideas.

Today is Morndas, 24th of First Seed.

About Me[edit]

User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.

My names is James, I'm 18, now living on the East Coast of the United States. I've been playing the Elder Scrolls games since 2003 when I was 10. I just recently started learning how to contribute to this website and have helped by creating the Roleplaying Guide for Skyrim and the beta version User:PsijicOrder/Skyrim_Roleplaying_Ideas. Hopefully once the page is created completely by an Administrator, it can be thriving with good ideas like the Oblivion Roleplaying Guide is. Before I began really enjoying the Elder Scrolls like I do today, I was in love with Warhammer Fantasy/40k as it brought brutal warfare, in-depth lore, and incredible eye candy all into one package. Without Games Workshop, the Elder Scrolls may never have even been created. It's the root for all modern day RPG's and will always be held in high respects. My favorite race are the Altmer, though I make several Characters each game. The races I've made are listed in the 'Races' Section of this page.

The Elder Scrolls[edit]

As a child I stumbled upon some of my older brothers old demo CD's for PC. I put them in to find the magical world of Daggerfall. After playing the Demo I knew that I loved RPG's. While playing Morrowind this website gave me insight on how to find every single objective and item I wanted to obtain. I always admired the amount of depth UESP had and how easy it was to navigate. When I started playing the game had already been released for a long period of time so I was never able to contribute anything. When Oblivion was released I was astonished at the quality of the game. Playing it night after night, slowly I began to learn everything I could about the game and it's lore. Morrowind was more of a hack and slash to me than Oblivion. Oblivion had at least shown a bit more realism and significantly better graphics so I was able to get into the game play more. I continued to watch as UESP's knowledge of Oblivion expanded but still never understood the process of contributing. My first attempt was when I found Oblivion's Roleplaying Guide. My attempt at creating a page was rejected. I still loved the guide and all the information it provided on making Oblivion feel more realistic and a better RPG as a whole. On 11/11/11, When Skyrim was finally released after such a long anticipating wait, I was astonished at the gameplay and customization available to you. Skyrim also added a completely new feel to it, a more realistic and natural feel, making it perfect for true role-players. When I went to UESP a week or so after release, I saw that there was already a lot of information about the game but the site was still lacking in depth guides to increase your gaming experience, So I asked administrators to create a Skyrim Roleplaying Guide page in hopes to expand on that. Roleplay in Skyrim has an endless amount of possibilities! With Skyrim there is more than enough to contribute and I'm honored to be a part of the depth and quality put into this wiki on another astonishing game in the Elder Scrolls series.


User-userbox-Daggerfall.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Daggerfall.
User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.


LO-race-Altmer.png This user is a member of the Altmer race.
LO-race-Nord.png This user is a member of the Nord race.
LO-race-Dunmer.png This user is a member of the Dunmer race.
LO-race-Bosmer.png This user is a member of the Bosmer race.
LO-race-Orsimer.png This user is a member of the Orc race.
LO-race-Imperial.png This user is a member of the Imperial race.


OB-icon-Fighters Guild-Master.png This user is a Master in the Fighters Guild.
OB-icon-Mages Guild-Arch-Mage.png This user is an Arch-Mage in the Mages Guild.
OB-icon-Thieves Guild-Gray Fox.png This user is a Gray Fox in the Thieves Guild.
OB-icon-Dark Brotherhood-Speaker.png This user is a Speaker in the Dark Brotherhood.
OB-KotN-DivineCrusaderIcon.jpg This user is a Divine Crusader in the Knights of the Nine.
MW-banner-House Hlaalu.png This user is a Grandmaster in House Hlaalu.