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User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
User-userbox-Bloodmoon.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Bloodmoon.
User-userbox-Tribunal Logo.png This user is knowledgeable about Tribunal.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
User-userbox-Shivering Isles.png This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
OB-icon-Knights of the Nine.png This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
Xbox.svg This user plays on the Xbox.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
Flag United States of America.png This user is from the United States.
User-userbox-N64 Logo.png This user wishes they could play on the Nintendo.
OB-icon-misc-Quill.png This user writes fanfiction.
User-userbox-Oghma Icon.png This user is a loremaster.

Other Things you might care to know:
I'm a musician, bass player
I'm Knowledgable about most games
I Play Fallout 3
I Play Fable, Fable The lost chapters, and Fable 2
I'll make mods for oblivion once I get my own personal computer
I Decorate my game houses, and everyone says I'm great at it (and I've got too much time on my hands)
I'm interested in creating a multiplayer Arena PVP for oblivion
I realy wish I could Mod X-box 360, but I can't
I think Morrowind was better than oblivon, mainly because of size.
I think Dagoth Ur has a realy funny head
I don't like the tribunal, the nine devines, or the church of atom
I'm an abolitionist in my games
Most of my characters are orks, orks that can do magic and fight
I kill those who don't greet me nicely in most games
It makes me angry when people run away in fear if I haven't attacked anyone
I wish Levitation was in Oblivion
V.A.T.S. Would be funny in oblivion
The Adoring Fan doesn't piss me off
I wish I could get people to stand on my balcony in Rosethorn Mannor from Oblivion
I don't like any of the great houses, especialy not Telvani, I kill Telvani any chance I get
I Value Strength and Endurance, but Major in Strength and Intelligence
Personality in videogames is overrated
Luck seems to work well for me if I lower it from the standard ammount and never work on it
My father's death in Fallout Made me mad, So I killed everyone I found in the Enclave
A green Gate to Oblivion would look cool
Magic makes a game no fun.
Enchanting sounds amazing, but isn't all that great.
Money makes my shopping funner, So Yes, I will cheat to get it.
better that than kill innocents for it
If you like me in a game or life, I'll like you
I wish I could slap people in games, not kill, just disrespectfuly slap.
I'd like to have a wife and kids in a game, even if it's just like the fable style family
Why won't anyone bow to me if I'm sheogorath?
I'd love to be able to make custom weapons from materials I find in the game, IE: Ebony ore, Raw Glass.
The Traders are my friends, I strive for that.
Economy never changes in Bethesda games, I wonder why?
I'm oppinionated usualy.
I love to talk to people

Home City Skingrad
House Rosethorn Hall
Location Cyrodiil Let it be known if not in Rosethorn Hall, Character is likley found in ShiveringIsles
Race Orc Gender Male
Level 48 Class Soul Eater
Other Information
Health 528 Magicka 243
Respons. 0 Aggress. 25
Essential When in use
Faction(s) Theives Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Mages Guild, KotN, Nine Devines, Arena, Court of Madness, Order of the Dragon, The Order of the Virtuous Blood, and Vampire Faction

Name: David
Game: The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
Race: Ork
Sign: The Tower
Health: 608
Magicka: 206
Fatigue: 419
Strength: 105
Willpower: 100
Agility: 100
Speed: 58
Endurance: 120
Personality: 57
Luck: 51
Major Skills:
Athletics: 112
Blade: 110
Block: 61
Sneak: 125
Heavy Armor: 125
Restoration: 94
Acrobatics: 100
(Some)Minor Skills
Conjuration: 71
Distruction: 54
Mercantile: 59
Security: 100
Blunt: 63
Other Statistics:
Items Stolen:13229
Creatures Killed:3605
People Killed:2248
Places Found: 353
Necks Bitten: 103
Time Spent Playing: 308:54:31
Factions: Theives Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Mages Guild, KotN, Nine Devines, Arena, Court of Madness, Order of the Dragon, The Order of the Virtuous Blood, and Vampire Faction
Equipment: Count Cirions Helm, Perfect Madness Armor, 129 Perfect Madness Arrows, Dawn/DuskFang Supiorieor, Ring of War, Ring of Lordship (Dementia), and Talisman of Abitment.
Spells: Soul Steal (Drain life 100-100 for one second on touch), Gift of life (Restore health 55-55 points on self, restore health 35-35 points in 99feet on target), BOOM! (Lightning damage 1-1 point on target in 99feet on target)

My additions to

Oblivion Mod Ideas: Weapons and Quests Necrids Orb
Morrowind Eastereggs: Nerevarine's daedric Helm