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  • Absorption spells: "Absorption spells transfer fundamental attributes from the victim to the caster. For the duration of the spell, the victim's attributes are drained, while the caster's attributes are increased. At the end of the spell effect, attributes return to normal. The most common of these mysticism spells are: absorb agility, absorb endurance, absorb fatigue, absorb health, absorb intelligence, absorb luck, absorb personality, absorb speed, absorb strength, absorb willpower, and absorb spell points."
  • Agility: "A creature's agility is its property of coordination and mobility. For example, an agile creature is able to target its blows accurately and effectively."
  • Ald Redaynia: "Ald Redaynia is the site of an ancient ruined wizard's tower on the western tip of a large island west of Sheogorad."
  • Ald Sotha: "Ald Sotha is a splendid Daedric ruin within sight of Vivec City. Though exotic and picturesque, it is a dangerous site, haunted by old magics, dark cultists, and their Daedric summonings, and not recommended for sightseers."
  • Ald Velothi: "Ald Velothi is a tiny fishing village on the northern coast of the West Gash."
  • Ald'ruhn: "Ald'ruhn is the district seat of House Redoran, and a large settlement. The Redoran Council chambers are located inside the shell of an ancient extinct giant crab. Tracks lead north to Maar Gan and Gnisis villages and south to Balmora."
  • Aldmeri: "Aldmeri -- the Imperial usage is 'Elves' -- are long-lived, culturally conservative humanoids distinct from Tamriel's "manish" races of the north and "beast peoples" races of the southeast. By contrast with the manish tribes, Elven cultures and social institutions are stable and persistent; Elven nations are neither economically expansive nor militarily adventurous. / Elves are conditionally fertile -- that is, they only conceive when population pressure is low -- so expanding populations do not force them to explore or war with neighbors. The arts, literature, sorceries, technology and theology that have flourished within ancient Elven cultures have profoundly shaped the development of the Empire's manish and beast races."
  • Aldmeris: "Aldmeris is the original Elvish language, still spoken as a first language among isolated Elven communities, and spoken and written by all educated Elves, and the language of the Elven arts. The root '-mer' is analogous with the root '-man' or '-men' in human language; thus, the Elves are mer as Humans are men."
  • Alteration spells: "There are many common variants of alteration spells, not to mention the countless custom versions created by ambitious spellcasters. But here is a list of the most basic spells, representing all the fundamental classes of spell effects produced by this college: water breathing, buoyancy, water walking, shield, fire shield, shock shield, frost shield, burden, feather, jump, slowfall, levitate, lock, and open."
  • Altmer: "Altmer -- literally, 'the High, or Cultured People,' or 'High Elves' -- are the light-skinned, tall Elven peoples of the Summerset Isles. 'High' is taken to mean variously 'tall,' 'proud,' and 'culturally snobbish.' In the Empire, 'High Elves' is the common usage."
  • Argonian: "The Argonians of Black Marsh call themselves the 'People of the Root'. They are equally at home on land or in water, and are magically gifted. Persecuted and enslaved by other races, they are cautious and secretive. Little is known of their homeland or native culture, and their alien physiology and customs are not well understood by scholars."
  • Argonian neighbors: "Native Dunmer regard Argonians as animals fit for slavery. Dunmer have always enslaved Argonians. The Empire protects Argonian human rights, but does not outlaw slavery in Morrowind."
  • Ascadian Isles: "The Ascadian Isles is the lush, green, well-watered lowlands in the south where most of Vvardenfell's agriculture is found. The area includes Pelagiad, Suran, Vivec City, and Ald Sotha along with the inland lakes and waterways of the Ascadian Isles proper. The urban areas of Vivec and Ebonheart of the southern coast are densely populated; the inland Ascadian Isles are dotted with small farms and large plantations. The climate is temperate and comfortable, with moderate rainfall."
  • Ash woe: "Ash-woe is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's will and thought processes. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blighted creatures."
  • Ash-chancre: "Ash-chancre is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's behavior. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters."
  • Ashlander challenges: "When challenged for sport, it is acceptable to decline. When challenged for honor, it is shameful to decline. Honor challenges come from offense given in speech or action, or may represent customary formal challenges of status or ritual."
  • Ashlander courtesy: "Ashlanders may challenge a stranger who enters a yurt without invitation. Customs differ with different tribes, but leave when requested, and you may be forgiven. Be particularly careful about ashkhans -- tribal chiefs -- and wise women -- tribal seers and counselors. Some are welcoming, some are hostile. Be courteous, and leave if requested. If offended, they may attack."
  • Ashlander culture: "The Velothi are people of Ashlander stock who have abandoned nomadic life and settled among the native Dunmer; the Velothi are despised by their Ashlander cousins as weak and soft, while the Dunmer look down upon the Velothi as an insignificant underclass."
  • Ashlander customs: "Take care when visiting an Ashlander camp. Among clan and kin, Ashlander courtesy is very proper and polite, but you are a stranger, so remember that Ashlanders hate foreigners. Ashlander challenges are very solemn and serious things; do not make a challenge lightly. And know the customs of Ashlander gifts; they are not offended by gifts of money, and take them as tokens of deference and respect. And among outcast Ashlanders, beware the mabrigash, renegade witch-warrior women who practice dark magics."
  • Ashlander gifts: "Among Ashlanders, a gift is a token of courtesy among strangers, and affection among friends. When coming first among strangers, a thoughtful gift is a sign that you are cautious, and considerate, and aware of the other's wants and needs. Such is particularly useful for traders and travelers. Among friends, it is a private thing, and subtle, with great risks, for the test of the gift is how well it is tailored to the receiver."
  • Ashlanders: "Ashlanders are the nomadic Dunmer barbarians of the Morrowind wastelands. They live in camps of small, mobile huts, herding guar and hunting wildlife for meat and hides. By tradition, the Ashlanders claim the right to raid settlements and other tribes for booty and slaves. The Ashlanders worship their ancestors, and are led by their ashkhan war chiefs, counseled by the arcane wisdom and prophecies of their wise women. If you plan to visit them, you should know something of Ashlander customs."
  • Ashlands: "The Ashlands are the dry, inhospitable wastelands surrounding the lower slopes of Red Mountain. The Ashlands extend to the Sea of Ghosts to the north, and elsewhere form a wide margin between the blighted Red Mountain region and other geographic regions. The town of Ald'ruhn and the village of Maar Gan are the only sizable permanent Ashlands settlements. Ashlanders hunt for game here, and their herds find sparse grazing. It rains rarely, and suffers frequent ash storms."
  • Ataxia: "Ataxia is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and dexterity. Symptoms include generalized pain and muscle stiffness. It may be contracted from slaughterfish."
  • Attribute-damaging: "Attribute-damaging spells actually destroy the eleven fundamental attributes of natural and supernatural beings: agility, endurance, fatigue, health, intelligence, luck, personality, speed, strength, willpower, magica. The victim's attributes are reduced permanently. The most common of these destruction spells are: curse agility, curse endurance, curse fatigue, curse health, curse intelligence, curse luck, curse personality, curse speed, curse strength, curse willpower, and curse spell points."
  • Attribute-draining: "Attribute-draining spells reduce the eleven fundamental attributes of natural and supernatural beings: agility, endurance, fatigue, health, intelligence, luck, personality, speed, strength, willpower, magica. The reduction is only temporary, and the attribute returns to normal after the duration of the magical effect elapses. The most common of these destruction spells are: clumsiness, distraction, exhaustion, gash spirit , misfortune, spite, strain, temptation, torpor, weakness, and wound."
  • Azura's Coast "The rugged coast and islands of northern and eastern Vvardenfell are called Azura's Coast. The region is rocky, infertile, and largely uninhabited, except for the outpost at Molag Mar, the Telvanni settlements at Sadrith Mora, the wizard towers at Tel Aruhn, Tel Mora, and Tel Branora, and Ahemmusa camp and the remote fishing villages of Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel on the north coast. There are no roads; most travel is by boat. Despite the rocky terrain, a variety of plants thrive on the regular rainfall."
  • Bal Fell: "Bal Fell is the "City of Stone," an ancient First Era ruin in the southeastern islands and promontories of Azura's Coast. The site has a nasty reputation, and several Telvanni wizards currently have competing camps of hirelings and adventurers exploring and looting there. Legend says that Bal Fell was built on the site of an ancient Daedric worship center."
  • Betmeri: "Betmeri, or 'Beastmen,' were the aboriginal inhabitants of Tamriel. Each Beast race has its own distinctive accounts of the mythic era before the coming of Elves and Men; each Beast race is as culturally and physically distinct from one another as it is from Elven and Manish races. / The peaceful Khajiit and Argonian races are the most numerous and culturally advanced of the Beast races; the war-loving Orc tribes are relatively few in number and widely scattered, but notable as superior warriors and weapon crafters. Other smaller Beast races, like Goblins, Apemen, and Giants, are limited to mountainous areas in the west and north of Tamriel, and seldom encountered in the East."
  • Bitter Coast: "The western coast of Vvardenfell from Seyda Neen north to Gnaar Mok is called the Bitter Coast. The salt marshes and humid swamps of this region are uninhabited, with the only settlements found at the good harbors of Gnaar Mok, Hla Oad, and Seyda Neen. Also called 'the Smuggler's Coast', the region's secluded coves and islands provide refuge for criminal trade, and the frequent rain and fog hides small boats from Excise cutters."
  • Black Marsh: "Most of the native Argonian population of Black Marsh is confined to the great inland waterways and impenetrable swamps of the southern interior. There are few roads here, and most travel is by boat. The coasts and the northwestern upland forests are largely uninhabited. For ages the Dunmer have raided Black Marsh for slaves; though the Empire has made this illegal, the practice persists, and Dunmer and Argonians have a long-standing and bitter hatred for one another."
  • Black-heart: "Black-heart is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's strength and endurance. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters."
  • Blight disease: "The four blight diseases I've seen here on Vvardenfell are ash-chancre, chanthrax, black-heart, ash woe. They are all contracted from blighted creatures or from exposure to blight storms. You don't have to worry about blights storms unless you're entering the Red Mountain region. You need resistance to blight disease protections to go there."
  • Bosmer: "The Bosmer are the clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests. In the Empire, they are called "Wood Elves," but they call themselves the Bosmer, or the 'Tree-Sap' people. They scorn pretense and formality, preferring a romantic, simple existence in harmony with the wild beauty of nature. They are nimble and quick in body and wit, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel."
  • Bound armor spells: "Bound armor spells summon lesser daedra constrained within the form of magical armor for the duration of the magical effect. The armor pieces are impossibly light, superbly formed, and supernaturally durable. The most common spells of this variety are: bound cuirass, bound helm, bound boots, bound shield, and bound gauntlets."
  • Bound weapons spells: "Bound weapon spells summon lesser daedra constrained within the form of magical weapons for the duration of the magical effect. The weapons are impossibly light, superbly formed, and profoundly bloodthirsty. The most common spells of this variety are: bound dagger, bound longsword, bound mace, bound battle-axe, bound spear, and bound longbow."
  • Breton: "Passionate and eccentric, poetic and flamboyant, intelligent and willful, Bretons feel an inborn, instinctive bond with the mercurial forces of magic and the supernatural. Many great sorcerers have come from their home province of High Rock, and in addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spellcraft, enchantment, and alchemy, even the humblest of Bretons can boast a high resistance to destructive and dominating magical energies."
  • Brown Rot: "Brown rot is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and behavior. Symptoms include necrosis and sleeplessness. It may be contracted from the bonewalker, skeleton, greater bonewalker, or bonelord."
  • Caldera: "Caldera is a recently chartered Imperial town and mining corporation. The Caldera Mining Company has been granted an Imperial monopoly to remove raw ebony from the rich deposits here. Caldera has the appearance and flavor of a Western Imperial town."
  • Camonna Tong: "The Camonna Tong is Morrowind's native criminal syndicate. They're grown powerful and ruthless since the Imperial occupation, and have great influence in the higher ranks of House Hlaalu. The Camonna Tong are in direct competition with the Thieves Guild for control of illegal trade, and they have sworn to exterminate the upstart outlander newcomers. The Camonna Tong are known for their brutal disregard for human life."
  • Challenges: "Vvardenfell's greatest challenges are its mutually hostile cultures, its cruel and untamed wildernesses, and the troubling phenomenon of the Blight. The Temple and traditional Dunmer cultures are in direct opposition to the values of the Imperial conqueror's colonists, and the interests of each Great House conflict with the interests of the other Great Houses. Only the Imperial Legions and the Duke's shrewd policies prevent political disputes from expanding into civil unrest or warfare. / Even the Legions, however, cannot extend their protection into the sparsely inhabited wastelands of Vvardenfell, where bandits, necromancers, witches, fiends, and monsters find refuge, emerging to threaten the lives of explorers, colonists, and traders. The greatest, and most obscure, threat is the Blight, a mysterious weather-like phenomenon emanating from the crater of Dagoth Ur, warping and poisoning creatures in its path, and creating diseased horrors that attack travelers and outlying settlements."
  • Chantrax: "Chanthrax is an acute blight disease affecting a victim's dexterity and mobility. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters."
  • Chills: "Chills is an extremely dangerous common disease affecting the victim's mind and coordination. Symptoms include clumsiness and mental confusion. It may be contracted from the bonewalker, skeleton, greater bonewalker, or bonelord."
  • Chimer: "Chimer -- literally "the People of the North," an archaic and poetic usage -- were the Elven tribes who followed the prophet Veloth out of the southwest of Tamriel to settle in the lands now known as Morrowind. Dunmer fable says that before their skin turned dark with the Curse, the Dark Elves were known as the Chimer."
  • Choosing a Great House: "If you are thinking of joining a Great House, study all three Great Houses, and think carefully before you join, because once you've joined one house, no other house will ever consider you for membership. Loyalty is very important in the Great Houses. When you join, you become family, and, by Dunmer standards, it's a matter of blood and kin, and irreversible. Even if you get kicked out of one house, no other house will have you."
  • Collywobbles: "Collywobbles is a serious common disease affecting a victim's strength, endurance, and mobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable shaking and chronic weariness. It may be contracted from the fiery shalk."
  • Common disease: "There are sixteen common diseases I've encountered on Vvardenfell: rockjoint, helljoint, witbane, chills, serpiginous dementia, greenspore, dampworm, rust chancre, droops, ataxia, wither, swamp fever, collywobbles, brown rot, yellow tick, rattles. We group their effects in three levels: mild, serious, and acute. Serious and acute are more dangerous, of course, but none of them are fatal. But you must get them cured, or they weaken you, and people won't want to talk to you."
  • Conjuration spells: "Unlike spells of the other colleges, there are few variants and versions of the conjuration spells, other than according to effect duration. There are four different classes of restoration spells: domination spells, summoning spells, bound weapons spells, and bound armor spells."
  • Corprus: "Corprus is a deadly disease profoundly affecting a victim's mind and body. Symptoms include dementia, violent behavior, and distorted, disfiguring skin growths. It may be contracted from corprus beasts or other blight monsters [sic]"
  • Corprus disease: "Corprus is a rare form of blight disease. Sometimes crusaders get it from fighting corprus monsters inside the Ghostfence. We can't cure it. Victims are sent to the Corprusarium beneath Tel Fyr, the tower of the Telvanni wizard Divayth Fyr. Victims go mad, and the body becomes fat and distorted with unnatural growths. It is always fatal. Sometimes it progresses slowly, sometimes in a matter of days."
  • Cure spells: "Cure spells remove diseases, poisons, and incapacitation spell effects from the victim. The most common restoration spells of this kind are: cure common disease, cure blight disease, cure poison, and cure paralysis."
  • Current events: "Let me tell you about current events. The Great Houses are always fighting each other in the Great House Wars. There's always trouble between outlanders -- non-Dunmer Imperial colonists -- and the Dunmer natives. The Temple is at war with a rebellious faction called the Dissident Priests. A secret cult called the Sixth House is killing Imperial citizens. Misshapen monsters and diseases called 'blight disease' are spreading from Red Mountain, a volcano where the Devil Dagoth Ur and his ash vampires live."
  • Cyrodiil "Cyrodiil is the cradle of Human Imperial high culture on Tamriel. It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. The Imperial City is in the heartland, the fertile Nibenay Valley. The densely populated central valley is surrounded by wild rain forests drained by great rivers into the swamps of Argonia and Topal Bay. The land rises gradually to the west and sharply to the north. Between its western coast and its central valley are deciduous forests and mangrove swamps."
  • Dagon Fell: "Dagon Fel is a tiny fishing village on the northern coast of Vvardenfell on the large island called Sheogorad in the Azura's Coast region."
  • Dampworm: "Dampworm is a serious common disease affecting a victim's mobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable muscle spasms and twitching. It may be contracted from the nix-hound."
  • Destruction spells: "There are many common variants of destruction spells, not to mention the countless custom versions created by ambitious spellcasters. There are so many different destruction spells that it helps to divide them into five different classes of effects: elemental damage, attribute-draining, attribute-damaging, vulnerability, and disintegration."
  • Disease: "In Morrowind you worry about three kinds of disease -- common disease, blight disease, and corprus disease. Common disease isn't so bad. You can get cured at shrines or temples easily -- but you need to get cured, or people don't want to talk with you. Blight disease is more serious, and potions and cures are harder come by. Corprus disease can't be cured. And some say vampirism is a disease. But the only cure for a vampire is destroying it. Policy on vampires is 'kill on sight.' Or 'run on sight.'"
  • Disintegration: "There are only two common disintegration spells: weapon eater and armor eater. Each causes the affected item to become worn and less effective. Neither can actually cause an item to cease to exist, but each can reduce its target's effectiveness so much that it becomes completely useless until repaired."
  • Domination spells: "Domination spells permit the caster to bend the will of creatures and humanoids to the caster's service. Affected creatures and humanoids will not, alas, listen to or follow orders, but they will feel a compulsion to aid and protect the caster. Most otherworldly creatures are unaffected, though the undead can be compelled to avoid the caster. The most common domination spells are: turn undead, command creatures, and command humanoids."
  • Droops: "Droops is a serious common disease that affects a victim's strength. Symptoms include weak and flaccid muscle tissues. It may be contracted from all forms and stages of kwama."
  • Dunmer: "We Dunmer are the dark-skinned Elven peoples of the Eastern Empire. Dunmer means "dark elf." "Dark" in this sense is variously understood to mean "dark-skinned," "gloomy," and "ill-favored by fate." The Dunmer and our national character embrace these various connotations with enthusiasm. In the Empire, "Dark Elves" is the common usage, but in our Morrowind homeland, and among their Aldmeri brethren, we call ourselves the "Dunmer". / The dark-skinned, red-eyed Dunmer combine powerful intellect with strong and agile physiques, producing superior warriors and sorcerers. On the battlefield, we are noted for our skilled and balanced integration of swordsmen, marksmen, and war wizards. In character, we are grim, aloof, and reserved. We wisely distrust and disdain the lesser achievements of the inferior races. / We Dunmer prize the virtues of duty, gravity, and piety. Duty is to one's own honor, and to one's family and clan. Gravity is the essential seriousness of life. Life is hard, and events must be judged, endured, and reflected upon with due care and earnestness. Piety is respect for the gods, and the virtues they represent. A light, careless life is not worth living. We are proud of being dark-skinned and dark-humored. Our race produces great warriors and wizards in equal proportion."
  • Dunmer metropolitan style: "Vivec City presents a unique panorama of high Dunmer architectural style. Grand multi-tiered blocks are arranged along canals. High bridges lead across the canals to block-top plazas and markets, while below gondoliers guide flat-bottomed skiffs along the canals. The whole city is overshadowed by the grand monumental architectures of Vivec's Palace and the Archcanon's High Fane."
  • Dunmer urban style: "Urban Temple compounds feature high-walled outer courtyards, with smaller shelters and halls clustered around the Temple Shrine itself. Aristocratic residences of the Great Houses are similar to Temple compounds with walled outer courts and outbuildings for craftsmen and servants, dominated by a grand manor residence in place of the Temple Shrine."
  • Dunmer village style: "The Dunmer village style is the most familiar style in all districts. Huts are built of local materials, with organic curves and undecorated exteriors inspired by the landscape and the shells of giant native insects. Villages are dominated by Temple compounds and courtyards in traditional villages, but in newer plantations, the manor houses are the central features."
  • Dwemer artifacts: "Artifacts salvaged from Dwemer ruins are valuable, but protected under Imperial law, and trade in such artifacts is illegal. Most valuable are Dwarven weapons and armor, both for their superb craftsmanship, and for their value to collectors and scholars."
  • Ebonheart: "Ebonheart is the seat of the Imperial government for Vvardenfell district, and a busy center of maritime trade. Castle Ebonheart is the home of Duke Vedam Dren, the district's ruler and Emperor's representative. Also located at Castle Ebonheart are the Vvardenfell District Council chambers and the Hawk Moth Legion garrison. The officers, docks, and warehouses of the East Empire Company are also found in Ebonheart."
  • Eggmines: "Kwama eggs are a principal agricultural commodity of Vvardenfell District. Kwama live and breed in large communal subterranean colonies. Miners protect kwama eggs from poachers, predators, and raiding kwama foragers from other colonies, and harvest judiciously, preserving sufficient eggs to sustain colony growth. Consumed locally or exported by ship to the rest of the Empire, kwama eggs are eaten boiled, roasted, or raw, and remain fresh for weeks."
  • Elemental damage: "Elemental damage spells injure natural and supernatural creatures with magics based on the elemental forces of fire, frost, shock, and poison. Here is a list of the most basic destruction spells, representing all the fundamental classes of elemental damage effects: flame, flamebolt, spark, sparkbolt, shard, shardbolt, poison, and poisonbolt. In general, these effects cause damage on touch or at range, and the '-bolt' version is the ranged variant of the spell."
  • Elsweyr: "The Khajiit of the southern Elsweyr jungles and river basins are settled city dwellers with ancient mercantile traditions and a stable agrarian aristocracy based on sugarcane and saltrice plantations. The nomadic tribal Khajiit of the dry northern wastes and grasslands are, by contrast, aggressive and territorial tribal raiders periodically united under tribal warlords. While the settled south has been quick to adopt Imperial ways, the northern nomadic tribes cling to their warlike barbarian traditions."
  • Enchanters: "Enchanters create enchanted items for themselves and for unskilled spellcasters. A magic scroll is the simplest enchanted item; anyone can use it to cast a single spell with 100% reliability, but the scroll is destroyed in the process. Enchanters also place permanent enchantments on weapons, armor, clothing, and ornaments. These items cast spells reliably, powered by built-in soul gems. A soul gem's power limits the number of an item's uses, but the gems renew their expended power over time."
  • Enchanting items: "You can enchant items yourself, using your own skill, or go to an enchanter, who uses his skill to make the item -- and charges handsomely for the service. To enchant an item, you must have the item to be enchanted and a soul gem containing a soul. A soul gem must contain a soul, or it is useless for enchanting. Different items have different capacities for enchantments, and various soul gems are more or less powerful. / The more effects you want, and the more powerful the effects, the more powerful the soul gem you will need to make the enchantment. Enchanting items is expensive, and failure destroys the item, so enchanting items is most profitable for skilled enchanters. / To have an enchanter enchant an item for you, bring it to the enchanter, along with a soul gem to power the item. To enchant an item yourself, you'll need a soul gem with sufficient power to support the enchantments you want to add. And have some skill in enchanting, or you will just fail and waste your soul gem. When enchanting an item yourself, you can only enchant items with spell effects you know, and success or failure in enchanting an item depends on your enchanting skill."
  • Enchantments: "Temple enchanters favor healing and protection spells. Redoran enchanters favor wounding missile loads and shield spells. Hlaalu like weapon enchantments and various spell rings. Imperials use a wide array of weapon and ring damage enchantments. But the masters of enchantment are the Telvanni. They use all effects, often several combined on one item, but they especially like items that summon creatures or magical weapons and armor."
  • Endurance: "A creature's endurance is its property of sustained expenditure of physical energy and its resistance to bodily injury. A creature with greater endurance can withstand long periods of physical exertion without suffering from exhaustion, and is less likely to suffer permanent harm or death from disease or physical injuries."
  • Factions: "Observers of Vvardenfell's politics have identified eleven main factions, some aligned with Imperial interests, some aligned with native Dunmer interests. The primary Imperial factions are the Imperial cult, the Imperial legions, and the Fighters, Mages, and Thieves Guilds. The primary native Dunmer factions are the three Great Houses, Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni, the Temple, and the Morag Tong. The Ashlander barbarians are native Dunmer, but are opposed to both the Empire and the settled Dunmer."
  • Fatigue: "A creature's fatigue is a measure of its capacity for extended physical exertion. The greater a creature's fatigue attribute, the longer it can run, swim, and fight."
  • Fighters Guild "The Fighters Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. Look for chapters in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
  • Food in Morrowind: "The staple is the saltrice grain, usually eaten as a cooked porridge mixed with scuttle (a cheese-like food from giant domesticated beetles). Hackle-lo (a hardy succulent edible leafy green) is a reliable year-round vegetable, eaten cooked or raw, and bittergreen (a fast-growing slime triggered by rain) is safe and nourishing when boiled, though highly toxic if eaten raw. / The most popular sources of protein are kwama eggs and the meat of the domesticated guar. The most popular beverages are mazte (a local beer brewed from fermented saltrice) and sujamma (a potent, bitter liquor)."
  • Fortify spells: "Fortify spells temporarily increase fundamental attributes for the duration of the spell effects. The most common restoration spells of this kind are: nimbleness, fortitude, vigor, vitality, wisdom, jack of trades, charisma, feet of notorgo, powerwell, orc strength, and iron will."
  • Fundamental attributes: "The eleven fundamental attributes of natural and supernatural beings are agility, endurance, fatigue, health, intelligence, luck, personality, speed, strength, willpower, magicka. Scholars and sages of the six magic colleges are familiar with these fundamental attributes from the works of the earliest Aldmeri philosophers, and the concepts have been adopted by all the other scholarly disciplines of Imperial culture."
  • Geographic regions: "Vvardenfell has nine basic geographic regions, each with their own distinctive plants and terrain features. Scholars have based their classifications on the different types of land described by the native Ashlanders, so the designations are recognized by most local traders, travelers, and adventurers. These geographic regions are called: the Ascadian Isles, the Ashlands, Azura's Coast, the Bitter Coast, the Grazelands, Molag Amur, Red Mountain, West Gash, and Sheogorad."
  • Geography of Morrowind: "Morrowind is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire, bounded on the north and east by the Sea of Ghosts, on the west by Skyrim, on the southwest by Cyrodiil (also known as the Imperial Province), and on the south by Black Marsh (also known as Argonia). The southeast is a warm coastal plain with broad cultivated areas and marshes and swamps similar to those found in Black Marsh. The west and south-central region is mountainous and sparsely populated. / The rocky, rugged archipelago of the northeast is also sparsely populated. Most of the population is gathered in the high uplands and fertile river valleys of central Morrowind, especially around the Inland Sea. The island of Vvardenfel is dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands; most of the island's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast."
  • Geography of Vvardenfell: "Morrowind is the northeastmost province of the Tamrielic Empire, bounded on the north and east by the ocean, on the west by Skyrim, on the southwest by Cyrodiil (also known as the Imperial Province), and on the south by Black Marsh (also known as Argonia). Vvardenfell District consists of the island of Vvardenfell, surrounded by the Inland Sea, and dominated by the titanic volcano Red Mountain and its associated ash wastelands. / Only recently open to settlement and trade, most of the island's population is confined to the relatively hospitable west and southwest coast, centered around the ancient city of Vivec and the old Great House district centers at Balmora, Ald'ruhn, and Sadrith Mora. The rest of the island is covered by hostile desert wastes, arid grasslands, and volcanic badlands, and thinly populated by the nomadic Ashlander tribes."
  • Gnaar Mok: "Gnaar Mok is a tiny island fishing village in the Bitter Coast region of western Vvardenfell."
  • Gnisis: "Gnisis is a small mining and trade village astride the silt strider caravan route between the northwest West Gash and Ald'ruhn."
  • Grazelands: "The regular rain and dark soils of the Grazelands produce the rich grazing for Ashlander herds that gives the region its name. The region lies in the northeast of Vvardenfell, sandwiched between the Ashlands and Azura's Coast. Permanent settlements include Vos village and the towers of Tel Vos and Tel Fyr. The Ashlanders of Zainab camp move their herds across the plains in search of fresh grazing. There are no roads or tracks, but travel is easy across the open plains."
  • Greenspore: "Greenspore is a serious common disease affecting a victim's behavior. Symptoms include irritability and violent outbursts, and may include mild dementia. It may be contracted from slaughterfish."
  • Hammerfell: "Hammerfell is primarily an urban and maritime province, with most of its population confined to the great port and trade cities. The interior is sparsely populated with small poor farms and beastherds. The Redguard love of travel, adventure, and the high seas has dispersed them as sailors, mercenaries, and adventurers in ports of call throughout the Empire."
  • Health: "A creature's health is a measure of its capacity to withstand physical punishment. A creature with weak health succumbs easily to disease or injury, while a creature with exceptional health can endure and survive deadly diseases and injuries."
  • Helljoint: "Helljoint is a mild common disease affecting a victim's mobility and dexterity. Symptoms include persistent irritation and inflammation of joints. It may be contracted from the girdle-tailed cliff racer."
  • High Rock: "High Rock encompasses the many lands and clans of Greater Betony, the Dellese Isles, the Bjoulsae River tribes, and, by tradition, the Western Reach. The rugged highland strongholds and isolated valley settlements have encouraged the fierce independence of the various local Breton clans, and this contentious tribal nature has never been completely integrated into a provincial or Imperial identity. Nonetheless, their language, bardic traditions, and heroic legends are a unifying common legacy."
  • House Dres: "Of the five Dunmer Great Houses, House Dres is one of two houses without holdings or interest in Vvardenfell. Dres District is in the south of Morrowind, bordering the swamps and marshes of Black Marsh. House Dres is an agrarian agricultural society, and its large saltrice plantations rely completely on slave labor for their economic viability. Always firm Temple supporters, House Dres is hostile to Imperial law and culture, and in particular opposed to any attempts to limit the institution of slavery."
  • House Hlaalu: "House Hlaalu is one of the three Dunmer Great Houses with holdings on Vvardenfell. House Hlaalu has always been loyal to the Emperor and the Empire. Hlaalu welcomes Imperial law and the Legions, and freedom of trade and religion. We still respect the old Dunmer ways, the ancestors, the Temple, and the noble houses. But times change, and the Empire changes with the times. House Hlaalu hopes to live in peace and harmony with the other races, and share in the growth and prosperity of the Empire."
  • House Indoril: "House Indoril is one of the five Dunmer Great Houses, and one of the two houses without holdings or interest in Vvardenfell. The city of Almalexia is located in Indoril District, and the Indoril are orthodox and conservative supporters of the Temple and Temple authority. House Indoril is openly hostile to Imperial culture and religion, and preserves many traditional Dunmer customs and practices in defiance of Imperial law."
  • House Redoran: "House Redoran is one of the three Great Houses on Vvardenfell. The Redoran prize the duty, gravity, and piety. They believe a light, careless life is not worth living. If you want to know more, go to Ald'ruhn, their seat of power."
  • House Telvanni: "House Telvanni is one of the three Dunmer Great Houses with holdings on Vvardenfell. The Telvanni wizard-lords have traditionally isolated themselves, pursuing wisdom and mastery in solitude. But certain ambitious wizards-lords, their retainers, and clients have entered whole-heartily into the competition to control and exploit Vvardenfell's land and resources, building towers and bases all along the eastern coast. The Telvanni think that wisdom confers power, and power confers right."
  • House Wars: "By the immemorial custom of Dunmer society, a House may challenge the honor of another House in the person of one of the House's ranking nobles. The ranking noble of the impugned House is 'marked for death' -- in ancient times, actually formally marked with a black banner, but in modern times, served with a formal written public announcement. If within a year of the challenge, the marked noble still lives, the challenging House must publicly forego any further complaint or scandal on the matter. / Only a ranking challenging noble or a Morag Tong may attack the marked noble; in modern times, Houses routinely engage Morag Tong. This custom permits Houses to war upon one another on a small scale without threatening public peace and rule of law. Such violent disputes among Great Houses are called 'House Wars.' / Codes of behavior under House Wars of Honor are complex and subtle, and the Morag Tong specialize in the honorable and legal prosecution of these factional vendettas. House Wars are expensive, dangerous, and disruptive to all Houses involved, but on the island of Vvardenfell alone, a dozen or more Marked Challenges are being prosecuted at any time."
  • Humanoid Races: "Elves consider themselves the only 'truly human race,' being descended directly from the gods, and regard the Manish and Beast races as highly intelligent animals. On the other hand, Imperial scholars consider Men, Elves, and Beastmen as 'men,' on the basis that individuals of all three groups can mate with one another. / Offspring of inter-racial matings have the racial appearance of the mother, but may occasionally share inherited characteristics and abilities of the father. Sloads, dragons, and other sentient races cannot mate with Men, Elves, or Beastmen, and are not considered 'human.' Exceptional accounts of matings between men and daedra do not fit smoothly into this scheme."
  • Humans: "The human races are short-lived, socially aggressive humanoids, shorter than Elves and more technologically advanced than the Beastfolk. Warlike human cultures have subjugated their Elven and Beastfolk neighbors and synthesized their arts, literature, magick, technology, and theology into Tamriel's dominant culture -- the Empire. Obsessed with progress and destiny, human civilization constantly reinvents itself from materials plundered from conquered cultures and re-shaped by human myths and dreams."
  • Illusion spells: "There are many common variants of illusion spells, not to mention the countless custom versions created by ambitious spellcasters. But here is a list of the most basic spells, representing all the fundamental classes of spell effects produced by this college: hide, chameleon, light, chameleon, night-eye, charming touch, paralysis, silence, blind, earwig, calm humanoid, calm creature, frenzy humanoid, frenzy creature, demoralize humanoid, demoralize creature, rally humanoid, and rally creature."
  • Imperial: "The Imperials are the educated and well-spoken natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil. Imperials are known for their enlightened rule of law and government, and the discipline and training of their citizen armies. Though physically less imposing than the other races, they are shrewd diplomats and traders. Their legions have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races of Tamriel, and to have erected the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Empire."
  • Imperial culture: "Imperial culture is a pragmatic melting pot of the various contrasting cultures of the Imperial provinces, unified by a strong hereditary emperor and bureaucracy, the rule of law, a powerful professional army, and tolerance of disparate polytheistic cult worships. Education and wealth is broadly distributed through all social classes where Imperial culture has flourished; many citizens are literate and protected under Imperial law. / Persons of all races and creeds can advance in wealth and status in commerce, the bureaucracy, and the military. However, moral and political corruption at the highest levels of Imperial society, and the economic strain of maintaining military occupations in widely separated hostile provinces like Morrowind, signals the impending decline of the Empire."
  • Imperial law: "An adventurer should know the basics of Imperial law concerning life and property. Verbal assault, pickpocketing, and trespassing are minor crimes, punished by fines or hard labor. Theft and foul murder are felonies. Theft is punished by fines proportional to the value of the property stolen, or by hard labor. Foul murder is punishable by fines of at least 1000 drakes, or by hard labor. / Fines and compensation are determined by magistrates, and may be paid to guards. In place of fines, the criminal may serve extended sentences of hard labor. The workcamps are hard places for hard men, and for each day served, expect to lose some hard-earned skill as a result of physical, mental, or emotional punishment."
  • Imperial neighbors: "Native Dunmer regard Imperials as apes posing as civilized beings. The Dunmer respect Imperial cunning in creating organized armies from peasants, and admire their engineering and work ethic, but they scorn their lack of honor and refinement, and they despise their crass commercialism and tolerance of cultural mongrelization."
  • Imperial provinces: "The Empire of Tamriel encompasses the nine Imperial provinces: Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Summerset Isle, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Morrowind, and the ancient Imperial province itself, Cyrodiil. Morrowind was among the last of the provinces to be integrated into the Empire, and because it was added by treaty, and not by conquest, Morrowind retains exceptional power to define local law by reference to ancient Great House precedents."
  • Imperial urban style: "Imperial urban style mixes with Dunmer urban style in Hlaalu District and Vivec suburbs, but dominates in new Hlaalu and Imperial chartered towns. Houses, shops, and tradehouses are of timbered, half-timbered, or stone construction in the Western manner, with peaked roofs, right angles and flat planes, and plain, undecorated exteriors."
  • Inner Sea: "The waters enclosed between mainland Morrowind and Vvardenfell Island are called the Inner Sea."
  • Intelligence: "A creature's intelligence is its property of reasoning, analysis, and retention of facts and experience. Other than its critical utility in problem-solving, this property is most important for the comprehension and manipulation of the arcane forces associated with magic, and creatures with high intelligence are proven to have greater capacity to cast larger and more powerful spell effects."
  • Joining Great Houses: "Outlanders may join a Great House. Initially one gains status as an oath-bonded hireling, pledging exclusive loyalty to a given house, but with faithful service and advancement in lower ranks, an outlander may be adopted into a Great House. Adoption and advancement to higher ranks in a Great House requires that a councilor stand as sponsor for the candidate's character and loyalty. Finding a councilor to sponsor an outlander often involves performing a great service for the prospective sponsor."
  • Khajiit: "The Khajiit are the cat people of the province of Elsweyr. Though the race has a variety of sub-types, each with different forms and habits, only the smooth, quick, agile Suthay-raht are encountered in Vvardenfell. When most people think of Suthay-raht, they think of thieves -- with good reason, since many Suthay-raht are cunning, acquisitive, and slow to embrace the sanctity of personal property. But the speed, agility, and bold spirit of the Suthay-raht also make them gifted traders and adventurers."
  • Khuul: "Khuul is a tiny fishing village on the northern coast of the West Gash."
  • Luck: "A creature's luck is its property of aligning itself with the subtle currents of fate and destiny. This is the most subtle of fundamental attributes, and can only be judged by observation of the favorable and unfavorable outcomes of a creature's actions over a long period of time."
  • Maar Gan: "Maar Gan is a small isolated village in a remote region north of Ald'ruhn. The Maar Gan shrine is an important Temple pilgrimage site."
  • Mabrigash: "A mabrigash is an Ashlander witch-warrior, a renegade wise woman who has forsaken the established rules of behavior for an Ashlander woman to become a master of dark magic and the weapons of war. By secret rituals the mabrigash steals a man's vital essence and makes herself a powerful sorcerer and warrior. The manifestation of her dark power is called a 'ghost snake' that paralyzes and drains a victim's vitality."
  • Mages Guild: "The Mages Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to promote study of the arcane arts. And it's where you go to find wizards for hire. Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work. If you're thinking of making wizardry your profession, you should join and work your way up the ranks. Look for guild halls in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Mora, and the Foreign Quarter in Vivec."
  • Magicka: "A creature's magicka is a measure of its reserves of supernatural energies. Spellcasting creatures expend supernatural energies from their reservoirs when they create magical effects. This reservoir is replenished by resting and by other arcane methods."
  • Marksman weapons: "Short bows and long bows use arrows. Crossbows use bolts. Bow and crossbows are more cumbersome, two-handed weapons, but more effective. Throwing stars and throwing knives are fast, light, one-handed attacks, but less damaging than bows and crossbows."
  • Medium armor styles: "The chain and scale medium armors of the Western 'Imperial guard' style offer less protection than the heavy iron and steel plate armors of the Legions, but with a considerable advantage in mobility. The Dunmer bonemold medium armor is generally lighter and more durable than its Western equivalent. The most prized of medium armors, Orcish, is limited in availability and very expensive, but markedly superior, and is the medium armor of choice for nobles and mercenaries in both the West and East."
  • Mercantile skills: "Mercantile skills are the skills of evaluation and negotiation -- the estimation of worth, and the resolution of conflicts over worth. The immediate goal is profit, of course, but more important is the long-term relationship, the client's loyalty and confidence. Money makes the world go 'round, true, but more important is the sense of getting value for your money."
  • Molag Amur: "Located inland in the southeast of Vvardenfell, Molag Amur is an uninhabited wasteland of rocky hills, steep-sided ravines, lava pools, and barren ash pavements. Pathfinding and travel is extremely difficult in this trackless wilderness, and is complicated by frequent ash storms. The Ashlanders of Erabenimsun camp hunt game here, but few others venture into this region. The worst part of Molag Amur is considered impassible even by the Ashlanders."
  • Molag Mar: "The outpost at Molag Mar is a fortified stronghold on the southeastern edge of the desolate Molag Amur region. Pilgrims bound for the nearby pilgrimage sites at Mount Assarnibibi and Mount Kand take refuge at the outpost's hostels, comforted by the garrison of Redoran and Buoyant Armiger crusaders stationed at the stronghold."
  • Morag Tong: "The Morag Tong is an assassins guild sanctioned by the Empire to provide three varieties of execution: public executions, private executions, and House Wars executions. Constrained by ancient traditions and rigid codes of conduct, the Morag Tong only recruits candidates of proven skill and honor. Morag Tong only accepts legally approved contracts called 'writs,' but rumor hints at the execution of secret extralegal 'grey writs.' The Morag Tong is the sworn enemy of the Dark Brotherhood."
  • Morrowind: "Morrowind is one of the oldest civilizations of Tamriel. Once we were a nation of Dunmer, with our own Dunmer government, religion, and culture. Now we're part of the Empire, and citizens of all races live here, but because of the Treaty of the Armistice, and because Morrowind alone was never conquered by Tiber Septim's legions, of all the conquered provinces of Tamriel, Morrowind has best preserved its ancient culture and traditions."
  • Morrowind cultures: "Morrowind has three main cultures: the native Dunmer culture -- also sometimes known as the House Dunmer culture or the Dark Elf culture, the Ashlander culture, and the Imperial culture."
  • Morrowind history: "I quote from Jeanette Sitte's 'Short History of Morrowind'. 'Led by the legendary prophet Veloth, the ancestors of the Dunmer, exiles from Altmer cultures in present-day Summerset Isles, came to the region of Morrowind. In earliest times the Dunmer were alternately harassed and dominated by stronger Nord sea raiders. When the scattered Dunmer tribes consolidated into the predecessors of the modern Great House clans, they threw out the Nord oppressors and successfully resisted further incursions.' / 'The ancient ancestor worship of the tribes was in time superceded by the monolithic Tribunal Temple theocracy, and the Dunmer grew into a great nation called Resdayn. Resdayn was the last of the provinces to submit to Tiber Septim; alone of all the provinces, it was never successfully invaded, and was peacefully incorporated by treaty into the Empire as the Province of Morrowind.' / 'Almost four centuries after the coming of the Imperial Legions, Morrowind is still occupied by Imperial legions, with a figurehead Imperial King, though the Empire has reserved most functions of the traditional local government to the Ruling Councils of the Five Great Houses.' For a good treatment of Morrowind since it became part of the Empire, look for 'On Morrowind, the Imperial Province', by Erramanwe of Sunhold."
  • Morrowind's economy: "Morrowind used to be an agrarian aristocracy, mostly free farmers and herders and fishermen ruled by great houses and their noble councils. But since the Imperial occupation, and especially here on Vvardenfell, the Dunmer are developing a mercantile economy on the model of the Empire, ruled by the Emperor, law, and legions, but driven by trade in crafts and goods."
  • Morrowind's neighbours: "The Dunmer of Morrowind dislike and disrespect all foreigners, who they regard as racially and culturally inferior. They thoroughly dislike their Imperial neighbors to the southwest, who conquered and occupied their land. They passionately hate and despise their Argonian neighbors to the south, thinking them savage animals fit only for slavery. / Dunmer casually dislike their Nord neighbors to the west; in the past, Nords raided and made war against Morrowind, and today the Nords still have territorial ambitions for the coast and highlands of Morrowind's northwest borders."
  • Mysticism spells: "There are many common variants of mysticism spells, not to mention the countless custom versions created by ambitious spellcasters. It helps to divide mysticism into three different classes of effects: transport spells, absorption spells, and other mysticism spells."
  • Native Dunmer culture: "Native Dunmer culture shares common roots with the other Aldmeri races -- the Altmer, or High Elves, and the Bosmer, or Wood Elves. All Aldmeri cultures are ancient, complex, and sophisticated. The native Dunmer have dark grey skin, unlike their cousins. Native Dunmer have strong militaristic and authoritarian traditions, founded in their ancient practices of ancestor worship, and fostered and elaborated in the theocratic religion of the Tribunal Temple. / The clan and family structures of the Dunmer Great House system are strong forces for social and political stability. The feudal monarchy of the Altmer, by contrast, has a long history of conflict and instability, while the informal anarchy of Bosmer clan structures produces a consciously unstable society."
  • Nerevar: "Ages ago, Nerevar was the greatest Dunmer general, First Councilor, and companion of Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil, who, with the power of the great Ring of the Ancestors, One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star, united the Dunmer Houses to confront the evil Dwemer, the treacherous House Dagoth, and their Western allies at Red Mountain. By Providence, the faithless Dwemer were utterly destroyed, and their allies and the traitor Dagoth Ur were defeated. / Nerevar died not long after, but he lived to see the birth of the Temple, and to bless the unity of the Dunmer into the safekeeping of Almsivi, the Temple, and all its communion of saints."
  • Nord: "The Nords of Skyrim are a tall and fair-haired people, aggressive and fearless in war, industrious and enterprising in trade and exploration. Skilled sailors, they can be found in seaports and settlements along all the coasts and rivers of Tamriel. Strong, stubborn, and hardy, they are famous for their resistance to cold, even magical frost. Violence is an accepted and comfortable aspect of Nord culture, and they cheerfully face battle with an ecstatic ferocity that shocks and appalls their foes."
  • Nord neighbors: "The Dunmer regard Nords as dangerous savages with a thin veneer of civilization. The Dunmer say everything civilized about the Nords is borrowed from the Dunmer. Nord greed, violence, primitive religion, and sordid history are artifacts of their savage clan culture."
  • Opportunities: "The greatest opportunities of Vvardenfell lie in its untapped wealth, its rich mines and ancient treasures, its unexplored and unclaimed lands. And even its threats represent limitless opportunity to any bold adventurer determined enough to fight and scheme his way to distinction, earning the attention of the great lords and wizards of Morrowind."
  • Orc: "The Orc peoples of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains are brave and hardy barbarians. Once they were feared and hated by everyone else in Tamriel. Now many have gained an education and Imperial citizenship through service in the legions. Their armorers are the finest in the world, and Orc warriors in heavy armor are the best front-line troops in all Tamriel. Detractors say that Orcs are rough and cruel, but Orcs say they are hard, but fair, and stern, but just."
  • Other mysticism spells: "Other mysticism spells work directly upon the subtle magical forces of the unseen world. The most common of these mysticism spells are: purge magicka, touch dispel, Almalexia's grace, soul trap, telekinesis, detect creature, detect enchantment, detect key, spell absorption, and reflect."
  • Padomaic Ocean: "The waters of the Padomaic Ocean completely surround Tamriel. The continent of Akavir lies across the Padomaic Ocean to the east, and the continent of Atmora lies across the Sea of Ghosts to the north."
  • Pelagiad: "Pelagiad is a newly charted Imperial village between Balmora and Vivec City on the western edge of the Ascadian Isles region. The village is right outside the Imperial Legion garrison at Fort Pelagiad. The houses and shops are built in the Western Imperial style, and Pelagiad looks more like a village in the western Empire than a Morrowind settlement."
  • Personality: "A creature's personality is its property of exciting the emotions of interest, trust, and loyalty in other creatures. For example, a creature with a powerful personality is more able to persuade and influence other creatures through speech, gesture, and demeanor."
  • Politics and religion: "Vvardenfell District's Grand Council, presided over by the sovereign Lord Vedam Dren, Duke of Ebonheart and Vvardenfell, is dominated by five interest groups: the three Great Houses, the Temple, and the Imperial colonists. The Temple and House Redoran are champions of ancient Dunmer customs and privileges, and uncompromising and intolerant worshippers of the native religion call the Tribunal Temple, which venerates three immortal god-kings -- Lord Vivec, Lord Sotha Sil, and Lady Almalexia. / The Imperial colonists and House Hlaalu find common cause in their shared tastes for progress, tolerant polytheism, free trade, and vigorous exploitation of Vvardenfell's untapped resources. The policies of House Telvanni's sorcerer-lords are completely unpredictable, whimsically allying with or opposing one faction or another for their own obscure reasons."
  • Races: "The ten races commonly encountered in Morrowind are: Redguard, Breton, Nord, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian, and Orc. Dunmer are the native majority, but on Vvardenfell, heavily colonized by Imperial outlanders, only one in two individuals are Dunmer. The other nine races are about equally distributed, with more Argonian and Khajiit slaves. As mercenaries, House Hlaalu prefers Imperials and Redguards, Redoran prefers Nords and Altmer, and Telvanni prefer Bosmer and Bretons."
  • Rattles: "Rattles is a mild common diseased affecting a victim's willpower and dexterity. Symptoms include muscle spasms and listlessness. It may be contracted from the nix-hound."
  • Redguards: "Redguards consider themselves the most gifted warriors of Tamriel. The dark-skinned, wiry-haired people of Hammerfell are born to battle, though pride and independent spirit makes them better scouts or skirmishers, or free-ranging heroes and adventurers, than rank-and-file soldiers. They are quick of foot and hardy of constitution, and quickly adopt new weapon and armor styles."
  • Resist spells: "Resist spells increase the subject's ability to resist the hostile effects of a variety of malign influences. The most common restoration spells of this kind are: resist fire, resist frost, resist shock, resist magicka, resist common disease, resist blight disease, resist poison, and resist paralysis."
  • Restoration spells: "There are many common variants of restoration spells, not to mention the countless custom versions created by ambitious spellcasters. It helps to divide restoration into four different classes of effects: cure spells, restore spells, fortify spells, and resist spells."
  • Restore spells: "Restore spells restore fundamental attributes reduced by attribute-damaging magical effects. These spells are the only means of restoring attributes injured in this fashion. The most common restoration spells of this kind are: restore agility, restore endurance, restore fatigue, restore health, restore intelligence, restore luck, restore personality, restore speed, restore strength, restore willpower, and restore spell points."
  • Rockjoint: "Rockjoint is an acute common disease affecting a victim's manual dexterity. Symptoms include painful swelling and immobility of all joints. It may be contracted from the domesticated guar or dusky alit."
  • Rust Chancre: "Rust chancre is a mild common disease affecting a victim's mobility and behavior. Symptoms include swelling and rash, and painful muscle spasms. It may be contracted from the waste rat."
  • Sadrith Mora: "Sadrith Mora is the district seat of House Telvanni, and home of the Telvanni Council, though only one Telvanni councilor actually lives in Sadrith Mora. Sadrith Mora is an island settlement, and accessible only by sea and teleportation. The town is large, with many craftsmen, traders, and trainers, but it is open only to Telvanni retainers; outsiders should confine themselves to the Gateway Inn."
  • Sea of Ghosts: "The Sea of Ghosts is the name for northern waters lying between Tamriel and the northern continent of Atmora."
  • Serpiginous dementia:' "Serpiginous dementia is a serious common disease affecting the victim's mind and behavior. Symptoms include hallucinations and an itchy and unsightly scaly skin condition resembling snake scales. It may be contracted from the bull netch and betty netch."
  • Serving Great Houses: "Outlanders may find employment in the Dunmer Great Houses. Great Houses give preference to those who join as oath-bonded hirelings, but occasionally offer work to unaligned freelancers."
  • Sheogorad: "The large island of Sheogorad lies north of Vvardenfell. Sheogorad island and its associated lesser islands are a maritime wilderness extending north from Vvardenfell into the Sea of Ghosts. The region is largely hostile and uninhabited, with two small villages at Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel. Dagon Fel is the only settlement reached by ship services; all other island-to-island transport in Sheogorad must be provided by the traveler."
  • Skyrim: "Skyrim, also known as the Old Kingdom or the Fatherland, was the first region of Tamriel settled by humans from the continent of Atmora: the hardy, brave, warlike Nords, whose descendants still occupy this rugged land. Though more restrained and civilized than their barbarian ancestors, the Nords of the pure blood still excel in the manly virtues of red war and bold exploration."
  • Speed: "A creature's speed is its property of rapid physical articulation and body movements. A speedy creature is able to perform all physical actions, from equipping a weapon to running long distances, in shorter periods of time."
  • Strength: "A creature's strength is its property of efficiently lifting, carrying, and manipulating objects. A stronger creature can carry a greater weight of armor and equipment and strike more powerful blows with hands and weapons."
  • Summerset Isle: "The Summerset Isle is a green and pleasant land of fertile farmlands, woodland parks, and ancient towers and manors. Most settlements are small and isolated, and dominated by ruling seats of the local wizard or warlord. The Isle has few good natural ports, and the natives are unwelcoming to foreigners, so the ancient, chivalric high culture of the Aldmer is little affected by modern Imperial mercantilism."
  • Summoning spells: "Summoning spells summon otherworldly creatures from the outer realms to ward and protect the caster for the duration of the magical effect. More common spells of this sort include: summon ancestral ghost, summon least bonewalker, summon greater bonewalker, summon skeletal minion, and summon scamp. More powerful spells of this class, like summon dremora and summon daedroth, expend too much magicka to be practical for all but master sorcerers."
  • Suran: "Suran is an agricultural village in the northeastern corner of the fertile Ascadian Isles region. Two popular pilgrimage sites are nearby -- the Fields of Kummu and the Shrine of Molag Bal."
  • Swamp Fever: "Swamp fever is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and behavior. Symptoms include high body temperature and delirium. It may be contracted from the mudcrab."
  • Tel Aruhn: "Tel Aruhn is the Telvanni tower of Archmagister Gothren, Telvanni Sorcerer-Lord and head of the Telvanni Council. The associated settlement is a sizable village, and the site of the Festival Slave Market, the largest slave market on Vvardenfell."
  • Tel Branora: "Tel Branora is the tower and seat of the eccentric Telvanni wizard named Mistress Therana. The tower and its tiny village are located on a rocky promontory at the southeasternmost tip of Azura's Coast."
  • Tel Fyr: "Tel Fyr is the Telvanni tower of Sorcerer-Lord Divayth Fyr. Beneath the tower is the Corprusarium, a refuge-prison where the deranged, distorted victims of the deadly corprus disease are housed and tended. Here. Let me mark it on your map."
  • Tel Mora: "Tel Mora is the Telvanni tower of Mistress Dratha, an ancient wizard of the Telvanni Council. The small settlement includes a few craftsfolk and a tradehouse."
  • Tel Vos: "Tel Vos is the tower of Telvanni wizard and council member Master Aryon. Tel Vos is a peculiar blend of Telvanni and Western architectural styles, and is close to Vos village."
  • Telvanni tower urban style: "In Telvanni villages, the settlement is dominated by the wizards tower, a fantastic organic form grown and sculpted from stems, caps, and root-like holdfasts of the giant native mushrooms. The village itself is comprised of smaller mushroom pods hollowed out for craftsmen and commoners. Open-air markets often include the giant cages displaying the wares of the slavemasters."
  • The Blight:
    • "The Blight is a weather phenomenon associated with Vvardenfell's colossal volcano, Red Mountain. Persistent within the Ghostfence -- that is, within the crater and on the volcano's slopes -- and intermittent near the volcano, the Blight is a health-threatening, ash-heavy volcanic cloud. Plants and creatures exposed to the Blight may contract a variety of blight diseases."
    • "Since you slew Dagoth Ur on Red Mountain, the Blight is gone. But many creatures affected by the Blight have survived, and are still a problem. And it may be that creatures can get Blight from contact with the ash that has accumulated for centuries in the wastelands. So it may be a long time before we are completely free of the effects of the Blight."
  • The Dark Elven Curse: "In Imperial stories, the dark skin and red eyes of the Dunmer derives from 'the Dark Elven Curse,' which was caused by a moral taint, a sorcerous curse, and the pernicious environment of the northeastern wastelands, according to various legends and fables. These stories may be plausibly ascribed to western Imperial racial prejudice and fear of the Dark Elves; such legends play no part in the Dunmer's own accounts of their past."
  • Thieves Guild: "They're like any trade guild, an organization of professionals, except the professionals are thieves and robbers and pickpockets and smugglers and other enterprising operators. They don't have public guild halls, but they do tend to gather at a single location -- usually a cornerclub or tradehouse -- in larger towns. Look for guild operatives in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Sadrith Mora, and Vivec."
  • Three main cultures: "Three major cultural groupings have settled Vvardenfell: the Ashlander nomads, the Imperial Provincial culture, and the Dunmer Great House culture. The smallest settlements are the Ashlander nomadic camps, comprised of small portable huts. Recent Imperial colonies like Pelagiad display the same sturdy half-timbered homes and stone castles as might be found in Daggerfall or any other Western province. But the dominant culture is the native Dunmer Great House culture. / The three Dunmer Great Houses that have settled Vvardenfell have distinctive architectures and lifestyles. Aristocratic, warlike Great House Redoran favors a spacious, irregular, organic building style. Great House Hlaalu, an aggressive mercantile culture, strongly admiring and influenced by Imperial culture, prefers simpler, more modern, more densely populated settlements, while bizarre wizard towers dominate mushroom-hut villages of the Great House Telvanni sorcerer-lords. / A fourth Great House style, the Velothi or Temple style, is evident in the monumental architecture, bridges, buttresses, and grand canals of the ancient religious center of Vivec City."
  • Transport spells: "Transport spells instantaneously transport the caster from one location to another. Four mysticism transport effects are common in Morrowind: mark, recall, divine intervention, and Almsivi intervention."
  • Uriel Septim: "The current emperor is Uriel Septim, Uriel VII, 24th of the Septim dynasty. Uriel VII has been, for the most part, a strong and effective ruler, but harsh and unyielding in personality, and private and secretive by nature, he has never been popular with the people. The Emperor is over eighty, and in poor health. He has two declared heirs, Enman and Ebel, but there are rumors of controversy over the succession in the Imperial City."
  • Urshilaku Camp: "The Ashlander Urshilaku tribe has a permanent settlement at Urshilaku camp on the northern coast of Vvardenfell, north of Maar Gan village."
  • Using enchantments: "Enchanted items are completely reliable. They always work. But the more skilled the enchanter, the more efficiently the item uses the magical charge of its built-in soul gem. Unskilled enchanters quickly exhaust the power of items they use."
  • Valenwood: "Valenwood is a largely uninhabited forest wilderness. The coasts of Valenwood are dominated by mangrove swamps and tropical rain forests, while heavy rainfalls nurture the temperate inland rain forests. The Bosmer live in timber clanhouses at sites scattered along the coast and through the interior, connected only by undeveloped foot trails. The few Imperial roads traverse vast dense woodlands, studded with tiny, widely separated settlements, and carry little trade or traffic of any kind."
  • Vampires: "The Dunmer hate necromancy and the undead, and hate blood vampires in particular. Blood vampires are powerful undead creatures that feed on humanoid blood. The vampire curse is contracted from disease-contaminated blood; victims of vampire attacks sometimes become vampires. There is no known cure for vampirism but the destruction of the vampire. Ash vampires are not blood vampires; though both are powerful immortal undead, ash vampire do not feed on blood, and have no connection with blood vampires. / Imperial culture regards blood vampires as destructive monsters to be hunted and destroyed. However, romantic notions of noble, virtuous vampires persist in Imperial traditions, and vampires are thought to pass unrecognized in the Mages Guild and the Imperial aristocracy."
  • Vampirism: "I've heard some say that vampirism is a disease. But no temple or cult has ever been able to cure it, and I've never heard of a mage's spell that could cure it. But I admit, I've never encountered a vampire, and never thought about how to treat one. I think I'd be more worried about getting away from one than curing it. And I don't know how it is in the rest of the Empire, but here we know vampires are terribly dangerous, and evil, and we'd destroy them on sight if we could."
  • visiting an Ashlander camp: "It is safe to walk around an Ashlander camp, but risky to talk with Ashlanders, especially if you do not know their customs, since they may take offense at your speech, and challenge you. When visiting, speak with the people; you cannot receive an invitation to enter a yurt or tent without speaking with an Ashlander. If an Ashlander gives you permission to enter a khan or wise woman's yurt, you are welcome, but enter a khan or wise woman's tent without invitation, and the whole tribe will attack you."
  • Vulnerability: "Vulnerability spells make natural and supernatural creatures more vulnerable to magics based on the elemental forces of fire, frost, magica, poison, and shock, reducing the chance that a victim will avoid suffering the effects of all or part of a magical attack. The most common of these destruction spells are: weakness to fire, weakness to frost, weakness to shock, weakness to magicka, and weakness to poison."
  • War of the First Council: "The first government of all Morrowind was called the First Council, comprised of representatives from all the Dunmer Great Houses. This First Council mobilized to suppress a civil war. A rebel house, House Dwemer, joined with Nord and Orc clans to invade northern Morrowind. The rebels, invaders, and a traitor house, House Dagoth, were finally defeated and destroyed at the Battle of Red Mountain. See Agrippa Fundilius' book, The War of the First Council, for a more complete account."
  • West Gash: "The western highlands of Vvardenfell are called the West Gash. The largest settlements are the trading village of Gnisis, north of Ald'ruhn, and Caldera and Balmora to the south. The fishing villages of Ald Velothi and Khuul lie on the north coast. Muckspunge grows there, and I have collected chokeweed and roobrush as well."
  • Willpower: "A creature's willpower is its property of maintaining its purpose and identify in the face of hardship and malign natural and supernatural forces. A creature with strong willpower is better able to resist the effects of hostile spells cast upon it."
  • Witbane: "Witbane is an acute common disease affecting a victim's memory and thought processes. Symptoms include loss of memory and disorientation. It may be contracted from the rat."
  • Wither: "Wither is a mild common disease that affects a victim's strength and endurance. Symptoms include loss of energy and shortness of breath. It may be contracted from dreugh."
  • Yellow Tick: "Yellow tick is a mild common disease affecting a victim's strength and mobility. Symptoms include dark, bruise-like swelling, sensitive to touch. It may be contracted from the least kagouti."
  • Zainab camp: "The Ashlander Zainab tribe has a permanent settlement at Zainab camp, southwest of the village of Vos in the Grazelands region."