Or Steve if you prefer. =P From the rugged but bonnie province of auld Caledonia.
Longtime lurker (about 15 years ô_ô), first-time registered user, and not terribly good with the mechanics of wikis but oh well. I try my best and I always have good intentions. That counts, right?
A little histoire[edit]
I've been playing Morrowind since it first came out in 2002, when I was just a wee teenager; now as an old man, I've gone back to beloved, lethal Vvardenfell for the first time in years. Oblivion and Skyrim have both been fun, and I particularly enjoy the way that spellcasting, enchanting and crafting weapons are far more easily accessible than they ever were in Morrowind. Or at least, that's how it felt. I probably played with Morrowind's difficulty set to 0 (or even -100) for most of the time that I did; I always cared more about the story and the exploration than the challenge of survival. Morrowind was unlike anything else I'd played before; as a console gamer I had very limited exposure to RPGs (Final Fantasy and its tiring management of hundreds of stats was what I thought an RPG looked like) and the notions of dungeon crawling and upskilling characters. Now, a little more seasoned, I've returned to that wonderland that captivated me in an attempt to prove I can do it. I can master the Schools of magic, craft my own enchantments, engineer my characters and their equipment to be exactly what I need, when I need them, maybe even get to grips with sneaking and alchemy. Yep, believe it or not, even though I've always been drawn to rogue/thief characters, stealth in Morrowind was always a big problem for me. I wonder if I even knew that you don't have to hold down the left stick just to stay in stealth mode or if thumb cramp got the better of me...