User:Ninja Hinder/My rpSandbox
Character Type
- Race: What ones are the best for the character, what ones aren't, and why.
- Class: What specializations and skills are best for roleplaying the character. A Thief doesn't need Heavy Armor. Almost 100% of the time, a custom class with up to 7 skill suggestions will be shown.
- Looks: This doesn't matter as much. This area specifies whether character might need a beard, or have to look neat, or if they'd usually have to be a male or female.
Suggests what sort of equipment the specific character would need. Lockpicks for a Thief, staffs for a Wizard, swords for a Knight. This section may also say what equipment the character shouldn't have, and what kind of things they would take as loot or to wear.
- Clothes:
- Food:
- Weapons/Armor:
- Other:
This area outlines why the character is what it is. This section can be very large or small, depending on how freeform the idea is. It should at least explain what the character is, allies and enemies of the character, and what it does. This section can also provide suggestions of a starting story for the character, certain quirks about it, and motives for what it does.
This is not a bulleted list of everything that this character does, but instead should be treated as a few suggestions and ideas to give a clear example of what the character does. The reader should do a couple of these things with their character so that they know what the character does and how it acts towards people.
Character Type
- Race: For a traditional boxer, the human races work best, especially Redguard and Imperial. Any race is fine though.
- Class: You'll want to specialize in combat. The essential skills for a boxer are Hand to Hand, Athletics, and Block. Anything else is up to you.
- Looks: You might want your character to look beat up, with a slightly disfigured face.
- Clothes: A male boxer just needs pants and some good shoes. Outside matches, a boxer would wear clothes for any social class, depending on how much money the boxer has.
- Food: Any boxer should have a healthy diet consisting of plenty of meat, vegetables, and water. Water? Make a potion with a Restore Fatigue effect, and name it Water (Or buy one) and drink it regularly. You can use the Duplication Glitch for infinite water.
- Weapons/Armor: Of course, this character fights with his fists for a weapon. However, you may want to put leather gauntlets on him/her instead of proper boxing gloves. Since most of your fighting will be done in the IC Arena, you'll have to wear the Light or Heavy Raiment.
- Other: Outside of the arena, you are basically a normal citizen.
Backstory Boxers are trained fighters who fight for entertainment across the world. They usually fight inside a square ring, and with special gloves to make sure that their hands and other body parts aren't too injured during matches. Rules in a boxing match vary from league to league, but usually, the person who has the most physical strength and fleetness of foot wins. As a boxer in Cyrodiil, you'll be in the only fight league there is. The Imperial City Arena. You have no enemies or allies that you don't make yourself, and if you become arena champion, you'll have a lot of fans. Remember, Boxers train a lot and entertain the masses!
- Focus on building up your Hand-to-Hand as your sole all-effective combat skill. Whenever you run into bandits or animals on the road, beat them to death. Frequently head out into the woods or inside Ayleid Ruins as training. Beat everything to death in Hackdirt, conjurers in ruins, or necromancers in caves. With the Fighters Stronghold download, you can train with your Orc friend as he never dies and regenerates health.
- Steal the Bands of Kwang Lao from the two Arena combatants practicing outside the Arena. This will fortify your Hand to Hand skill by 20 points, which helps a lot. The first thing you must do is join the Arena in the Imperial City. Live in the Imperial City; spend most of your time there.
- You can learn alchemy and make potions that restore your fatigue and health over time, and call them 'Energy Drinks'
- You could learn destruction and cast spells that break your opponents' weapons during fights so that the fight becomes a pure fist fight.
- Perhaps you're out to prove that you can fight with your fists as well as anybody can fight with a sword. Be creative!
- Create a male Redguard, Nord, Orc, or Khajiit with Hand to Hand, Speechcraft, Athletics, Light Armor, Block, and whatever else as major skills, choose combat as their specialty, and Strength and Endurance as preferred attributes.
- Steal the Bands of Kwang Lao from the two Arena combatants practicing outside the Arena. This will fortify your Hand to Hand skill by 20 points, which helps a lot. The first thing you must do is join the Arena in the Imperial City. Live in the Imperial City; spend most of your time there.
When you're not in combat in the Arena, wear a pair of pants that are either your training pants, (some simple cloth pants most lower-class characters wear) or some enchanted light armor greaves with Fortify Fatigue or Hand to Hand. When in the Arena, wear the Light Raiment. As expected, box your opponents to death. You can use a Disintegrate Weapon spell to force the Arena combatants to fight you in a legitimate boxing match.
Never wear shoes. Or a shirt, most of the time. You can often wear some wristbands however. Make many Restore Fatigue potions called Energy Drink. When you are punching someone and you are running out of Fatigue, drink them.
- Focus on building up your Hand-to-Hand as your sole all-effective combat skill. Whenever you run into bandits or animals on the road, beat them to death. Frequently head out into the woods or inside Ayleid Ruins as training. Beat everything to death in Hackdirt, conjurers in ruins, or necromancers in caves. With the Fighters Stronghold download, you can train with your Orc friend as he never dies and regenerates health.
If you have the PC version, beat up essential NPCS, knock them unconscious, rinse, repeat, then delete the bounty and hostility with the console. This also works if you have the Staff of the Everscamp, which grants you unlimited scamps to beat up. Another good training technique is at Peryite's Shrine (check page to see and prevent bug) because you don't get a bounty for hitting them and they never die.
Skooma Addict[edit]
- Obtain a lot of Skooma (Can be bought from Shady Sam just outside of Imperial City. Or Nordinor at midnight in Bravil.)
- Hang out in the Skooma Den in Bravil.
Character type
- This is a pretty freeform idea, but sneak, athletics, and acrobatics is recommended.
- Khajiit and Argonian work the best, for obvious reasons.
- SKOOMA!!!!!!
- Very, very trashy clothes, prison work best, unless you are a respected community member, then high class would work.
Story You are the lowest of the low, an illegal drug addict, and most likely a felon, too. But you are addicted, and nobody cares what 'Confessions of a Skooma Addict' says, you're going to stay that way.
- Get money to buy Skooma any way you can. Remember, Skooma is all that matters to you.
- Act crazy. Jump off of high buildings, punch people in the face, follow somebody for hours and then talk to them...
- Wear mismatched clothes (or none at all).
- Choose if you want to be a harmless addict (just annoying people) or a dangerous addict (Start fights, and if you're a really dangerous one - murder people).
- Go on drug binges. Ingest some of that sweet Skooma, and do something you'll regret when the City Guard arrests you. Such as stealing silver right in front of the local count/countess.
- This and the Skooma Dealer can be switched out with Greenmote or Felldew Addicts or Dealers if you have the Shivering Isles expansion.
- Since Skooma is all that matters, you could murder or pickpocket your fellow addicts at the den to get more!
- Eventually, the Skooma will run out. Think about how your character would deal with this, and perhaps how he earns money to buy Skooma.
- Your character doesn't have to be a full on addict. He could be a respect bodyguard, ranger, doctor or noble, and only indulge once a week or every night.
- You are going to need some money to afford this lifestlye, so consider having a real job. Or just steal everything.
- Occasionally, or frequently, depending on your character, chug as much skooma as possible, and run around the countryside, maybe punching every living thing you see once. Think about what crazy thing your character does when under the affects!