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"I've fought Mubcrabs tougher than you!"
"This is the part where you fall down and Bleed to death!"
My Edit Count ·•· My Talk Page ·•· My Contributions

About Me

I've been using the site for about two years now, more and more often than before. Mainly so I can see where my main character went wrong and correct it for my sub characters, or so I can learn more about the History of Tamriel and the interactions of the Daedra and Aedra. I've only just become a member, as I feel a little more confident now that I can add to the growing information, when others cannot. Ok, only in very sparse places, but I've added my little and I'm happy about that. Now I'm feeling eager to do more ^^

SR-concept-Dark Brotherhood Female Armor.jpg

Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 13 years, 1 month, and 24 days.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
Flag England.png This user is from England.
User-Enterprise2001-Music notes icon.jpg This user has fair taste in music.
36 This UESPWikian is 36 years, 1 month, and 4 days old.
User-userbox-M'aiq the Liar.jpg This user knows much, tells some.
OB-misc-Modryn Oreyn Painting.jpg This user is an artist.
OB-icon-misc-Quill.png This user writes fanfiction.
Wiki.png This user has made this many edits: 12!

Knowledge and Information

I own the fully patched and updated version of Arena, as of Mid Jan. Though I haven't played much of it. Oh wow I miss Quest Icons... Walking for absolutely ages, I can't wait for Bethesda to make a game of all Tamriel
I own the fully patched and updated version of Daggerfall, and the description is similar to the above. Although, being able to look up and down is making picking up treaure a little easier lol
I am in want of Morrowind, to complete the colection so far. I hear many many good things about it, and I'd love to see for myself.
I own the GOTY Oblivion on Xbox360 and I've gotta say, I've put more hours into that game than any other I've ever played. Loved Oblivion, though there were many things I'd liked to have seen differently. I own Skyrim, Woot! I've got 4 characters on there, all over level 30, all focusing on different pursuits. I love what Bethesda have done with this game, but yet again, there are things that I would like to see different. Maybe one day, IF Bethesda can bring out creation software compatible with the Xbox, I'll do those fixes for myself ^^

I like the idea of the dragon language, but I feel the Words given are way too limiting at this time. I'm going to try and make more coherent translations of the things Dovah say in the game, but I'm not in any way a proffessor of Languages, so don't take my word for anything.

Dark Brotherhood

SR-icon-logo.jpg This user might become knowledgeable about Skyrim, but then again he might not.
LO-race-Dunmer.png This user is a Dunmer Child of Boethiah, Servant of Sithis.

Other Userpages

Temporary place holder until I make sub pages

Main Character infos

Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Vampire, murderer, archer, weilds katana, very good at his job. Worships Boethiah, the Night Mother, and Sithis
Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Werewolf, mountain climber, archer, weilds dual katana, good at his job. Worships Boethiah, the Night Mother, Sithis, and has an agreement with Nocturnal.

Skyrim Stone Wall